hotelheartz · 1 year
can i have Room 102 for Aliza sahpree?
Aliza Saphree has been checked into room 102 for 91 days
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hotelheartz · 1 year
Sighs… business is so slow as of late
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hotelheartz · 2 years
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hotelheartz · 2 years
ALIZA SAPHREE has checked into room 102
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hotelheartz · 2 years
speaking of this blog shouldn’t it be updated with broken spirits too??
and wonderful despair-
Shhh I’m baking rn I’ll do it l8er
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hotelheartz · 2 years
Need to ask this before i go head home-
Would anyone be interested in me writing(try to at least) a lse for my self-insert?
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 803 [MONIKA HASHIMOTO]
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>> use the key on room 803!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Monika's an…...oddball. Do you even want to know what type of fantasy she has? She says she's 'too awesome for romance....
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"Hey loser, turn around!"
Your eyes widen in surprise, as you looked over your shoulder towards the familiar, rowdy voice. To not much of a surprise, it was the flutist grinning at you with determination and passion. She was a little…...too happy to see you. Almost as if she was secretly a serial killer ready to murder you.
"O-Oh, hey Monika...” You greeted her, giving her a small wave from your hand. You just stood there, feeling like an eternity was passing between you two. The silence was painful, and Monika's dramatic sigh cut through the thick tension like a sharpened blade
"Oh stop being all awkward and shit! You've known the great Monika for how long now? Or do you just wanna seem all prim and proper?" She snorted, placing her hand on her hips in a haughty fashion. You furrowed your brow, unsure of what to do
“I - I'm sorry, Monika? I really....don't know what you want me to do?" You responded, more of a question. The young flutiest just let out another sigh, heavier than her previous one. She rolled her eyes, following it by a flip of a stray platinum lock over her shoulder
"You? My flute teacher every since the awesome me was in the playpen? Don't know what to do?" She tilted her head, her questions carrying a slightly condescending poison in them. But she sound cracked into a smile, and bursted out laughing, only furthering confusing you
"Ahaha! Oh, the great Monika gets it now! You're playing a joke on her! Nah, but that's totally unawesome! How rude, pranking the great Monika? I outta beat your head in with my flute!" She snickered and yelled, her playfulness crystal clear. Albeit no malice was detected in her words, you still felt unease. Especially from her last sentence
*G-Gah, please no, Monika! T-There's no need to bash my head in," You said, a light chuckled escaping your lips.
Monika just smirked at you, a complete switch from her challenging expression she had just a minute ago
"Nah, I only beat up unawesome losers! I’d never beat up my totally awesome music teacher! Even if you are a bit unawesome and lame sometimes, you're still great in the awesome me's book!" She flashed a toothy grin at you, making you let out another giggle, softer this time
" ...thank you?" Unbeknownst to you, an amused grin was curving up from your lips, Monika's energy and outgoing nature feeling more comforting than annoying
"No prob! Anyways, the great me has something to show you! Prepare for your socks to be knocked off!”
Well... they were probably already knocked off when the awesome me came into the room. My presence alone has that effect!" She boasted, unbuttoning her lazy blazer. She reached into the breast pocket, pulling out a silver flute
"Ummm.....Monika? I....don't think l'm in the right mindset....to....t-teach you....flute... You stated, your voice trailing off mid sentence before you found the courage to continue your full statement. You did not know a thing about flute, even if you were supposed to be Monika's music teacher!
Monika cocked her brow, more confused than imperious. “Huh? No, [♡], the great me is gonna play for you. Remember I want to show you how awesome I became at playing this song?" She asked, making you cough, but nod
"O-Oh, yeah, right. Then go on! I'm listening! I'm sure it will be as awesome as you are!" You commented, sitting down on the bed. You folded your hands nicely on your lap, ready to take it easy to just listen to Monika play. A blush formed onto her cheeks, and a soft smile curled onto her mouth
Monika…. could have gentle smiles?
"You really mean that? I'm...awesome? It...would mean a lot coming from you...." She asked you, taking you aback with a wave of shock. The usual arrogant and noisy flute player looked at you with warm periwinkle eyes, silently telling you her question was genuine
“H-Huh? Monika, of course y-“
"Ahaha!!! Gotcha! Was there ever a doubt in your mind that I wasn't awesome?! Bullshit! Since you were about to agree with my awesome opinion, you shall be rewarded in hearing the awesome flute playing of Monika Hashimoto!" She cheered, placing the lip plate mere centimeters away from her mouth. Seconds later, the room filled with a classical tune, entrancing you in state of relaxation and awe
The tune carried the same whimsical charm that Monika did, a sweet smile not leaving your lips as you closed your eyes. As you took in the melody, Monika kept her focus on you, a look full of admiration present on her face.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
Not Hayashida sorry autocorrect
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hotelheartz · 2 years
MONIKA HASHIMOTO has checked into room 803
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hotelheartz · 2 years
Yes <3
ㅎㅎ ^^
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hotelheartz · 2 years
I’ll post Monika LSE when I’m home but do you guys want X’s LSE
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 117 [ROSE ANDERSON]
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>> use the key on room 117!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Rose… she was a matchmaker, right? Must be really romantic!
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You carefully open the door to the room and step inside, your nerves fluttering around your stomach like a swarm of butterflies.
Rose stood near the bed, her back turned to you and muttering quietly to herself. It was as if she was reciting what she wants to say.
"Rose?" You ask, causing the matchmaker to let out a startled yelp, quickly turning around to face you and hiding her hands behind her back.
"[♡]! You... You startled me!" Rose says with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks "You've got to stop sneaking up on me! You've done this ever since we were kids."
"Sorry…" You mumbled.
So Rose's fantasy involves a childhood friend...?
"It's alright." Rose says, giving you a small smile that made your heart skip a beat "I'm glad you could meet me here.”
"Ok... so you know that we've been friends for a really long time. And, you've been the best person in my life. sticking by me through thick and thin…” Rose takes a breath, her feet nervously shuffling in place "Well... I've decided that I want to be more than friends... Cause... I really like you [♡]."
A bright blush fills both your cheeks and hers as she hands you a crimson red box with a gold ribbon tied around it.
"Will you go out with me?!" She asks in a nervous exclamation, her green eyes squeezed shut as she waits for a response.
"Of course I will, Rose." You say, not being able the smile that forms on your face as she stares at you with a gaze full of happiness and shock.
"R-Really?! Oh! I'm so relieved!" Rose exclaims, smiling as she goes to sit on the bed. She pats the spot next to her and you sit down with no hesitation.
'I made these for you." She says, opening the box to reveal an assortment of chocolates. She carefully picks one up, holding it in between her delicate fingers.
"M-May I... feed you?" Rose stutters, her bright blush from before returning.
You swallow thickly and nod your head.
Watching with an ever increasing blush as Rose brings the piece of chocolate up to your lips. You part your lips and allow Rose to slip the confectionary into your mouth, your heart beating rapidly as her soft fingertip brushes against your bottom lip as her hand moves away.
"Well...? What do you think?"
You chew thoroughly, mentally smiling to yourself as the sweet taste fills every corner of your mouth.
"It's really good." You tell her after swallowing, a pleased smile to form on Rose's lips.
'I'm glad." She says, slowly and carefully moving her hand and interlocking her fingers with yours.
"You've made me the happiest girl in the world, [♡]." She murmurs, gently leaning against you.
"You've made me happy too, Rose."
For the rest of your time there, you spent it taking turns eating sweets and enjoying the presence and loving touch of your new girlfriend.
And you couldn't be happier...
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hotelheartz · 2 years
I probably should’ve tagged everyone but oh well el oh el
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 106 [YURAIH MAKONERU]
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>> use the key on room 106!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Yuraih was like a wildcard. He closed up like a clamshell in lots of situations… would he open up here?
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You slowly opened the door, a bit scared of what was going to happen, considering just who you were dealing with. As soon as you entered, you were almost shoved out, a heavy weight feeling as if it were shot at you by a trebuchet.
"Darling! You're back" Looking up, you were shocked to see Yurai with a large grin and a blush, holding you tight in a hug and almost picking you up.
"I- Ah, well-" You stuttered, shocked by what was happening. You quickly got yourself together, realizing you needed to keep whatever fantasy this was alive. "Uh, yeah, I'm happy to see you too."
He kissed you on the cheek, before practically dragging you over to the bed. "Come on, Come on, We've gotta talk!" You almost tripped, before regaining your balance, just to be plopped onto the bed by Yuraih.
Taking a second to process what was happening, you looked at him confused. "About what?"
Yuraih paused for a moment, before rubbing the back of his head. "Ah, I'm rushing you, aren't I? Hehe, sorry.." He looked down, his blush noticeably larger than it was before. He had somewhat returned to his more quiet and reserved self, looking down at the floor.
He sat on the bed next to you, spreading his legs apart and putting his hands between them, using them as leverage to rock his body back and forth. He leaned in, to the point where if it was normal for him, than you were very worried for his back. "So, what were you up to today?'
You hummed, trying to seem as if you knew what the right answer would be in this fantasy. "Ah, you know, the usual." Yuraih seemed to accept that answer, humming back in response. You were both silent, the situation rather awkward.
"What did you want to talk about, anyway?" He looked a bit shocked, looking away again. "Ah, well, ya know, just.." He sighed. "I was thinkin', maybe, one day, we could, ya know.." He was very clearly nervous, but, he gulped, gaining the courage to finish his sentence. "..Visit America?"
You aren't sure what you were expecting, but you sighed, relieved that it wasn't something terribly important.
"Of course we can. I don't know why you're so nervous about asking me."
He looked at you dumbfounded for a moment, before giving you a giant, toothy grin. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" He grabbed onto you again, this hug arguably tighter than the last.
"Ah-Jeez, you're welcome." You honestly had no idea why Yuraih acted this way in his fantasy, or why he cared about moving to America so much, but, you could tell that, in some way, he was taking solace in your presence, that in a way, he seemed to need you.
You returned the hug, before laying down. "Come on, I'm tired, we can prepare that stuff tomorrow." He nodded, stretching his arms before laying down with you. You aren't sure what happened this fantasy or why, but... You liked it.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
YURAIH MAKONERU has checked into room 106
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 202 [SO-RA BAEK]
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>> use the key on room 202!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
So-Ra… she didn’t talk much. Maybe she’d finally open up about herself? Huh, actually, didn’t she mention having a husband…?
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The door cracked open slowly, and you took a hesitant step in.
“Knock before you enter.” So-Ra’s regularly soft voice took on a more strict tone than usual. “And please, close the door after coming in.”
Freezing in your tracks, you knocked on the door three times, then closed it behind you. What was this fantasy? She looked quite serious…
“Come, sit.” She beckoned you over, tapping her lap with a glove-adorned hand.
Wait. Huh?!
“Pardon?” You blurted out, thinking you misunderstood, or there was a problem with your communication.
She cracked a smile, giving a gentle laugh; was that the first time you’d heard her laugh? “Do not be afraid, I will not hurt you. I may look a little different than before, but… I’m still your big sister, you know?”
Big… big sister? Did So-Ra have siblings? She didn’t ever mention this, you didn’t think… and she didn’t really seem the type either.
“O—oh, yeah, I’m just a little…” you tried to piece together a statement. “…because it’s been a while.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t want to abandon you, [♡].” She sighed, her smile faltering. “I just… I broke under the pressure. You understand, don’t you?”
Her eyes met yours uncertainly, before she ducked her head, ashamed. Her long fingers tangled in the heavy fabric of her dress, and if she weren’t wearing her gloves, you were sure her fingernails would have drawn blood on her palm.
“But… those rumours they spread weren’t… they weren’t entirely incorrect. So I shan’t… blame you if you despise me.” She continued, wringing her hands.
She seemed lost; a complete one-eighty from her regular demeanour. Her shoulders slumped, the bones on her collar pressing through her taut skin, a scar on her arm peeking out from underneath her long gloves with the action.
“The rumours, right…” you muttered, trying to piece this together. “I, uh, I didn’t believe the rumours were true, So-Ra.”
She laughed dryly, eyes empty. “I’m sorry. I’m a terrible role model.”
“That’s not what I meant, I—“ you paused for a short moment, thinking back on your earlier interaction. “You were only trying to look after yourself, right? I mean, look at you! You have everything you’ve dreamed of… even if you left us behind, we’re alright.”
“But I don’t. I’m selfish, I’m greedy, I…” she bit her lip, sniffling. “I miss everyone, I wish I never left, but I know if I didn’t, I’d hate all of you…” she brushed away a tear with a slender finger. “I just… I can’t bear it.”
You watched silently as she tried her best to repress her tears, covering her face with a hand, and holding her breath. Her breath trembled when she drew one in, her body shaking with it. She wasn’t fully crying, but you could tell that she wanted to.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay...” You suddenly felt the need to comfort her, approaching her with a gentle hand on her bare back. Her skin was cold as ice. “You’re okay, you’re here now, you have me.”
She took a breath, blinking rapidly as she wiped her tears. “Dear lord… my little sibling is comforting me. I’m so sorry for all of this, you shouldn’t be…”
“Even big sisters need comforting sometime, So-Ra.” You smiled at her, pinching her cheek. “So don’t try to do everything yourself! Let your li’l siblings help sometimes!”
“…I suppose you’re correct.” She said, looking up at you, examining your form. “You’ve gotten taller since you were ten… it’s been a really long time, hasn’t it? I don’t suppose you’d like to… catch up?”
“I’d be delighted, big sister.”
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hotelheartz · 2 years
SO-RA BAEK has checked into room 202
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