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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 days
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 49
If you recall from a previous part, it is a class 2 intervention for a Time Lord to set themselves up as a god, and the punishment for this is vaporization. (Audio: False Gods) On an unrelated note, the Doctor is referred to ans treated as a god by many races and species in many different stories.
The Fifth Doctor has given Turlough and likely his other companions long, extended lectures on cricket. (Audio: Phantasmagoria)
The Master was connected to everything and nothing while stuck inside the Eye of Harmony. (Audio: Planet of Dust)
Sarah Jane was aware of the Master before they met in the Death Zone. (Novel: Managra) This suggests that maybe she heard of him through journalism or through UNIT, or maybe, of course, the Doctor spoke about the Master often enough that she became somewhat familiar with who he is.
The Twelfth Doctor once performed surgery on Danny Pink when he had been caught in a blast on an alien world. It was very important to both of them that Clara never found out about it. (Audio: War Wounds)
Time Lords have an instinctive fear of the Ravenous, like how sheep tend to be afraid of wolves and how deer freeze in headlights. (Audio: Deeptime Frontier)
By one account, Sarah Jane thought of the Third Doctor as a father figure but the Fourth Doctor as a mad uncle. (Novel: Managra)
The Master keeps a well stocked liquor cabinet. (Novel: Deadly Reunion)
Under the influence of cyberparticles, K-9 would say "no" instead of "negative." (Audio: The Fate of Krelos)
The Fourth Doctor recalled beating Ernest Hemingway at tiddlywinks, and apparently, Hemingway never forgave him for it. (Audio: Death Match)
The First Doctor and Susan were being pursued by the Chancellery Guard when they stole the TARDIS and ran away from Gallifrey. (Audio: The Beginning)
The Fifth Doctor once used his cricket bat to deflect a sword blow, but his cricket bat was damaged by the impact. This saddened the Doctor. (Comic: The Tides of Time)
The Guardians of Time number six in total and is called the Six-Fold God. All the aspects of the universe are split amongst the six of them. Included in the Six-Fold God are the White Guardian of Light in Time, the Black Guardian of Darkness and Chaos, and the Crystal Guardian of Dream and Fantasy (also known as the Toymaker). (Novel: Divided Loyalties)
The Fifth Doctor and Turlough once showed up to stop an evil from committing murder, only to find multiple versions of the TARDIS nearby and that the previous victims, burnt beyond recognition, all had two hearts. The Doctor realized that he was caught in a paradox and that the previous victims were his future selves who had also shown up to stop the murders. (Audio: Repeat Offender)
According to some, the Doctor was the best agent the Celestial Intervention Agency ever had. (Audio: Intervention Earth)
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romanathree · 2 months
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melbush · 4 months
mrs flood & donna having an auntie iris
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lightfromandromeda · 6 months
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Keep your hands off that time machine!
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Looming vs. Natural Reproduction - what on Gallifrey's going on here?
As the first of the trending topics, GIL's noticed some confusion about the concept of looming vs. natural reproduction in Gallifreyans. Have no fear; GIL's here to help.
🧬 What is looming?
It's a bit like 3D printing, but for people. These Rassilon-created Genetic Loom Breeding-Engines weave new Gallifreyans from a mix of matter and biodata. Looms produce Gallifreyans of all genders, (though females are loomed slightly less frequently). Each House has its unique Loom, which embeds familial traits into its creations.
❓ Why is looming a thing?
The invention of Looms was Rassilon’s grand solution to a serious problem. Following the catastrophic Curse of Pythia, Gallifrey faced extinction. The Looms became lifelines, ensuring the continuity of Gallifreyan civilisation.
🔮 What is the Curse of Pythia?
The Pythias were a kind of magical matriarchal monarchy, with rulers known as Pythias ruling over ancient Gallifrey in succession. Pythia number 309 (out of 309) was elbowed out by Rassilon. She was, understandably, really hacked off. She condemned Gallifrey to wither and then threw herself into the Crevasse of Memories That Will Be, never to be seen again. This 'withering' is known as the 'Curse of Pythia'. It resulted in mass sterility of Gallifreyans - supposedly instantly killing babies in their mother's wombs, and preventing any Gallifreyan from reproducing naturally from that point forward.
🍷 So Gallifreyans used to reproduce naturally?
Yes. Before the sterility curse, Gallifreyans reproduced just like humans, with a little wine, a candlelit dinner and maybe an album by Barry White.
✨ So does this 'Curse' still exist?
No. The apparent lifting of Pythia's curse was marked by Leela's pregnancy (yes, THAT Leela), which hailed a return to natural reproduction among Gallifreyans. Others besides Leela have also been able to reproduce naturally.
🔄 So what method do they use?
This blend of technological and biological means of reproduction leaves Gallifreyans in a unique position. They could use both methods depending on social, political, or personal factors.
🧐It can't all be that simple, GIL ...
Wow, you've been here before, haven't you?
There are accounts that the supposed 'Curse of Pythia' didn't actually come from Pythia.
Self-inflicted: Some say it was a side-effect of a massive time tech experiment that went awry.
It never existed: Others suggest there never was a curse. Rassilon, seeking absolute control, concocted a narrative to enforce a sterile, controllable society, eradicating the unpredictability of natural birth and driving forward eugenics in his perfect society.
🏫 So ...
Thus, the plot thickens. Were Gallifreyans always capable of natural reproduction but held back by societal constructs and fear? Did Leela's pregnancy unveil a truth long buried or simply reawaken a dormant biological ability? That's up to you.
But of course, GIL denies this version of events, cos how else would we get the funding for all the biscuits in the canteen from the High Council? Praise Rassilon!
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not-from-mars · 6 months
finally listened to scherzo and alas as a 2023 chronic tumblr user the most coherent commentary my brain can seem to produce is “this too is yuri”
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meluisart · 17 days
Being totally freaking obvious, please doodle either Liv Chenka or Helen Sinclair.
Comfort zone moment :P
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funkyphonophorae · 4 days
thinking about academy era thoschei is very bad for my health. unfortunately the past 4 hours of my brain activity has consisted of exclusively thinking about them
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the expanded media whovians keep trying to get me to start listening to big finish and I'm so sorry guys you're amazing and all but to me it always reads like
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thank you guys I appreciate your effort but I'll fall down that hole when I get to it, I'm currently busy obsessing over some other stuff at the moment
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causalityparadoxes · 1 year
For the record i support all of Beeps wrongs. He was super justified and cute while doing it. This is a Beep Fangirl blog now <33
(I would say i support his rights too but i dont think he has ever had a good thought in his furry little head)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 2 hours
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 50: 50 Facts for 50 Parts
How the hell did I get to part 50?!?!?! This is insanity.
The Eleventh Doctor once got hit with an electromagnetic pulse that left him needing to rebuild his mind, during which time he lived as Mr. Foreman. Valarie would sell her cybernetic enhancements to Mr. Foreman in exchange for money and the chance to check on the TARDIS, often telling him stories about the Doctor as she did so. Mr. Foreman used so many of her enhancements that she lost herself. (Audio: Curiosity Shop)
The Fifth Doctor has been tied up in strappado before. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
The Ninth Doctor has lost or forgotten the ability to play the spoons. (Audio: Station to Station)
Aspirin is fatal to Time Lords. (Novel: The Left-Handed Hummingbird; Burning Heart; Audio: The Condemned)
The Brigadier lost his virginity as a Second Lieutenant when he was 21 years old. (Novel: Deadly Reunion)
The Thirteenth Doctor has introduced herself as "Sarah Jane Smith" before. (Short story: Mission of the KaaDok)
The Third Doctor was able to sense that he was near the end of his life before being irradiated. (Audio: The Children of the Future)
Mozart got cloned in the future many times because they were inspired by his creativity. This made one clone travel to the past to make Mozart immortal with the intention of draining him of that creativity, which would make sure those clones were never made. The Sixth Doctor traveled to Mozart's deathbed to convince him not to trust the clone, and Mozart eventually dies very confused by what was going on. (Audio: My Own Private Wolfgang)
Ace once tried to use the Seventh Doctor's "look me in the eye, pull the trigger" manipulation tactics, but because she's not a hypnotist or psychic like him, she ends up shot anyway. (Audio: The Fearmonger)
Hannah Bartholomew stowed away on the TARDIS, looking for an adventure. She ended up being instrumental in saving the day on the God-King's Tomb Ship and joined Nyssa and the Fifth Doctor more officially. (Audio: Tomb Ship)
Iris Wildthyme has her own version of the Valeyard called Bianca. She rebuilt her TARDIS as a nightclub and tried to steal Iris's regenerations. (Audio: The Wormery)
The Thirteenth Doctor and the Master, locked together in a psychic link, once talked about their issues. They talked about their pasts, but the Master refused to tell her about the "mystery" he was keeping from her. (Short story: The Doctor vs the Master)
After being irradiated, the Third Doctor wandered the time vortex for an entire decade, his body breaking down the entire time. It got to a point where he could not reach the console and was left drifting until the TARDIS finally landed herself. (Novel/Audio: Love and War)
The Thirteenth Doctor once tried to celebrate Yaz's birthday with a tea party in Boston, 1773. (Comic: The Forest Bride)
The Eighth Doctor was separated into his three different sides once. One side was sensible. The other was quite bouncy and excitable, and it was a wonder he didn't get killed while being distracted by something. The third side was incredibly nasty and could be quite violent without the other two sides there to balance him out. (Audio: Caerdroia)
The Fifth Doctor is so good with a bow and arrow that he could shoot an arrow with a piece of parchment attached to it through a window in a tower and snuff out the flame of the candle he was aiming at. (Audio: Son of the Dragon)
The Ninth Doctor once invited a woman named Adriana to travel with him in the TARDIS, only for her to almost immediately die. (Audio: The Bleeding Heart)
When taking into account the battered appearance of his TARDIS console, the Second Doctor realized that the Time Lords had been sending him on missions for a long time, using him as a pawn. Unfortunately, every time he realized this, they erased his memory. (Short story: Save Yourself)
The Twelfth Doctor recalled pulling the Sword from the Stone, becoming King of England for a day, and then abdicating to King Arthur. (Novel: Silhouette)
The Eleventh Doctor used the alias Jean Valjean to infiltrate Alcatraz. (Comic: Escape into Alcatrax)
The Toymaker once turned the Eighth Doctor into a ventriloquist's doll, and he was unable to move or speak unless Charley was holding him. When he did speak, he would shout and protest desperately against the situation. (Audio: Solitaire)
About six hours after the events of The Tomb of the Cybermen, Captain Hopper and his crew ran into the Fifth Doctor, Tegan, and Nyssa, and Hopper was killed by two cyber-converted crewmembers. (Audio: Secrets of Telos)
The Third Doctor became a British citizen at some point. (Audio: The Doll of Death)
After leaving the Eighth Doctor, Zagreus became Perfection, who was a huge flirt towards the Doctor. (Audio: The Next Life)
William Shakespeare once spiked the Fifth Doctor's drink with ginger, leading to the predictable drunken effects. (Audio: The Kingmaker)
The Thirteenth Doctor also really likes ginger nuts, garibaldis, and fig rolls and gets them from the biscuit dispenser in her TARDIS. (Comic: The Forest Bride)
The Sixth Doctor considers Braxiatel condescending and doesn't really like him, but he still trusts him. (Audio: The 100 Days of the Doctor)
When the Fifth Doctor was stabbed in the chest, he was able to survive due to his characteristic heart anatomy, but he was still out for the count for a while. (Audio: Son of the Dragon)
The Sixth Doctor had been known to play with swivel chairs, even going "wheeeee!" while gliding around in them. (Audio: The Sandman)
The Ninth Doctor used his sonic screwdriver to seal the Compassionate away in the rift. He also rigged the sonic to explode. However, this sonic screwdriver was the model commonly used by the War Doctor, not the one from the first series of nuwho. (Audio: The Bleeding Heart)
The Twelfth Doctor thought he might regenerate when he was infected with the Venusian flu, but he also worried that the flu would take such a toll on him that he wouldn't be able to regenerate. (Audio: The Lost Flame)
Kwundaar looks so terrifying that the Doctor screamed after merely looking at him. (Audio: Primeval)
Erimem - a companion of the Fifth Doctor - brought her cat Antranak on board the TARDIS, whom the Doctor despised. There were several reasons for this, including that the Doctor was occasionally unable to set the controls because Antranak was lying on top of them. (Audio: The Church and the Crown)
C'rizz's father almost drowned him once as punishment for deviating from the Church of the Foundation. (Audio: The Next Life)
The Twelfth Doctor's sonic sunglasses have a Telepathic Emergency Beacon, which allows him to take control of another person's body. (Short story: My Dad, The Doctor)
There was a murderer in a place called the Needle, which should be impossible since everyone there has a chip inside of them stopping them from being violent. This killer traveled from person to person, something referred to as "redlining." The Seventh Doctor immediately redlined after being chipped. This whole situation began because a time traveller came to the needle, and the time travel mechanism was organic and a part of her, which made the computer go mad. The Doctor was drawn there and was sensitive to redlining due to his time sensitive nature and his biology. (Audio: Red)
Simon and Joanne, two characters in Lant Land, thought that Tegan and Turlough's names were unbelievable and proposed they change them to Yvonne and Derek. (Audio: Lant Land)
The Eleventh Doctor once gave the name Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart as a pseudonym. (Novel: Shroud of Sorrow)
Gemma, one of the Eighth Doctor’s companions, has called him Dad before, but the Doctor preferred to be called a cool uncle. (Audio: Terror Firma)
Turlough hates the cold and will complain if put in it. (Audio: Singularity)
The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn once thought they had accidentally cockblocked Julius Caesar's parents on the night of his conception. This meant that instead a baby girl named Julia was born, which Evelyn thought would be a brilliant chance to revolutionize the world. She kept trying to stop the Doctor from convincing Julius Caesar Sr. and Aurelia from hooking up at the proper time. Eventually, the two realize that 101 BC is before 100 BC and that they were doing this for no reason at all. (Audio: 100 BC)
The Spriggan was an alternate universe version of the Doctor, who terrorized a planet and used their youth to power his TARDIS. He even created an new Leela, but she fought him to protect the Tenth Doctor and threw him into the vortex. (Audio: Splinters)
The Galyari are a species of 8-foot tall reptiles that had extraordinary eyesight. Because of their exceptional vision, they found the Sixth Doctor to be literally painful to look at because of his coat. They were afraid of him and called him "the Sandman." (Audio: The Sandman)
The Twelfth Doctor referred to the Seventh as the mysterious and manipulative type, the sort of rebellious phase someone goes through when they turn 1000 years old. (Novel: Legends of Camelot)
Joshua Douglas was a companion of the Third Doctor but stopped traveling with him after a disagreement. He was later killed while with the Fourth Doctor and Leela. (Audio: The Catalyst)
Mandy Litherland was incredibly fond of and sweet on the Ninth Doctor. After traveling to the past, she kissed the Doctor. The Doctor almost invited her to travel with him but didn't because he knew she probably wouldn't accept. (Audio: Auld Lang Syne)
Sometimes, when the Sixth Doctor is distressed and going off the deep end of his emotions, he has been known to break down in Evelyn's presence and cuddle with her. (Audio: Arrangements for War)
The Veil left the Twelfth Doctor a spade made of duralinum and a dwarf star alloy, which would have been strong enough to break the azbantium wall. The Doctor was wary of it, assuming it was a trap, and he used his fists on the wall instead. (Short story: The Veil)
Missy once saved the life of a young girl whose sister had asked her for help. She had stopped to rescue the child stuck high up while being chased by an assassin, without further witness, and without reward. The Doctor does not know of this. (Audio: The Chaos Cascade)
A young version of the Fifth Doctor post-Four to Doomsday once got displaced in time. Experiencing time slippage, he swapped places with his future selves and learned that Adric had died far too early. Eventually, he ended up in the body of an Auton duplicate the Master had made of the Doctor. He eventually faded away and died as the time slippage unraveled his past and his memories to an extent where he was running on his most basic desire: to save Adric. He had been convinced that if he was put back in his own time he could save him, and for that reason, the older Fifth Doctor refused to return him. (Audio: The Auton Infinity)
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romanathree · 7 months
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i made a drawing for the chimes of midnight :)
[ID: a digital drawing of Charley Pollard from the Eighth Doctor, Doctor Who audios. Charley has medium length blonde hair, pale skin, wearing a grey dress, white socks and black buckled shoes, and is sitting in an old fashioned pose with her hands tucked into her lap, looking off to the side. Behind her is a large circle with three different manual clock faces showing different times, with a plum pudding off to the side and the outside of the main circle decorated with festive holly berries. End ID]
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marylairre · 2 months
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Meme courtesy of a friend of mine. This is what I get for hyping about an audio announcement on valentines day.
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lightfromandromeda · 7 months
have you read the Eighth Doctor Adventures books. will you read the Eighth Doctor Adventures books. when will you read the Eighth Doctor Adventures books
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This week we've been looking at Houses on Gallifrey. You may have already tried to guess which Chapter your House is in, but which one actually ARE you?
Take this absolutely 100% scientific Quiz of Rassilon to find out.
Which one was your outcome? Was it the same as your guess?
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