I can recognize that grown women have the independence to do what they want and make their own decisions while also finding men who go after women way younger than them weird, creepy, losers even. “Uh uh uh well SHE chose to be with him too.” Yeah and that changes absolutely nothing about my opinion on the topic. Have a good day 🫡
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I may get my trad, conservative card taken away but I detest how Matt Walsh talks about “childless women.” To be clear I’m all for children. I believe children are a gift from God and I strongly dislike the weird child hating sentiment some people have. HOWEVER I also don’t appreciate you claiming to be a Christian while throwing around “bitter childless women” like it’s going out of style when you know good and well there are so many women who CANT have children. There are women who pray and sob and are broken because they can’t conceive. And no. I don’t think you can throw around such terms and then just say “well I’m not talking about the ones who try.” Nope that’s a cop out. Why don’t you try showing the love of Christ and having compassion for women who can’t have children and even the ones who choose not to since you think they are so bitter? Unless you WANT them to be bitter, which, going by the way you talk about it, seems to be the case sometimes. Also while we are at it let’s stop calling childless women useless and saying their lives have no meaning. Last time I checked, in our Father’s eyes, we all have meaning and are here for a purpose.
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“Modern women” is the new “female” for me. I swear 9 times out of 10 if a dude starts his sentence off with “modern women” you’re in for a stupid take. I will literally zone out and not read/listen to anything else if a man starts out with it.
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Full offense I cannot stand those dudes who bump up their misogyny to “own feminism” or to make sure they aren’t seen as a simp. You are just as spineless as the soy boy male feminist types you mock. You’re a loser.
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I’m not even a fan of Nicki Minaj but I hate this mess. “A woman has *gaspppp* LOST HER SEX APPEAL???? Oh no call the authorities you guys a female human being ceased to be sexy to me. I can’t believe it. What is the world coming to???” People are so weird.
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It’s so refreshing to hear someone making sense on tiktok.
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Radical take: you can advocate for women without blatantly hating men. Wild, I know. Slap the tin foil hat and sandwich board on me because I'm craaaaaazy.
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children are being exposed to so much sexualization and sexualized content nowadays that even elementary students are frightening their teachers with the stuff they're saying even if they don't understand what it means. just the amount of misogyny and porn rot that has trickled down to literal children being exposed to it constantly and thinking its just hilarious and funny is terrifying.
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LADIES DO NOT LET PEOPLE TELL YOU THAT ITS NORMAL FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND/FIANCÉ/HUSBAND TO WATCH PORN. I’ve come across several TikTok’s lately of WOMEN saying that we just don’t understand men and they do that and it’s okay. It’s not. Men do not NEED to watch porn. You are not holding them captive and torturing them by demanding that they stay faithful to you. You have every right not to want your husband looking at other naked women. Yes there are men who struggle with addiction which is awful and I’m sure it’s hard for them to get through. And you can try and be understanding if you end up with someone who does, but it’s an issue they need to work out anyway and especially if they have committed to someone.
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Hi you’re not “conservative” if you’re posting half naked women, you might be right wing but you’re not conserving anything, instead you’re contributing to societies degeneration
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The evil of porn isn’t going to be solved if people keep acting like it’s exclusively a male problem/something that men have to fix.
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The ideal female body is the one your mother made you <3
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trad_living_usa (instagram)
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Oh. Are we still not castrating proven rapists and pedophiles? Okay. Later.
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“I’m not into that weird porn”
All porn is weird. Getting aroused and pleasuring yourself to people having sex is weird. It could be the most basic vanilla sex and it is still strange to engage in it.
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oh! that guy posts porn <3 opinion disregarded
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