hopespitalized · 11 years
i wanna make a greetings post but im running out of ways to greet ppl
for someone who complains about being bored by others so much izuru isnt really the life of the party either
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hopespitalized · 11 years
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hopespitalized · 11 years
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He is my second favorite character of sdr2
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hopespitalized · 11 years
i did it……i caught up with replies......i will greet new followers tomorrow…thank u all……
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hopespitalized · 11 years
Izuru took a moment to think, focusing on the facts, and ultimately deciding if he was going to trust this girl or not. Even if she had a strange way of presenting them, she seemed to have some good points and ideas. Maybe this was really it, the day when his life as Super High School Level Hope really took off. He never expected or pictured  it to start off like this, but if this is what it took, he was light years beyond willing to go with it. Sure, it would be irritating to spend amounts of time with Junko, but when were tests ever really not irritating in some way or another. It was a small price to pay to be able to kickstart his new life. After a few more moments of careful consideration, weighing the situation ever so carefully in his manufactured mind, he sat up straight, squaring his shoulders and looking Junko in the eye.
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"Alright." He began, bluntly. "I'll agree to this test of yours. If it's for talent. I'll go along with it. Be reminded, however, that I am still in recovery, and that it will be a while before I'm fully ready to reach my full potential, and no amount of your yapping will change that. But," he sighed, "I do believe I'm ready and...willing to accept and attempt this test."
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hopespitalized · 11 years
Finally, Izuru felt like he was getting somewhere. He listened to Komaeda's side of the debate carefully, nodding while he listened and formulated his responses. It was coming more naturally now, it was easier to think of counterarguments, which relieved a good deal of his stress. He relaxed a bit, softening his expression and fiddling nonchalantly with a strand of hair.
"You're right," he said, for the first time since their discussion began. "If someone is truly talentless, there are some things even their hardest struggles and best attempts won't accomplish. But what you're missing is that my talentless mind is being made into a talentless one. You say I was born talentless, which is true...but I'm no longer the person I was born as, so to speak. I've been blessed by talent. The project is truly that amazing, and it's all due to the talent of the ones in charge of it. I absolutely believe that I can gain every talent," he breathed, a snall, but  determined smile lighting up his face, "because they've fixed my mind to do exactly that. No matter what it is, I've become able to do it."
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  A symbol of hope? Him? Anyone with eyes could see that he wasn’t worthy of such a title… so he’d assumed, at least. Perhaps if this person knew his talent, he wouldn’t be so quick to label him. For the time being, however, there were much more important things to focus on.
For example, the meaning of worth. “I suppose that’s true of a person with talent. If someone chooses not to use the talent they were born with, they’re nearly as bad as someone with no talent at all. If they use that talent, though, they’re automatically worth that much more. If you have no talent at all, however… you’re inherently worthless. No amount of hard work will change that.”
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Any talent, did he say? Interesting… “Can you do that, Kamukura-kun? Do you really believe you can gain every talent?” There were some, he thought, that were simply unobtainable to those not born with them. Even if what he said was true and his enhanced mind could absorb talents, so to speak… what about his?
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hopespitalized · 11 years
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hopespitalized · 11 years
Izuru waited while Komaeda did as he was told, even if it didn't help very much, it was better than letting him have a complete breakdown. Honestly, he didn't know what else to do, but at least he'd seemed to settle down, if only a little bit. No amount of calming breaths or encouraging words were going to fix him now, due to deeper-rooted issues, so Izuru opted for band-aid solutions, trying to at least get Komaeda get a a hold of himself. 
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"It's obvious it doesn't happen often, less often than is healthy, even. But I guess it isn't really your thing to show your true colors..." He stopped short, second guessing his choice of words for a moment. "...To really express yourself, right? Especially not to others, that much is blatant. There's no need to thank me. All I've done is listen, for the most part, and even then, what choice to I have?" The absolute quietest of laughs escaped his lips. "Really, it isn't a problem. It's actually somewhat interesting, in a sense." 
        — Deep breaths. Calm down. Getting out of this state was trouble enough. By now his mask was shattered, difficult to piece back together. whenever this would arise Komaeda was usually alone so he would naturally get over it on his own. Never forcing it or speeding his recovery up. Perhaps Kamukura could be on some help. “…One.. two..” Komaeda sucked in a breath, whispering out the numbers. “..three.. four..” Exhale. “Five.. six..” Inhale. “Seven… eight..” Exhale. “Nine.. Ten.” Komaeda finished, re-positioning his arm over his chest instead of his eyes.
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"…I guess that helped," came his dull response. He wasn’t going to bother apologizing again since Kamukura wasn’t having any of that. Why bother wasting his breath anymore? "I haven’t gotten sick before from this actually… Probably cause I’m sick enough as it is.." A weak laugh emitted from the SHSL Good Luck, then he tried propping himself up on his arms. "…Thanks for putting up with me like this, Kamukura-kun. It doesn’t happen often.."
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hopespitalized · 11 years
i have all my threads open in different tabs and a panic! playlist open in another lets do sOME REPLIES!!
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hopespitalized · 11 years
guys it's none of you who are stressing me out it's my own silly worrying pls dont worry i l ove you guys
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hopespitalized · 11 years
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what if izuru needed glasses—-
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hopespitalized · 11 years
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By: 胡桃沢
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hopespitalized · 11 years
im really tired and i dont feel like wrestling with tumblr mobile so ill just do replies later if i can get to a computer sorry guys
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hopespitalized · 11 years
Memories bring no joy or peace. We are alone, and all we need.
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hopespitalized · 11 years
        — Komaeda half listened to Kamukura. His mind was wandering in and out of different topics all the while trying to focus on his few friend. Coping, his mind, stress… Jeez, Komaeda was so sick of it all! “Even if there aren’t resources, I still want it to be fixed…!” Komaeda grumbled under his breath, draping his wrist over his eyes as he adjusted himself onto his back. “I didn’t ask for this horrible luck…! Even if I’m worthless scum, lower than human garbage, why did it have to be me?”
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"Fine, fine..! I’m crazy! But its not my fault- Luck did this to me. Luck pulled the strings for everything… I’ve had enough of it all!" Komaeda hissed through his teeth. Maybe some higher power would take pity on him for once and end it all while he was in the hospital. He was a waste and that was all he wanted when it got right down to it. Komaeda sucked in a breath, fingers curling into a fist. "…Wow… I sure must be putting you into an awkward spot, Kamukura-kun… If you want to kick me out go right on ahead… It won’t hurt. Nothing does anymore."
Izuru sighed, frowning a little bit while he listened to Komaeda’s tangent. It was becoming increasingly obvious that the kid was in pretty awful shape. It was also blatantly evident that he didn’t break that happy character of his to rant like this often, it seemed like months, maybe years of stress were pouring out right here and now. He must really not have anyone he could really talk to. Izuru wondered momentarily why Komaeda had chosen him of all people to unload all of this onto, but it didn’t really matter. He let him finish his rant, and even after he was finished, he sat silent for a few moments before responding.
"Komaeda," he began, his tone of voice quiet and blunt. "Calm down, alright? It might not make you feel any better, but you still need to calm yourself. Breathe. Your state of mind is only natural in your situation, but you’re going to make yourself sick, and I’d rather not have to witness that. You’re going to take a few deep breaths before either of us continue this conversation."
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hopespitalized · 11 years
Why was he doing this? Why on earth was this mere, normal student trying to convince him that this wasn’t working, and that he could never do anything to make it work? Perhaps it was acceptable to speak this way to the person he was before, but none of this was supposed to…
Izuru shook his head slowly, releasing a quiet sigh. This boy really was stubborn, wasn’t he? That smile of his hadn’t quit yet, and Izuru wondered if Komaeda was getting some kind of thrill from provoking him, by picking at the only wound that still stung.
"You really aren’t listening, are you?" He questioned, rubbing his temples gently. "I never said you were worthless. As irritating as you are, you’re still a student at the academy, aren’t you? Therefore, you’re still a symbol of hope. Hell, back before this project began I might have idolized someone like you. I don’t even know your name, much less your worth. Your ‘worth…’" he paused a moment here, feeling a little less angry. "Your worth is something that’s up to you, I think…If one feels worthless, they should work hard, and do everything they can until they aren’t worthless anymore…Because I think if a worthless person tries to change, are they really worthless…?" He shook his head, realizing he’d gone off topic. "My point is, it’s not up to me to determine your worth. Your opinion, however, your belief that I cannot truly become Hope, is worthless to me, because it’s incorrect. I may have been worthless before, but not anymore. Even now, I’m not talentless. My talent is the ability to gain any and every talent, which I plan to do as soon as I’ve fully recovered."
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hopespitalized · 11 years
i still have another draft to work on
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