Hi! Im not sure if this is the right blog, or if the blog I'm looking for has deactivated, but there was another poll blog similar to yours (basically a hottest non human competition) with a dark red background and the banner picture was I think a human and non human hand close to touching? I can't find the blog on my followings but last I checked, they divided the brackets into a set of 4 types (robots, animal like, etc) with whoever gets enough votes via Google votes passing on to the official brackets. I remember 2 of 4 Google votes being published before the blog seemingly vanished
I'm just asking because I dont think it's yours? But maybe it is and you just had a revamp idk. I had notifs on for that blog but I can't find them in my followings and haven't heard from them in a while so I think they may be deactivated.
Nope, it wasn't me! And I hadn't seen the blog before so I don't have any information for you either 😔
But hopefully you don't mind me answering this publicly! Maybe someone else knows what happened with it!
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Round 1 Brackets
• Vote for the hottest monster, the one you want to FUCK NASTY STYLE, not your favourite character (if they overlap, good for you).
• No character slander in the tags. It’s much better to write nice things about your favourite and also more in the spirit of the tournament.
• Feel free to send in propaganda- I’ve turned asks (including anons) and submissions on so people can do so. Keep in mind that I have to read it…
• ‘What about ___?’ ‘Where’s ___?’ ___ is not in the tournament and won’t be added. We excluded certain monsters because they didn’t fit the criteria and/or they would realistically sweep all other competitors. What’s the point in hosting a tournament if you know who the winner is going to be?
• Fed up with seeing the tournament in the game tags? Not interested in it? Filter ‘hottest fromsoft monster’ and/or block this sideblog.
• I’ll be separating the bigger rounds up into chunks seeing as there’s 32 polls for Round 1.
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You have chosen the winner! Poison Ivy has been crowned the Hottest Nonhuman!
Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: FINAL BATTLE
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: FINAL BATTLE
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Semi-Finals Battle 2
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Semi-Finals Battle 1
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R1: @original-character-championship VS @hottestnonhumantournament
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 5 Battle 2
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 5 Battle 3
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 5 Battle 1
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 5 Battle 4
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Round 5 Masterpost
(Finished) -Milo Belladonna VS Fjord (Winner: Fjord) -Poison Ivy VS Gwendolyn (Winner: Poison Ivy) -Vash VS Shirou Ogami (Winner: Vash) -Dream VS Alucard (Winner: Alucard)
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Best Character With a Flowery Name Tournament
Hi ! I’m your mod for this tournament. I go either by Rebecca or Cathy on tumblr, Mod is fine too here. My pronouns are she/her
My main blog’s @introvert-in-hiding.
I’ve been thinking about doing this for a long time and when I saw the @rose-tournament, I decided it was time to hurry things up a bit and open submissions or I’d never do it.
Rules :
- The characters with the most submissions will be included in the bracket
- I have a list of characters if you lack inspiration (I’ll add my own ideas and people’s submissions regularly, but none of the characters here is automatically guaranteed to be in the bracket) at @flowerycharacterslist
- Don’t submit OCs, myct or HP characters please
- You’re allowed to make multiple submissions but not about the same character 
- Made up names are good, as long as a flowery translation has been provided by the work’s creator(s)
- It’s fine if the flowery name is not the most used by the character/they use a shortening of it etc. Don’t submit deadnames, though.
- Superhero names work but precise which character exactly
- If I can’t find the information with 2 clicks and/or common sense, please explain to me why it’s a flowery name
- Respect the characters and media you’re not voting for, they’re probably meaningful to other people
- Respect other people, they’re meaningful to me. I’ll even say to not attack jokingly people you don’t know, they may be a kid, they may be lacking self-confidence or in a bad place emotionally, they may have difficulties to interpret a joke etc. This is a game. It’s supposed to be fun for everyone. 
- More seriously, discrimination is not a thing I’ll just accept. Transphobia/Homophobia/Xenophonia/Racism/Sexism/Islamophobia and other types of discrimination and toxicity gets you blocked. 
- On an unrelated note, I have classes on dyslexia and a teacher told us that Century Gothic (the police I used for the form) was easier to read for dyslexic people. If any dyslexic person around here wants to throw their two cents…
Submissions are open, by the way !
Shyly tagging a few blogs with tournaments I’m really enjoying : @royaltournament @fictionalfoodfight @bestshipsmackdown @battle-of-the-dads @hottestnonhumantournament @monstershipbracket @strawberrylemonadeswagtourney @classical-hunger-games @villain-championship @kingarthurtournament @coolcolourstournament @coolest-dragon-bracket
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Welcome to the Puppet Showdown!
Yes, yet another Tumblr Tournament! In this one we're going to have some friendly competition between your favorite puppets! Any sort of puppets are allowed! And anything from DHMIS to The Muppets Submissions currently open!
Also the usual rule of "you can submit as many characters as you want but please don't submit the same one multiple times" applies!
No set date yet for when submissions end since I'm not sure how many we'll end up with, but I'll give a warning before they close for any last-minute submissions! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's nominations and maybe even discovering some cool new puppets I didn't know about!
Obligatory tournament inspiration tags!
@autismswagsummit @new-poll-who-this @dead-character-showdown @transmascswagbracket @slime-showdown @squimbusfrommypolls @fashiondisastertournament @swaglesscompetition
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 4 Battle 4
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 4 Battle 7
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Hottest Nonhuman Tournament: Round 4 Battle 8
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