hosaeng · 15 days
In life-threatening emergency situations, the shift in consciousness from time to presence sometimes happens naturally.
The personality that has a past and a future momentarily recedes and is replaced by an intense conscious presence, very still but very alert at the same time. Whatever response is needed then arises out of that state of consciousness.
The reason why some people love to engage in dangerous activities, such as mountain climbing, car racing, and so on, although they may not be aware of it, is that it forces them into the Now — that intensely alive state that is free of time, free of problems, free of thinking, free of the burden of the personality.
Unfortunately, they come to depend on a particular activity to be in that state. But you don’t need to climb the north face of the Eiger. You can enter that state now.
Eckhart Tolle
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hosaeng · 27 days
Are you really listening? Overcome the ego if you want to truly connect.
When we are identified with our ego, the primary way we know how to relate with other people is by talking about ourselves.
You’ve likely experienced this for yourself.
You’re having a conversation with someone and you share something personal—maybe something you’re excited or upset about or maybe something vulnerable. And the person with whom you are interacting immediately responds by talking about their own similar experiences.
They don’t say anything to acknowledge or engage with what you said. They just start talking about themselves, going off from something you’ve shared.
Sometimes this is an innocent attempt at relating with you and sometimes it’s a conscious or unconscious attempt to state how it’s harder or better for them.
Regardless, they shift the focus to themselves.
This isn’t because they are a bad person. It’s because their vision is narrowed by how strongly their sense of existence is confined to a self-image. The ego.
The ego is entirely self-referential, which means to say that the ego only understands things as it relates to itself.
When, through meditation, maturation, or other spiritual practices, we begin to awaken from the ego, we also find it easier to relate with others in a non-self-referencing way.
What does relating with others look like when it is not self-referential?
It looks like taking an interest in them.
Instead of directing attention back to yourself and your own experiences, you embrace the other person with your attention. This is generosity.
If they share their struggles with you, you don’t try to solve their problems for them unasked. You listen and help them to feel heard and supported.
If they share their joys with you, you invite them to relive and relate all the sparkling details. You allow them to spread their happiness.
When you offer your presence to accompany the other person in the conversation, you may be surprised how nourishing the encounter can become.
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hosaeng · 1 month
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ref photo by @jawsstone
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hosaeng · 1 month
Obstacles come, good and bad situations alike arrive. Cling to anything and the river of life will batter you senseless. Whatever comes, you must always be prepared to let go.
Do not fear the obstacles in your way, because that river will keep sweeping you forward. There is a way past every obstacle, even if that way may not necessarily be to your liking. 
Sometimes you do have to let go but at other times it is important to hold on. Knowing the difference between those moments is true wisdom. 
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hosaeng · 2 months
Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain. Whatever the substance you are addicted to — alcohol, food, legal or illegal drugs, or a person — you are using something or somebody to cover up your pain.
This is one reason why most people are always trying to escape from the present moment and are seeking some kind of salvation in the future. The first thing that they might encounter if they focused their attention on the Now is their own pain, and this is what they fear.
If they only knew how easy it is to access in the Now the power of presence that dissolves the past and its pain, the reality that dissolves the illusion. If they only knew how close they are to their own reality, how close to God.
Eckhart Tolle
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hosaeng · 4 months
“If you pray, pray for the peace of all. Then by extension you are automatically included.”
— Sri ShivaRudraBalayogi Maharaj
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hosaeng · 4 months
Is soul is God?
This depends on how you define those words and which philosophical paradigm you prefer.
I like Sri Ramana Maharshi's way of clarifying questions like this.
While we can talk about the soul or God, many if not most people have not had direct experiences of such things. Rather, they are more likely to have thoughts, imaginations, beliefs, and opinions about the soul or God.
So instead, turn your attention on the feeling that you have that you exist, the sense of "I." While we may doubt the concepts of God and the soul, on some level we all know that we exist; we feel a sense of there being an "I" or "me."
If you trace the "I" inwardly towards its source, either by self-inquiry or other spiritual practices, any questions regarding the soul and God will also be clarified.
That's the more pragmatic way of going about this question, as the only answer that will ultimately prove helpful to you is the one that you can verify for yourself.
The more philosophical response is that God is the only thing that exists, God is the only thing that is actually alive. The feeling of aliveness experienced in every living thing is just the reflected light of God's aliveness, similar to how the moon appears to shine with light but actually is just reflecting the light of the sun.
You can substitute the word "God" with awareness or divinity and the meaning remains the same.
I hope this helps!
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hosaeng · 5 months
This is the primordial illusion:
People think that the world is ancient.
Actually, it rises with your consciousness.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
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hosaeng · 5 months
Forgiveness is about making peace with reality. It means you let go of your inner resistance regarding present circumstances and what led to them. As a result, you are free to fully focus on how to move forward productively. Forgiveness does not mean that you approve of what you are forgiving. It is not the same as condoning. When you forgive yourself, it means you are being gentle and honest. When you forgive others, it means you are being compassionate and sane.
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hosaeng · 5 months
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Make a wish ☄️ powerjah @powerjahrt
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hosaeng · 6 months
The ego’s needs are endless. It feels vulnerable and threatened and so lives in a state of fear and want. Once you know how the basic dysfunction operates, there is no need to explore all its countless manifestations, no need to make it into a complex personal problem.
The ego, of course, loves that. It is always seeking for something to attach itself to in order to uphold and strengthen its illusory sense of self, and it will readily attach itself to your problems. This is why, for so many people, a large part of their sense of self is intimately connected with their problems.
Once this has happened, the last thing they want is to become free of them; that would mean loss of self. There can be a great deal of unconscious ego investment in pain and suffering.
Eckhart Tolle
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hosaeng · 6 months
Ego is nothing but a wrong concept of yourself. And concepts aren't real. Drop the notion and see if there is anything like ego in you.
Ego is there only as long as you believe it exists. If you stop believing in it, it disappears. It exists only because you identify yourself with your thoughts. If you look at your thoughts from the outside, they are no longer you. Therefore, it becomes possible for you to be convinced that you have something, which, a moment ago, was nowhere near you. If you drop the ego altogether, you live in a constant 'knowing', things happen by themselves the moment you think of them.
When you change who you think you are, or rather — realize you are no concept (and ego is nothing but a concept in your mind), your whole world changes with it. Do not be afraid to change.
Use the gift of this knowledge.
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hosaeng · 6 months
Mind is anything experienced inside your head that is not literally happening in this moment.
Consciousness is everything experienced in this moment, including mind.
Awareness is the feeling you have that you exist, and it is also the reason why it feels like anything exists.
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hosaeng · 7 months
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hosaeng · 7 months
Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.
Eckhart Tolle
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hosaeng · 7 months
Stress is an alarm clock that lets you know you’ve attached to something not true for you.
Byron Katie
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hosaeng · 7 months
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From Short Cut
Aapo Huhta  
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