#똑똑 ♡
hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 808 [LILINKA KUZMINA-YAMADA]
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>> use the key on room 808!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Lilinka seems like a nice girl, in a sort of intimidatingly perfect way. What kind of fantasies could she be hiding?
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Huh… what was that music? Was she listening to something?
As you entered the room, a bold melody played from somewhere in the room, full of lively strings playing at a fortissimo that you could hear clearly, even with the speakers at a low volume. The music slowed as it ended, transitioning into a light, twinkling melody.
Finally, you spotted Lilinka; she hummed along softly, sweet voice carrying through the room as she moved along the floor in lazy, but elegant chaînés. She came to a halt after she locked eyes with you, fumbling back on her heels.
Hold on… wasn’t she an idol?
“[♡]!” She exclaimed in surprise. “You didn’t tell me you were already here!” She slipped on her low heels, tying neat bows around her ankles with a shocking speed, rushing over to you as she let her pink rag curls down over her shoulders.
“Sorry, I should’ve knocked…” you apologized, trying to figure out your role in the scene.
It was the first time you’d seen her startled like this; genuinely startled, instead of the cutesy fake reactions that were always delayed by a split second.
She wouldn’t let her guard down around even her friends in the class, so who would she be so comfortable with that she completely lets her walls down? Maybe a manager? Or a lover?
“No, no, it’s alright… that’s just one of the things I love about you, hehe.” She clasped your hands in hers. “You’re the only person who can surprise me like that, you know. You should be honoured~!”
She kissed your cheek briefly, before bringing you over to the bed, sitting you down. You didn't object to her newfound pushiness, and sat as she guided you to.
"So, since I've quit being an idol," she began, twirling around happily on her toes. "I've had so many antis! People are always swarming me, and bothering me, like leave me alone, jeez! Stupid little brats calling themselves my fans, when they really just want a person to creepily focus on, right?"
She... wants to quit being an idol?! And she said she loved all her fans... that was a lie?!
But she said she wanted to give everyone hope... she said that she wants to live and grow with all her fans... her entire career was based on a lie. You knew that lots of idols were the same, but from the Ultimate Idol?
You found yourself pondering, instead of listening to her ranting and rambling. It wasn't intentional, really, it was just a shock.
"Are you okay? You're acting weird." She asked, stepping closer. "It's not like it's the first time I'm saying this, either. Are you sick, or what?"
"U–um, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine! I was just, uh, I didn't get much sleep, ha..." you tried your best to convince her, throwing in a yawn to make it more believable, while you watched her move throughout the room.
Her body moved with grace, noticeably less bouncy than usual. She seemed more relaxed; more comfortable with herself. Maybe her quitting wouldn't be a bad thing...?
"Hm, really? Were you that excited to see me?" She smiled warmly at you, with a slight teasing air. "Then..."
Undoing the ribbons on her shoes, she set them aside once more, ridding herself of the simple wrap skirt that was once tied around her thin waist.
"W—wait, Lilinka—"
"Shush, you're sleepy 'cause of me, right? I have to take responsibility~!" She draped her sweater over the chair, taking a seat on the bed, against the plush pillows behind you. "C'mere."
You looked at her from your place at the foot of the bed. She had the pink fleece blanket laid over her bare legs, and she patted her chest, as if to offer it as a pillow.
"I shouldn't... I came here to—" you paused; what were you here for? "—spend time with you! I would feel pretty bad to sleep through it..." Nice save.
"Bullshit, you always nap with me! Come on, you came all the way here to see me, you deserve it~" she purred, pulling a heart-shaped cushion into her lap. "What's gotten into you, hm? Are you feeling shy all of a sudden?"
Crap. You were totally blowing it, weren't you?
Slowly, you slunk up next to her, letting her pull the blanket over you. Her body was warm, but her hands were cold, as they guided yours to her waist. She wrapped her lean arms around you, your head naturally resting on her soft chest.
"There you go, cute as ever, hehe." She spoke, vibrations of her voice thrumming down her collar. "Nighty night, [♡]..."
You tried your best to fight sleep, but she had some kind of drowsy effect on you. You could swear she was magical, with the way she affected you...
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dailykyun · 2 years
[230321] Changkyun 🫧 Private Chat
몬베베가 알아본거지 그래서 막 악수하고 허억 m자 하고 그랬는데
형원이형한테만 하는거지...나 바로 옆에 있는 데....
내가 너무 올블랙으로 얼굴까지 가려서 그런건 지 못 알아보셨는데
형원이형이 👉 얘도... 해서 그때 알아보시고 허억 했어요
근데 이미 내가 조금 삐져서 아 안녕하세요 하 면서 속으로 흥 하고 있었는데
미안하셨는지 나가셨다가 새콤달콤 맛별로 엄 청 많이 사서 우리한테 주고 가셨어요
너무 귀여우셨어
그래서 밥 먹고 새콤 달콤 먹으면서 걸었지요~
그리고 화보 찍었는데
잘 나온거 같아요
밥 왔다 나 밥 먹을게
안녕 사랑해
Knock Knock
Have you eaten?
I ordered food, raw beef bibimbap
Speaking of food, I'm reminded of when I went to eat with hyungwon hyung
when was it, it's been a while though (we were) waiting to eat but
a monbebe recognized us so they shook hands, gasped and did the m-sign but they only did that with Hyungwon hyung... I was right next to him though... I was wearing all black up and had my face covered so that's probably why they didn't recognize me
Hyungwon hyung went 'him too 👉'... that's when they recognized me and gasped but I was already a bit sulky so I said 'ah, hello' but I huffed internally
because they were sorry they went out, bought different flavors of sweet and sour* and gave them to us
*t/n : a candy brand
they were so cute
so we ate (food) and then ate sweet and sour* as we walked ~
also I had a photoshoot but I think it'll come out well
food is here, I'm going to eat
goodbye, I love you
♡ Translation: dailykyun. Please take out with full credit.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 106 [YURAIH MAKONERU]
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>> use the key on room 106!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Yuraih was like a wildcard. He closed up like a clamshell in lots of situations… would he open up here?
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You slowly opened the door, a bit scared of what was going to happen, considering just who you were dealing with. As soon as you entered, you were almost shoved out, a heavy weight feeling as if it were shot at you by a trebuchet.
"Darling! You're back" Looking up, you were shocked to see Yurai with a large grin and a blush, holding you tight in a hug and almost picking you up.
"I- Ah, well-" You stuttered, shocked by what was happening. You quickly got yourself together, realizing you needed to keep whatever fantasy this was alive. "Uh, yeah, I'm happy to see you too."
He kissed you on the cheek, before practically dragging you over to the bed. "Come on, Come on, We've gotta talk!" You almost tripped, before regaining your balance, just to be plopped onto the bed by Yuraih.
Taking a second to process what was happening, you looked at him confused. "About what?"
Yuraih paused for a moment, before rubbing the back of his head. "Ah, I'm rushing you, aren't I? Hehe, sorry.." He looked down, his blush noticeably larger than it was before. He had somewhat returned to his more quiet and reserved self, looking down at the floor.
He sat on the bed next to you, spreading his legs apart and putting his hands between them, using them as leverage to rock his body back and forth. He leaned in, to the point where if it was normal for him, than you were very worried for his back. "So, what were you up to today?'
You hummed, trying to seem as if you knew what the right answer would be in this fantasy. "Ah, you know, the usual." Yuraih seemed to accept that answer, humming back in response. You were both silent, the situation rather awkward.
"What did you want to talk about, anyway?" He looked a bit shocked, looking away again. "Ah, well, ya know, just.." He sighed. "I was thinkin', maybe, one day, we could, ya know.." He was very clearly nervous, but, he gulped, gaining the courage to finish his sentence. "..Visit America?"
You aren't sure what you were expecting, but you sighed, relieved that it wasn't something terribly important.
"Of course we can. I don't know why you're so nervous about asking me."
He looked at you dumbfounded for a moment, before giving you a giant, toothy grin. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" He grabbed onto you again, this hug arguably tighter than the last.
"Ah-Jeez, you're welcome." You honestly had no idea why Yuraih acted this way in his fantasy, or why he cared about moving to America so much, but, you could tell that, in some way, he was taking solace in your presence, that in a way, he seemed to need you.
You returned the hug, before laying down. "Come on, I'm tired, we can prepare that stuff tomorrow." He nodded, stretching his arms before laying down with you. You aren't sure what happened this fantasy or why, but... You liked it.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 610 [DAISUKE MURASAKI]
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>> use the key on room 610!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
You’re... quite scared as to what goes inside Daisuke's head. What's his ideal fantasy like?
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He greeted you with his usual monotone attitude, running his black gloved hand through his hair. You squinted, as you nearly got a glimpse of....some sort of heterochromia? Why was his left eye much more vibrant and glowing?!
"Surprised about my eye? It's not like it's the first time you've seen me without my hair covering it," he explained curtly.
Ah? So....did you know Daisuke for a long time? Were you that close that he showed you something that seemed too personal?
"T-that's right....sorry, it still....shocks me. B-but not like anything is wrong with it! You still look very handsome, haha.." you reassured him, as if you were trying to play along with his fantasy. I mean...even someone as cynical as Daisuke would want assurance, right?
At least those were your thoughts before he sighed, tucking his sand colored locks behind his ear. His fringe was moved, making it so you saw both his eyes. One dull, dark blue. The other as bright as the morning sky with an animated light that shined.
"You don't have to act like you think it's cool. Well....it is how I won some tough billiard games. Then again, I'm still not proud of it. You know I only showed you it cause I just wanted to explain what happened to me since we were separated."
Separated? So....was this a long distance relationship? Was Daisuke your boyfriend or husband that was away from you for a long time?
He clicked his tongue, rubbing his left eye before turning to you again, as if your silence and absent minded attitude was annoying him
“You've always been a spacey one. I love you, but you're honestly pretty dense. No offense," he groaned, his stoic face turning into a frown, as you raised your brow in confusion.
"H-huh?! D-Daisuke, l'm sorry. But I really...am confused. We were away for a long time, no?" You asked him, trying to gain more information "Of course I'd be…..lost, yeah?"
Daisuke closed his eyes, nodding.
Letting out a long exhale, he thought for a moment. The silence between you made it seem like an eternity until he yanked you by your arm, pulling you into a hug
"D-Daisuke?! What-?"
What the hell was going on? He just called you dense and now he was hugging you?
"My apologies...I just had a lot going on in my life. And you did too, l'm sure of it. I feel like such a failure, ya know. I never wanted to be away from you." he said, barely above a whisper, as he kept his grip on you. It was tight, but not tight enough to hurt you. I can still feel so much compassion in the embrace.
Since when was Daisuke....gentle?
“Don't say that, Daisuke. You're not a failure. I....I love you too. You may not think you are, but lots of people think you're a nice person deep down. Me included,” you said, trying your best to look him in the eyes from your head nearly buried in his chest
“...Can I protect you properly this time?" He asked bluntly, albeit no rudeness was detected. In fact, you could've sworn you heard genuine feeling in his inquiry. As if he was about to fall apart any minute from the emotions he bottled up
"Protect me?"
He reluctantly let go of the hug, sitting down in the bed. He patted the space next to him, silently gesturing for you to sit by him. You obliged, taking your spot near the billiards player. He grabbed your hands in the same kind manner as the hug was.
"I..... I'm so sorry I left you when we were young. I promise, everything l've done was to protect you. You were all I had back then, and now... He started, squeezing your hands lightly
“I never meant for them to take me only. I wanted both of us to go. So I can be near you. So we could atleast have each other. Just like how siblings are supposed to be,"
"Daisuke.." you could only say his name, not knowing what came after it. Your voice trailed off, at a lost of how to even play along with this fantasy. It went down a dark path very quickly, you needed him to speak more
“Please…..you don't need to act like you missed me too. Or that you never stopped loving me. I'm not the older brother you grew up with. Just know....not a day passed by where I didn't think of you. I never stopped searching for you.“
“I dreamed of the day we would meet again. Be like regular siblings again. Be your big brother again...” He huffed, half in irritation, half in pessimism “It was so foolish of me. To think someone like me could have dreams like that.….”
It was foolish of you, thinking this was going to be a fantasy filled with sexual tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife. Daisuke's ideal was just…..someone he loved. Even if they didn't love him back, he just wanted to feel as if he could give love.
You tried to process what he described, racking your brain through his self deprecating. He finally found a sibling he was forcibly separated from? Why was he sad then? Shouldn't he be happy? This was his fantasy!
“Daisuke.....hey..." you smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. His eyes slightly widen, clearly not expecting the action.
He didn't brush it off or scowl in annoyance as you thought he would. It encouraged you to build his confidence with words of affirmation.
"I'm still here, yeah? We're together again. And I love you. I'm not saying it because it's what you want to here. I'm saying it cause it's true. Anyone would be so honored to have you as their big brother. You…...went through hell...just for them. You're amazing, Daisuke," you stated firmly, earning a stare from the blonde man. He gazed at you with slight shock and awe. He certainly didn't expect to be receiving a pep talk from his supposedly younger sibling
"I'm terribly sorry....it's supposed to be my job to try to lift your spirits. Not the other way around. Look, I really don't need any comfort. I just…..wanted to see you again. I appreciate the fact that you don't hate me, but I can't stop feeling so....shitty" He averted his eyes, looking anywhere but your face
“I can understand that, brother," Unbeknownst even to yourself, you called him big brother, making both of you stop in our track of thoughts. You quickly brushed it off, knowing it was your job to play along “I'm not asking you to change overnight. But I'm just asking...take baby steps, okay? We have so much to make up for. And..... would love to take that offer of you protecting me 'properly this time," I gave him a smile, earning a pink hue dusting upon his cheeks "Even though I think you're an awesome big bro, if it makes you feel more confident in yourself, you can protect me,
You weren’t sure if he noticed, but Daisuke had a bright smile on his face. One full of sincerity and optimism. Although it was a rare occurrence for the cold pool shark, it wasn't unsettling at all. It was...rather refreshing to see Daisuke genuinely happy
"You have no idea how much that means to me, [♡]. I never ever want to be apart from you again. I want to promise you this time. Not with something as silly as us reading stories or playing dress up. But....with the skills and experience I know have. I can finally prove l'm worthy of being your big brother."
Without even thinking, he engulfed you in another hug as you immediately sunk into his warmth. You wrapped your arms around his back, just staying like that for a while with him. Feeling safe in the arms of your big brother
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 509 [ASAMI TACHI]
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>> use the key on room 509!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Asami's fantasy... You're a little scared of her... You still wonder what it could be like…
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"You're late, [♡]."
Asami's glare followed you as soon as you had walked through the door, instinctively whirling her knife in her hands as she waited for you. You could easily tell she was annoyed from the way she raised one precise eyebrow up at you, looking like she wanted to murder you before you even had a chance to defend yourself.
"It's you who wanted to learn knife-wielding, not me. I have no other reason to be here except to watch you fail."
Just as harsh as ever... It seems that you have asked for lessons from the Ultimate Knife Thrower; she didn't seem to be too happy about that, but it is her fantasy, after all.
"Oh, um, sorry, Asami... I was a little nervous, that's all."
"If you had said that from the very beginning, I wouldn't have bothered to come meet you," Asami rolled her eyes.
"You won't make a good knife thrower if you're easily intimidated." she stated, drawing out the words. You couldn't tell if they were laced with passion or malice.
Almost automatically, you took a step back, wondering if she was going to embrace or throw one of her knives at you. "Well, y-you don't make it very easy for me!" you protested, wondering if it was the right thing to do. "Sorry I can't be as unbothered as you."
"Tough love," she responded, firmly grabbing your upper arm and almost throwing you down on the bed. "Are you backing out now, or what? You've already wasted enough of my time." Asami put one hand on her hip as she waited for an answer, the other carelessly pointing a knife in your direction.
You gulped, shifting further away from her as you eyed the weapon in her hand. "Huh? No! I'lI... stay," you smiled purposefully up at her, despite the sweat prickling on your back.
"That's what I like to hear." Asami replied, sharply cupping your chin and forcing you to look up at her. Her other hand was just inches away from yours, still clutching the blade. You felt you face flushing as you felt her knee brushing against your thighs, forcing you to recline further back on the bed as the girl moved closer and closer towards you. "I almost missed that determined grin of yours. Remind me to never spend time with you again."
"A-Asami, I-"
Asami's gaze right now was inscrutable, and as you stared into her grey eyes, you felt like you were hypnotised - captured in the knife thrower's fatal chokehold in a way that made you forget how to breathe. Her deep sighs were cold on your face, contrasting the room's hot, wrathful, passionate atmosphere.
You felt as though you should say something, but as her face was mere inches from yours, you had no idea how to initiate conversation.
"This was…. interesting.”
Just as suddenly as she pinned you down, Asami retreated, stumbling back as though she had forgotten where she was. After taking a second to recompose herself, she scowled down at you once again, as though you were a stranger in her room. The girl looked like she was about to finish you off right then and there, but instead swiftly turned her back, leaving you a confused mess on the bed.
Throwing one final, dagger-like glare over her shoulder, Asami marched towards the door and put her hand on the doorknob. It looked like nothing has changed….. she was just as hot and cold as when you first met her.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 507 [HIKARI NAKAMURA]
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>> use the key on room 507!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their “ideal”. Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Hikari is... complex. It's hard to know what he's thinking sometimes. You somewhat worry about the experience…
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He broke you our of your thoughts, pulling you into the room. "Come on, I don't have all day!" His touch was cold around your wrist, like he didn't have any body warmth at all.
You wanted to say something, so you opened your mouth, but spark interrupted you. "I know what you're thinking. Why would I call you to the dorms in the middle of the night?"
You suddenly somewhat understood the way it was set out. You were still classmates, and Hikari needed you for something. "Yeah… That's what I was going to ask."
"Well~, I wanted to talk, [♡]." He got closer to you, staring in your eyes as your wrists were still bound by his hands. You stared right back into his lilac colored eyes for a moment, before looking away, slightly embarrassed.
You pushed him slightly, as he laughed. "You're so flustered! Why's that, hm~?" He grinned as it let go of your wrists.
"Just get to the point, Nakamura. Why did you call me here?" You asked trying to avoid his teasing. Spark's smile suddenly disappeared, as he looked at the floor of the room. "You trust me, right?"
Your eyes widened from that question, thinking about. The expression shocked on your face quickly turned into a smile as you nodded. "Of course, Hikari."
He seemed somewhat surprised to your answer, before giving a sincere smile, and laughing, like he always does. "Thank you, [♡]. You've always been my friend, and I expected nothing less."
The look on his face was something you had never seem from him before…
This interaction was like unlocking something he normally doesn't share with the world… And well, it was rather nice, from a liar.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 212 [JONATHAN ROBERTS]
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>> use the key on room 212!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their “ideal.” Like some sort of shared fantasy.
You wonder what Jonathan’s would be like, his mind seems to work in… mysterious ways.
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"Hello, Master. Welcome back."
As soon as you even opened the door, Jonathan bowed deeply, before looking at you with a warm smile. You were almost taken aback, but it did make sense. Of course this is his fantasy, he's the Ultimate Butler, after all. At least you understood the dynamic immediately.
"Uh, yes, welcome." You tried your best to be equally formal, stiffly walking towards him, hoping he would take initiative.
He tilted his head, looking concerned. "Master, are you okay? You seem...stiff." He patted the bed. "Come, rest."
You sighed, taking a seat on said bed and relaxing your body. "Thank you, Jonathan. I've just been- Whoa-!" You felt Jonathan's arms as he suddenly picked you up bridal style, shockingly easily, considering his lanky frame.
"I do believe I told you to rest, not to sit."
He put you down on your back, vertical on the bed, before quickly covering you up, as if he had done this hundreds of times. "You really are acting unusual, you don't normally behave this differently so suddenly. Are you okay?"
"No, I'm fine, r-really."
You tried your best playing this off, Jonathan giving you a look clearly indicating he didn't believe you. He turned to the bedside table, pulling out a tray carrying a cup and a sandwich.
"Well, I've made your favorite again, Master." He handed you the tray, and examining the drink and sandwich, it was indeed your favorite.
"Um, thank you."
He simply bowed, as you awkwardly began eating. "…so—“
He harshly put his pointer finger on your mouth, staring at you. "No need for conversation, Master. Just eat, like you always do."
His glare was assertive and dark, with anger deep beneath it. But, along with that anger was... Fear? You were so confused as to what this fantasy was even devolving into, but, you went a long with it, silently eating.
As you did, Jonathan took of his top layer of clothing, leaving him in a white undershirt and his purple boxers, and he undid his hair, letting it all flow. You looked away, trying not to reveal your embarrassment. He went to the other side of the bed, and by the time when you were done eating, both of you were cuddling, him holding you close like a stuffed animal.
It was completely silent, and you felt the need to break it. "I... appreciate everything you've done for me, Jonathan."
He began stroking your hair, making the small blush you had that bit larger. "I know you do, Master. I'm simply doing what I'm supposed to do, nothing more."
It felt like he was trying his best to avoid conversation, and you needed a way to get him to talk. After a moment, you spoke again.
"So you don't appreciate me?"
He lifted himself a bit, almost looking offended. "Of course I do, what kind of question is that?"
"Then why?"
"I…” He went silent, and it became clear he was scared to open up. "...I can predict you. I know how to keep you in check, I know exactly how you work." He held you closer, almost like a scared child, losing any semblance of power he had previously. "You do trust me, yes, Master?"
You sighed, not wanting to break his fantasy. "Of course I do, Jonathan."
He held you even closer, almost choking at this point. "Thank you."
You both went silent. You had never really seen him open up emotionally, so it was shocking to see him so vulnerable, in a way. Silence stayed, both of you understanding no more needed to be said. His vice grip, now recognisable as an act of desperation, kept the both of you warm throughout the night.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 100 [ELSA OLDENBURG]
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>> use the key on room 100!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their “ideal.” Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Elsa's ideal fantasy? Nobody really knows what goes on inside her head, so you wonder what it'll be like...
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Elsa's voice interrupted your thoughts, as sharp and clear as it usually was - her tone didn't change one bit, making it a lot harder for you to figure out which role you were supposed to play.
"Thank you for finally joining me."
"Oh, um, n-no problem!" What do you call her? President? Elsa? You still didn't know what kind of relationship you were in, after all...
"You are stuttering," Elsa observed, somewhat accusatorily. "Are you nervous, perhaps?" She tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she asked this, not breaking eye contact in the way that always made your heart beat slightly louder. Her expression didn't shift from her usual emotionless mask, but something in her eyes suggested that she, too, was feeling the same way.
"I suppose it is not every day that one is personally invited to a tête-à-tête with the student council president," Elsa broke the silence. "Especially not as a fellow classmate. After so many months of pleading, when you have finally been given the chance, I would have expected you to appear more... elevated."
Ah, so you are still classmates in her fantasy? It seems like you aren't on the best terms, if you’ve been bothering her for months to spend some time together. If she finally accepted, though, it can't be too bad.
"So? Are you going to say anything, or will you just stand there and watch me with that vacant expression for an hour? A conversation does require some engagement from both parties."
"Sorry, president!" you winced at your sudden formality; her frown always made you feel like you should be apologising for wasting her time. "I just... never expected for this to actually happen, I guess."
"And why is that, [♡]? Do you expect me to remain distant and cold-hearted at all times?" Elsa asked, narrowing her eyes as she took a step towards you. "You are always making the effort to talk to me, but when I start to reciprocate, it is almost like you shut down my advances."
"It's not like that at all, Miss Oldenburg!" you reassured her, a little stunned that your efforts were not unrequited. "Well, uh, I guess it's because I don't really... expect you to do so. I never know what to say or do to match up to your expectations. You're always so cool and reserved and distant, I almost don't know what to do when you're... not-"
"[♡],” Elsa cut you off, taking another step towards you; you were now standing directly opposite each other.
"We have been classmates for a little over a year now. There is no need to be so ceremonious. You may refer to me as Elsa now."
She looked like she wanted to reach out and grab your hands, but instead just stared deeply into your eyes; you couldn't tell if they showcased resentment or remorse.
"I apologise for... making you feel that way. Truly. I am... not familiar this. I may appear confident when I speak to you, but I assure you that is not the case.
“L'amour, c'est renoncer à l'intelligence pour vivre de ses sens, or so I heard. I am trying my best to fulfil this saying." Elsa bit her lip, uttering a half-chuckle and half-sigh as she averted her gaze.
"C'est cela l'amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour. I also want to apologise for not matching up to your expectations. | suppose I do have... a lot to learn."
You'll never forget the smile Elsa gave you, more vulnerable and sincerer than you have ever seen her previously.
Maybe she was not as passionless and frigid as she wanted everyone to believe; certainly not, as you watched her face reddening slightly. Behind all those walls that she has built, she really longer for someone around whom she could take them down.
"Miss Oldenb- I mean, Elsa..." you muttered, colour rushing to your face as you processed this confession of love. "I...
"Perhaps, you may be able to teach me?"
She reached out, hesitantly enveloping your hands in her own gloved ones. As an answer, you just stepped closer towards her, giving in to both of your passions.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 117 [ROSE ANDERSON]
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>> use the key on room 117!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Rose… she was a matchmaker, right? Must be really romantic!
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You carefully open the door to the room and step inside, your nerves fluttering around your stomach like a swarm of butterflies.
Rose stood near the bed, her back turned to you and muttering quietly to herself. It was as if she was reciting what she wants to say.
"Rose?" You ask, causing the matchmaker to let out a startled yelp, quickly turning around to face you and hiding her hands behind her back.
"[♡]! You... You startled me!" Rose says with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks "You've got to stop sneaking up on me! You've done this ever since we were kids."
"Sorry…" You mumbled.
So Rose's fantasy involves a childhood friend...?
"It's alright." Rose says, giving you a small smile that made your heart skip a beat "I'm glad you could meet me here.”
"Ok... so you know that we've been friends for a really long time. And, you've been the best person in my life. sticking by me through thick and thin…” Rose takes a breath, her feet nervously shuffling in place "Well... I've decided that I want to be more than friends... Cause... I really like you [♡]."
A bright blush fills both your cheeks and hers as she hands you a crimson red box with a gold ribbon tied around it.
"Will you go out with me?!" She asks in a nervous exclamation, her green eyes squeezed shut as she waits for a response.
"Of course I will, Rose." You say, not being able the smile that forms on your face as she stares at you with a gaze full of happiness and shock.
"R-Really?! Oh! I'm so relieved!" Rose exclaims, smiling as she goes to sit on the bed. She pats the spot next to her and you sit down with no hesitation.
'I made these for you." She says, opening the box to reveal an assortment of chocolates. She carefully picks one up, holding it in between her delicate fingers.
"M-May I... feed you?" Rose stutters, her bright blush from before returning.
You swallow thickly and nod your head.
Watching with an ever increasing blush as Rose brings the piece of chocolate up to your lips. You part your lips and allow Rose to slip the confectionary into your mouth, your heart beating rapidly as her soft fingertip brushes against your bottom lip as her hand moves away.
"Well...? What do you think?"
You chew thoroughly, mentally smiling to yourself as the sweet taste fills every corner of your mouth.
"It's really good." You tell her after swallowing, a pleased smile to form on Rose's lips.
'I'm glad." She says, slowly and carefully moving her hand and interlocking her fingers with yours.
"You've made me the happiest girl in the world, [♡]." She murmurs, gently leaning against you.
"You've made me happy too, Rose."
For the rest of your time there, you spent it taking turns eating sweets and enjoying the presence and loving touch of your new girlfriend.
And you couldn't be happier...
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 803 [MONIKA HASHIMOTO]
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>> use the key on room 803!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
Monika's an…...oddball. Do you even want to know what type of fantasy she has? She says she's 'too awesome for romance....
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"Hey loser, turn around!"
Your eyes widen in surprise, as you looked over your shoulder towards the familiar, rowdy voice. To not much of a surprise, it was the flutist grinning at you with determination and passion. She was a little…...too happy to see you. Almost as if she was secretly a serial killer ready to murder you.
"O-Oh, hey Monika...” You greeted her, giving her a small wave from your hand. You just stood there, feeling like an eternity was passing between you two. The silence was painful, and Monika's dramatic sigh cut through the thick tension like a sharpened blade
"Oh stop being all awkward and shit! You've known the great Monika for how long now? Or do you just wanna seem all prim and proper?" She snorted, placing her hand on her hips in a haughty fashion. You furrowed your brow, unsure of what to do
“I - I'm sorry, Monika? I really....don't know what you want me to do?" You responded, more of a question. The young flutiest just let out another sigh, heavier than her previous one. She rolled her eyes, following it by a flip of a stray platinum lock over her shoulder
"You? My flute teacher every since the awesome me was in the playpen? Don't know what to do?" She tilted her head, her questions carrying a slightly condescending poison in them. But she sound cracked into a smile, and bursted out laughing, only furthering confusing you
"Ahaha! Oh, the great Monika gets it now! You're playing a joke on her! Nah, but that's totally unawesome! How rude, pranking the great Monika? I outta beat your head in with my flute!" She snickered and yelled, her playfulness crystal clear. Albeit no malice was detected in her words, you still felt unease. Especially from her last sentence
*G-Gah, please no, Monika! T-There's no need to bash my head in," You said, a light chuckled escaping your lips.
Monika just smirked at you, a complete switch from her challenging expression she had just a minute ago
"Nah, I only beat up unawesome losers! I’d never beat up my totally awesome music teacher! Even if you are a bit unawesome and lame sometimes, you're still great in the awesome me's book!" She flashed a toothy grin at you, making you let out another giggle, softer this time
" ...thank you?" Unbeknownst to you, an amused grin was curving up from your lips, Monika's energy and outgoing nature feeling more comforting than annoying
"No prob! Anyways, the great me has something to show you! Prepare for your socks to be knocked off!”
Well... they were probably already knocked off when the awesome me came into the room. My presence alone has that effect!" She boasted, unbuttoning her lazy blazer. She reached into the breast pocket, pulling out a silver flute
"Ummm.....Monika? I....don't think l'm in the right mindset....to....t-teach you....flute... You stated, your voice trailing off mid sentence before you found the courage to continue your full statement. You did not know a thing about flute, even if you were supposed to be Monika's music teacher!
Monika cocked her brow, more confused than imperious. “Huh? No, [♡], the great me is gonna play for you. Remember I want to show you how awesome I became at playing this song?" She asked, making you cough, but nod
"O-Oh, yeah, right. Then go on! I'm listening! I'm sure it will be as awesome as you are!" You commented, sitting down on the bed. You folded your hands nicely on your lap, ready to take it easy to just listen to Monika play. A blush formed onto her cheeks, and a soft smile curled onto her mouth
Monika…. could have gentle smiles?
"You really mean that? I'm...awesome? It...would mean a lot coming from you...." She asked you, taking you aback with a wave of shock. The usual arrogant and noisy flute player looked at you with warm periwinkle eyes, silently telling you her question was genuine
“H-Huh? Monika, of course y-“
"Ahaha!!! Gotcha! Was there ever a doubt in your mind that I wasn't awesome?! Bullshit! Since you were about to agree with my awesome opinion, you shall be rewarded in hearing the awesome flute playing of Monika Hashimoto!" She cheered, placing the lip plate mere centimeters away from her mouth. Seconds later, the room filled with a classical tune, entrancing you in state of relaxation and awe
The tune carried the same whimsical charm that Monika did, a sweet smile not leaving your lips as you closed your eyes. As you took in the melody, Monika kept her focus on you, a look full of admiration present on her face.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 202 [SO-RA BAEK]
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>> use the key on room 202!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal." Like some sort of shared fantasy.
So-Ra… she didn’t talk much. Maybe she’d finally open up about herself? Huh, actually, didn’t she mention having a husband…?
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The door cracked open slowly, and you took a hesitant step in.
“Knock before you enter.” So-Ra’s regularly soft voice took on a more strict tone than usual. “And please, close the door after coming in.”
Freezing in your tracks, you knocked on the door three times, then closed it behind you. What was this fantasy? She looked quite serious…
“Come, sit.” She beckoned you over, tapping her lap with a glove-adorned hand.
Wait. Huh?!
“Pardon?” You blurted out, thinking you misunderstood, or there was a problem with your communication.
She cracked a smile, giving a gentle laugh; was that the first time you’d heard her laugh? “Do not be afraid, I will not hurt you. I may look a little different than before, but… I’m still your big sister, you know?”
Big… big sister? Did So-Ra have siblings? She didn’t ever mention this, you didn’t think… and she didn’t really seem the type either.
“O—oh, yeah, I’m just a little…” you tried to piece together a statement. “…because it’s been a while.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t want to abandon you, [♡].” She sighed, her smile faltering. “I just… I broke under the pressure. You understand, don’t you?”
Her eyes met yours uncertainly, before she ducked her head, ashamed. Her long fingers tangled in the heavy fabric of her dress, and if she weren’t wearing her gloves, you were sure her fingernails would have drawn blood on her palm.
“But… those rumours they spread weren’t… they weren’t entirely incorrect. So I shan’t… blame you if you despise me.” She continued, wringing her hands.
She seemed lost; a complete one-eighty from her regular demeanour. Her shoulders slumped, the bones on her collar pressing through her taut skin, a scar on her arm peeking out from underneath her long gloves with the action.
“The rumours, right…” you muttered, trying to piece this together. “I, uh, I didn’t believe the rumours were true, So-Ra.”
She laughed dryly, eyes empty. “I’m sorry. I’m a terrible role model.”
“That’s not what I meant, I—“ you paused for a short moment, thinking back on your earlier interaction. “You were only trying to look after yourself, right? I mean, look at you! You have everything you’ve dreamed of… even if you left us behind, we’re alright.”
“But I don’t. I’m selfish, I’m greedy, I…” she bit her lip, sniffling. “I miss everyone, I wish I never left, but I know if I didn’t, I’d hate all of you…” she brushed away a tear with a slender finger. “I just… I can’t bear it.”
You watched silently as she tried her best to repress her tears, covering her face with a hand, and holding her breath. Her breath trembled when she drew one in, her body shaking with it. She wasn’t fully crying, but you could tell that she wanted to.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay...” You suddenly felt the need to comfort her, approaching her with a gentle hand on her bare back. Her skin was cold as ice. “You’re okay, you’re here now, you have me.”
She took a breath, blinking rapidly as she wiped her tears. “Dear lord… my little sibling is comforting me. I’m so sorry for all of this, you shouldn’t be…”
“Even big sisters need comforting sometime, So-Ra.” You smiled at her, pinching her cheek. “So don’t try to do everything yourself! Let your li’l siblings help sometimes!”
“…I suppose you’re correct.” She said, looking up at you, examining your form. “You’ve gotten taller since you were ten… it’s been a really long time, hasn’t it? I don’t suppose you’d like to… catch up?”
“I’d be delighted, big sister.”
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event: room 606 [CAOLAN CROMWELL]
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>> use the key on room 606!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their "ideal”. Like some sort of shared fantasy.
The thought of Caolan's fantasy is almost... strange. You feel like he's kept xyr story close to his chest despite it all.
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"Ah! Mo grá, you're home!" Caolan's voice purred out, eyes lighting up as xe noticed you.
Huh. You didn't expect this to be honest.
"Hey Cao, I'm home. That's right. How are you doing?" You asked, trying to take the ideal in stride.
"Oh l'm doing great, darling! The kids are settling in well, I'm settling in well-you know I was so worried about this place for a while, but it's nice here. Very safe too, and the community is so nice!
I'm glad we moved- and oh! The next few days are free for you right? We should do something... as a family.” Caolan said softly, beaming.
It took you back for a moment, Caolan's fantasy was a married, domestic life with kids? You would have never guessed.
“Yeah sure, we should," you nod, taking a moment, “...Where do you think we should go? You've spent all day with the kids haven't you? You'd know better than I would.”
Caolan's face crinkled in amusement, “I suppose I would... oh to imagine the brass would flip their shit if they saw me use my skills for this... a fair usage I'd say." Caolan said, clicking xyr tongue before leaning in, nuzzling his face against yours... it made you feel strangely warm. Affectionate even.
He looked at you, warmly, before gently grasping your hands, inhaling before xe spoke, "You know... I can't really put it into words just how... happy I am with you. My entire childhood I never had a family you know...” he began as if you've heard this before.
You genuinely didn't know that, but you portrayed sympathy quickly. Surprise or shock could ruin this, and you didn't want to know what would happen if Caolan woke up.
"It's alright, l'm here. The kids are here. We're a family together Cao." you cooed softly.
Caolan nodded, smiling softly, but you could see a few tears as xyr eyes creased, "It's just... if you told me this was how my life would end up when we were younger I'd laugh. Everything... it's perfect. Heh, and to think this was once only a fairytale for me... l'm truly happy. With you. The kids. Everything."
"I’m happy with our family too Caolan," you said before you could even realize what you were saying, leaning into him and pulling your 'husband' into a hug.
" know," came a muffled reply before he leaned into you and gave a kiss on the cheek, before nuzzling it again, fluffy pink hair tickling you.
"I love you so so much, my love. You're so wonderful, so sweet, so caring. And you fell for me? Everyday I question your choice, but l'm thankful for it everyday at the same time. You're simply amazing." Caolan cooed, praising you as he nuzzled you.
"Now, come on, it's late dear; if I'm really allowed to plan the next few days how I want, we're going to need the rest, both of us. xe said softly, tugging you to bed gently.
"Oh? And what do you mean by that?" You ask, almost knowing where this would go. It's Caolan, even if xe wants a domestic life in the end, it doesn't change who he is.
“Oh I was thinking maybe the aquarium? Then the museum? I know it's a bit of a drive, but l'll drive okay? And then... maybe hmm. Does the park sound good? We haven't been in a bit, and I'm sure the youngest would love it."
Okay maybe you don't know Caolan that well. Especially if this is... truly his fantasy, what xe wants in life. You feel almost a little bad for doubting him.
"And then... I know we have two kids already, but what are your thoughts about looking into a third? l've always wanted a big family but two is fine! I promise, it just... seems really nice," Caolan admitted, leaning into you.
Okay never mind you don't feel bad.
“… we'll see. I'm not adverse to the idea." you said carefully, "but will that be alright for you? You take care of them as is, right?"
“I can manage, and besides, I love all of you so much. Now come on, we need some rest for tomorrow; he whined, genuinely caring about your sleep.
"Fine, fine." you acquiesced, smiling goofily, letting Caolan drag you to bed.
He's so... gentle like this. Nothing like the flirtatious pretty boy you were used to. You feel closer to Caolan in a way you could never imagine.
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hotelheartz · 2 years
love suite event; room 103 [SOO-MIN KANG]
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>> use the key on room 103!
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Every time you come here, you must play the role of their “ideal.” Like some sort of shared fantasy.
What would Soo-Min’s be like, you wonder… she doesn’t seem to have much going on up in there.
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As soon as you walked in, Soo-Min grabbed your arm, pulling you in.
"Hey, hey☆! You made it!" They grinned at you, playing with your fingers. “I was beginning to think you’d never show up! So mean, making me wait like that~!”
Made it? To what?
“O—oh, yeah. That’s my bad.” You spoke hesitantly, hoping for some context.
“You dummy, you asked me to come out of my room at midnight! It’s eleven fifty-nine already, which means you’re like totally late!” She pouted teasingly, running a finger along your arm. “You’re gonna make it up to me though, right~?”
She’s… she’s joking, right? That’s a minute early…
His smile was innocent, but his eyes were anything but. Lashes fluttering, she watched you expectantly, one single green eye glittering a bright green.
“Oh… o—of course,” you felt the back of your neck prickle with sweat. “How— how do you… I mean, what do you want me to do?”
They shrunk into themself a little, playing coy. “Well, you know…” they mumbled, feigning shyness. “Don’t make me say it out loud…”
Your heart sped up. What?! Swallowing nervously, you looked away. “B—but, uh, I just have to make sure we’re on the same page a—about—“
There was a little pause, as she bit her lip, twirling a short lock of hair on her finger. Then, he leaned closer to your neck, voice dropping to a soft murmur.
She laid a gentle hand on your thigh, tracing the inside with a sparkly nail.
“Want you…”
They pressed their chest into your body, heat radiating from under their thin sweater.
Just as they were close enough to kiss you — among other things — they pulled away. Tapping her face with her index finger as if thinking, she hummed. “Actually, now that I think about it, the doctors say I can’t do any straining physical activity! My poor head is totally spinning!”
He stood up, twirling around, then did a small mock-faint, putting a hand on his forehead with a short giggle.
Feeling a confused, and maybe a little frustrated, you grabbed her hand, pulling her back down to the bed, but this time, she landed on her back, you on top of her. “Just tell me what you want, Soo-Min, why are you playing games?”
Their breathing hitched, and they put their free hand over their mouth, face reddening as their pupils dilated, then contracted. It seemed as if they were adjusting for a moment, before they looked back up at you with a pretty smile.
“What I want?” She smiled, carmine-tinted lips stretching wide. “Hehe, I want… your attention. Keep your eyes on me, your hands on my body, your lips on mine…”
You watched them speak, growing increasingly hotter by the second. “E—eh!? Soo-Min, hold on, are you su—“
“I thought you wanted to make it up to me, [♡]." He faked a playful frown, batting his lashes. “Show me that you’re watching me, at least?”
Their eyes glittered, and you felt as if you were drowning in them as they pulled you in. She seemed to get everything she wanted, and though you knew it probably wasn’t best to comply to all games… you could see why everyone did. In fact, instead of their ultimate fantasy, it almost felt as if it were yours.
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dailykyun · 2 years
[230314] Changkyun 🫧 Private Chat
Knock knock
버블 배우는 중이에요 잠시만요
I'm learning bubble. hold on.
이거 조금 신기하다
this is kind of cool.
그러면 이거 앱 for star 또 다운 받은겨요 ??
Did you download the app for star again?
거.에요야 금칙어네 잉?
That's a forbidden word huh?
a hedgehog movement
근데 너무 반가워요
but it's nice to see you.
이렇게 또 보네요
I'm seeing you again
이거 라이브도 가능하네??
You can do this live too.
나중에 해봐야겠다
I should try later
*bubble live chat starts*
*bubble live chat cancelled*
아냐아냐 지금 안할거야 확인만
No no. I'm not going to do it now, just check.
음성만도 가능하구나
It's only possible with voice.
이름 다들 바꾸셨구나
Everyone changed their names
나는 사진이랑 이름 멀로 하지
I'll use pictures and names
보고 싶었단 말이지
I missed you.
*subscribers name*
나는 임창균
I'm I.M
너는 *subscribers name*
You are *subscribers name*
(Laughs) (Laughs)
귀여워 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Cute (Laughs) (Laughs)
그래서 지금 뭐해
So, what are you doing?
나 일정 좀 보고 이따가 다시 올게요
I'll check my schedule and come back later.
기다리고 있어요 알겠죠?
Please wait for me, okay?
♡ Translation: dailykyun. Please take out with full credit.
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dailykyun · 1 year
[230329] Changkyun 🫧 Private Chat
knock knock
deok deok (knocking sounds)
오늘 하루는 어땠나요
how was your day?
요새 꽃이 많이 핀거 같던데
there's a lot of flowers recently
꽃 좀 봤어요?
did you see any flowers?
꽃구경하러 다니지는 않았는데 길가에 조금 핀 거 같던데
I didn’t go around to see flowers, but I think they bloomed a little on the side of the road
one by one
10일이면 지니까 얼른 보러가요
they will fall in 10 days, so hurry and go see
이거 car지노에서 나온거예요
you can see it from the car
*sends picture*
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이런컷도 있었다
there was a cut like this
*sends picture*
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뭔가 mz하다
it's kind of like mz
사진 또 줘??
you want another picture?
*sends picture*
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그나저나 프사를 바꿔야하는데 멀로 바꾸나
By the way, I need to change my pfp , what should I change to
이름도 바꿀 수 있다면서
I could change my name?
이름은 멀로 하지
I’ll call you MULO
사진 멀로하지
why don’t you take a picture
@@ 나한테 사진 못 보내?
@@ can’t you send me a picture ?
여기는 **
this is *insert name*
일단 이걸로 할래
I'll go with this first
재미난 일 없었어요 ?
did anything fun happen?
재미 난 일?
something fun?
(before and after of his picture/ name change)
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아 어제 자컨 나왔었는데
oh it came out yesterday
그거 나 매력있는 남자로 나올거야
im gonna come out as a charming man
근데 원래도 매력 너무 많긴햐
he has so much charm
요새 미세먼지 엄청나던데
fine dust is really bad these days
건강 조심해야해
take care of your health
얼마전에 피부과 갔다와서 라이브는 얼굴 좀 괜찮은 날에 할게요
I went to the dermatologist recently, so I will do a live on a day when my face is okay.
마스크 꼭 잘 쓰고 다니고 오늘 밤 잠도 잘자야 해요
make sure to wear a mask and sleep well tonight
오늘 하루도 고생 많았어요
you did a great job today
잘자요 안녕
goodnight, bye
♡ Translation: dailykyun. Please take out with full credit.
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dailykyun · 2 years
[230314] Changkyun 🫧 Private Chat
똑똑 잘
지내고 있어요 ?
나랑 더 잘 지내봐요
knock knock. how are you doing? let's get along well
♡ Translation: dailykyun. Please take out with full credit.
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