breaking ground 'An der Lage'
On October 15, 2021 at 2:30 p.m., on a perfect bluebird day, the first shovelfuls of southern Styrian soil were dug at the site on Hochgrassnitzberg. Numerous clients, project members, politicians and officials, neighbors, friends, investors, and local celebrities gathered to have a look at the future and to celebrate the start of construction together. The former hotel is being converted into 18 apartments, which are slated for occupation by the new owners by late 2022. We look forward to collaborating with the investors and project developers DGS Immobilien GmbH (Hizir Dshabarov, Lukas Göbl, Bernhard Schatz) and Stieglitz Holding GmbH (Alexander Stieglitz), the future operations manager welcome 2 vienna (Andreas Novotny), and our sales partner Sorgo Immobilien (Arnulf Sorgo, Verena Geier) on this exciting journey and successful project.
>>> To the project
breaking ground ‘An der Lage’ was originally published on goebl architecture
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Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020
Unser Projekt ‘Campus Lengenfeld’, dass wir gemeinsam mit Architekt Franz Gschwantner für die Gemeinde Lengenfeld geplant haben, hat beim Niederösterreichischen Baupreis 2020 den 3. Platz belegt. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, dass das Ergebnis der vorbildlichen Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgermeister Christian Kopetzky gewürdigt worden ist. >>> Zum Projekt
Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020 was originally published on goebl architecture
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Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020
Unser Projekt ‘Campus Lengenfeld’, dass wir gemeinsam mit Architekt Franz Gschwantner für die Gemeinde Lengenfeld geplant haben, hat beim Niederösterreichischen Baupreis 2020 den 3. Platz belegt. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, dass das Ergebnis der vorbildlichen Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgermeister Christian Kopetzky gewürdigt worden ist. >>> Zum Projekt
Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020 was originally published on goebl architecture
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Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020
Unser Projekt ‘Campus Lengenfeld’, dass wir gemeinsam mit Architekt Franz Gschwantner für die Gemeinde Lengenfeld geplant haben, hat beim Niederösterreichischen Baupreis 2020 den 3. Platz belegt. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber, dass das Ergebnis der vorbildlichen Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgermeister Christian Kopetzky gewürdigt worden ist. >>> To the project
Der Niederösterreichische Baupreis 2020 was originally published on goebl architecture
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Lower Austrian Building Award 2020
Our project for the Lengenfeld campus, which we designed together with architect Franz Gschwantner for the Lengenfeld Municipality, has placed 3rd in the Lower Austrian Building Award 2020. We are very pleased that the outcome of this excellent collaboration with mayor Christian Kopetzky has been honored in this way.
>>> To the project
Lower Austrian Building Award 2020 was originally published on goebl architecture
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Apartments An der Lage
The An der Lage Hotel is situated in the midst of sloping vineyards, with breathtaking views of the rolling hills of southern Styria. Built in 2007, its linear shape fits perfectly into the landscape, the modern façade creating an exciting contrast to the surrounding nature.
Construction negotiations for a careful renovation and expansion of the historic building section have been completed, and work can now begin. goebl architecture is responsible for the architecture and interior planning, project development and supervision, as well as general project management.
The clients are DGS Immobilien GmbH, founded by Hizir Dshabarov, Lukas Göbl, and Bernhard Schatz, and Stieglitz Holding GmbH by Alexander Stieglitz.
>>> Project
Apartments An der Lage was originally published on goebl architecture
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groundbreaking ceremony
The groundbreaking ceremony for 100 privately financed condominiums and a health center in St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria, was held on June 22, 2021.
Located at the intersection of Maximilianstraße and Kerensstraße, not far from the main train station and St. Pölten University Clinic, the development is within walking distance of the city center and has excellent infrastructure.
The private outdoor spaces on each story are staggered, creating an interplay of loggias, balconies, and terraces that imbues the façade with uniqueness and identity. A total of more than 8,100 square meters of living space will be built, together with around 140 parking spots, a spacious bicycle garage, stroller rooms, and basement storage units.
The open spaces are substantial, ranging from private gardens, terraces, loggias, and balconies to a shared playground in the greenspace of the inner courtyard.
One of the highlights of the complex is the health center planned for the ground floor. More than 1,500 square meters will be made available for medical offices and practices. It is expected that the apartments will be ready for their new owners to move in by spring of 2023.
Photo, from left to right: DI Bernhard Traunfellner (Traunfellner), Ing. Willhelm Garzon (BWSG), Ing. Dr. Bernd Bartosek (Bartosek Projektbetreuung GmbH), Mag. Arch. Lukas Göbl (goebl architecture), Mayor Mag. Matthias Stadler, Deputy Governor of the State Franz Schnabl, Dr. Mathias Moser (BWSG), Ing. Dieter Haderer (PORR)
groundbreaking ceremony was originally published on goebl architecture
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bigsee architecture award
bigsee architecture award was originally published on goebl architecture
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bigsee architecture award
bigsee architecture award was originally published on goebl architecture
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Coop Himmelblau meets chicken coop
Der Bau unseres Gemeindezentrum im Südburgenland schreitet voran. Augenscheinlich wird es ein fliegender Hühnerstall und das freut uns sehr, verbindet das Projekt doch – vermeintlich – verschiedenen Welten zu einem stimmigen Ganzen.
Coop Himmelblau meets chicken coop was originally published on goebl architecture
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Forstreiter Wine Pavilion
One wise man once said: ‚Good things come to those who wait!‘ In this case for almost seven years: Our Forstreiter Wine Pavilion finally got realized. Fabulous Bruno Klomfar depticted this extraordinary construction for us recently.
Forstreiter Wine Pavilion was originally published on goebl architecture
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Civic Center Burgauberg-Neudauberg
  The groundbreaking ceremony for the Civic Center Burgauberg-Neudauberg took place on August 20th, including a press talk with several journalists from various local newspapers and journals.
In cooperation with Miyako Nairz and Manfred Gräber we are about to realize our first project in Burgenland. The complex hosts Burgauberg-Neudauberg’s municipal administration and has several additional functions: elderly-housing, village shop, start-up offices and young living. The new building complex defines, together with the existing constructions, a new village square, where futural public life schould take place.
    Civic Center Burgauberg-Neudauberg was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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goebl architecture
  The international publishing house l’ARCA has brought out a new book: goebl architecture — what it needs. It is available online and in selected bookstores (in Vienna at König in the MQ and Morawa in the 1st district).
The volume presents numerous recent buildings, projects, drawings, writings, installations, and exhibitions and a supplementary spread of guest essays in the form of “Cartes Blanches”, written by renowned personalities such as Andreas Salcher, Wolf D. Prix, Siegfried Meryn, Kristin Feireiss, Matthias Strolz, and many more.
  goebl architecture was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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Tulln−Schielehof Residential complex
Photo credit: GEDESAG
The groundbreaking ceremony for our Tulln—Schielehof Residential complex took place on July 8th. GEDESAG and the Swietelsky construction company are building the three elongated structures of the complex, located next to Egon Schiele’s Birthplace and the Tulln Railway Depot.
The 76 apartments are all oriented towards the south, each with its own garden, loggia, or balcony extension. Eight maisonettes with private gardens and terraces, designed with a home office to accommodate the current trend towards working from home, are a very special type of dwelling. The 250-meter-long building is scheduled for completion in 2022.
Tulln−Schielehof Residential complex was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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Campus Lengenfeld
    Just two month left to hand over Campus Lengenfeld to public: We are about to enter the home stretch and looking forward to the opening ceremony!
    Campus Lengenfeld was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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World Architecture Festival 2019
    Wine Cellar Dockner has been shortlisted in the 2019 Completed Buildings Production, energy and recycling category. Reaching the shortlist this year, which saw a huge number of entries, is a great achievement.
    In December we will present our design live to delegates and an international jury at World Architecture Festival taking place in Amsterdam.
  Photo: Bruno Klomfar
World Architecture Festival 2019 was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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Our Office
Our Office was originally published on Göbl Architektur
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