horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски
Ru: У меня есть сообщение и вопрос: сообщение от Доктора и вопрос от меня. Где моя жена?
En: I have a message and a question. A message from the Doctor, and a question from me: Where… is… my… wife ?
Gllfr: Oola xyol gardatt ol aringa. Gardatt tay-Doctoram el aringa tayoola. Ishis meol largan koola inga?
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: "Я буду всего лишь историей у тебя в голове. Но это ничего. Мы все, в конечном итоге, истории. Только пусть это будет хорошая история. Потому что это и была хорошая история. Самая лучшая. Сумасбродный старик, который стащил волшебную будку и улетел. Я сказал, что украл её? Нет, я её одолжил. Собирался вернуть обратно."
En: “I'll be a story in your head. That's okay. We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? 'Cause it was, you know. It was the best. The daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well I borrowed it. I was always going to take it back.”
Gllfr: "Ooza melind basteres kala. Isam melesh. Oolafrey melindey bastoclaam. Klozek eri ila anyazec. Jen ina meon, ala mendol. Ina meon ehabrill anya. Magul ipsayan malisketham exis ongakvalon garezux syko el umiphon. Inga oota dyayoton ata isam oona ongakvalon ira? Shye, oona tugekvalon ira. Oona igrekonor zleneph ira."
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: Не моргай. Даже не моргай. Моргни, и ты умрёшь. Не отворачивайся, не отводи взгляд и не моргай.
En: Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and DON'T BLINK!
Gllfr: Timrak bufey kala. Tede timrak bufey kala. Mrak bufey kala el ala meklepazuksa. Tifaro. Titaybenn. El timrak bufey kala.
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: Тебе нужна вся Вселенная. Тот, кто видел её всю. И это – я. Я живу дольше, видела больше, любила больше и больше теряла. Я могу всем этим поделиться с тобой. Все, что ты хочешь знать о том, чего у тебя никогда не было.
En: You want the whole universe. Someone who has seen it all, and that's me. I've lived longer, seen more, loved more, and lost more. I can share it all with you, anything you want to know about what you never had.
Gllfr: Ala mevizol japhashisam letruxya. Sdizec exis adafonol marta, el skalay meol oola. Oora lunikonol aypaser, adafonol agziser, lembonol agziser, el lushodrafasonol agziser. Oola lyitomol marta iwo ala, marlayc ala mevizol mendo kodi lecis ala tewi xyonor.
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: Знаешь, как говорят? Что земля вращается. Когда в детстве ты узнаешь, что мир вращается, ты не можешь поверить, потому что кажется, что все стоит на месте. А я это чувствую. Вращение земли. Земля под нашими ногами вращается со скоростью тысячи миль в час, планета вращается вокруг солнца со скоростью шестьдесят семь тысяч миль в час, и я это чувствую. Мы падаем в космосе. Ты и я. Прильнув к коже этого крошечного мира... А если отпустим?... Вот, кто я.
En: Do you know like we were saying? About the Earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you that the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it 'cos everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go... That's who I am.
Gllfr: Inga ala mendol aphet oorafrey annamendonor? Kodi Erath faror inga? Ira aphet telis ala mekoslya. Zewesh payon ira dyayor ala isam tungwynam farolor el ala klozek titrylatom ira jen marlayc kraphetor mezeehor. Farotham kes-Erath. Lyumni laykhyuzikwey koolafrey farol zay zevoz-vohaz spokulex bayticyal, el vasuv jewelam enchendojyrol ket kasteram zay zetizjacvoz spokulex bayticyal, el oola smifomol isam. Oorafrey rexaphol naysaxam, ala ol oola, agravol mayefurya kespitungwyn, el kre oolafrey uhemirekot… Isam exis oola meol.
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: Доктор: Сейчас всё по порядку. Честно, как я выгляжу? Роза: Ммм… Иначе. Доктор: В хорошем смысле или в плохом? Роза: Просто… иначе. Доктор: Я… рыжий? Роза: Нет, просто оттенок коричневого. Доктор: Оу, хотел бы я быть рыжим! Я никогда не был рыжим! И ты, Роза Тайлер! Ты отказалась от меня! У, это грубо… Неужели я теперь такой? Грубый?.. Грубый и не рыжий.
En: The Doctor: Now, first things first. Be honest. How do I look? Rose: Umm... different. The Doctor: Good different or bad different? Rose: Just...different. The Doctor: Am I... ginger? Rose: No, you're just sort of... brown. The Doctor: Aw, I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger! And you, Rose Tyler! Fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me! Oh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger.
Gllfr: The Doctor: Tesh, zewesh. Mearpex. Edis oola kraphet inga? Rose: Hm…scen. The Doctor: Anyascen oct kalscen inga? Rose: Klosek…scen. The Doctor: Inga oola mecafregast? Rose: Shev, ala meol klozek aphet…roj. The Doctor: Ah, oona mevizon mecafregasto! Oora tewi mecafregastoron! El ala, Rose Tyler! Ala metucarason! Ala ghevon oola! Hm, isam meessayfrol. Inga oola meol isam drisc kemalisketh? Oola meessayfrol inga? Essayfra lo tucafregast.
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horistognositis · 1 year
Говорим по-галлифрейски.
Ru: Ты меня не видишь. Ты смотришь на меня, и не видишь. Ты представляешь, каково это? Я не в телефоне, я прямо здесь. Стою перед тобой. Прошу, просто... Разгляди меня.
En: You can't see me, can you? You… you look at me and you can't see me. Do you have any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here. Standing in front of you. Please, just… Just see me.
Gllfr: Ala timenarvomol oola, inga ala? Ala… Ala adafol zayoola el ala timenarvomol oola. Inga ala xyol sdibwin lecis isam aphetol? Oola timeol saspryddahy, oola meol use sterask. Tejol suvi kala. Shye, klosek… Klosek menarv oola.
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horistognositis · 2 years
Some dw memes on Gallifreyan
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horistognositis · 2 years
Does Gallifrey’s sun even have a name? I can’t find any information on it.
No, it doesn't! For a while I thought it was Qqaba, the star which Omega detonated to create the Eye of Harmony – but (a) that's not Gallifrey's sun, (b) there are at least 2 other conflicting names for the star Omega blew up, and (c) no source has actually linked Omega's star with the Eye of Harmony. Go figure.
It's always surprising to me how little information we have about Gallifrey's solar system. Lungbarrow is the exception: it reveals that one of Gallifrey's icey neighbors is called … Polarfrey. Lol!
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horistognositis · 2 years
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Cursing the loom of Lungbarrow  Brax is up to his old bleep again and Romana has had enough of it.
On a personal note… I’ve notice that a lot more people ‘like’ my drawings than reblog them…its really helpful when my drawing get reblogged, and I appreciate the ‘likes,’ I do… but they don’t really help circulate my work around tumblr to a wider audience…so what can I do to make more people reblog my work? Feedback would be appreciated, thank you…
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horistognositis · 2 years
random unformulated thoughts on gallifreyan and which time lords speak what:
most translation matrices do translate gallifreyan! the doctor's tardis chooses not to (mostly post-time war) out of a) spite and b) respect for the doctor's grief
the doctor speaks basically every language all the time so if you removed the tardis it would just sound like. gibberish
most time lords speak in high gallifreyan; ancient time lords speak/write old high gallifreyan; anyone lower than the rank of time lord speaks low gallifreyan; all of the above are derived from shobogan
romana speaks english during most of her presidency. why? fuck you, that's why
leela speaks gallifreyan, which is why she trips up so often in the audios on complicated words
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horistognositis · 2 years
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Incredible oil painting of Gallifrey by Jolly Sparrow.
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horistognositis · 2 years
Fun Facts about Time Lords and Ladies for People Who RP/Write Fanfic About Them
AKA: There’s more biologically interesting stuff than just two hearts and the ability to regenerate [all facts taken from here]
Gallifreyans don’t sleep as much as humans do- they really only need an hour.
If one is severely injured, they’ll go into a sort of healing coma and appear to be dead with a temperature that could reach below freezing point. Their hearts beats would only be around 10bpm.
Their normal body temperature is also significantly lower than humans at only 60°F or 16°C.
Any mental manipulation powers (hypnosis, mind reading, ect) requires physical contact, though with some difficulty they can also communicate telepathically over a greater distance.
Gallifreyan blood has special platelets that allow for better recovery from an injury that doesn’t require regeneration.
In addition to being able to survive with just one heart, Time Lords can also gain conscious control over the beating of their hearts allowing them fake death by stopping them if they so wished.
They don’t have lungs.
No, seriously they’ve got a system of pulmonary tubes instead which means they float in water like a freaking boat.
But they do have 26 ribs (probably- some bits of canon say 24).
There’s also a respiratory bypass systems which means they can survive being choked/ poison gas/drowning/ect.
Sadly helium gas doesn’t make their voices squeaky.
Some sources say that Gallifreyans are born/loomed with only one heart in their first body and get their second only after regeneration. Those born naturally before the Pythia’s curse thing had two right from the start, though (this is a whole ‘nother bit of canon that I still have to fully understand myself).
They have two livers, too.
Ok this next bit is one of my favorites pay attention:
Time Lords and Ladies can get drunk/are susceptible to the effects of alcohol.
However, they can easily shrug the effects off because of their metabolism.
Don’t give them anesthetic though if they might die because that could make them not regenerate and that wouldn’t be good. Plus it doesn’t really work that well. 
But the antidote is chocolate so.
Also they don’t need to brush their teeth really since tooth decay isn’t a thing that happens for them.
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horistognositis · 2 years
This is The Day of the Doctor. Barn scene. Thank you very much😄
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(Aesthetic translation process)
Also I have continued this scene for a bit.
War: Oh! Oh, aval, ila mesanya! Ila mezagyaf!
10: Oh, oh, oh, oola arcalol skalay kede! Ila mezagyaf!
11: Ha, ha, ha! Oora kodilatolon ita nuy spaney (took the word "span" as their unit of measurement).
War: Ila tishyachon kidta koola isma oola adafonod.
Moment: Tesh ala arcalol.
11: Eh? Exis inga meon?
War: Oh, Kal Rawook jilayth, oola lembom ala.
Moment: Aval, skalay meoz.
10: Esraquy, ala annamendol Kal Rawook inga?
Clara: Sva lecis oofrey edilomoz inga? Lecis saglyth meol?
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(Aesthetic translation process [2])
I wish someone voiced this one day :)
Tried to translate one DW episode to Teegarden Gallifreyan. Guess one?
1: Ala tishyasenkibrol isam oofrey kayhadriscewomoz rasux payon koofrey inga?
2: Oofrey kayhadriscewotor payon. Oola enkibrol kede kalser.
3: Rasitach.
2: Dvorasey, oora xyason totiz pazith kodilato stelay. Oola zlykodilatonol.
3: Zeviz-zeviz dalekey razmedliskaraskol, vytol.
2: Aval, iseyla meol.
1: Nyo skalay zeviz-zeviz dalekey timendol sdilayc.
2: Jen kre isey mendolov, isey banstelewsovom zijelser.
4: Lecis inga? Lecis inga isey timendol?
2: Tesh oorafrey meol vec.
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horistognositis · 2 years
Tried to translate one DW episode to Teegarden Gallifreyan. Guess one?
1: Ala tishyasenkibrol isam oofrey kayhadriscewomoz rasux payon koofrey inga?
2: Oofrey kayhadriscewotor payon. Oola enkibrol kede kalser.
3: Rasitach.
2: Dvorasey, oora xyason totiz pazith kodilato stelay. Oola zlykodilatonol.
3: Zeviz-zeviz dalekey razmedliskaraskol, vytol.
2: Aval, iseyla meol.
1: Nyo skalay zeviz-zeviz dalekey timendol sdilayc.
2: Jen kre isey mendolov, isey banstelewsovom zijelser.
4: Lecis inga? Lecis inga isey timendol?
2: Tesh oorafrey meol vec.
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horistognositis · 2 years
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see? see what i'd do for you?
ΘΣ murdered to protect Koschei, the Master
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horistognositis · 2 years
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it's otherstide and theta had one too many ginger beers, bless him // open for better res
thinking about what gallifreyans would wear in the wintertime outside of the citadel, and how koschei would probably wear more traditional clothes, and theta would probably wear scarves and hats and jackets
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