TERUSHIMA x reader, slow burn :))
It was a slow cold winters day in the shop. The heater had busted last week and there wasn’t anyone free for another day or two to come down and fix it. Your town was small and the only help was a four hour drive out for the company. It also didn’t help that they prioritised the people in their own little city before yours. Turns out a new, faster functioning, heater was produced by this company and everyone just had to have one for the holidays. Of course, much to your misfortune, left you in a frigid corner store. Luckily, you happened to pack a wool sweater, you had morning exercises with your team. You went to a little school, not much could be said about the team you managed but you didn’t care. You loved your boys, and you didn’t mind hopping into a few exercises if it meant it pumped up their blood.
You jumped a little, glancing up at the door in the corner, as the bell nudged you out of your thoughts. You gave a quick and soft smile to the other who had just entered. You gently stretched out your back as you watched them round the isle. A few pops followed a quick chain up your back as you did. With a satisfying sigh you lean back your hands onto your stool, puffing your chest out slightly. Before you could get too comfortable scanning the store, the person who had walked in just a moment ago approached you.
The Male was tall, lean, and had a mischievous smile plastered on his lips. When he finally reached the counter he placed a packaged milk bread in front of you, finally dragging his eyes to yours. You seemed handsome, that was clear, however you felt a strong wave of playboy vibes radiating off of him. You sighed mentally, hoping he didn’t try to pick up on you. Or worse, think you weren’t good enough to be picked up upon. With a tug of your hair coil you sat up and then slouched down into a comfortable position.
“Find everything alright?” You quipped, looking at the one item he wanted to purchase. You gently help it under and scanned it, looking back up at the bleached blonde for your answer.
He chuckled, gently stuffing one arm in his volleyball team’s jacket. “Yeah, but I think I might have forgotten something- oh! I know, it’s your number.” He hummed playfully. He leaned gently onto the counter, not to get uncomfortably close or anything. He looked like he was just reliving some of the stress upon his feet.
You snorted softly, holding your hand out, “that’ll be 5.15”. He looked back over at you, pulling out his card. You finished the transaction as he picked up his bread. However, he didn’t leave right away, much to your amusement.
“So, is that a no? Darn and I thought I was being so smooth.” He chimed, looking around the store. After assessing there wasn’t anyone he’d be bugging by holding up a line. He turned back to you. “I could buy more stuff,” he joked.
You chortled you yourself gently shoving his shoulder in a playful way, “go home!” You chirped, glancing down at your watch. You looked back up at him, laying your head in your hand as you stared at him engaged in his response to your next quip, “my number isn’t just something you can purchase, stranger.”
He smiled slightly lopsided, placing his hand onto the counter to lean onto it. “Aw c’mon stranger? That’s a little harsh don’t you think?,” he held up his bread, “it’s me, the guy who brought the bread!” He finished, pleased with the little giggle he gained from you.
“Alright alright, if it makes you leave” you agreed, gently writing it onto his arm. “If you send me a dick pic I will block you though.” You ended, leaning back into your chair.
Now it was his turn to laugh. He pulled his sleeve down to hide the number from others. “Deal, oh! I’m terushima- the stranger.” He added, looking back at you. “(Y/n)” was his response, which he gladly appreciated. “Well (y/n)! It’s an honour basking in your presence!” He chuckled waving as he walked away to the door.
You sighed contently, once again alone in the cold room. That terushima guy seemed nice enough. Though, you hadn’t recognised his school’s colours. Maybe he was visiting for a tournament? Or practice matches? You shrugged off your growing curiosity as you stood. You grabbed onto the broom next to you, deciding doing something for the last two hours was better then nothing.
Your night shift came to a close as you locked up the now dark store. You pocketed your keys, and turned to face the sidewalk in front of you. You gently started to rub your hands together as you walked down the road. You whined internally at the chilly temperature, why’d it have to be so cooold! You hated this season, but also couldn’t make yourself stay mad forever. The thought of hot cocoa you know you have waiting for you would be worth it in the end. Your roommate had a pretty good recipe, though she refused to tell you it due to her claiming it was her baby, and you don’t just give those to others. She was pretty cool, she is your best friend after all. You glanced up, looking at the red bricked building in front of you, your apartment. Clutching the door knob, you felt as if your nose would fall off if you stayed out any longer. Quickly making your way inside and up the stairs, you had found ourself in the soft and sweet scent of your living room. You slipped off your boots and made your way to the kitchen.
“Oh! You’re home already?” Your friend asked, holding up the whisk she had been mixing your hot chocolate with. “I thought I was too early making it- but I suppose I wasn’t! That’s a relief, better piping hot then lukewarm- ew!” She giggled, poking her tongue in ‘disgust’. She was shorter then you, but not short in general. Her hair was short and shaggy, always finding its way to cover her eyes.
“Yeah, thanks by the way.” You smiled, walking over to the bar and taking a seat. You were currently abroad, with your friend in Japan. You picked up a job to help learn the language, being around others speaking it fluently made it easier to adjust. Plus now you had a little extra cash to spoil yourself with. Speaking of the job, “..uh hey- you won’t really guess what happened at work” you chirped, gently laying on your arms relaxing into the warm room.
“No? Lemme guess, ..hmmm- someone didn’t try to steal something did they??” Your friend piped up again, turning to make sure that her fears were wrong. Once she heard your giggle she assumed she was wrong. “Oh? Hmmm what was it?” She asked, giving in.
“Uh- someone asked for my number and I-“ before you could finish a loud happy squeal emitted from the other girl. She quickly shoved the hot cocoa into your hands and lead you to the couch. She plopped next to you, declaring she needed all of the details. “He just- walked in and asked- and used some stupid line about my number-“ once again she was soon cut off by her friend as she pointed over to your buzzing phone. You rolled your eyes playfully at her, grabbing it. You opened your phone reading over the message with your friend looking over your shoulder.
???:Hey, this is terushima y’know, “bread boy” so, wanna grab something to eat while I’m out here? I’m with my team for a match and I have a spare day so..
You quickly changed his user name to ‘Bread Boy’ with a baguette emoji next to it. Your friend gently pushed you telling you about how amazing your game must be. You only rolled your eyes at her antics. “Should I? I only just met the guy after all-“ you asked nervously before your friend quickly piped in, “I’ll come along! I’ll invite a friend or something so it looks like a double date- so he doesn’t think I’m third wheeling.” Your friend exclaimed, but you were pretty sure it was just an excuse for her to get that tall guy from the town over to acknowledge her. You shook your head as you started your reply.
You: sounds great! Tomorrow work? I get off at three. Would it be cool if my friend comes along with her date?
Bread Boy: sounds good to me! I say we just explore, I haven’t seen much of this place so I’d love to see it.
You smiled to yourself, much to your friends aw’s. You replied with a “sure” before tossing your phone. You glanced over at your friend who as well, got a positive response from her ‘date’. You chuckled, finally taking your first sip from your hot chocolate. “Oh, meet me at work at three, I think I wanna go to lunch and then walk around the shopping district or something. Oh! There’s that cute thrift store not too far yeah? Do you mind driving?” You hummed, the tires demon dragging your eye lids down.
“Yeah I have no problem with it! But you have to sit in the back! I wouldn’t want your date getting lonely” she teased, standing. She left to go take care of the dishes, leaving you to your slight embarrassment. “Shut up!” You chuckled out, taking another sip.
After a little while, you stood and handed your cup to your friend, mumbling out a good night as she happily replied with the same before you ducked into the hallway. You made it to your bed and basically crashed in it. You hummed into your pillow, before slowly drifting into a light sleep. Before you could enjoy it for long, your alarm blared through the brightly lit room. You groaned, looking over it. It read 6:00am, but you could have sworn you had only just laid down. With and irritated huff you slapped you alarm, and cuddled back into your bed. Unfortunately, you were interrupted by your friend as she stepped in, tossing a rag at you.
“Nuh uh! Up up! You gotta shower and eat up before going to work, and I’m not letting you leave until you do either! So if you wanna get there on time get up!” She stated, turning sharply back into the kitchen. After a few beats you could hear her walk over to the bathroom, turning on the showers water, and pulling a towel out from the freaky cabinet for you. Finally making her way back to the kitchen.
With a irritated groan to follow, you stood up and walked over to your clothes, grabbing the outfit you wanted for the date after your job. You dragged your feet off to the bathroom and showered. It was nice, it did wake you up more then your blaring alarm did, and that stupid clock next to your bed. You walked into the kitchen, a happy Sam placing your plate in front of you. “Thanks Sam,” you mumbled, poking at your katsudon. Usually you weren’t much of a fan of eggs, but when it was made like this it was different.
“You want me to come over early with your perfume so you can re-scent yourself before he gets there?” She asked, cleaning up the rest of the dishes before daring to touch her own food. You tried to offer to help, but she declared that morning dishes could be her thing since you didn’t have time. Last night would have been your dishes but you bought something at your store, not feeling like having anything later then when you were getting home.
You nodded to her question, finishing up what you could before shrugging your jacket and scarf on. Your friend mentioned how she had placed your gloves next to your keys and phone. You thanks her before walking to the front. You slipped the gloves on and the keys into your pocket. You wished her a good day, and her in return as you left.
The store was worse today then it was yesterday. You wouldn’t be surprised if some of the things in there had been crystallised over with ice. Luckily, that didn’t stop others from bugging you buy wanting to buy something AND talk to you. Slowly, the minutes turned into hours, and then into painful miserable seconds as it felt like your shift would never end. Your eyes bore holes into the clock that had claimed you to stay in the spot you were in. You glanced up at the sound of your friend insisting someone else to go first. Which, to your slight fear, was bread boy. He walked off into an isle though, much to your pleasure. You friend skipped up to you, and you finally took notice to the tall scare Crow off a boy next to her. You didn’t really like the glare and grumpy energy he was giving off, but chose to ignore it as you returned to your friends beaming energy.
“I brought the soft smelling one!” She chimed happily, gently handing you the perfume, to wish you happily thanked her. You spritzed yourself just as terushima rounded the isle corner, his hand holding two milk bread rolls in his hands. Sam quickly stepped out of the way, after retrieving the perfume. She winked over to you playfully before gently tugging on the scare crow’s sleeve for him to follow her back to the car.
“Friends?” Terushima asked, assuming they were probably the ones coming with them. You nodded in a reply, ringing him up. After, you’d told and tossed your apron to the side to reveal your totally cute outfit. “You look nice- and I like your perfume too.” You hummed, holding his arm out playfully as he flashed his charming little smirk, “well shall we?” He softly asked. A smile tugged to your lips as you gently hooked your arm around his, “I suppose we could” you replied softly, following him to the car.
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