Going back to this fandom to finish one last fic reminded me why I left it and can’t return, this fandom could learn so much from ARMYs and NCTzens and even EXO-ls (sorry if you’re one of the good EXO-ls I’m sure they exist and I absolutely know crazy ARMYs and NCTzens exist too, I’ve just heard a lot of BS about some rivalry and shit and no one fucks with me about BTS I will fight a whole goddamn army for them they saved my life, my passion, and my will to live, I owe them my life, and yes, I know I’m fucked up, I own that).  The ship fuckery (or rather, the anti-ship fuckery) is entirely too much for me, and I’m damn fucking glad I’m never coming back after this fic.  Glad I didn’t waste $1000 going to a poorly-run con with people I can’t trust, I’m only sorry for the actors and writers, most of them deserve a better fandom than this.
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Christianity has a book and shit??? Oh really is that all it is? Can you not be an offensive asshole about it?
I...  Literally what the fuck, I can’t even.  Look, kiddo, 1, it’s accurate, Christianity does, in fact, have a book and stuff (I never said it was all it had, for the record, my exact quote was that it “HAS a book and shit” not it “IS” a book and shit), 2, I was being intentionally dismissive of the lore for effect, and 3, honey you don’t want to get into the category of “religion-based offensive assholery” with a liberal, gay, transgender atheist and ex-Wiccan, I’ve seen it all, Christianity being one of the biggest offenders, clean your own damn house before you tell me to clean mine and please stop giving so many fucks about what someone dismissively says about your religion, it can go from funny to annoying pretty quick.  If you were offended by that, you can literally never watch the most reliable news show ever made (Secular Talk) because he regularly bashes religion far more than just dismissively waving it off saying ‘yeah yeah, book, I know, what ELSE can the show explore’, he calls the bullshit what it is.
And yes, I do know this was over a month ago.  No, I do not, in fact, give a shit.
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She’s so much more than just a hacker, don’t you SEE???  She became a hunter like it was nothing, pure instinct.  She’s a SURVIVOR before she’s a hacker, hacking is just one of her means of survival.  She’s always shown herself to be flexible beyond what she or anyone around her believes she can be, and I don’t know what show you were watching when she entered if you think hacking is all she can do.
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I can’t...  He...  He...  He channeled his inner Harry Styles.
Don’t judge me for my past fandom days lol.
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THIS.  Now, I’m not 100% sure she didn’t, but even if she did, it was written in after a very specific, “No, I don’t want to f*ck you even if it’s our last night” moment, it was ooc, and not only that, it was kind of...  Not sexist exactly (but feel free to correct me), but disrespectful to Jo.  Jo was a strong, independent woman.  She didn’t need or want Dean to define her.  That scene was kind of Nope, and just another example of the writers being white males who don’t Get the whole concept of feminism.  Jo wasn’t the type to go for the “last night on earth f*ck”, so why would she want a last kiss from the guy who tried to talk her into it, albeit more respectfully than some would have?
Note, this is NOT about Dean, this is not anti-Dean, I think it was a bit ooc for Dean too, he isn’t the type to take advantage of someone sexually or romantically (ex, Lisa, Cassie), and it’s the writers who are at fault here.  They went for a classical dying-hero(ine)-gets-a-last-kiss-from-the-most-attractive-person-in-the-room trope because reasons, and they didn’t really look at the characters involved, imho.
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It’s funny watching people who aren’t regularly attracted to animated characters react to this.  While I’m just sitting here like, this is par for the course, y’know, like-
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So… I guess im attracted to cartoon characters now…
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(Pissy!me incoming, warning.  To keep the accusations of sexism at bay, I love plenty of female characters and hate that they died the ways they did, Mary is annoying for other reasons, plus I’m FtM and nonbinary pretty sure sexism would be utterly nonsensical for me, so stfu with the “if u dislike mary ur jus a sexist” bs.)
*DEEP BREATH* BOI, writers, WHY did you bring Mary back if JDM is willing to come back?  What, did you just want to go back to S1 for no good reason?  It’s sloppy writing, and meanwhile, you have this juicy storyline just waiting where it’s not just tearing at Dean’s heart for no good reason, you fucking.  What the fuck.  John’s approval is Dean’s unicorn, and in the SPN universe, unicorns can in fact be real, so,  *waves hands in gesturing fashion at JDM*  This man is willing to be John Winchester again, so WHY bother tearing Dean apart with his mom coming back and being all weird and fuckin’.  Ok, not going back to the anti-Mary wank well, I’ve done that, check out those posts on my blog if you care to, just.  I don’t like her, ok.  But oh no, you had to bring HER back, because something-something can’t fire Bucklemming something-something can’t look misogynistic right!!  Ugh, this just makes me madder that people are so pro-Mary because “oh, she doesn’t let her kids define her, she’s still a badass hunter, who cares if she’s kind of a bitch sometimes and just up and disappeared and trusted the BMoL after they got weird and dark, I’M WITH HER!!!”  While you ignore your writerly duties to your characters and your universe, writers, know you’re basically using identity politics to quietly imply that if we’re mad at you, we’re “sexist”, and your attack-dog fans will say it outright, fuck this fucking story arc with Mary, ugh.
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110% agree, the old days had so much more diverse mythology, but then they introduced angels (mixed results- Cas, awesome, but they hired that jackass to play Satan and well...) and dove down the Christianity rabbit hole and rarely come back, they even went out of their way to kill pagan gods en masse because reasons.
Potentially controversial opinion: I’m tired of SPN focusing on Christian mythology.  I mean sure, Christianity has a book and shit.  But everyone knows about it, it’s too comfortable for most people and it leaves the storyline to stagnate in the comparatively small world of JudaeoChristian mythology.  Just saying.
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Potentially controversial opinion: I’m tired of SPN focusing on Christian mythology.  I mean sure, Christianity has a book and shit.  But everyone knows about it, it’s too comfortable for most people and it leaves the storyline to stagnate in the comparatively small world of JudaeoChristian mythology.  Just saying.
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My body hates me right now and I just.  I want to make food, I have what I crave, but I don’t want to get up.  -_-
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I Get Why I Should Like Mary...  And Why I Can’t.
Mary Winchester is, in fact, a good character, she’s complex and not just a mother, she’s a hunter and a lover and a woman...  And she is not likable to me.  Something about her doesn’t feel quite right, though somehow I doubt she’s Not Her, they likely would have brought that up a while back.
But the bigger picture perhaps is, she is not the woman I expected, not the mother Sam and Dean deserve, and most of all, she is more hunter than anything else.  She’s butch in unexpected ways, to me.  But maybe I didn’t notice things I should have, and painted Dean’s picture of her in my own mind rather than a ‘realistic’ version of her.
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WhY iS He SO AdorABLE?!
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@different-person-than-yesterday requested sam + sleeping
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Top 3 things I love about this scene:
1. Sam being an Attentive and Protective brother.
2. Cas just.  Running up and being like “Dean, are you ok?  Don’t die on me, babe.”
3. How Dean is ok when Cas touches him, like, “oh yeah, there’s my Cas, I can breathe again.”
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Honestly, (and this is just speculation, mind you) I think at the time, they intended for Gabe to be dead.  But then they needed a weapon against Lucifer, realized that the angel-blade would be convenient, and they fudged the details of the whole “Lucifer killed Gabe” thing.  They often have little continuity errors, and this one is annoying but with a positive outcome, everyone loves Gabe.
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Screaming Into The Void In Excitement
I found a copy of Warriors; Omen of the Stars; The Last Hope, and it was sIGNED BY ERIN HUNTER (and yes, I know Erin Hunter isn’t a single person, the signature says “Erin Hunter”, I’m guessing it’s a Thing they do/did), and I don’t know where I got it but I’m so happy that I have it.
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That word perfectly describes so many events within SPN, and I’d like to list some and why.  Feel free to add to this list, though I’ve come around and decided that Destiel is NOT problematic unless the show ends with it unresolved.
1. Bobby standing.  He never learned how not to feel useless without the use of his legs, and he was simply given them back, he was put in a wheelchair and effectively made useless for 99% of hunting endeavors even though he could have learned how to do it. 2. Charlie’s death.  The scene looked so much like something else, something darker, and that’s Not Okay.  They should have changed the context, it’s just not a good thing to have a lesbian dead in a bathtub, bloody like that. 3. Eileen’s death.  A deaf woman killed by Hellhounds- invisible beings usually counteracted with...  Hearing them.  They could’ve killed her with another Thing- a demon, something- that she could have fought.
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It’s not fair why, why does he get to do this to us, wtf sort of god/angel/demon is this man and why do I have to wait until fucking August to potentially see him in person why, why, I love him so much......
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