hoshiomo · 6 years
Sunday morning ninja
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Used To
I used to drive an F-150
I used to have a big console in between the two front seats. I'm left handed so I'd hold the wheel in that hand and use the console as an arm rest.
She used to use my arm as a head rest.
She used to wrap herself around my arm and sleep when we drove together.
I miss it so fucking much sometimes. Her. Those drives. I've been thinking about them a lot lately.
I used to take them for granted.
These memories seem to sting worse each time nostalgia comes bubbling up in my gut.
One day I'll be used to it.
Totally unrelated to this character and his blog, but I don't have any other anonymous outlets so... sorry.
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hoshiomo · 6 years
📃 For Hoshi!
Their first impression:
“The first time I met Hoshiomo, it was at a Saint’s Wake party. He’s like… seven fulms tall, and he decided to dress up as a goblin? It was kinda funny and kinda endearing. He got up on stage and gave a very unimpressive goblin impression. I just thought he was a total goofball, and I couldn’t really get a good look at him from behind the mask. I was under the impression he was one of Kanna’s boys she was seeing, and I had other things on my mind, so I didn’t really have any interest in him.”
Their current impression:
“Hoshi is so loving of me and everything around me. I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who’s been so enamoured with me. It’s nice. He’s childish, but in a good way. I feel like I can fool around with him, completely forget all my hardships and just have a good time. He’s crazy in bed, I don’t know where he got that from. You wouldn’t guess it from how he acts in public. He’s carefree, whimsical, strong, and so hot.”
What they like the most about your muse:
“Hoshi is just really fun to be around. He’s really relaxed and playful, he’s like… a kid at heart. He reminds me of boys I used to know in Yanxia when I was a little girl, which makes sense because he has the same upbringing as me. He shares my trauma too, which makes me wonder how he’s not as broken as I am.”
What they dislike the most about your muse:
“Before we were dating, he said some very hurtful things about me. He barely knew me, and I guess I made him mad to the point where he said some pretty judgemental shit about me. I don’t like him when he’s angry. I haven’t seen him like that since but… I can’t help but feel that he still holds those judgements against me.”
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.):
“He’s my lover. We’ve spent almost every moment together over the past moon. I haven’t had a problem with him since we started dating and… I hope it never comes to that. I’m pretty sure we’re meant for each other.”
A general opinion of their relationship:
“I think we’re soulmates. It’s like we could’ve been childhood sweethearts. Maybe in another history, we actually did run into each other in the markets outside Doma City. It feels too good to be true.”
If applicable, something they wish to reveal:
“I think it might be too good to be true.”
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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First of hopefully a metric fuckton of art done by myself on my new tablet! It’s by no means a masterpiece, and I’m very much still learning, but I thought I’d post my stuff here to chronicle my progress! :) (except none of my nsfw stuff since tumblr will punish me for it fucking lol)
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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The Awkward Yeti on Instagram / Amazon
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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hoshiomo · 6 years
when you’re a romantic pianist but also a gamer
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Fireflies Over Doma
With eyes sewn shut, Moeru lay under the waning remnants of the earlier downpour, helpless to the assault of mist in the air. Drenched white hair clung to the kunoichi’s brow, having turned grey from the moisture, and dark brown and red in parts too. To take a breath might disturb the perfect silence of the early morning, and after all he’d been through that night, Moeru didn’t think it right to ruin Hoshiomo’s moment with her. It was to be their last together, after all.
The winds didn’t even dare to blow, as if the Ruby Sea itself was held still in that world-ending moment. And yet…
“Well, Momo… I think I’ve won.”
Even then, as she lay, sprawled and sapped of her will, the ivory-haired kunoichi rasped an ugly laugh, “You’ve—” a cough, “You’ve got a real knack for spoiling things, you zap-happy sapling.”
“Perhaps I do.” he murmured, sighing, “Momo, I’m sorry. It didn’t have to come to this, that’s my f—”
“Don’t.” Moeru snapped, brows knitting together as she began to tremble, tears resuming from earlier, running the same salt-stained course as they had during the moments leading up to this, the end of her path. “Just… don’t. There was no other way. I brought this on myself.”
“You did it because you believed, Momo. I can’t fault you for that.” Hoshiomo insisted, wheezing from having summoned a stern tone, hammering home his resolve.
Even now, he sees something in me? Wants to save my soul? What kind of man did you make, Master Jiyu?
Through the trickling flow of her cathartic tears, Moeru’s quivering lips were made into a smile. “I guess this is a storied enough ending. I think I can accept it,” she muttered, choking on her words.
“Moeru. You’re not going to die.” said the man that had stabbed her through the belly. Even now, Moeru could feel the chill of the steel buried through her middle, sinking past it into the stone beneath. “Just…” she heard him grumble, his leathers scuffing the stone beneath them as he wobbled to his feet. “Just open your damned eyes. It’s all I’ve been trying to get you to do for months now,” Hoshiomo pleaded.
Fine, she thought to herself, cracking her eyes open. The blurry image slowly gave way to one she hadn’t expected. Looming over Moeru stood a grisly shell of a proud shinobi warrior, grinning horn to horn, one eye empty and bleeding, the other’s glow proving as brilliant as what surrounded his silhouette.
Thousands of them. Different colors, blinking and shimmering, gracing the Ruby Sea with a blanket of warmth and twinkling light. Despite the vicious traitor Moeru had become, the sight made her smile with the wonder of a youngling, unburdened by her past and absolved of her sins. At least for the moment.
Whimsy and reverence flooded every ilm of the raen girl, and the goosebumps came at the realization that the world did not shine for her that night, the last Hotaru of Yanxia. That this light was not fireflies, but the glow of the stars themselves watching over her. The stars and their smiling “Lord”, looking as goofy as he did as a boy of fifteen.
Minutes of contemplative silence ensued as the two friends finally saw one another as such for the first time in an age.
“Alright, now for the saving part.” Hoshi muttered, shattering the moment. She saw the flickering of hand signs, and she narrowed her eyes… fire? Fire. And searing pain to match, from deep inside. All went black.
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Prompt #8: Crag
The wind howled as Kanna trudged through the snow, huddled beneath a thick fur coat. As she approached the cliffside over looking the grand city of Ishgard, she paused a moment to catch her breath. After speaking with Dione the other day, she felt overwhelmed with grief, and wished to visit him.
To visit his grave.
“Hey, Ed…” Her voice was soft as she slumped against the gravestone of her beloved husband, Edric. It was strange, that now that he was gone she was finally comfortable addressing him by his nickname. “It’s been a while since I visited.”
Kanna smiled, despite the tears running down her cheeks. “I met someone like you, about a Moon ago. I didn’t recognize it at first, she’s got a different reaction to that darkness inside her.”
“I also… I’ve met someone. Someones, I suppose.” Kanna chuckled lightly, resting her back against the stone. “I met a man named Hoshiomo… but I also… I really like Rae. She’s a wonderful person, and we’ve both experienced great loss. And I… I love her. It’s strange to say, I don’t know how long I’ve felt this.”
“I hope that you’re resting well, Ed… I think I’ll be okay.”
@hoshiomo @rae-naeuri @seamlessmonochrome
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hoshiomo · 6 years
T~T so pure
Prompt #3; Adytum
Moonlight filled the room as Kanna’s eyes flickered open slowly. Though plagued by dark dreams of late, right now, she had peace.
Nestled in the arms of her lover, she felt a calm that had been absent for many moons, since the time when she was helping in the rebellion against Garlemald in Gyr Abania.
Back to when Edric was alive.
As a tear began to run down her cheek, Kanna felt a finger rubbing it dry, and looked to see Hoshiomo smiling at her. As she opened her mouth the ask why he was awake, the Raen chuckled, ruffling her disheveled hair. “You’ve not had a decent night of sleep all week, so I waited until you awoke.” He insisted, eliciting a pout from the Xaela in his arms. “Come now, I don’t know what has you waking so restlessly, but I am here for you, my Moonlily.”
“Thank you…” Kanna muttered, resting her head against his chest, crying gently. He was there for her as Edric had been.
He was her sanctuary.
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Commission of the boy!
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commission for @hoshiomo !
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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Paperblue .net  [Artstation]
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hoshiomo · 6 years
500 Follower Giveaway!
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(art by kyumei)
If most of this seems like a copy past of the previous one, that’s kinda cuz it is haha. With different art at the top haha. 
I’ve been active for like 4 months and it’s been…up and down but I love all the friends I’ve made so much <3. But thank you so much for 500 followers! I set out to create this blog to just meet more people after coming back from a year break and being like “I don’t know anyone…” And wow… I was super nervous to bring Rei to tumblr and just RP him in general. He’s a bit more out there compared to characters I usually play, so it’s been really fun getting out of my comfort zone a bit for him.And now I have…two other boys haha. Ehra and Zhin. I may make a third even cuz Hong Kong mafia sound like fun too! dies
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So, for the prizes… (the exact same as last time)
Grand Prize (one winner)
$50 commission to an artist of the winner’s choice.
Essentially I will pay for your next commission with a value of $50 or less (if there’s like $5 extra fees that’s fine)
Second Place (one winners)
$30 in mog station items.
(anything from the mog station so long as you don’t go over a $30 limit)
Third Place (two winners)
$10 in mog station items (anything from the mog station so long as it’s $10 or less)
(Total value of prizes is $100)
Now for the Rules
Must be a follower of this blog to qualify. Please don’t follow and then unfollow if you win. That’d be…rude?
Entries count as a reblog and like for a total of 2 entries per person.
No giveaway blogs. If the winner is a giveaway blog I will redraw
Drawing will be on November 15, 2018 (AKA my next paycheck that isn’t going towards rent)
I will announce the winners in a winner post and dm you. You will have 48 hours to respond. If you don’t respond within that time, I will redraw the winners.
Winners will be chosen at random through a random generator
Keep your dms open please!!!
Feel free to dm me with questions.
I’ll update with more rules if I think of anything…
I will prolly add prizes like I did last time as I see fit. 
And…that’s it. Good luck everyone!
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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Hey guys…. I had been meaning to do a milestone giveaway for awhile. but I’m finally at 3k! So… I’m going to do that giveaway. This is pretty much a thank you for so many people being here to follow and like my art.
You must be following me to win.
The giveaway will end on October 31st 2018
You must have an open Inbox/asks so I can contact you.
Likes AND reblogs count.
No giveaway blogs, I’ll be checking.
TWO winners will be receiving Coloured Sketches, at 500 notes, this will be upgraded to flat colours, and if somehow we get to 1,500+ it will be upgraded to a full colour. It’s one character, fullbody.
I’ll also be doing a giveaway head sketch stream on October 31st for my followers who didn’t get picked to get little sketches and doodles of their characters! It will be announced with the winners.
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Trash Bin
The hour grew late. The sun had even begun to crawl over the horizon, coloring the sea in a rosy hue. Tired eyes poured over Hoshi's writing, scanning every last word and analyzing them to a point where they became little more than blurs of ink upon the page. A silent snarl curled in the Raen's lips, and with a mounting frustration, he crumpled the pristine letterhead into a ball, tossing it over his shoulder.
A metal tower filled with failed words and incomplete sentiments couldn't fit a single thought more than the novel made of torn and crumpled pages that it already contained. The most recent attempt was then forced to bounce off the top, tumbling down to join several of its siblings on the floor surrounding the trash bin.
With the sun finally cresting the sea's horizon, Hoshiomo was, upon glancing up from his little writing corner, blinded by its gleaming brilliance through the window before him. Rubbing at his eyes with one hand, the au ra reached with his other to tug at the drapes, blocking out the morning light from his dimly lit desk. Minutes of still silence passed, and Hoshi stirred only long enough to wipe clean the lenses of his glasses with his shirt's collar.
Looking to his pile of unmarked letterhead, the Raen sighed and condeded... This was it. This time he would get it just right.
It started as all the others did, inked into creation via practiced calligraphy in the native tongue of Doma;
I swore to never burden you with my company again, and that is an oath I mean to keep. This will be, if you wish it, my final correspondence with you.
I am young still, and far from perfect. I was raised to know perfection as a falsehood, in fact, and that what is better than fruitless goals of perfection is truth. When last we spoke, I chose my words carefully, knowing that no matter how sweet or kind I might have been, your mind was already made up about me.
I will never be the man you love. Or at least, that is what I assumed based on how you spoke of the one you did. I chose, in that moment, to leave an impact in your life. The opposite of love is not hate. Hate and love are, to my knowledge, rather closely related in the hearts of men. That is why I chose to spark your ire, because if you could not love me, it would be better to make you hate me, while at the same time trying to show you truths I felt you would forever deprive yourself of.
That was wrong. I was wrong. Truths are not for others to shove down your throat. What makes them significant is discovering them, and truly believing them, on one's own. In that moment, I was in pain. A pain that, until it struck me that very day, I thought you were as of yet incapable of inflicting upon me. I think a part of me, some deep, subconscious part of me, felt something natural... primal... instinctual toward you and I. It fit.
I see now that I was misguided to assume you felt similarly. And I see that I was so blunt and harsh as a defensive response to the realization that I meant much less.
I do not expect forgiveness, let alone the chance to be friends. I just wished to let you know that I am sorry. I said it that night, and I did mean it; I am not trying to hurt you. But that doesn't matter. I wasn't trying to hurt you, but I most certainly did. That is the opposite of what I wanted to be for you. I hope you take care of yourself. You said you wished you were dead. I wish for you to be happy you are alive.
- Hoshiomo"
Hoshi finished writing, having had to use both sides of the paper to fit every word that came to his sleep deprived mind. Rubbing the exhaustion and dryness into his eyes, the Raen nodded and carefully folded the letter after blowing dry the ink, slipping it into an envelope. A quick trip next door and a tuck under the door to the Yosai infirmary, and Rae would be given his final, carefully considered words. The idea paralyzed the shinobi the moment the wax seal was set, having captured his heart in folded paper. Sitting there for nearly an hour in silence, Hoshi stared at the envelope in his hands, and the single word written on its cover, "Rae".
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hoshiomo · 6 years
Bed again.
My worries are unfounded and bear no consequence over my life, and yet they are still worries.
One day things are on track and just fine, the next, every little thing I do I analyze into the ground. Whether or not I analyze or not seems to be random and sporadic, and has nothing to do with the severity and importance of the subject at hand, either.
It's isolating feeling these weird feelings too, because my options are to keep them to myself (incredibly unfollowed tumblr posts not withstanding), or to put them on friends that I know to have more important issues in their lives. Even if they'd be happy to help, part of me wants them to have absolutely zero mental association between myself and an obligation to try making me feel better.
Anyway, just figured I'd put my thoughts out into the internet before I pass out in bed for the night. Sweet dreams, white wall of black text.
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hoshiomo · 6 years
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very hasty graphics aside here i did not expect to wake up to 3000 followers today, so, thank you all a lot!! Before I open my next round of commissions, here’s little giveaway to win some art instead!
Please be a follower, and REBLOG to enter, only 1 reblog per person will count. 
I will draw the winners at midday/12pm on Tuesday 30th (which is 2 days from now. 
Congrats to all 3010 of you anyway for enduring my ping-pong like bouncing from 1 thing to the next since i made this blog in 2015.You’re all good eggs.
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