hopecrested · 3 years
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@ikares​ asked: ❛ i’m going to ruin you. ❜     &. 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
THE  KRYPTONIAN  CANNOT  HELP  BUT  TO  SMIRK  BACK.  amusement  spread  upon  features,  blue  eyes  setting  back  on  the  man  before  him  and  the  comment  speaks  with  ease.  “is  that  a  threat  or  a  promise?  ”  the  man  who  flew  too  close  to  the  sun  and  the  man  who  uses  the  sun  to  power  himself,  seems  inevitable  that  there  is  a  drawing  between  the  two  and  clark  is  both  fascinated  and  amused  at  the  thought.  “maybe  I  will  ruin  you.”  he  points  out,  knowing  well  that  at  least  with  the  eternal,  clark  doesn’t  have  to  hold  back  on  his  punches,  if  anything,  it  seems  ikaris  wants  him  to  go  further,  in  all  senses  of  the  word.  durability  and  strength  to  be  tested  and  he  wonders  if  the  other  is  as  warm  as  he  is  due  to  the  sun  itself.  
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hopecrested · 3 years
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Ikaris // Superman + heat vision
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hopecrested · 3 years
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The mention of x-ray vision was an excellent reason to move on from the error she just made in accidentally hitting on the superhero. 
‘Is it really like an x-ray?’ The doctor wondered, giving her permission for him to check for injuries with a nod despite being engrossed in her thoughts. Jane had about a hundred technical questions she could ask him about his abilities and physiology, but that would probably seem rude or too forward.  She owed him her gratitude not an invasion of privacy. Her train of thought was moving so quickly that the doctor spoke without thinking again  A habit that normally didn’t get her in too much trouble but-
“ Well, I could scream for you if you wanted. ” It was meant to be a joke, but once more she failed spectacularly.
Mortified, Jane covers her blushing face with her hands, stepping back now that he has let her go. “ I’m sorry! I didn’t mean- I just- ug! ” 
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SHE  IS  NOT  INJURED  BESIDE  A  FEW  SCRAPS.  Nothing  internal,  nothing  that  would  require  him  to  fly  her  back  to  the  nearest  hospital,  and  even  that,  he  feels  the  woman  would  deny  feeling  any  effects.  And  eyes  flash  a  blue  color  before  they  return  back  to  normal  and  nod.  “All  good.”  
He  laughs,  she  seems  to  have  a  mouth  that  doesn’t  listen  to  whatever  her  brain  is  telling  her,  or  at  least,  just  candor  enough  that  her  comments  can  be  double  meaning.  “No  need  to  scream,  doctor.  No  need  to  apologize.  I  had  heard  worse.”  Clark  points  out,  a  wave  of  his  head  as  he  expresses  his  own  candor  at  the  moment.  He  is  not  used  to  such  commentary  about  him  but  it  seems  the  cape  and  powers  is  enough  to  make  some  people  speak  their  mind.  “Better  that  than  the  less  suitable  ones.  Not  everyone  is  this  nice.”
Given,    his  father  had  been  right  when  he  said  humanity  wouldn’t  accept  him  right  away,  if  all  of  them  would.  He  is  aware  of  his  own  power  set,  the  longer  he  stays  on  the  sun,  the  more  powerful  he  gets  and  perhaps,  that’s  why  he  pulls  up  his  punches.    
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hopecrested · 3 years
sir. . .is this legal
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hopecrested · 3 years
hello sir
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hopecrested · 3 years
get this get this
what if the reason krpy.ton blew up…
was because there was a celestial inside?
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hopecrested · 3 years
the last son of kryp.ton is such a dramatic title and i love it.
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hopecrested · 3 years
get this get this
what if the reason krpy.ton blew up. . .
was because there was a celestial inside?
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hopecrested · 3 years
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Man of Steel (2013) dir. Zack Snyder
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hopecrested · 3 years
how many times etern.als can name drop superm.an
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hopecrested · 3 years
    change gendered language to your needs.  ♡
“  crying is very punk,  trust me,  i do it all the time   &   i am a punk.  ” “  do i like him or is he just tall?  ” “  not to be dramatic but if i don’t get my life together i will die.  ” “  am i dramatic?  yes.  is it justified?  also yes.  ” “  everything that you feel is just a chemical reaction inside your head.  wow.  ” “  there’s a special place in hell reserved just for me.  it’s called the throne.  ” “  let’s get high!!   …   grades.  ” “  i think my gps secretly gets mad at me when i deliberately disobey its directions.  ” “  it’s a bird!  it’s a plane!  it’s   …   me, trying to outrun my feelings.  there i go.  ” “  i am here to say that i am a bisexual who loves mangoes.  ” “  why has no one fallen in love with me yet?  i’m so bored.  ” “  honestly,  i don’t even play an active role in my life.  shit just happens   &   i’m like  ‘  oh,  is this what we’re doing now?  okay.  ’  ” “  life hack  :  you don’t have to be a wolf to yell sad noises at the moon.  ” “  what the fuck do mirrors do when nobody is around?  ” “  it may look like i’m having deep thoughts,  but really,  i’m just thinking about what to eat next.  ” “  do i deserve back pain at this age?  ” “  i’m a simple person;  anything happens,  i cry.  ” “  i’ve mastered the skill of feeling guilty for asking for anything.  ” “  yes,  the rumors are true.  i’m a lovey-dovey dumbass.  ” “  i try not to sound like an asshole,  but it’s really hard because i am an asshole.  ” “  someone has to date me eventually,  right?  ” “  what circle of dante’s inferno did you crawl out of?  ” “  your inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this friendship apart.  ” “  there’s no way that  EVERYBODY  was kung-fu fighting.  ” “  saying my name is so intimate,  why would you do that to me?  ” “  don’t ask me about my sexuality.  you’re not gonna get a straight answer.  ” “  i would follow you to the ends of the earth with only mild complaining.  ” “  the first step to any murder is to have fun   &   be yourself.  ” “  i think i am subconsciously trying to ruin my own life.  ” “  i may seem like an angry person on the surface,  but deep down inside, i am actually angrier.  ” “  i push everyone away,  but in a way,  i am doing them a favor.  ” “  what do you mean a thesaurus isn’t a dinosaur?  ” “  i’m not even a hot mess.  i’m more like a lukewarm mess.  ” “  i’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.  ” “  can someone please explain to me how i’m supposed to sleep for eight hours straight when i’m not even straight?  ” “  you’re not allowed to be busy,  you’re my only friend.  ” “  becoming older than ten years old was the biggest mistake of my life.  ” “  is it cold in here,  or is that just my heart?  ” “  if i sigh loudly enough,  will all my problems go away?  ” “  hey,  sorry i’m late.  i didn’t want to come.  ”
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hopecrested · 3 years
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hopecrested · 3 years
ok but galaxy muses telling clar.k about kry.pton.
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hopecrested · 3 years
ikar.is: i don't wear a cape 😤
clar.k: why not? It's cool AF 😊
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hopecrested · 3 years
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hopecrested · 3 years
ok but galaxy muses telling clar.k about kry.pton.
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hopecrested · 3 years
what happens if two people with heat vision use it at the same time, are they having an eye fight?
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