hosseocc · 5 years
Hiiii 💞💞i wanna read all your works in one go so I was wondering if u have a master list? Or some links please? Have a good day❤️
hiii!!!! thank you so much for reading my work it means a lot 🥰 & i doo have a masterlist but it looks like you’ve found it aha, sorry i don’t have a lot of content, i hit a massive block and am still trying to find inspiration again ://. i hope you have an amazing day too ❤️
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hosseocc · 6 years
omggg @pinkforyoongi you angel !!!
this literally made my whole day you’re so sweet :’)
these are my favourite quality blogs + people, even though some probably don’t even know me whoops 🤧 i might have left some people out but i absolutely love everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@holyytaehyung @taewitched @district2001 @jeonsgfried @johobi @liberttyyxx @hxneysuga @frgt-me-not @cinnaminsvga @boysinkpop @as-far-as-life-gets @dom-joonie 
@atlantiqves (where did u go :(()
Tag a quality blog, you’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers or get a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them 💋
Me? A quality blog? Damn you for making me blush 🤧💖 I’m gonna just tag all the blogs I consider to have that mmmm *finger kisses* quality content so here it goes. Also this is just from the top of my head and I’ve probably left some out so sorry😅😘
@namoonji @bloomsuga @bangtantannie @bangtan-nugget @mackenziexosborne @nevloves @hxseok-honee @aliwasntheresworld @alittlekpoptrash @sighobii @sugaviolet @njssi @httpjeon @istantoomanypeeps @btsbulges
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hosseocc · 6 years
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i’m ?? so close to 200 followers ??? this is the best news i’ve had all week ?!
i’m so grateful for every single follower who puts up w my constant slow updating ass, i don’t even think i deserve half the amount 😢
seriously writing is my favourite thing to do and i never thought i’d have the courage to share my works w anyone but here i am bitch !!!
i’m trying really hard to overcome my constant writers block w my one remaining brain cell so i can write the best stories for you guys and i’m just so happy knowing that even one person enjoys them 💗
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hosseocc · 6 years
What We Protect ~ Chapter 2 ~
Word count: 2.5k
Pairing: BTS x reader
Genre: mafia, somewhat mystery, romance
Warning(s): just some swearing. and snooping
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(Not my gif, credits to owner!)
Most people have a backstory. Most people have secrets, something to hide. Whilst some of those may be small things that a person feels uncomfortable sharing with their everyday world, others can be more drastic. Dangerous. A risk to everything you’ve ever loved. What would happen if these secrets were to be revealed to the world? Who would they hurt? What if they were only trying to protect those close to them? Of course, one would never know unless they come clean, but it could be too late to realise that more damage had been done than good. As much as I wished that the secrets I keep to myself were small inconvenient ones, the events that had occurred over the course of my life just never seem to want to give me a break.
Some people may not have anything to hide, but everyone has something to protect.
The next morning starts out the same way as any other. Waking up, dragging Jun out of bed on what seems like my fifth attempt, eating our breakfast together and then heading out for the day. When we reached the school, I suddenly remembered about last night and how Jun claimed not to know who Yuri is. Figuring it just slipped his mind, or he just forgot her name but would recognise her face, I left it and decided to deal with it when we saw Taehyung again.
Standing next to a young girl further ahead, was the familiar face I had gotten acquainted with yesterday, and I brought Jun over with me for introductions.
“Morning!” I smiled as we came to a stop in front of the two.
“Ah, Y/n, good morning! Nice to see you again,” he returned the smile before averting his gaze to Jun, “and this must be the almost birthday boy” he greeted, kneeling down to his height. I watched as him and Jun shook hands and turned my attention to the quiet girl gripping onto Taehyung’s other hand.
“Hi sweetie,” I grinned, “you must be Yuri. I’m Jun’s mum, Y/n. It’s lovely to meet you.” I introduced myself. She waved back and shyly smiled, moving to hide behind her dad. I had to contain myself from squealing at her cuteness.
Taehyung stood back up and I figured now was the best time to ask him.
“Hey, you did say Yuri’s in class 3F right?” I questioned.
Before he could reply, a quiet voice answered for him.
“I’m in class 3E, dad how can you get it wrong again?” she complained, narrowing her eyes as she looked up at him.
He sheepishly smiled and apologised, “Sorry baby, you know I can get confused sometimes.”
“See, I told you I wasn’t imagining things!” I claimed, gently swinging Jun’s arm.
He simply rolled his eyes, “But still, she isn’t in my class” he retorted.
The day of the party came around quick and I had just finished with the last of the decorations as the doorbell rang and the first influx of loud kids arrived. Jun ran straight past me and opened the front door, despite my shouting at him to never answer the door. But anyone on this side of the door could hear that it was excited children from the shouting that had already started. Boy, would I be in for a hectic day.
An hour later, the house was full of Jun’s classmates and their loud screaming and shouting radiated their excited and sugar fuelled energies. Some of them were inside, stuffing more sweets in their mouth when they thought an adult wasn’t looking, and the other half were playing outside on the bouncy castle. Feeling satisfied with the running of everything, I made my way back to the kitchen after having refilled the drinks stand.
“You really went all out for him, he must be having the time of his life!” another parent, Jisoo, beamed.
I smiled at her and answered, “Yeah I felt kinda bad that his party wasn’t all great last year. We’d just moved here, and he hadn’t started school yet, so he didn’t have any friends to celebrate with.” I guiltily recalled.  
Insisting that I wouldn’t be able to handle all the children by myself, Jisoo, Naeun and Suho offered to stay and help during the day after arriving with their own kids. I felt relieved that they stayed because I knew that if I was the only adult here, I would end up going crazy. When one of us wasn’t running in the garden to make sure nobody wasn’t falling out of the bouncy castle, we were all sitting around the kitchen island, just talking.
At first, I did feel out of place, to a certain extent, given that I was the youngest parent there and still in a graduate job whilst the others had at least 2 children and were practically middle aged. Any fears I had about the conversations revolving around things like work, bills or school soon flew out of the window as we soon immersed ourselves in topics surrounding what our own teenage years were like, and how fast the children were growing up.
“No way, I can’t believe you used to be in a band! I just can’t imagine you going wild in front of a crowd, you seem so…office like” Naeun laughed, after hearing Suho’s story about his best childhood accomplishment.
“I totally agree” Jisoo added, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Should I be offended?” he feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart.
“I’m sure, you know, they mean well? Even though I’m not sure what office-like even means?” I asked more than reassured him, laughing along with the two other girls.
“Not you too, Y/n. Look – you guys just haven’t heard me sing yet.” He hastily placed his coffee mug down on the island and rubbed his hands together.
“Brace yourselves, ladies” Jisoo joked as Suho began clearing his throat. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the doorbell rang. I jumped out of my seat and quickly made my way to the door, giggling as Suho let out a groan of annoyance and muttered, “One day, I’ll prove you wrong.”
I opened the front door and was greeted with the faces I’d secretly been anticipating showing up for the past twenty minutes.
“Yuri! Taehyung! You guys made it, come in” I happily greeted as they made their way through the door.
“Sorry we’re a little late, Yuri took forever deciding what to wear.” Tae claimed, taking off his coat. I looked at Yuri’s outfit and gave her a smile of approval.
“Well, she made the right choice, she definitely has an eye for fashion.” I admitted, admiring her style.
“Yeah, she gets it from her dad” Taehyung boasted.
“I’m sure she does,” I rolled my eyes and teased. Yuri began taking off her shoes, but I stopped her. “Hey, you can keep your shoes on and go straight into the garden to the bouncy castle!” I quickly told her.
“Bouncy castle?!”
And with that, she took off running towards the sound of children shouting in the garden. I gestured Taehyung towards the kitchen and we started to make our way there, following the trail of a very excited Yuri.
“So, you gave into the bouncy castle then?” his amused voice asked.
I chuckled and replied, “Yeah, I couldn’t resist it. I’m way too much of a soft parent.” I admitted as we stepped into the kitchen. We were met with stares from the other three who stopped mid argue about Suho’s singing talents. I was confused at their sudden silence before I remembered that they probably hadn’t met Taehyung yet.
Before the awkward silence could continue, I quickly spoke. “Guys, this is Taehyung. Taehyung, meet Jisoo, Naeun and Suho. Taehyung just moved here with his daughter, Yuri, who now goes to the same school as our kids.” I explained, moving out of the way slightly to let them get a better view of him.
“Nice to meet you all” Taehyung greeted.
“Take a seat, I’ll make you some coffee” I offered, and pulled out the chair I was previously sitting down on.
“Thanks” he quietly muttered and smiled at me, before filling the empty spot next to Suho.
As I moved to boil the kettle again, I could see both Naeun and Jisoo staring at me from the corner of me eye, so I met their gaze and glared at them as they both began wiggling their eyebrows behind their mugs. I should have expected something like this as they had been constantly on my case about reopening my love life. Any man they see me talking to, they insist I date. It seems that half the time, they forget that the only men I come into contact with these days are married fathers! But that doesn’t stop them though, they’ve even gone as far as setting me up on a blind date with another single parent, who I found out through his obsession with talking about his ex-wife, that we weren’t compatible. At all. Man was it awkward whenever we had the misfortune of crossing paths at the school.
A little while later, we had fed all the kids who were yet again excited about having Pizza for dinner. Then the time came for cutting the cake, and I had to stop myself from crying in front of everyone as I watched Jun blow out his candles. Once the children had clapped and cheered to their hearts content, Jun declared it time to open his gifts.
Sitting in a circle, the children began handing their gifts one by one with the assistance of Naeun, whilst Jisoo and Suho took duty of handing out cake slices to everyone. As I sat next to Jun, collecting the rubbish from the wrapping paper, I looked around to see that Taehyung wasn’t anywhere in the room.
I was leaning against the door frame of the small living room that had just about managed to fit everyone in. The atmosphere in the house was an inviting one, anybody could tell the children had let the excitement from playing games and eating junk food all day go straight to their heads as they cheered and hugged the birthday boy when he was opening his presents. All focus was on Jun, nobody seemed distracted in the slightest so I took this as my opportunity to slip away.
Making my way back towards the direction of the kitchen, I quietly closed the door behind me and let the sounds of music and cheering become muffled. Quickly switching to alert mode, I made my way over to the island where Y/n’s laptop was sitting. I had seen it here earlier and was itching to get my hands on it, but I had to wait until nobody was around. Now I had the perfect chance and was desperate to find any ounce of information that I was looking for.
I turned the laptop on and saw it was locked with a password. Of course, there’s a password. What was I expecting? There was literally nothing I could think of to try and put in, because I didn’t know anything about Y/n. I was growing anxious by the second and became increasingly aware of the fact that somebody could just walk through the kitchen door any second and catch me snooping.
My hands became sweaty and I kept wiping them on my jeans, I was becoming nervous and paranoid. I knew I wasn’t cut out for this kind of thing and if I had any other choice, I wouldn’t be in this situation right now. I was close to a nervous breakdown when the sound of one of the children screaming, “Happy birthday Jun!” came through the door and it hit me
I typed in todays date, feeling like it was the only chance I had at guessing the password and sighed with relief as it worked and unlocked the laptop. Shaking my head, I focused on what was in front of me and narrowed my eyes on what I found. Y/n had left open a page full of apartment listings in a different city, it seemed you were planning on moving to a new house.
Shit, this is bad.
I glanced up at the other tabs open and saw they were all the same, some of them were emails to agents, expressing your interest in some properties.
Fuck, this is really bad. If she leaves, I’ll be at risk. I won’t have a job. Shit. I can’t keep an eye on her. I-I’ll be in trouble. Big trouble.
Hit with more nerve-wracking anxiety, I shakily pulled out my phone and snapped pictures of the places and areas you were looking at, making sure to get the addresses. If anything would help at this point, it would be knowing where you’re planning to go. I was cut short taking the photos as soon as I heard your voice trailing towards the kitchen, and dropped my phone fearing I would get caught.
I quickly pulled down the lid of the laptop and moved down behind the island to pick my phone up off the floor.
I excused myself from the room to go and get my present to give to Jun and weaved my way through the children. Walking towards the kitchen, I was confused to see the door closed.
“Why is this closed?” I muttered to myself, opening it and peering inside. I wasn’t expecting to see anybody in here, but I spotted a tall figure in the corner peering through the cupboards.
“Everything okay, Taehyung?” I asked, eyebrows raised. I fully stepped into the kitchen now, keeping the door wide open. He quickly whipped his head around, eyes wide and hang gripping his chest.
“Shit, Y/n, you scared me” he gasped. “I was just looking for a glass.” He said, moving away from the cabinets.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said, immediately feeling bad. “But, you’re not going to find any glasses in the cereal cupboard.” I walked over to the opposite side of the room and pulled out what he was looking for, noticing that his eyes were closely following me. “What would you like to drink?” I asked, opening the fridge.
“J-just water please.” He shakily said, moving to sit down on one of the stools. I nodded my head and poured the cold water in the glass and handed it to him.
“Damn, you must be easily scared. You’re practically shaking.” I said, feeling worried.
He quickly downed the water. And took a deep breath. “Yeah, sorry I’ve always been easily scared.” He admitted.
“No need to apologise,” I warmly smiled. “Come on, we’re just about to finish opening the presents.” I said, remembering why I came in here in the first place. Opening the pantry door, I retrieved the hidden present and turned back around to see that Taehyung had already left the kitchen to go back inside. I blinked in surprise at the empty kitchen and shrugged my shoulders, thinking he was just excited about opening presents. I was about to leave the kitchen when I noticed my laptop was slightly open on the counter.
Weird. I could have sworn I kept it closed earlier.
I made my way over to shut it properly and then back to the room to give my baby his birthday gift.
If only I had known the real reason behind why Taehyung was so shaky.
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hosseocc · 6 years
Our Time Together
~ The Delivery Spin Off ~
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (Jennie from TD)
Genre: Fluff, eventual angst
Warning(s): none (yet)
if you read this without reading the delivery first, it won’t make sense!
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[ y/n mistakes yoongi for someone breaking into the cafe she works at and acts impulsively, throwing whatever’s in her hand at him. turns out he’s her new coworker just trying to figure out the dusty stockroom. yoongi decides to look past the incident and ask her out on a date ]
a/n:: so i decided to do a little text drabble/spin off series to the delivery!! its just going to be focused on yoongi+jennie’s (y/n in the texts) in this series so readers can see everything from their perspective through their texts!!
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hosseocc · 6 years
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35 notes · View notes
hosseocc · 6 years
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Planet sephiri.V
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The Delivery
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five, Part six, Part seven
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What We Protect
Prologue ~ Chapter One ~ Chapter Two ~ 
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hosseocc · 6 years
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Accidental Potion
Part One
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hosseocc · 6 years
What We Protect ~ Chapter 1 ~
Word count: 2,369
Pairing: BTS x reader
Genre: mafia, somewhat mystery, romance
Warning(s): none
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(Not my gif, credits to owner!) 
Prologue ~
If somebody had sat me down two years ago and told me that within the next year, I’d become a mother and move across the country to escape a crazed mafia organisation I barely knew anything about, I would simply laugh in their face. But if they also told me that my best friend would be the one to sacrifice herself to allow us to get away, I’d still laugh, only this time slightly worried.
When I think about the events that have unfolded over the past two years, I wonder how I haven’t been driven to insanity. Those moments in life that change absolutely everything you thought you knew about the world and the people around you are maybe only supposed to happen once or twice, but for me its my everyday life. Losing somebody is never easy, let alone a best friend – the person you’ve known as your other half for as long as you can remember. Whenever I think of her, I remember everything to be grateful for, all the times we spent laughing, crying and screaming together. The happy moments that are no more. But when I think of the sacrifices she made, I can only feel guilt.
Dragging myself out of bed and away from my dreary morning thoughts, I freshen up and make my bed before walking to the bedroom down the hall. Quietly opening the door and going to open the blinds, I sigh as I look around at the mess of toys, books and shoes scattered around the floor.
“Come on Jun, time to wake up.” I called out to the sleeping boy, cursing as I almost stepped on a lego piece. I pulled back the blanket from his small frame and watched as his eyelids slightly fluttered and opened.
“More sleep…” he grumbled, turning back to face the wall.
“We can’t do this everyday baby, you’re going to be late for school,” I started hoping my next attempt at getting him out of bed would work, “besides people who don’t get out of bed straight away aren’t allowed pancakes for breakfast.”
And with that, he shot up and ran straight to the bathroom.
“I want extra syrup on mine!” he shouted as his feet padded down the hall.
Our mornings usually consisted of one of us trying to wake the other up, because when there was no school or work I wanted to sleep in, but days where we both had to be up, Jun liked to make things difficult. It was almost as if he didn’t want to get up because he knew he had to. I wasn’t ready to accept the fact that I was possibly raising a smart-ass son.
Sitting down at the kitchen table eating our pancakes, my eyes wandered over to the calendar on the fridge and focused on writing in big red letters.
“Oh, shit” I mumbled as I groaned and closed my eyes. How could I forget about Jun’s birthday next week? I’ve been so caught up with work and evenings spent helping him with homework and playing games that it completely slipped my mind. Feeling like a rubbish mother, I let guilt overtake me and decided I would spoil him for my almost mistake.
I looked at him happily gobbling down his second pancake, “So…what do you want to do for your birthday baby?” I casually asked before taking a sip of my tea.
His eyes met mine and lit up as he let his fork drop to the plate, “ITS MY BIRTHDAY?!” he shouted excitedly, “I want a big party with all my friends and a big cake and lots of presents and sweets and-“
“Okay, okay! You can have whatever you want, lets get you to school first so we can tell your friends all about it.” I spoke.
I parked up near the school and we walked hand in hand to the entrance together, Jun still rambling on about how excited he was for his party. When we reached the gates, he immediately caught sight of his friends and took off running for them, forgetting about his things.
“Jun, your lunch!” I reminded him as I began to speed walk towards his friends. He turned back around and came running towards me again but went straight past my outstretched hand with his lunch in it and straight into my body. I stumbled backwards and smiled as he tightly wrapped his arms around my legs.
“You’re the best mummy in the world so you can have the biggest slice of cake at my party” he promised me, looking up and grinning from ear to ear.
I chuckled and knelt down to reach his level and enveloped him in a massive hug. “How generous of you baby. But you have to remember to be on your best behaviour until then, okay?” I reminded him.
“Does that mean I have to finish all my vegetables at dinner?” he frowned.
“Yes, it does. All your food has to be finished so you can grow big and strong like me!” I told him.
After another promise from him to be on his best behaviour, I kissed him goodbye, handed him his lunch and watched as he ran to his friends again. Staying until they had all gone inside the building with their teacher, I began to walk away when an unfamiliar voice stopped me.
“They grow up so fast don’t they?”
I turned my head to the left to see a man around my age with his hands in his pockets walking towards me. He had a smile on his face and stood next to me, watch the rest of the children go into school. As kind as he looked however, I was wary of him as I had never seen him before.
“Yeah, time flies without you even noticing,” I smiled, adjusting the bag on my shoulder, “sorry, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.” I said, knowing full well I hadn’t, but trying to be nice at the same time.
“Oh, how rude of me to forget to introduce myself!” he laughed, extending his right hand out. “I’m Taehyung, I just moved to the neighbourhood with my daughter. Today’s her first day at the school.” He explained, with a wide grin.
Feeling reassured at the fact that he wasn’t some random man turning up to watch children at school, I returned his hand shake, “Hi Taehyung, I’m Y/n, lovely to meet you.” I smiled.
“You too” he reciprocated. I’ve always been a quiet person and extremely bad at keeping up conversations around people I didn’t know well, so unsurprisingly my mind went blank and there was a short pause before he continued.
“So, what’s it like around here then? I haven’t had a proper chance to look around yet.” He asked. Feeling better that he had managed to fill the silence first without me having to think of something quickly, I turned my body more towards his direction.
“Well, me and my son have only been here just over a year ourselves so we’re still getting used to it too. But it’s a nice little neighbourhood - not too quiet and not to far from the city” I explained.
“Yeah, that’s what I was hoping for, a little balance between the two. I feel like you might be my first friend here so maybe you could show me around sometime?” he asked, then quickly added, “only if you wanted to though I wouldn’t force you or anything.”
I chuckled and replied, “It’s totally fine! I could do with a friend now and then too. We could bring the kids along! What class is your daughter in?” I asked.
“That sounds great! And uhh, if I remember correctly, Yuri’s in class 3F” he answered, taking his phone out of his pocket, “how about we take each other’s numbers and we can plan when to meet up?” he suggested as he handed the phone to me.
“Sure, she has an adorable name by the way” I smiled as I began putting my number in. “Also, did you say 3F? That’s the class my sons in!” I informed him and handed back his phone before sending a text to myself to receive his number.
“Ah no way, what a coincidence” he chuckled as my phone pinged. I took it out and saw the time, realising I was running late for work.  
“Crap, I’ve gotta go otherwise I’ll be late for work” I cursed, “It was really nice meeting you though, I’ll text you later!” I waved as I’d already started running towards my car.
“I’ll be waiting for your call!” his loud voice beamed from behind me. I got into the car and watched as he walked away in the opposite direction. Letting out a sigh of relief, I felt my cheeks reddening at the thought of becoming friends with somebody like him. There was no denying he was attractive, and the fact that we were both, well I assumed, single parents made the idea of becoming close more comfortable for me.
As I drove off, I thought about the last time I’d had a close friendship. After Mina’s passing, I really had nobody apart from my son. I didn’t want to take the time getting to know anyone else because I knew the bond we both shared was one in a million that I’d never be able to experience with anyone else. Sure, I was friendly with the other parents and my co-workers, but our conversations were only standard ones about the weather, any events going on or complaining about something that we both deep down, didn’t even care about.
Life has a way of taking something important away from you and giving you something even more precious back, so when I lost Mina I was convinced my life was over. That I could never be happy with because the one I shared all my hardship and happiness with was gone. But then Jun came along and I allowed myself to love and feel again. Honestly speaking, I didn’t think I’d be alive if it wasn’t for my son. Everything I do is for him, and if I don’t give him the best life I possible can, then I’ve failed as a mother.
My thoughts eventually drifted away as I turned into the work car park and dreaded the day of sorting and balancing accounts for clients.
Later that evening after I had given Jun his evening bath and he was enjoying his free time before bed, I sat down at the kitchen table to start on the invitations I had picked up from the store during my lunch break.
I began writing out the names of his classmates until I had one left over that was blank and tried to rack my brain thinking of who it could be that I missed out when I remembered that I forgot to tell Taehyung about the party.
I decided it would be best to ring him as it wasn’t too late yet and I could tell him before I forgot again.
He picked up on the third ring with a cheerful voice, “Y/n, hey! I was wondering when you would call” he admitted down the line. I felt flustered at the fact that somebody was actually waiting for me to call them as opposed to my usual state of not having anyone to call in the first place.
“Haha, it’s not even been a day! How was Yuri’s first day at school?” I asked, moving to sit on the sofa next to Jun who was watching the same episode of his favourite cartoon that he’s watched at least 20 times.
“She really enjoyed it, actually. I was expecting her to be scared about it but she was happy about all the new friends she said she’d made.”
“Aw, I’m glad to hear that. Worrying about your child fitting in at a new school can be scary but I’m sure she’ll be just fine. Jun settled in no time, you never know they could become good friends.” I joked.
“Yeah I was really worried before dropping her off but now I feel less stressed about it. She said she’s already been invited to a birthday party!” he exclaimed, sounding like a proud father.
Not feeling surprised at Jun’s tendency to let everyone know about his birthday whenever he got the chance, I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“That’s why I called actually, it was probably my son letting everyone know. He’s having a birthday party next Saturday and I thought it would be a great idea to invite Yuri to help her get to know everyone.” I explained, secretly hoping he would say yes because I knew what I really meant was it would give him and I a chance to get to know each other too.
“That’s so kind of you, Y/n. I’m sure she’d love to go, I’ve just got to prepare myself to hear her talking my ear off about it for the next week” he spoke, feigning annoyance.
“Try living with the birthday boy! I’m already ten requests down for two bouncy castles and about ten million balloons” I complained, looking down at the boy next to me who was still fixated on the tv as I ruffled his hair.
Taehyungs deep laugh vibrated through the phone and I found myself grinning like an idiot listening to it. Quickly wiping the smile off my face, I tried to focus on what he was saying.
“Well as long as they’re happy, we can’t really complain” he said, and I nodded along to the truth of his words.
“Yeah, you’re right. Well I suppose I better let you go and put the little one to bed now. I’ll give you Yuri’s invitation tomorrow when I see you.” I told him, before he said his goodbyes too and hung up.
When I put the phone down and rested back against the cushions, I saw Jun staring at me.
“What is it baby?” I quizzed, looking at his puzzled face.
“Mummy, who is Yuri and why are you inviting her to my party?”
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hosseocc · 6 years
What We Protect ~ Prologue ~
Word count: 405
Pairing: BTS x reader
Genre: mafia, somewhat mystery, romance (later)
Warning(s): none
Chapter One ~
The heavy fallen snow on the streets remained untouched, almost perfect. The lamp posts offered the only source of dimming lights as the grey sky commanded silence. Nobody dared to leave their homes and face the howling wind as it tore through the city, bringing nothing but coldness with it as it violently shook the trees, almost as if challenging the sky to a battle against the silence. The darkness soon began to prevail against the weather and the wind retreated for the night.
Being outside meant dealing with a cold and lonely night, but the inside welcomed everyone with a warm embrace of comfort. 
As Mina lay with her best friend, Y/n, she silently thanked the heavens for the darkness outside because otherwise she might not have had an excuse to spend time with the person she cherished the most in the world. They were in their warmest pyjamas, fluffiest socks and happiest of moods. Turning the heat on the fireplace up, the small living room radiated a soft orange glow against the walls and the two girls rested on the sofa, snuggled under blankets and focused on the television. Watching re-runs of their old favourite movies had become a tradition lost to their busy day to day lives that demanded more efforts in the workplace than on their personal lives. It had been ages since they were able to hang out like this, being lazy without any commitment to anything beyond the walls of their home. So when the warnings of a blizzard came up, they used it to their advantage.
Rare moments like these reminded the girls of much they appreciated each other, even if they could never admit it out loud. This was their safe place, where they were untouchable and their worries had to be left at the front door because peace was the only theme of the night. In this moment, nothing could go wrong.
But Y/n had something on her mind, something she couldn’t shake off. If it was any other worry she would ignore it and choose another time to tell her best friend, but it was something that could completely change her life and she couldn’t run away from it. Besides, who else in this word did she have to tell?
Placing her mug of hot chocolate on the coffee table and wiping her sweaty hands on the blanket, she turned to Mina whose attention was still elsewhere. Y/n placed her hand on Mina’s shoulder and shakily spoke, “I need to tell you something.”
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hosseocc · 6 years
i have never. had such terrible writers block i’m such an awful person
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hosseocc · 6 years
The Delivery
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five, Part six, Part seven
Planet sephiri.V
Teaser, day. I (coming soon)
Accidental potion
Part One
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hosseocc · 6 years
Accidental Potion || Part One
Summary: Shy and clumsy Minseok is tired of crushing from afar, so he decides to make a move…with magic. I mean, what could go wrong?
Word count: 1834
Pairing: Minseok x reader
Genre: fluff, future angst
Warnings: none
a/n:: clearly i’m better at reading fluff than actually writing it but ..... i wanted to give it a try so here you go x
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(Not my gif, credits to owner!)———————————————————————–
‘Come on, you can do this’ Minseok muttered to himself, for what felt like the fifth time in that split second. He was pacing back and forth contemplating if what he was about to do was worth it, whether he could handle the consequences or not. Of course, they could be dire and ruin everything he’s ever wanted in life, but you never know unless you try right? After the same amount of debating it would take for a toddler to choose between candy or veggies, he concluded that there was no more time left to be nervous because the bus had arrived. It was finally time to make his move.
He sat down on the bench behind him and began rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans as he watched the bus slowly come to a halt and stop further down to his left. Moving his right hand down to reach into his right pocket, he slowly pulled out a small glass vial and stared down at it. The contents of the small bottle held something invisible to the human eye, but to him it screamed beauty. Sparks of baby pink and silver swam around inside, reflecting a bright sparkle in his eyes. He felt a warmth pass through him, which only convinced him even more that his was where his happiness would finally begin. He already knew it was made for him, but the smell was just right. An unfamiliar wave of sweetness and comfort surrounded him that he had never felt before, but he never wanted it to leave. When making it, Junmyeon didn’t forget to emphasise the amount of care and effort he had put into getting his hands on the finest roses and jasmines for this potion for him, so he knew it would be perfect.
Looking back up to the bus, he watched as the doors opened, and the passengers started walking out. After the third person exited, he finally saw her. Although her face was painted with a scowl and she looked nothing short of stressed and annoyed, he still thought she was beautiful. Minseok’s mind flashed back to the last time he saw Si-Yeon before summer had started. They were sitting opposite each other at the local hangout with their group of friends, celebrating the end of exams and the start of a long summer. They didn’t really speak much, she was more a friend of a friend but nonetheless treated him with the same respect. He fell for her straight away and cherished every single one of the shy glances they shared from across the table, when it felt like just them two in a room full of loud shouting over drinks and snacks. Being too afraid to make his move, he decided his next best bet was magic. Which brought him to where he is now. 
Just as she was about to reach the last step, Minseok readied himself by fixating his gaze and mind on her and opening the lid to the glass. The scented sparkles that flew out of the tiny potion swirled past him and straight towards her, by the command of his gentle blow into the vial. The colours stood out perfectly against the sunny spring morning, and only he was able to appreciate its beauty. His content and longing didn’t last for more than 10 seconds though because as his crush felt around her pockets for a phone that wasn’t there, she suddenly cursed under her breath and quickly spun back around and ran into the bus.
With the potion still dancing along the cool breeze towards her, he didn’t know what was going to happen. This wasn’t part of the plan. His watchful eyes squinted, and his right leg started tapping against the floor again in a panic, when Si-yeon bumped into the girl behind her, not bothering to say sorry and sprinting back to her seat. If there was anything Minseok expected to happen at this point, it was that the potion would follow her into the bus and hit her. It could have been a possibility. It could have happened. But it didn’t. 
You felt annoyance rise in you as the girl in front who seemed utterly pissed the entire journey bumped your shoulder and seemed to forget her manners. You scoffed and shook your head as you made your way down the last steps of the bus and your feet touched the ground. The main thing on your mind was coffee and a warm doughnut at this point, so you told yourself to forget the minor inconvenience to your already dreadful morning. As you let the cool breeze awaken you, your mind tried to follow the smells coming from the coffee shop down the road, but your senses were suddenly met with a sweeter, stronger smell. 
Walking to your left when your subconscious knew you should be going right, where the coffee shop was, it felt as if your brain had almost been switched off and someone invisible was tickling your nose with a feather. Completely surrendering to the new smell, you carried on walking until you came to a stop in front of a wall. 
‘A wall?’  you thought, ‘What am I doing standing in front of a wall when I could be drinking a steaming hot coffee right now?’
It all seemed to make sense a couple of seconds later though, as your eyes were drawn towards the vine of roses and jasmines growing up the left side of the wall surrounding a bench. The deep red and bright white colours blended beautifully together against the luscious green growing out in every direction. Never having seen roses and jasmines grow together before, you felt fixated on the creation in front of you as the smell intoxicated you even further, almost driving you mad you swore you could almost taste it. It felt like your head was clearing and the mid may weather was blessing you with the opportunity to throw your thoughts away for once to really appreciate the world around you
But the flowers weren’t the only things you would be appreciating that day. As your eyes trailed left, you met the eyes belonging to somebody sitting on the bench. They were staring at you, messy black hair with strands falling above the lens of his round glasses, protecting his wide eyes. He sat there, mouth agape as you took in his appearance, somehow knowing this situation was the weirdest you have ever been in whilst for some reason trying to convince yourself that it just felt right. To you, his startled posture on the bench was glowing more than the radiant flowers behind him. You were sure this is what it meant to fall in love at first sight. 
Still under the control of the intoxicating smell, you found yourself slowly sat down next to his still silent self. You didn’t know why you were doing this and you were fearing that you looked like an absolute freak right now. But you did it anyway, because all of a sudden, your brain was telling you everything is now right with the world. 
Minseok was so sure nothing could go wrong with the potion and that Si-Yeon would be in his arms by now. He was so, so sure. Of course, by now he should be used to the fact that life can be a bitch and completely mock you at times. If he didn’t know it before, he sure does now. The feeling of dread he felt as he sat shocked, watching the potion swim around you and not the one it was intended for, sat heavier in his stomach than anything ever has before. He’s known to be sometimes clumsy and nervous with potions, and by now he’s used to cleaning up his mess but the solution to this situation was nowhere in sight.
‘I can’t believe I just used a love potion on the wrong person’ was the only thought circulating his mind. He couldn’t conjure up any words because how could he even begin to explain this situation to the unsuspecting, innocent human in front of him?
When she began speaking, he knew he was in deep, deep trouble. 
‘Hi, my name’s y/n, what’s yours?’ she introduced herself, with a bright smile.
You felt like a complete idiot right now, with no way to stop what you were doing. You’ve never been the first one to approach a guy so why now? You were literally drawn to him and you didn’t want it to stop. 
Minseok heard her question whilst remembering about Si-Yeon and looking back at the bus only to see her walking off in the opposite direction. He sighed and turned back to face you. 
‘I’m so sorry’ he spluttered, adjusting the glasses on his face, not knowing what else to say.
You simply giggled and replied, ‘Well its nice to meet you, I’m so sorry’.
‘So now I’m giggling like a school girl and attempting dad jokes?’ you asked your mind in disbelief.
Minseok forced himself to avoid cringing at your poor attempt at flirting, clearly the potion had some adverse effects. Wanting to confirm his fears of the potion working a little too well, he asked you a question.
‘What made you come over here?’ 
Not really sure of the answer yourself, you answered with the first thing that came to your mind, ‘I, uh, don’t know how else to say this but…it felt like the roses and jasmines were calling me and leading me to you…’ You almost kicked yourself for saying something that sounded so absurd, you would run away if someone had ever said it to you. But he didn’t run away, he remained in the same position, once again staring at you in silence. 
Minseok was really rendered speechless for the first time in his life. Your response was all the proof he needed to confirm Junmyeon’s potion had really worked. He was really beginning to wish Junmyeon had made a mistake of some kind, but with his skills and perfectionism he knew it could never be a possibility. He figured that going along with it until he informed the others of the problem was the only thing he could at this point.
To your surprise, he smiled back at you, and offered his hand, ‘I’m Minseok’.
You reached your hand out to accept his greeting and your hands almost touched, when you were interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing. Apologising to Minseok with a sheepish smile, you quickly pulled it out of your bag and when you saw who was calling, your entire mood shifted.  You let your extended hand drop in your lap before bringing it up to run through your hair.
‘Shit’ you muttered through a frustrated sigh.
How can you be so infatuated with a complete stranger that you completely forgot you already had a boyfriend?
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hosseocc · 6 years
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hosseocc · 6 years
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jung hoseok starter pack [4/7]
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hosseocc · 6 years
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cutie ♡
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hosseocc · 6 years
The Delivery - Part Seven
Word Count: 4457
Genre: Thriller, angst, Stalker!au, Non-idol!au
Warning(s): Lil bit of swearing, death (im so sorry), mentions of kidnapping, abuse
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(Not my gif, credits to owner!)
A/N: omg ok where do i start. first of all, im so sorry that this is so late in absolutely every way possible. i don’t really have any excuses other than im just a mess atm. but i hope you enjoy nevertheless!!
Read: previous
The words that Jimin had just spat out weren’t registering in my mind and I was beyond terrified. I wanted to believe that none of this was real, but the constant pounding of my head and the racing of my heart were just too intense to pass off as a bad dream. A sudden ringing in my ears deafened me to the sounds of him picking up and throwing chairs across the room as I watched him through a blur.
Stumbling backwards, I reached out to try and steady myself against the wall, but I missed causing me to fall to the floor. I ignored the pain shooting through my thigh as it bumped the corner of a table on my way down and placed my head in my hands trying to drown out the muffled screams echoing through the room. All I could do was become increasingly aware of the shaking of my body and loss of my breath as I was finally met with darkness.
When I was shaken awake after what felt like hours, I felt like death. It took me a while to become accustomed to the bright light above me, radiating a heat that could only be described as blinding and torturous. My body was stiff, and I let out a low groan as I tilted my head right and left in an attempt to ease some of the tension in my neck before my eyes finally adjusted to the sudden brightness. I wasn’t surprised to see that I was tied to a chair with my wrists and ankles bound by the same tight rope that pulled at my skin, irritating me and leaving bruises that may never fade. 
Towards the front of the room stood a door that I vaguely recognised and the wall to my right was dressed top to bottom in the same research and pictures of my life that I had stumbled upon earlier. Now aware of the fact I was alone in the room, I used this opportunity to get a closer look at it and noticed that there were pictures of both myself and Hyeji from our childhood. Almost every time we were together was pictured and drawn to a point on a map of our home town. Newspaper headings detailing no leads on any suspects were peeling off the wall, only to reveal more cut outs and articles behind them.
My short viewing was cut off when the door swung open and I quickly shut my eyes before I could see who entered the room, and let my head fall to make it look like I was still knocked out. If there was ever a time to put my acting skills to practice, it was now. Besides, I didn’t want to face anyone yet and I needed more time to think of how I was going to get myself out of this situation. I heard their footsteps thud on the concrete floor as they slowly walked towards my right where the wall was. Trying to keep my breathing quiet, I kept my eyes shut and tried to ignore the dull aching of my back. When the footsteps stopped, I heard the dragging of a chair which I’m assuming they sat down on. Silence echoed around the room and I began to wonder why they weren’t saying anything. Were they staring at me? It was getting hard to keep a straight face and I could feel my eyes twitching.
“I know you’re awake” The voice suddenly spoke. I suddenly felt embarrassed, guess I won’t be an actress anytime soon. I should have just kept my eyes open. I kept my head down and looked to my left where I knew they weren’t sitting and coughed in an attempt to cover up the awkwardness in the room. Eventually, I swallowed my pride and turned my head to face them but was met with the back of their head. I stayed quiet, waiting for them to speak again because I really didn’t know what to say at this point.
“He’s been searching for you for ages you know. It’s funny because all he’s ever spoken about it how he’d get his revenge for Hyeji but now that he’s finally got you, he doesn’t even know what to do.” they revealed, turning around to face me. Realising it was Yoongi, I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
“I haven’t done anything wrong,” I muttered, staring at my shoes. “and I have nothing to say to you. If he’s going to send someone in to talk for him get someone else.” I glared at him, remembering how his involvement in this has left my best friend with a broken heart. His facial expression didn’t go amiss when it changed for a quick second to one masking regret. 
“I just did what I was told” he stated, crossing his arms and attempting to lie through a smirk, but I could see right through him. 
“So you’re just a puppet then? Did your master tell you that falling in love was part of the plan too?” I questioned, knowing it would get to him. It would take a fool not to see how Yoongi had fallen for Jennie. I knew people could get through relationships based on counterfeit emotions, but they never lasted long. This love was just broken by all the lies it was based on and Yoongi’s loyalty to his boss over his girlfriend.
“You don’t know what you’re talki-“
“It’s a shame really. Usually when someone breaks Jennie’s heart, there really is no going back. She can move on within a day because who has time to sit around and cry over pathetic, lonely guys who don’t know a woman’s worth?” I thought out loud, shrugging my shoulders and intending to hurt him where I knew it would. Truth was, I knew this would have hit Jennie hard and she would be extremely heart broken right now and probably crying on Hobi’s shoulder, but Yoongi didn’t need to know that. Besides, his reaction told me everything I needed to know. His eyes clouded over and by the time I finished speaking, he’d already sat up so fast his chair slid in the opposite direction, hitting a table. I chuckled, feeling a little sense of accomplishment despite being in my current position.
“You are in no place to be showing attitude right now. I’m only here to check if you’re awake and seeing as you’re very much so and running your mouth-“ he was cut off by the door slamming open yet again, it didn’t seem like they knew the basic rules of opening a door. 
“Yes, she is. You can leave now Yoongi, I’ll deal with the rest from here.” Spoke the voice belonging to his boss. He made his way into the room and was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. With one look towards Yoongi, he nodded his head and he exited the room, not before glaring at me. I felt the same anger resonating off him that I had experienced when I found out he was part of this. I wanted to do whatever I could to get him to learn his lesson, but right now I had other matters to deal with.
When he had shut the door behind him with a slight bang, I turned my attention back to Jimin who had started walking over to where Yoongi was previously sitting and put the chair that he flung back in its place. Studying his movements, he appeared calm as he occupied the empty seat and turned to face me. I waited for him to say something, but he never did, and I grew uncomfortable under his gaze, so I averted my attention elsewhere, not wanting to know what was going through his head.
“Am I that big of a threat that I need to be tied up?” I sarcastically asked when I decided enough time had passed, still not looking at him. Shifting slightly in my seat, I was itching to be untied so I could stretch my body and feeling restricted like this was only frustrating me.
His ongoing silence was interrupted by the sound of the chair being pulled along the ground towards me. When it was turned to face the door, he straddled it, so he was facing me. Unfortunately, this also meant that our heads were level and we were literally seeing eye to eye. In another universe, it might almost be romantic. 
“You know you’re not threat around here” he finally spoke.
“So…why am I tied up then? I think we already established that I’m not going to up and run.”
“How am I supposed to trust what you say?” he questioned, resting his hands on the top of the chair. 
I rolled my eyes at his response. “I guess you just have to untie me to find out.” 
I’m guessing my face must have been the ultimate expression of discomfort because he decided to free me from the ropes. Two minutes later, I was rubbing my wrists and ankles, satisfying the itches I needed to get rid of and cursing whoever tied me up because of the bruises they would leave. Staying true to my word, I remained in the seat after stretching a little and moving it back to what I deemed an appropriate distance. 
“You know, when I finally found you the only thing on my mind was revenge. All I thought about was finally having someone to blame for what happened. You were there, you were the sole witness and the only one that could have saved her…but I know you were only kids then. You didn’t know what to do,” He admitted, playing with his hands. 
Am I hearing things right or does it sound like he’s having a change of heart right now?
“But the thing is that was then, and this is now. You’re finally old enough to understand and be held accountable for what happened. Just tell me…how could you let them take her?” he uttered, almost to himself, now looking at the ground and tugging at his hair.
I really didn’t want to have to sit here and listen to anymore words invoking painful memories than I already had. So I sighed and tried to find the right words to avoid getting me killed. 
“Look…just listen to what I have to say” I spoke softly knowing my next words had to be chosen carefully, and truthfully even though I had no idea what to say, I knew that one wrong word could set fuel to the fire that was already burning inside him.  I sat back and turned to look at the ceiling to prevent the tears that were threatening to drop down my face from even just thinking about Hyeji. A few seconds later, my eyes settled on a picture on the table next to me, I picked it up and stared at the two young girls staring back at me, smiling widely, arms wrapped around each other and soaking wet from having played in a pool all day. Holding the picture tightly in my hands, I hoped that whatever I was about to say was heard by her, wherever she is. If there was ever a time to finally be able to talk about it out loud, now was the perfect time.
“I suffered too. It was so hard…so hard knowing that maybe I could have stopped it or called someone or maybe even taken her place. When she finally came back home, and she was a completely different girl…broken and abused. I wanted to scream and cry in front of her, tell her how much I was sorry and that I would never ever let it happen again” I watched as the tears defeated me as they dropped and landed on Hyeji’s face, blurring the picture. “but I-I couldn’t, I didn’t even have the courage to look her in the eyes because I blamed myself. Years of therapy never worked because I refused to believe that I even deserved the help when I wasn’t the one that was taken. I was the one who stayed and to this day, there’s nothing in the world I’ll be more regretful of…” I sniffed and wiped my tears with my sleeve before putting the picture back on the table and looking back at Jimin. He too had a painful expression that was red with tear stained eyes betraying his intimidating and aggressive front. 
“I don’t believe you,” he forced out through clenched teeth. He stood up and pushed the chair away with such force it caused me to flinch when it crashed into the table and knocked a lamp onto the floor. It was my turn to watch his breakdown as he walked to the wall and ripped off another picture and pointed at it.
He almost reached the point of screaming when he carried on, “how does it make sense that only one of you is alive to smile and laugh the way you are here?! How does it make sense that sick bastards think they have the right to take away the innocence of a little girl…she was only 7 years old! They took away her life before it even started…” he cried. His emotions got the better of him and he slid down the wall, spluttering his words out. His loud sobs began echoing around the room and I found myself losing against my own silent painful cries once again. “How does it make sense that her own b-brother couldn’t protect her?” Jimin cried. 
Seeing him like this, mirrored what I saw the same day 13 years ago. Sitting in their living room, I saw a boy crouched down and crying his eyes out. I didn’t know who he was then, despite being so close with Hyeji. It was my first and last time seeing him, or so I thought. But now, I had realised something. This new side of Jimin is what was there all along, it was just hidden. He was just a damaged soul, completely broken by the death of his little sister. Neither of us had gotten over it, nor forgiven ourselves. It just turned out that repressing the memory was my way of dealing with it, while his was seeking revenge. What we didn’t know was that it was a pain that needed to be shared with each other. They say the best part of falling is getting back up again, but how can somebody go through recovering from losing a loved one alone? Today at this very moment, I realised that the best part of being able to get back up again is not how you come out of it at the other end, but the support and company you allow yourself to receive and keep during the recovery. Jimin and I were still being held down by the blames we held over ourselves, but today would be the day we help each other back up.
After my little realisation, I wiped my tears and stood up from the spot on the floor that I had somehow landed on. I leaned on the table for support and looked at Jimin’s crouched figure now just silently staring at the picture, letting his tears fall. “J-Jimin” I called through a croaked voice. Clearing my throat, I walked over and sat down in front of him. When he didn’t look up or say anything, I slowly moved my shaking hands towards the picture he was holding and removed it from his grip. I could end up regretting this, but I would never know unless I tried. His head shot up to look at me, his eyes deep with sorrow and confusion. I took a deep breath and spoke the honest truth that both of us needed to hear. 
“What I’m about to say, please don’t get angry with me for saying it,” I pleaded, aware of the risk I was taking. “I know…we both blame ourselves for what happened. Her brother and best friend, the ones who couldn’t save her. It’s been eating us both alive all these years, I know it because none of us would be here right now if it wasn’t true. I never thought I’d say this…but what we both need right now is each othe- don’t look at me like that” I snapped, watching his expression go from confusion to a scowl. Thankfully he remained silent and I sighed, continuing, “We were both young and naïve, we didn’t know any better. If we were truly bad people and deserved the blame for it, we wouldn’t be so caught up in trying to fix ourselves and still finding ways to get over the pain of losing her. We need to forgive ourselves first Jimin, I know you blame yourself for not being there, and so do I, but it’s the only way we can move on. It’s what Hyeji would want, you and I both know it. Maybe if and when our heads are clear can we maybe try and find the real criminals together, because we will never find the answers by faulting only ourselves. Just…accept that there was nothing we could do.” I finished on a hopeful note that my attempt to help heal his heart worked. 
But, of course life never goes that way. Once again, I had been trampled on by an obstacle I could only pray I would overcome. Except this time, it wasn’t thrown at me by Jimin, it was my own mistake. Still silent, and contemplating everything I had just said, he stood up and I followed suit, but my eye caught sight of the clock above which read 2:17am. Remembering a quick flashback from an emergency plan I made yesterday with Tae and Hobi, I cursed under my breath. 
*** Yesterday @ 10:00pm
The three of us sat opposite the detective, who we had called earlier on a whim. We didn’t know if this was the best decision, it definitely wasn’t a smart one but at this point, we had to take advantage of what we could. 
“So, what you’re saying is that you, Y/n, are going to willingly confront Park and his gang tonight? And they have all been posing as innocent people in this whole case, deceiving both you and the police?” Detective Han repeated. 
I nodded my head in response since I couldn’t find the words to agree out loud because of how absurd it sounded. I had decided that the only way I was going to get Jennie back and end this nightmare was to face it myself. I didn’t play when it came to the safety of my friends so there was no way I was going down without a fight and if this was the only way to play it out, so be it. It had taken ages to convince Tae and Hobi, who thought I had fallen and bumped my head at first. The only way they agreed was if they’d accompany me which I had expected from them anyway. Which is what brought us here. If they were joining me in this fight, I wanted protection for them. 
“Park Jimin and his gang also have hold of your friend, Jennie, which has therefore brought kidnapping charges into the case. Miss Y/l/n, I hope you understand the severity of this situation and how dangerous it is for me to agree to send you in…but if I didn’t for a second believe you might actually be able to gain control of this psychopath, I wouldn’t be saying this right now. You are to go in. Do not go alone. If I do not hear any confirmation of your safety by exactly 2AM, I’ll have your location tracked and will send my men in. We will catch those bastards today.” He announced to us three, who were sitting listening as if we were school kids getting in trouble by the headteacher. 
When Jimin found the courage to speak, his coarse voice murmured a timid “You’re right.” I thought my ears were playing tricks on me. But I didn’t know whether to concentrate on celebrating his agreement or warning him about the trouble that was about to appear. Within seconds, my decision had been made due to the sounds of shouting and gun shots firing from elsewhere in the building. It was past exactly 2AM and I hadn’t sent a confirmation to Detective Han meaning he had sent in his men. It also meant that I had to try and fix this mess and fix it quickly.
My heart started to race with fear and nervousness as it had finally dawned on me what I had done. Coming to this sudden realisation that Jimin and I were too alike to not need each other to lean on, is one I regretted that hadn’t been made clear earlier in the situation. 
Jimin had heard the same sounds all too well as his head shot up towards the closed door and then back at me. His solemn expression instantly dissolved into anger as the guilt on my face had given away that I was the cause of the current situation. “What did you do?” he seethed. 
I shook my head frantically, the air was growing tense by the second. “I swear, I didn’t mean t-to- it was before, before I got here. I didn’t know it would turn out like this.“ My pleading was drowned out by the sounds of him loading his gun and footsteps rushing up the stairs towards the door. 
“I thought you said-“ he pulled out another gun from his draw, “that we would work together now. But you got the police involved?” he fumed. “I warned you. I told you not to do it, I was too easy” he began ranting just as the door swung open and I jumped back in fear, whilst he swung his gun around ready to aim until he saw it was only Jungkook and Jin.
“Boss, we have to go right now. The police found us, and two cars have arrived already. I’ve called backup and Namjoon and Yoongi are trying to control downstairs, but they won’t be able to hold for long.” Jin rushed, beginning to usher Jimin out of the room. 
Jimin went along with him, not before stopping at the door and giving an order to Jungkook. His eyes met mine, and I could have sworn they were turning red with anger. “Get her.” And with that, I was being dragged along with the trio, and didn’t even bother putting up a fight. This was my fate, I should have known better to think I was going to come out of this alive. But then again, I was known for my foolish impulsiveness and so thought putting myself on the line just once more wouldn’t make a difference.
As I was being rushed down the stairs, towards another hallway, I found the courage to speak. “They just want me. All I have to do is go out safely and unharmed and they’ll take me. I could try and distract them whilst you make a run for it or somethi-“ Jimin shook Jin’s hand off his arm and whipped around to face me, getting dangerously close to my face and almost spitting his words out. “If you want to survive, you better keep that mouth of yours shut. You have a lot of nerve to keep on lying to me.” He spat. 
“No. I don’t care anymore,” I ignored the shared look of shock from Jin and Jungkook out of the corner of my eye. “You believed me back in there, so why can’t you just believe me now?! The detective was only supposed to turn up if I didn’t contact him by two o’clock and I just lost track of time!” I nearly shouted. This was my last chance to make things right, never have I contradicted my thoughts and actions as much as I was now. 
“Boss, we need to move – we don’t have time” Jungkook added in, as he watched the backup arrive and begin fighting against the police from the bottom of the stairs. Luckily, we were in a blind spot right now. 
Jimin did the only thing he seemed to be doing this evening, which was remain silent and just stare. After a few seconds, he just chuckled and stood back. “Fine. Go.” He waved his gun towards the stairs. Relieved that he actually agreed, my heart felt a bit lighter and I had hope that I could turn this situation around. I gave him a sincere look of appreciation just to show I would keep our promise to get through this together. 
Jin and Jungkook repeated their shared look of confusion and shock. 
My last words to him before I took off were, “Just trust me.”
The next few minutes were a blur of me rushing down the stairs and trying to catch the attention of the police who I hoped wouldn’t accidentally shoot me. When I was recognised, and they lowered their guns, I aimed to get them away from this area and outside so Jimin could get away. I made a promise to him that we would get through this together and I intended to keep it. Breathing a sigh of relief, I turned my head back towards the top of the stairs and I nodded my head to Jimin who was standing watching me, before my eyes widened and my heart dropped to my stomach. 
Detective Han was standing a distance behind him aiming a gun straight at him, but he hadn’t realised, and Jin and Jungkook were nowhere to be seen. I released myself from the grip of the officer who currently had a hold of me and began running back up the stairs. My screams for Jimin to turn around, drop his gun or for Detective Han not to shoot were too late. Through my blurred tears, I heard the sounds of a gun shooting and body falling to its knees before falling on the ground. I tripped on the steps and froze in my position, watching the scene unfold in front of me. 
A ringing sound pierced my ears and I began reliving my nightmare all over again. My hands shook as I held them up in front of me, they were splattered with the blood of the same person I promised to help save. But once again, I had failed.
Only one word swam around my head as my vision darkened and my head hit the concrete steps below me. 
A/N:  wows....i dont really know why i put myself through that ending but,,,,, alternative ending anybody????
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