hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
55 Words to Describe Someone's Voice
I was sitting on the computer last night trying to be productive and actually write something. My first sentence included the character listening to a voice through an intercom and my first thought was, “What kind of voice is it?" 
So, naturally, I found myself googling the different ways to describe a voice. I present to you my findings! I hope you all find it useful. 
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
The first three paragraphs are like 'LOL WTF?' only because this started out as a tease via ask. I'd put the person's reactions to these asks, but I'm too lazy to go and look for them ;P
Janemba smiles darkly at the fusion and pushes him against the wall. He chuckles at Gogeta's confused look and purrs, "It's my turn to explore these emotions." and uses his tail to restrain the fusion's hands over his head. Janemba gently kisses him on the neck and slowly explores his jawline with his lips. One hand stays on a shoulder while the other slowly trails down his collar bone......
Smiling at the fusion's reaction, Janemba makes his way back to Gogeta's neck and gently nibbles and nicks the skin, drawing small droplets of blood. He licks the sweet liquid, sucks hard on the wound and slowly makes his way to Gogeta's shoulder, leaving bloody hickies as he works. Both hands had made their way to the fusion's chest. Janemba grabs his pecs and squeezes them, not too roughly but not gently either. He playfully rubs Gogeta's nipples with his thumbs, enjoying the shivers and the moans that came from the Saiyan's lips.
Janemba kisses the fusion's shoulder before sinking his fangs into the soft flesh. Blood snakes down Gogeta's shoulder as the fusion cries out in surprise and pain. Janemba presses himself against the bound male to stop him from struggling. Letting go of his shoulder, Janemba laps up the sweet liquid before he gets down on his knees. Licking his lips, he brings his hands down to the fusion's waist. Janemba licks and kisses Gogeta's abs, leaving a bloody trail as he slowly makes his way down to the fusion's bellybutton. Smiling mischievously, he plays with Gogeta's belt with a hand and purrs, "I'll stop if you want me to. If not, then you'll have to beg me for it, Gogeta...."
He laughs at the fusion's impatience and starts to undo his belt, "You need to learn how to beg properly, Saiyan. I'll be nice this time but next time I won't be so generous." Janemba pulls down his white slacks and sees the fusion's hard member bulge out from underneath his underwear. Smirking, he grabs the top of Gogeta's underwear with his teeth and pulls on it, making a small tear. He grabs either side with his hands and rips the fabric in half, exposing the Saiyan's genitals which was leaking and throbbing painfully with desire. Letting out a low growl, the devil grabs the member by the root and opens his mouth. He stops when he hears the other warn him that, if he bit anything off, he would pay dearly. Janemba laughs and brings the head of Gogeta's desire to his lips, "We wouldn't want that, now would we? I won't bite anything off but I'll see how many noises I can have you make." Putting his other hand on the fusion's lower abdomen to prevent him from thrusting, the devil opens his mouth once more and licks Gogeta's member from root to head.
Hearing the fusion moan and groan as he worked made the devil blush. He could tell that Gogeta was trying to stop the noises from escaping his lips. Smirking, Janemba decides to kick it up a notch. Opening his mouth wide, he slides Gogeta's member deep into his warm mouth and down his throat until he takes it all in. The fusion couldn't stop a deep moan from escaping his lips and the devil feels the blond's body shiver with this new sensation. Sensing that the Saiyan wouldn't resist, Janemba starts to slowly bob his head up and down in a twisting motion, making sure that the roof of his mouth and his tongue brushed against all of Gogeta's desire. As he explores the fusion's member with his mouth, he finds several sweet spots that made the Saiyan shiver and moan deeply with pleasure. Concentrating on those sweet spots, Janemba maneuvers himself so that his tongue and the roof of his mouth would hit those spots while he worked. The fusion practically howled with pleasure and Janemba had to press his free arm against the others' lower abdomen to stop him from bucking so hard. Gogeta panted, twitched and begged the devil for more.
With lust in his eyes, Janemba gently rakes his fangs over the sensitive skin to increase Gogeta's pleasure. He feels the blonds abdomen tighten and spaz against his arm; he was close to climax. Too bad Janemba wasn't done with him yet. The devil continues to torment the fusion's arousal, refusing to let him release. He bites back laughter as he hears the male moan, groan, and whimper; the pressure in his lower abdomen was getting too much for the Saiyan to handle. Finally, when Gogeta couldn't take it anymore, he begs Janemba to let him climax. Smirking, Janemba complies and growls deeply, making his throat, teeth and tongue vibrate against the Saiyan's hard member. Gogeta screams at the overwhelming sensation that finally sends him over the edge. The blond lets out a deep moan as he released his seeds into Janemba's hot mouth. The devil sucks greedily, determined to swallow every last drop. Exhausted and covered in sweat, the fusion sinks to his knees, panting heavily and trembling with aftershocks. Still holding Gogeta's hands over his head, Janemba lets go of his member and tilts the male's head up. "Don't pass out on me yet, Saiyan, I'm not done with you!"
Still on his knees, Janemba takes off the blue fabric around Gogeta's calves, takes off his shoes and pulls his white slacks off. He could tell that the fusion was too exhausted and absorbed in his orgasm to notice anything. Grinning, he lets go of his wrists and carefully rolls the exhausted blond onto his belly. He grabs him by the waist and lifts him up, feeling the other stir as he does. The devil brings his face close to Gogeta's entrance and licks the opening, making the blond gasp in surprise. Before the fusion has time to protest, Janemba forcefully shoves his tongue into his warmth. The male cries out in surprise and pain, his tight warmth contracting against the invading muscle. Janemba moves his tongue in and out, focusing on rubbing it against the bundle of nerves. The fusion moans and grits his teeth at the new sensation, tears run down his cheeks as he feels a mixture of agony and bliss. The red devil attacks his prostate mercilessly and feels the fusion thrust in rhythm with his tongue. Growling softly with excitement, the devil shoves his tongue in deeper and faster. Cheeks turning a deep shade of red, Gogeta shivers and moans through his teeth when he feels the other go in deeper; his member quickly gets hard and starts leaking.
Enjoying the little noises the fusion made, he continues to shove his tongue deeper into his warmth. His own member hard and throbbing with desire, he wraps his tail around Gogeta's stomach and uses it to hold him up. Without breaking stride, he moves a hand to his member and makes a thick gel appear out of thin air and cover his hardness, effectively lubing it up. Smirking, he pulls out his tongue only to hear a whine of protest from the blond beneath him. Laughing softly, he grabs the fusion's waist again, brings the head of his desire to the Saiyan's entrance and slowly starts to force himself in. Feeling Gogeta brace himself made his heart race with excitement and he continues to slowly force himself deep into Gogeta's warmth, the lube allows him to slide his hardness in easier. He growls with pleasure as the fusion's tight warmth contracts and relaxes around his desire with every move he makes. Gogeta moans and shivers with Janemba's every move, the intense pain and pleasure was almost too much for him to handle. Once the blond takes him all in, the devil starts to slowly thrust in and out, making sure to rub his hardness over the bundle of nerves. Gogeta's eyes roll back and he moans deeply, enjoying every moment. Janemba slowly increases his thrusts, allowing the Saiyan to get used to the sensation and preventing himself from hurting the fusion by being too rough.
Hearing the fusion moan with pleasure and feeling Gogeta thrust against him nearly sent the devil over the edge. Clenching his jaw shut, he starts thrusting faster and faster, causing the man beneath him to cry out in pain and pleasure. Tears rolling down his cheeks, the fusion begs Janemba not to stop and to go faster. Grunting in response, the devil complies and thrusts harder, making his desire rub roughly against the bundle of nerves. Faster and faster he goes, feeling the pressure in his lower abdomen increase from it all. He feels Gogeta tense up and lets out a deep moan as a particularly hard thrust sends him over the edge. Feeling the fusion's warmth contract violently against his desire as he climaxed sent the devil over the edge. He lets out a deep roar as his orgasm rips through him and digs his claws into the male's soft skin. Trembling with aftershocks, Janemba somehow manages to take himself out of the fusion and gently lay the exhausted male on his side. Gently rolling the Saiyan onto his back, Janemba lays down on top of him and tries to catch his breath.
After a long moment, Janemba finally catches his breath and purrs softly, happy that the fusion was now his. Well, according to demon standards, he was. If Gogeta didn't want him, then he'd respect his wishes and hope that he can haul ass outta here before the blond brutally kicked his ass. His eyes snapped open when he feels the other move beneath him and he picks his head up warily. Even though the fusion was weak, he was still a hell of a lot more powerful than him. He sees the fusion look at him, his expression exhausted but somehow still unreadable. Slowly, Gogeta lifts an arm and reaches out to touch the demon. To Janemba's surprise, his touch was gentle. A small smile slowly creeps on the Saiyan's face and he sighs contently. The devil stays quiet as the fusion speaks, telling him that he enjoyed what they did and that he wouldn't mind doing it again. Janemba's eyes widened in surprise when Gogeta pulls him down onto his chest. He feels the fusion run his hands on his scaly skin and purrs, enjoying how good it felt.
Another long moment passes before the fusion finally speaks again, asking Janemba what happens now. Were they lovers, was this only a one time thing, what? Janemba smiles and wraps his arms around the fusion, "Lovers. I marked you on your shoulder which, according to demon standards, makes you my mate." The demon blinks in confusion when he feels Gogeta's hand move away. He looks up and sees the male blushing, "What's wrong? You don't want this?" The fusion's blush deepens and he mumbles that he's never been in a relationship before. Janemba laughs and runs his hands through the blond's hair, "Neither have I. We can try this out and make mistakes together." Gogeta blinks slowly, saying how ironic that they were enemies and now they're lovers. The devil smirks, moves closer to the male and kisses him, "I dunno about you, but I like how things turned out." Gogeta smiles, wraps his arms lovingly around Janemba's neck and nods. Smirking, Janemba uses his powers to clean and clothe his new mate without moving from that spot. Leaning down, he kisses his fusion and silently vows to love and protect him with his life.
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
[Janemba's main mate is stardust-breaker-saiyan's Gogeta, but he can have many AU mates. Here's the list of his mates so far:
Main Mate: Gogeta 
When Janemba first met Gogeta, he fully intended on killing him so he could continue to turn the entire universe into his Jellybean Wonderland. After the fusion nearly killed him with his 'super sparkles' attack, aka Stardust Breaker, he somehow managed to survive, but all the evil inside him was destroyed by that attack. Now that he's fully regenerated, he had calmed down a lot and developed strange feelings for the other. It took a few magic anons strange turn of events to understand his feelings and, learning that Gogeta felt the same, he will do everything in his power to love and protect his boyfriend, even if that means standing up to his overprotective SSJ4 side.
AU Mate 1: Princess (Vegeta)
Just like Gogeta, Janemba intended on killing Vegeta when he first met him, and he nearly did if Goku hadn't saved him. Now that all his blood lust was taken away, he's found himself interested in Vegeta in more ways than one. He playfully called the Saiyan 'Princess' just for shits and giggles. Seeing how pissed it made him, Janemba decided to keep on calling him Princess and the nickname stuck. Ever since then, Vegeta's started to trust the devil and the two had been getting more intimate, but Janemba hasn't marked the Prince of Saiyans. Yet. Vegeta gave Janemba a new nickname: Pepper. The devil likes that nickname, much to his own surprise.
AU Mate 2: Tank Girl
Tank is the feistiest female Janemba's ever met! He was taken aback at how 'honored' she was when she first met him and she constantly confuses him with her words, but he still likes her nonetheless. How she convinced him to go to Vegas is beyond him, perhaps he was comfortable enough with the girl? But, all the lights, sounds and enormous crowds of humans freaked him out and he nearly destroyed the place so he could get the hell out of there. After she got him to calm down by drinking a crap load of beers, they somehow ended up in a hotel and he marked her, making her his new mate. At first, things didn't look like it'd work out but, after calming down, the two hit it off pretty well. The playfully bicker with each other, but Janemba secretly admires her boldness even though he could easily kill her with a flick of his tail.
AU Mate 3: Negakuura
This strange looking icejin confused the hell out of Janemba when he first met him. But, when he gave him a large bag of candy, he immediately started to like Kuura. When he learned that he was a walking piece of candy, his interest spiked. Once he got Negakuura to let him have a taste, he couldn't get enough of it and almost made the icejin bleed out of a wound he made on his shoulder. Ever since then, he's claimed the other as his own and will cover him with bite marks so he can taste that sweet liquid of his. He truly does care for the icejin and will ferociously protect him. No one can touch his candy man without his permission or they'll have an angry devil breaking his foot on their ass.
These two don't see eye to eye and the furry fusion tried to kill him when they first met, but they secretly love each oth---
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[A guy can dream, can't he?]
[UNF! The sexual tension in the air!!!]
bluehairedxbeauty: Bulma was one of the very first people Janemba met on earth. He immediately liked her and is kind towards her. He is curious to learn all that he can from her....So far, anyway. That is, until he sees her boobs.
soulpunishersaiyan: Finding out that his greatest enemy somehow gender bent himself was a huge shock. That, and her big boobs rendered him speechless. So far, he knows that she doesn't want to hurt him and wants to be his friend, ie: she doesn't hate his guts. He's shy and timid around her, but she's slowly breaking down his shell. He just might have a thing for her.
theprincessoftheharpy: When she's in her Harpy form, he's quite comfortable around her. He's never seen a feathered person before and is quite curious about her background, especially the many places she's been to. When she's in her human form, he's extremely shy and timid around her. He can't speak and will blush like an idiot if he so much as gets a peek at her breasts. He just might have a thing for her. Rp Link :D
Supersaiyangoldilocks : Janemba loves toying with his old enemy and won't hold back! He secretly liked kissing him and enjoys the fact that he can force the Saiyan into submission so he can have his way with him.
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
[Janemba’s afraid of women with large breasts and will, literally, do whatever he can to avert his eyes and get as far away from them as he can. He fears them because he doesn't understand why women have breasts and it freaks him out how they move and how large they can get. If the female covers herself up, she has a chance of coaxing him out of his shell.]
[Janemba loves kids. He would never harm a hair on their little heads, but he’ll beat the living shit out of anyone that so much as looks at them the wrong way.]
[Since Janemba spent many years in the Blood Lake trying to regenerate himself, he has the ability to turn liquid into ice or boiling hot water with ease. He can even turn the water in the air into ice. The ice he creates can move with the body, meaning that if he freezes some water onto someone's arm, the ice will bend and move with the arm and not break. It can only dissolve in water or be removed by Janemba. When he boils water, it can get hotter than lava or a comfortable warm temperate which is great in chilly weather.]
[Even though Gogeta’s Stardust Breaker attack rid the devil of his evil energy, he’s still a devil. Every once in a while, his rage will get out of control and he’ll start messing shit up. With his sword, mind you. He doesn’t want Gogeta to kill him again with his ‘Super Sparkles Attack’. The best thing to do is either get out of his way or fight him until his rage stops. He’ll apologize like an idiot afterwards.]
[Janemba’s really sensitive on his neck, ears and thighs. Rubbing, pinching, biting or just lightly stroking these areas will make him blush and send shivers down his spine. He really doesn’t like to be touched in those areas for obvious reasons, but he won’t kill anyone if it’s an accident or if he knows the person. If someone he’s making out with attacks these areas, then it’ll turn him on and he’ll get more physical. However, if it’s a stranger that does it or he doesn’t like them in the first place, then he’ll kick their ass.]
[He is afraid of rainbow colored shiny things that resemble Gogeta's Stardust Breaker attack. Hold a round, shiny object over your head like Gogeta does and he’ll start trembling and haul ass for cover. Chili Pepper will refuse to move from that spot until the sparkly object is gone. If said person looks like Gogeta, he'll be too scared to move and will beg for mercy.]
[When Janemba flirts, he tends to be aggressive and comes off as arrogant. The devil loves to bite his victims potential mates on the neck and suck on their wounds before he finally kisses them. Attacking his sensitive areas will turn him on and he’ll get a little rougher. However he wont act like that to certain people (Gogeta, Gogina and Meru) and will easily deflate and be shy around them.]
[Ever since Gogeta’s Stardust Breaker attack entered his body and destroyed most of his dark energy, Janemba’s calmed down a lot. He doesn’t like to attack everything that moves, instead, he tries to strike a conversation with strangers. He’ll even share his food or allow them to spend the night at his realm if they’re too tired to go back home. Hell, he’ll even show hospitality to someone that attacked him!
However, don’t mistake his kindness for weakness. He will let people get away with a lot of things *COUGHthingswithboobsandkidsCOUGH* but the second someone pisses him off, he will not hesitate to beat the living shit out of them. If they are in his home turf, they have little chance of leaving without a scratch. If it’s on earth or any other planet, he’ll still be a force to be reckoned with because he will manipulate himself and the planet to his advantage. The second he finds a weakness, he will use it against the person and attack viciously. If someone pushes enough of his buttons, he will revert back to his old psychotic self and try to kill and eat the unfortunate bastard. So far, no one has pushed him to this breaking point.]
[Aside from Janemba's normal attacks and abilities, he's learned a few evasive and defensive maneuvers from all those years regenerating in the blood lake:
Freezing/Heating liquid: Janemba can both heat and freeze any kind of liquid, especially water in the air. When he heats liquid, he can make it turn into a thick, impenetrable mist or vapor that can easily dehydrate his opponents if they aren't careful. This special move doesn't require him to physically touch his opponent, but he does need to hold his hand over his attacker to stop the attack. Another way to stop the attack would be to jump in a body of water, that is if Janemba is unconscious or allows it.
Turning into liquid/mist: He can turn his body into either liquid or mist but, if he's in his realm, it takes 1/3 of his power to do so. If he's outside of his realm, it takes half of his power to do this. Turning back into his solid form will make him weak for a few seconds, leaving him vulnerable to attack. He only uses this when he has no choice.
Touch of Candy: He can turn any inanimate object he touches outside of his realm into millions of jellybeans or other types of candies. Aside from making the candies grow or shrink in size, he can make them change shape and turn into something else such as a hammer, chains, rope, daggers, etc. Once he leaves the area, the objects will turn back into their original form.
Hell Flames: Janemba can summon flames from hell both inside and outside his realm. He can turn it into a flash fire or condense it into balls of flame which he throws at his enemies, leaving a nasty burn. The heat is intense that only he can withstand it without getting hurt. He can also heal his wounds in those flames.
Portal storm: This is one of his main defensive, evasive and somewhat offensive attacks. HOWEVER, this is strictly limited to his realm. Meaning, he can't do this outside his Jellybean arena. When he's preparing for an attack, he can summon millions of portals to appear at random places throughout his realm by meditating. These portals can be used to escape attacks and to throw attacks back at opponents. He can even make millions of candies burst through any portal and have it hit the attacker from any angle. Opponents can go through these portals, but Janemba can decide which portal the other will come out of. For instance, an opponent can follow Janemba through a portal and come out clear across the other side. THERE IS A CATCH: The more wounded he is, the less portals there will be. Even if he's on the ground with his enemy standing over him, there will be at least 2 portals there to help him. Once he's defeated or knocked out, the portals will disappear.
Non-attack moves:
Memory Link: Janemba has the ability to share his memories with others by holding their hands and touching foreheads. His own forehead will glow a soft purple color and will make the other person’s forehead glow the same color as well. The two of them need to close their eyes and relax in order for this to work. The individual he’s sharing his memories with will feel, see, hear and taste everything Janemba did at that point in time. When the memory is done, both will snap out of the trance. He can do this as many times as he wants.
[Janemba has a pet bunny named Carrot that his soon to be boyfriend, Gogeta, gave him. She’s a floppy eared bunny with light brown spots and she can fit in the palms of his hands. Chili Pepper loves her to pieces and lets her roam around freely in his Jellybean Arena; she even sleeps with him in his bed. If anyone so much as look at his bunny wrong, he’ll shove his sword down your throat!]
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
Ways to Initiate an RP with me:
Come to my ask.
Get all loud and shit so I pay attention.
Tell me you want to RP and maybe we can plot.
Type up a starter.
Post it.
Tag me in it
It’s that simple.
Why are you still just creeping on me from a distance?
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
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42K notes · View notes
hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
To All the people that decide to RP with me:
Thank you because I love writing and exploring my character most of which would be impossible without you. 
Things to remember:
1. I am SLOW
3. I’m not ignoring you at all I’m just slow. 
4. The first three are true as I see them.
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hornedpsycho2-blog · 11 years
[OTP Rp and other Rp links :D]
-_+~Ultra Mega Cheat Link! :D~+_-
Fav part  1!
Fav Part 2!
Fav Part 3!
-_+~SuperSaiyanGoldiLocks Rp Link! :D~+_-
  -_+~ FieryHotshotFusion Rp Link! :D ~+_-
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