hopeandfaith · 2 days
Jimin's Muse
Literally smiling soooo hard since last night. My heart was beating so fast when I first saw the announcement.
Crazily EXCITED!!
Jimiiiin, I am sooo rooting for you!
And his brain, omg. All the details! Thrilled to see all the theories, and as always amazed with how specific and meticulously thorough he is with everything. No stone unturned!
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hopeandfaith · 8 months
Behind the Scenes with Dior
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Post Date: 03/11/2023
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hopeandfaith · 8 months
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35 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 8 months
Speechless really.
Let us just enjoy his beauty and charm.
JM Elle Korea 16 October 2023
I guess it doesn't rain unless it pours, eh? Everything dropping at once. We didn't even have the time to recover from the GQ clip, and we get this.
Is this fair?
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You tell me.
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Too bad that ring is blurry...
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250 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 8 months
Aarrrgghhhh.. he's so adorable!
Talk about being a tease with the whole Letter thing, lol.
But, he's so adorable.
So all is forgiven, lol.
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199 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 8 months
Precious indeed.
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hopeandfaith · 8 months
A dream.
He is a dream.
JM Dior spring 2024 collection
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186 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 9 months
THIS ☝️.
Say it with me, darlings:
"The industry" = HYBE/Bighit
If the label doesn't send your song to radio or pay$$, it doesn't get played.
If the label doesn't submit your work for nomination, it won't get a nomination.
So when we say "Like Crazy" & Jimin got snubbed, its not "the industry's" fault. It's HYBE/Bighit Label at fault.
Learn to call things for what they are BY NAME. Not excuses.
So that at-least ya'll won't sound like a broken record and actually DO something.
When Jimin started getting hate and d*ath threats by taekook shippers no one wanted to call them out by name. So the hate amplified and now there's solos of other members, other groups and even some "armys" in the mix.
Same thing's happening with the company vs Jimin. For YEARS we've been talking about unfair treatment on all platforms, getting singled out by the label and ppl said we were overrating or victimizing/babying him.
And now look what's happened in solo era.
-Got the least amount of promo time out of all the members and even when he succeeded above all the set backs. His company ignored it and shoved him aside for the faves debut.
- PAID articles to downplay historic achievements and openly humiliate him while raising another member (lets not forget that one article praising a racist).
- His work and creativity shamelessly copied for someone else' "concept".
- His streams and sales STILL being tampered with.
-His name shadowbanned from multiple imp. social medias, which in turn is affecting his Brand Reputation Ranking when Jimin had been leading at #01 for nearly 39 months and counting.
- Zero nominations in potential overseas awards since the label never summited his music, only the current company faves.
The list goes long and only getting longer.
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hopeandfaith · 9 months
Jimin Dance Time - Part 2
Park Jimin returns to the scene a day late and posts this:
I had never heard the song so I had to first go look that up before I made any comments about the song itself. However, I don’t need to know anything about the song to talk about the beauty that was Jimin’s dance.
First of all, can we talk about the fit? He looks absolutely gorgeous in this fit. He has a lean dancers body and it’s clearly visible in this particular outfit. Did you see those arms? Did you?! And I may be one of the few ones on here but Jimin rocks the bucket hat ok?
Now for the dance. Jimin once again shows his versatility through this performance. I’ve said it before and seen others say it too, boy moves like water. So fluid. I am going to do the dirty and post a YouTube link of the performance below but please please for Jimin’s sake, watch the video on his Insta page:
Watch how smoothly he moves. Particularly at 0.19 - 0.23. You can see how much body control he has. I am no dancer, not an expert but I have watched and been interested in dancing for a long long time and let me tell you, this kind of body control while still looking so smooth, is very hard. Man has steel core and probably eats Pilates for lunch dinner and breakfast. You can also see that he has used his popping locking background and combined it with the technical knowledge from dance school in this (and most other) performance(s).
Also, when Jimin moves, I can feel the music through his performance. I can see through the screen that he is feeling the music and he is moving according to the beat he feels. It requires technical dance training as well as great sense of music or understanding of music to know how to lead a dance to emphasise certain movements/certain beats. It also requires endless hours of practice to make such a simple performance look so effortless, fluid. He looks like he is just bouncing along to the track, but you can see he picked up every beat…even the ones that aren’t obvious - watch how his hands, shoulders and feet move.
It’s good that he has back up dancers on this performance - makes it easier to make the comparison. I don’t really know how to explain this but watch how their bodies are ‘folded’, shoulders shrugged up, whereas Jimin has an open chest out stance making the performance look that much more elegant while still retaining the ‘cool bounce’ effect.
There is a reason why Park Jimin is main dancer.
Side note: Jimin’s dancers really need to keep up with him.
Once again, I CANNOT WAIT FOR PJM2. I want a full on dance album, Jimin. Use all the money and clout you’ve earned over the years to put up opulent sets and give us those out of this world performances that we know you are capable of. Kill us Jimin. We are ready to die.
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hopeandfaith · 9 months
Every time Jimin dances, it's a new revelation for how just how good he is. And because he's so good, it comes off as just natural movement. For example, JK is clearly a very good dancer. But I'm always aware of the dancing, the choreo, the specific moves. With Jimin, I sort of just relax and watch it unfold and then only later realize things like precision and technical skill and everything. I don't know if that makes sense. I'm just glad we got some Jimin. I loved the vibe of this one.
That makes perfect sense, actually! I feel this way as well but I really struggle trying to put it into words. I think it’s that he doesn’t do the choreo, he is the choreo. It just looks like he’s in his natural element that way.
22 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 9 months
Ohh God
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hopeandfaith · 9 months
I love this!
And love his outfit, he looks reaaaally good!
New #Thisisjimin IG 2 October 2023
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One more of those coincidences.
140 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 9 months
He is mesmerizing.
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Dance King Park Jimin 👑
Face Off Choreography
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hopeandfaith · 9 months
hi Bp,
I want to know why the encore situation with jimin was made a big deal ?
Because i know jimin is a good singer..maybe due to his in ear problem he might not be able to sing well..but all his live performances of face were so good ...but people totally ignored it and just attack him for encore singing and made a big deal of it
Do u think it might have affected jimin ?
Hi @minimun,
This is what I wrote in response to the hate Jimin was getting after SMF Pt 2 was released. Please read it.
The reaction k-pop stans had to Jimin's encore stage can be explained by the reasons I gave in that post.
To quote a relevant section:
"...so long as a project comes from a BTS member, the default inclination of most k-pop stans is to hate it. Nearly all the hate you’re seeing for Jimin’s Set Me Free Pt 2 was nearly guaranteed to begin with, the autotune just made it easy as the excuse. I mean, there’s a whole subset of k-pop fandoms who believe he can’t sing despite years of proof to the contrary. Since 2018 (precisely after BTS was awarded the Cultural Order of Merit award), the best case scenario from k-pop stans towards music released by BTS, is for them to ignore it. If you’re expecting any other reaction from k-pop stans besides avoidance or hate, you’re hoping for too much. Personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal, but I do think you need to calibrate your expectations to the reality of the environment you’re in. It’s one reason ARMYs are so fervent in their support of BTS."
If k-pop stans see that a comeback/debut from a BTS member is going to be massively successful, as Jimin's FACE was, they immediately go looking for anything to take away from that success. Fans of SM groups have also been on a campaign since the 2016 daesang loss of EXO to BTS, to assert that BTS is inferior to SM groups in terms of vocals, and so therefore BTS does not deserve their status as the biggest group in k-pop. They often target Jimin, Tae and Jin in these claims and constantly look for any chance to prove "Jimin can't sing". Even Jungkook sometimes gets attacked. After 2018 when BTS and Jimin were further differentiated from much of k-pop by the government, the wider k-pop fandom has joined SM stans to take every opportunity to make the group's status seem less legitimate and one reason they often cite is that BTS is less talented than other groups in vocals and they use Jimin as the scapegoat.
If you've ever doubted anything I've been saying about how k-pop fandom actually feels about BTS, that feeding frenzy from antis, k-pop stans, akgaes, the blatant schadenfreude on display over the clips of Jimin's encore stage, should disabuse you of every doubt atp. It's not like he's the only person who's had faulty in-ears during an encore and as a result was trying to find his key, he's not even the only person who has had a bad encore stage. Even Twice's Momo who made a similar gaffe during her encore for The Scientist, she didn't get as much of a backlash as Jimin did. It doesn't matter whether he can sing or not. They don't care about whether he can actually sing or else they would've seen all the several examples of Jimin singing comfortably and skillfully. The only thing k-pop stans are interested in, is humbling him. Jimin's unusual tone in k-pop makes him an easy target for many k-pop stans who read "different" as "bad".
As I've said before, Jimin is my favourite vocalist in BTS. He's an excellent vocalist in my opinion and I'm very proud of how he's improved since debut.
One thing about BTS that's true for them than it is for any group I've seen, is that they actually sing live more times than not.
It's more impressive for me that their vocals are still in good condition despite 10 years of going as hard as they've gone in their live renditions. It's impressive for Jimin especially given his high range and how he's only expanded and strengthened it over the years.
I don't think the encore stage 'affected' Jimin the way some people imply. He's his own harshest critic for better or worse, and I suspect there's nothing a kpoppie or stan could've written that Jimin didn't briefly consider himself. Of course all the chaos around it was embarrassing, that's expected, but also he's been through worse and if there's any legitimate criticism, the person who will get to the heart of the matter quickest is Jimin.
Jimin is already something of a beast of an idol, but after that encore stage and everything that happened during FACE, he's reflected on what he needs to do to become even better than he is...
...and I'm genuinely terrified for the future of k-pop because Jimin is about to become even more untouchable. I'm not even trying to gas him up or lean into my bias. With all the years I've watched him, Jimin isn't someone you want to bet against, ever, and a lot of people are going to be in for a rude awakening when he's ready to show what he's worked on. Ignore k-pop stans. They exist only to serve as background noise and spectate as Jimin continues to build on his artistry, continues to gain the respect of industry professionals, and thrive.
Stream Set Me Free Pt 2 for clear skin and a healthy bank account.
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hopeandfaith · 10 months
Gulp.......how can a real person be this fascinating?
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Post Date: 06/09/2023
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hopeandfaith · 10 months
Oh I love how very attentive and sweet he is. A really really nice person to be around.
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54 notes · View notes
hopeandfaith · 10 months
He is so beautiful ❤️
JM at the Lady Dior event
1 September 2023
He came, he saw the exhibition, and he left.
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Black N' White pics.
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Your guess is as good as mine where he was in a hurry to.
Nah, we all know...
For this:
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