hottestswagking · 1 month
bakuiida is so funny like guess which one attempted murder and which one goes to bed at 8pm
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hottestswagking · 3 months
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I’m a sucker for characters that get ruthlessly shat on by the fandom
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hottestswagking · 3 months
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She's an icon
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hottestswagking · 3 months
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hottestswagking · 3 months
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Pride Month is upon us again and so it is time to repost my little guy, Hue! I’m wishing everyone a safe, supportive, positive, and enlightening Pride, whether you’re all the way “out” or not!
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hottestswagking · 4 months
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hottestswagking · 4 months
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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hottestswagking · 4 months
January 7th, 1939
My name is Joseph Campbell, and I’m 15 years old. I live on Pine Street in San Francisco, California. I’m writing this journal because my uncle says that we’re at the brink of war and I would like to keep notes of everything. My uncle works for the WCCA and my father is in the Navy. My older brother, David, is thinking about joining the military once he’s of age. I don’t think he should go, not with how things are sounding.
My uncle says that people are still recovering from the Great Depression since the Great War and that if Hitler isn’t bothering us, then we shouldn’t get involved. I asked him why Hitler is so angry in the first place, he says it’s because he’s a raging capitalist. Something about a Treaty of Versailles that he broke and how he has started up a military even though the treaty told him not to. 
I asked David why we couldn’t just print ourselves more money and get out of the depression, he laughed at me.
I asked my dad, and he told me that Germany did that. I asked what happened, and he said that they went into a Great Depression, too. My whole thing is why the hell would that Hitler guy try and start a war if his people don’t have money? Whatever, this whole thing is stupid. I hope David doesn’t go into the military.
March 2nd, 1939
I found out from my Uncle that Japan isn’t a part of the League of Nations anymore. They invaded China and left after the other countries told them to stop. Pretty wild if I’m being honest. This is the same league that tried signing a policy of appeasement with Hitler! How stupid, honestly. All that does is enable behavior, not stop it.
I heard that Stalin isn’t any better. He runs a totalitarian country (Russia) and made a pact with Hitler. Call it the nonaggression pact, made so they won’t attack each other.
September 15th, 1939
Hitler invaded Poland on the 1st. My dad told me that it was a poor move on their part. Hitler is going through all of Europe and attacking countries left and right. Part of that nonaggression pact was that Hitler would stay out of Poland. I don’t know what Russia is planning to do about this. I got all scared, asked my uncle what this means for us. He said that Hitler is only going after the European theater, and that we’re too strong to be attacked.
February 14th, 1940
It’s Valentine's Day. Me and Konan (my friend) don’t have girls, so we’re spending it together. I live near him, on Pine st; Konan lives in an apartment in Japan town. We got each other chocolate and a shitty, hand-made card that you would give to your parents in elementary school. The two of us were walking around on some of the rooftops in his area; Konan suggested that we get some subs to eat while we were up there. We were sitting down on a blanket and eating our subs. Konan was telling me about his mom and how she adopted a kitty named Kitty. I said that it was a stupid name, and he agreed. I asked him how school was going, he asked me about sports, and talked about everything and anything after that. I noticed that it was getting darker and suggested that we give each other our cards. Konan gave me his and I gave him mine. We already ate the chocolate. My card was decorated with blue crayon and stickers. On the inside it said: “Happy Valintins Day Josef!” There was a cool drawing of a flower. I didn’t tell Konan that he spelled Valentines wrong, or my name, for the matter. 
The sun was setting, and we decided to spend our last moments watching it. I wrapped the blanket around the both of us and huddled close to Konan, it was cold after all. The night was silent and peaceful. 
Once it was dark and the streetlights were turned on, Konan offered to walk me home. We jokingly held hands since it was still Valentine's Day and continued to do so until we were at my house.
April 7th, 1940
I heard that Hitler is planning to attack France. My dad and David think that he’s too stupid to do that. Every single place over there is guarded with French soldiers. I think it’s scary still. Hitler has those U-boat things, ships that go underwater. How is France supposed to fight against that? David told me to shut up when I expressed this concern to him. 
Later that day, I went over to Konan’s house. He was listening to the radio, nothing interesting was on there, though. I told him about France and Germany and the U-boats. He told me that it’s very scary indeed, and that David just doesn’t want to think about Hitler having an advantage. I was glad that he agreed with me.
May 25th, 1940
Konan and I were laying in my bed when David ran into my room. He looked scared. He kept saying my name but nothing else. Konan got up and managed to calm him down enough to say actual words. 
Hitler’s attack against France was successful. 
I didn’t know what to say at first. The room was filled with tension and fear. I looked at my older brother, nervous and unsteady, and felt a hand on my shoulder. Konan squeezed it, a silent reassurance. I finally got words to form and asked David how they did it. Was it the U-boats?
David said it was something called Blitzkrieg. A use of warfare that administers swift, focused blows at the enemy.
David said that the one unguarded part of France was the Ardennes Forest, so thick and heavy that none of them thought the Germans could get through.“They used tanks”, David said, and went through the Forest easily. I asked why he was so scared. He said that if they can get through France, they can probably stand a chance against Britain. “That could me war for us, right?” Konan asked. David went quiet again. War is exactly what he’s so scared of. David left after that. Konan and I just sat on my bed for a while before turning on his radio that he brought over.  I don’t want war.
April 3rd, 1940
David’s joining the Navy. Dad’s all proud of him for it, saying that the Navy has been a tradition for the men in our family. David was bragging about how he was going to beat Hitler’s ass if we ever go to war. My uncle told him that it was a noble choice, given how bad things are looking for our allied countries right now. “All for our country, you know?” David told him, and they all laughed and called him brave. I tried my best to laugh along, but I was worried. I don’t want David out in the sea, he can’t even swim. In fact, he’s terrified of the pcean. I know that David is going to call me stupid for it. I think he’s stupid for this.
July 16th, 1940
Britain was attacked by Hitler. Another Blitzkrieg, Konan says. They used airstrikes and was bombing the whole place. They won, of course, but all of their weapons and money and food are running low. My uncle is saying that the US has created something now called the Land-Lease, which allows us to lend or lease weapons and such to other countries. Although the US is supposed to be neutral on the war, it would be beneficiary to help out Britain and any other country against Hitler.
August 12th, 1940
Konan tells me that he wants to take me somewhere, a lake that he knows of. It was hot, so I followed him without any questions. The lake wasn’t much. It was medium-sized and had a bit of trash in it. 
“Is this the lake?”
“Sure is.”
“Yes, really. Do you not like it? Were you expecting a pristine lake of the Bahamas?”
“No, no, not at all. It’s just not as big.”
“If it was big, then it wouldn’t be just us.”
“That’s true, I suppose.”
And so I stripped my clothes and got into the lake. Konan is a competitive swimmer. He has a lean body with some nice muscle. He always won the “hold your breath underwater” competitions that other kids would challenge him to. He immediately began splashing around the lake. I tried catching up to him at first, but he was too fast. I decided that I was going to do tricks and stuff in the water. I attempted some flips and a handstand, which was unsuccessful. I was so focused on my tricks that I didn’t notice the violent splashing approaching me. I felt fingers poking into both of my sides, which made me inhale some water out of surprise. I stuck my head out of the water and began to cough up the water. Konan held me in place since we were in the middle of the lake and I couldn’t touch the bottom without my nose hitting the surface of the water. He laughed and told me he was sorry while patting my back. Once I was done dying, I went to the grass and basked in the sun. I watched Konan swimming around. He went from playful, to graceful, and then to aggressive depending on what he was doing in there. I was content with this, just Konan and me outside where no one else is around. I closed my eyes and took a nap, blissfully unaware of Konan getting out of the lake and laying beside me.
August 23rd, 1940
My uncle told me that the entire pacific theater might have to go into total war if Hitler keeps going at his rate. Winston Churchill, prime minister of Britain, had accepted the Land-Lease with the US. All sorts of weapons were being sent to the UK. I asked what this has to do with us, David answered instead.
“So you know how Dad’s in the Navy, right?”
“You are too.”
“Not yet, Next year I will. I’ll be 18 by then.”
“Okay, Well, what about him being in the Navy?”
“Dad told me that Hitler’s U-boats are attacking our cargo and supplies ships! Sending holes through them and such. That means that Germany is coming for the US now, too.”
My uncle nodded. He was all solemn. He said that things are getting fiery with Japan as well. They seem to have formed an alliance with Germany and Italy. So, between Japan and their advances across the world, and Germany’s advances against us, total war seems likely. 
Then, he left and said he had work to do, leaving David and I together. I think he could sense that I was scared. 
“Once I join the Navy, I’m going to make sure that nothing happens over here, okay? So is dad and Uncle Roger.”
I could only nod and felt David ruffle my hair. That was the night the nightmares began.
March 2nd, 1941
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY! I’m officially 17 years old. David woke me up with a pillow to my face. He tackled me to the floor, and we wrestled until I surrendered. He said happy birthday and told me that we’re going out to breakfast. Dad isn’t here, he’s off somewhere in the south. Our aunt comes and checks in on us periodically. 
Dad had given me a letter with money inside, a good $20 bill. I was also given a stack of comics from him. David took me to a diner that I’ve never been to before. I got myself pancakes and eggs. David said I could, even though it was a bit pricey. After breakfast, we went and got me a new baseball cap, and David a pack of ciggs. 
It was around 1:35 pm by the time we go home, doing some little errands on the way. In my room was Konan with his bag on my floor and a book in his hands. I slowly crept up to him, praying that my footsteps didn’t give anything away. When I was close to enough, I grabbed onto his shoulders and yelled into his ear. He screamed, his book leaving his hands. 
“You’re an asshole!”
“Yes, and you’re an intruder.”
I smiled at him. He gave me a hug and wished me a happy birthday. Konan apologized to me about not having a present, but it was fine. We looked through the comics that my dad gave me and took turns reading the dialogue out loud. 
The park nearby was closed due to construction or something, so we decided to stay inside. It had started raining 15 minutes after the decision was made.
Konan and I went to the dining room where David was, reading newspapers and such. 
“Anything new?”
“Yeah, the Japanese.”
I looked at Konan, and he looked at me. He smiled before speaking. 
“What did I do to you, huh?”
David looked up to see my friend who, might I add, is very Japanese. David smiled back and laughed.
“Not you. I mean the government. They’re island hopping.”
“What’s island hopping?”
“Avoiding bigger countries and taking over smaller, more defenseless ones. The US has been trying to tell them to stop for quite some time now, but they won’t listen.”
“Have we tried threatening them?”
“Yeah, me and Joseph’s dad says that we might withhold oil from them. I don’t know if we’ll actually do it.”
“You should.”
“Jeez, kid. Those are your people,”
“Not my country, though. I’m an American first.”
“Hell yeah, nice to hear it.”
And so that was the conversation between Konan and David. To be honest, I never really thought of Japan being Konan’s country. I mean, he’s Japanese, sure, but he’s been in America this whole time. He seems to agree.
Later that night, Konan and I were chilling in my bed again. We listened to some music as we each did our own thing. Konan was sitting up and reading his book, and I was laying on him, focusing on the record that was playing. With the beat of the music and the sound of Konan’s breathing, I was lulled to sleep faster than I expected.
July 1st, 1941
My dad had been discharged from the Navy due to a pretty gnarly cut on his leg. He has a limp that the doctors say will be permanent. By the time he got out, David had been accepted in and is now gone. He’s in Pearl Harbor for now, all the way in Hawaii. Just before he left the two of us got into a big fight, I’ll apologize when he comes home.
Dad said that things keep getting worse. Hitler had attacked the USSR on June 22nd, so not too long ago. Hitler failed, dad told me. And now Russia is our ally.
“They’ve been on Hitler’s side this whole time, why would we accept them as our ally?”
“They were neutral with Hitler. Italy is the one that’s been on Germany’s side. Russia was attacked, and they’re joining the war officially. This helps us.”
“Why does it help?”
“Because we now have one more country fighting with us, in a sense.”
It’s been stressful on my uncle, I heard, because of the threat of going to war with both Germany and Japan. He and his coworkers don’t know what to do. I worry about David the most. He’s all the way in Hawaii and dealing with the water. Ships are constantly being attacked by the Nazis. It’s very possible that Germany will move on to the Navy base.
September 14th, 1941
Konan is currently very pissed. 
I was walking with him in the park by the school when a group of guys were throwing paper and food at him. The boys were around our age, but I didn’t recognize them. They were calling him names like “Dirty Jap” and making their eyes take the shape of thin slits, meant to mock Konan’s own eyes. It looked like they were going to come closer to us, so I grabbed Konan and dragged him away. He kept yelling back at the boys, calling them degenerates that aspire to disappoint their own mothers.
By the time we got away to a safe enough distance, Konan was so red that I thought he had popped multiple blood vessels. I tried my best to calm him down at first, but I realized that I should just let him blow off some steam. 
Apparently, this is a very common occurrence as of late. Not just those boys, but the overall harassment of his people. Japan town has become dangerous to roam at night, certain neighborhoods in general just too dangerous to show up in even during the day. Posters depicting Japanese people as cartoon villains and exaggerated caricatures all around California. I hadn’t even noticed it.
 “I hate them all. My people didn’t do jack shit and here we are, being treated like the villains!” 
Konan was kicking the rocks in his way with such force that they were just as deadly as a bullet.
 “I mean, what good does it do the government to make fun of us? You saw how those boys were back there, right, Joseph?”
 “Yeah, I saw them.”
 “And you agree, that this whole thing is stupid?”
Looking back, I heavily regret my word choice. I wish I never said that at all. I wish that I could’ve just agreed. I knew that saying “kinda” was a mistake as soon as Konan stopped walking. He just stared at me, a silent anger that only my mother could pull off.
 “What do you mean by that?”
 “Well, like,”
I gulped, unsure if I should continue
 “Like what, Joseph? Tell me.”
 “Well, the Japanese are threatening to go to war with us. It’s just like Hitler and the Germans, and Stalin and the Soviets before joining. You’re making it sound like propaganda.”
 “Because it is Joseph!”
 “No, it’s not, your people are threatening war with our people.”
 “My people are just as American as you!”
 “No, you’re Japanese.”
 “What the fuck do you mean by that?”
I could hear the strain in his voice, which caused me to look at him. He had tears in his eyes, and no longer looked angry. Instead, he had a face of hurt. At that moment, I felt ashamed. Shame for even considering him the same as the Japanese that were fighting against America. Just him asking that question had given me a moment of clarity. Konan is Japanese American, and that is all the difference.
 “I’m sorry… I don’t know what I mean by that, either.”
 Konan began to walk the other way, back to where those boys were. He said nothing.
 “Please, Konan, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I don’t know what I’m talking about, I know I don't know, Konan please.”
I caught his shoulder, but he just shrugged me off of him. I continued to follow him, done with my pleading apologies. He knew that I was following him. At first, I thought that he didn’t mind until we got halfway past our usual path.
 “You should go home, Joseph.”
 “Are you mad at me?”
 “I’ll talk to you later.”
I felt a great sense of defeat. We have not spoken since. The only part of that conversation that I’m clinging onto is the fact that, at some point in time, Konan will talk to me again.
September 24th, 1941
Konan and I are talking again. 
During school, Leon and his friends were whispering about something. They kept looking at me and then back at some poster that the school had hanging up. The poster area was all about the war that is happening, so naturally I assumed that Leon was talking about my family. I went up to the line of posters. All of them were talking about the Nazis and Hitler, except for two. One was an older poster about the USSR, and the other was about the Japanese. I felt sick. Suddenly I remembered the argument that Konan and I had last Sunday. After the sickness came anger. What could those guys possibly be talking about? It took everything in me not to tear the poster down. If I did, I would never hear the end of it from my family.
I looked across the hallway and spotted Konan and some of his friends from his neighborhood. The area got quiet. All the white kids stared at the small group, a clear tension between White America vs Japanese America. Someone from behind me cut the silence in half with some name-calling and a well calculated throw of a pencil. At first there were snickers, then some whispering, and eventually more school supplies being thrown at the group. The main perpetrator was that idiot behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with him. I said no words aloud, but I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was gonna kick his ass.
I was given detention for a week straight. I thought that I was going to be in more trouble than I actually was, fortunately. Dad was angry that I caused a scene and beat the kid up, but he understood that I was standing up for a friend. I didn’t tell him that Konan and I weren’t talking at the moment, and I’m glad. I went to the dining room in order to get to the stairs, only to see Konan sitting down at the table, doing his homework. He didn’t notice me at first. I slowly walked over to him, pulling out a chair and sitting down. He sat down his pencil and turned to face me. We stared each other in the eyes, not speaking a single word. There he was, studying my face and me studying his. It was one of those moments that you try to savor, but can never remember once it’s done.
“You don’t have to fight for me.”
Was the first thing Konan said. I was taken aback.
“I said you don’t have to fight for me. I don’t want to be honored or defended with violence. It’ll only make things worse.”
I played with Konan’s hand, moving his fingers around and tracing the lines of his palms.
“I’m sorry.”
“I am too.”
“Why? You didn’t do anything.”
“You got yourself hurt. You wouldn’t have done that if I tried to resolve that argument we had. I know you.”
“That’s still not your fault. Just because I’m still upset doesn’t mean that you have to apologize.”
“I know. How’s your head? There’s a pretty ugly knot rising on it, and I saw how that guy slammed you into the door handle.”
“It’s fine. Just a little sore.”
“Do you need some ice?”
“Not right now. I want to know how you’ve been.”
Konan smiled. He took his hand back and put away his homework. As he was doing so, Konan began to ramble about the stuff he’s been up to. A new book that he just finished, a math test that he aced, his dog Theo learning how to shake hands, a date with a girl, learning how to fix a car engine with his dad, his mom making him his favorite dish. There was only one part that I focused on, the rest was a blur.
“You were on a date? With who?”
Konan’s smile faded, and instead he became a little embarrassed.
“Just some girl. Donna something. My mom set us up.”
“But did you actually enjoy it?”
Konan gave me a quizzical look, and realized right then and there just how jealous I sounded. To be honest, my voice didn’t even give away a fraction of how jealous I really was. I don’t why, but the thought of Konan with someone doesn’t sit right with me. Same as when other people play with his hair, or sleep over at his house (even though only I’m allowed to sleep with him in bed), or have private outings with him just hanging out. I’m not gay for him or anything, but I’d rather keep more intimate stuff between us.
“Well, no, she was too much. Donna just talked and talked and talked about anything. It was like a collection of small talk being thrown at you all in one go.”
We laughed at that and I immediately felt much better. I told him about what I’ve been up to and how I was so tired and just wanted to get in my bed. He offered to stay the night at the mention of that. So, Konan and I ate dinner with my dad before hurrying off to go to sleep. Things were officially back to normal when he and I were a tangle of limbs in my bed, differences now past us.
December 10th, 1941
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Sunday. 
Their method was air strike. The Japanese had bombed our ships and land, no one was prepared. America had withdrawn oil resources from them due to them being a part of the axis (along with Germany and Italy) and island hopping all around. There seems to be a huge amount of deaths that the attack caused. We are trying our best to get ahold of David. I hope he can tell us what happened and where he was when it happened. Our uncle wants to get as many first hand accounts as possible.
Konan and I were at his house for dinner since my dad and uncle were trying to find out where David was. Konan said that his cousins had left Pearl Harbor just an hour before the attack and how the military is suspicious of them. His oldest cousin, Masaru, was pulled into questioning that night and the others have been in and out of their homes. His mom was making food when she overheard us talking about Konan’s cousins. She asked us if we knew any information on what they’ll be doing with them. I told her that my uncle is in the WCCA and that it’s not exactly something that they’re focused on, just questions about those guys since they were Japanese and fled the scene just in time. This made her feel at ease, to know that other Japanese people weren’t being targeted. I’ll ask David about that too when he comes home
December 13th, 1941
David is Dead. He was on a boat that got hit directly. His body was found in the water. Nothing about him was injured. He drowned. Some say that the waves were too powerful, others say that he was in shock, but I know one thing for certain. Even if that boat was just sinking, David would’ve died. My brother can’t swim, he was always too scared of the sea. I don’t know why he would join the Navy. Tradition, maybe. All that matters is that my brother is dead and is never coming back. I’m sorry David. I’m so, so sorry. I wanted to apologize when you came home. I love you, and you were the best brother that I could ever have. 
December 27th, 1941
Christmas wasn’t the same for anyone in the US. The attack on Pearl Harbor turned the holiday into a day of grief. Mom died around Christmastime as well. My uncle is working, he barely had time to stop by. It was just dad and I. He had lost now both a wife and son, while I had lost a mom and brother. I don’t think we ever left each other's sides.
January 23rd, 1942
It’s the new year. My dad woke me up today with the news that the US is now officially allies with other countries like France, Britain, and more. This means for certain that we’re going to war. I remember my uncle saying something about protecting American citizens and how we can’t just supply and observe anymore. I can’t blame him after what had just happened. 
Konan came over today. He shook hands with my dad and asked how he’s been. Normally, my uncle would’ve been thrilled to see him. Today, he didn’t even look at him. Konan seemed unfazed. My uncle said that he would like to have a word with my father and for us to run off somewhere inside since it was snowing out.
Konan and I went to my room. We haven’t seen each other since David’s funeral. He told me that he was worried about something and that he’d tell me the next time he’s come over.
            “So, what was it that you have been so worried about?”
            “Hitler is getting rid of all the Jews.”
I blinked. Then blinked again.
            “I’m sorry what?”
            “Just 3 days ago. He and other Nazi and government officials all banded together. Called it the Wannsee conference. The came up with a final solution to kill off all the Jewish people.”
“What’s the solution? Do you know?”
“They’re going to send them all away to camps where they’ll be killed.”
“You’re lying.”
“I wouldn’t lie about something like this.”
“It’s just…why? What the hell would he need to do that for?”
“They’re all sick in the head, the Germans.”                        
The two of us talked some more about the Wannsee conference until my dad called down for Konan. I was told to stay up in my room. I wonder what they were talking about.
February 19th, 1942
I hate my uncle. I hate the WCCA. I hate the government. And I’m scared. It’s just been announced that all Japanese citizens that reside along the west coast will be moved to internment camps due to the distrust that the bombing of Pearl Harbor has caused. These camps will be put in the middle of nowhere and letters and gifts will not be allowed between the camps and the outside world. It’s not fair. They didn’t do anything. They’re all Americans, aren’t they? They pledge to the flag and enlist in the military, just like most. It’s cruel.
March 31st, 1942
I turned 18 this month, but that hardly matters. It’s Konan’s last day in San Francisco before his family will have to leave at 10pm. Due to his cousins being prime suspects, his family will be one of the first to be moved into the internment camps. I had been helping them pack their things, much against my uncle’s wishes, and took Kitty into my home. Konan's parents said that we should run off somewhere one last time, but to avoid the public. We went back to the lake.
The lake was too cold to swim in, and the ground was icy and hard. We didn’t mind. It was silent between us, just our bodies up against each other for warmth. It wasn’t until I heard a choking sound come from Konan that I realized he was crying. I put my arm around him and held him close. He just cried and cried, at some point he let out a what sounded like the guttural scream of a wounded animal. I tried my best to comfort him, but we both knew that there was a vast uncertainty that neither one of us could smooth over nor distract the other from. We sat like that until my fingers stung from the cold and my cheeks lost all feeling. We had went back to his house hand in hand.
Night came. I went along with my friend’s family to say goodbye. His mother hugged me tight and kissed me on the cheek, his dad gave me a firm shoulder squeeze and a hand shake, and Konan pulled me aside with just seconds to spare.
            “Dude what are you doing? You need to leave.”
            “I need to tell you something.”
            “What is it?”
           “Remember this Joseph, please.”
“I love you”
And with those words he left to get on the train with his family, and I was left with a million thoughts and then some.
February 7th, 1943
Konan is still in those internment camps, David is still dead, and the war is getting worse. 
There are some good things though.
The Stalingrad ended recently. What happened was that Hitler decided that he wanted to try and take over Russia. Stupid move in my opinion. This war started last year in August and has finally ceased with Soviet success. Due to Hitler turning on Russia, the country has decided to join the allies, which is amazing for us. One more country fighting on our side.
My dad has been getting better with walking, he’s able to hobble around without his cane.
Kitty has learned how to so a half-assed backflip for treats, which is cute.
I’m going to enlist in the air force at some point, I believe. I feel as if it’s safer. The water could drown me, and the majority of the enemy is on the ground anyway. 
March 14th, 1944
I’m old enough to join the air force, and so for my birthday that’s what I did. It’s a dangerous thing, I know, but I want change. I want to fight for this country like David had wanted to. I know that he dreamed of being some big time hero. I’m not going to end up dead like he is, I know I won’t. 
There’s also some cool new computer that was invented. It’s called the colossus. It’s super cool, man. I don’t think I could ever buy it, it’s only for professional use. Politics and war for now.
May 6th, 1944
I’ve been thinking about Konan a lot, lately. I miss him. I wonder how those camps are treating the guy. I hope he’s still alive. My dad says that once the war’s over, the Japanese should be released from the camps and allowed to go back home. Even more inspiration to join the air force.
I still think about what he said to me last. That he loved me. Maybe it was the heat of the moment, or maybe he actually felt that way. Maybe he just meant it in a purely friendly way. I don’t know which I would’ve preferred. I know my dad would never let me see him again if I told him what he had said. When he comes back I’ll have to ask for clarity, but even still, I’m not very sure how I would’ve taken it if he actually means it.
June 15th, 1944
The US has gone into full on war now. I’ve finally flown a plane. It was terrifying.
I was dodging Hitler’s planes and making sure that I shoot them down without going down myself. I always thought that it would be as simple as pushing a button and watching as an enemy plane explodes, but no. It’s much worse. We’re currently hiding out in some base, hopefully it’s hidden enough. Although, I do hear bombs that are awfully close.
May 8th, 1944
We did it. Germany surrendered once again. America is safe. My family is safe. Konan is safe. Kitty is safe. I thought I would feel more victorious, more animated. I don’t even know what it is that I’m feeling. Although, I still have one more job to do. We aren’t finished with Japan. We will make sure that they never forget which country’s in charge. Scientists like Oppenheimer have been working on the world's first nuclear bomb. We call it the Manhattan Project. Our plan is to use it against Japan, they’ll never be able to top this.
Aug 6th, 1944
The bombing was a success. Little Boy, the bomb, was dropped on Hiroshima, a major city in Japan. The damage was horrendous. One of the largest deaths in that country, most likely. I was a part of the crew that flew in and did our duties.
The people treated me like a hero, someone who could do no wrong. They were incorrect. I can still feel the blood on my hands of all the lives I took across seas. I can hear the screams of German soldiers, both in pain and watching their fellow soldiers get killed and mutilated.  I can only imagine the devastation that Little Boy caused. I’m a sinful man that deserves no praise.
December 17th, 1944
Maybe it’s cruel that this will be done near Christmas. I think of it as tradition. Mom passes away from cancer, David dies from an attack, and I die by my own hands.
But really, I’m sorry. I’m sorry dad, for leaving you by yourself, but I just can’t live with this guilt. You were amazing to us, even though you lost two of the people that you loved most.
I’m sorry David. I know you wouldn’t want me to end things this way, but I can’t keep going. I fulfilled your dream of becoming an American hero, but it wasn’t worth it. I will not be joining you and mama, I will be with the Devil himself.
I’m sorry mama. You always told me that I was strong-willed and spirited. You gave me more chances than I ever deserved. You told me on your deathbed that you know that I’ll do something great one day. Is this really that great, mama?
And Konan. Oh, I am so, so sorry Konan. I can’t go on without you. I fear that you will never get out of those camps. I fear that you might also be dead. You were my best friend, and I wish you the best if you ever do make it back to California. And I’ve decided that after all these years I have loved you. I love you, I love you, I love you. And if you are to make it back home, I leave you my journals. This one especially.
Hello, Konan here. I’ve decided to finish this journal since Joseph could not. I never expected to hear the news of his death, and looking at the date of his last entry, I wish he could’ve waited one more day. Just the day afterward, December 18th, I was released from my internment camps. His father had hugged me at the funeral and couldn’t let go. It was a closed casket, and you really don’t want to know why.
But, nonetheless, I will finish the story of the war,
So, after the bombing of Japan, the war was officially over. Many Asian and European countries lye in ruins due to how costly and violent this war had become. Japan alone couldn’t even produce enough good for its own people. 
The thing is, the allies had found it very difficult to continue with peace. Currently, we are in somewhat of a war with the USSR due to tension and different goals. I was thinking about joining the military like Masaru, but I’ve decided against it. And that’s the story of World War 2
I miss you, Joseph. I’ll miss you and love you forever. You will never leave my mind until the day that I die, and then we can be sinners together.
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hottestswagking · 5 months
i want 60 thousand votes by next thursday
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hottestswagking · 5 months
"kill them with kindness" WRONG! SHOOT THEM FROM AN ONAGER! 🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥
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hottestswagking · 5 months
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hottestswagking · 5 months
all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.
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hottestswagking · 5 months
I love to drink milk.
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hottestswagking · 5 months
I want to post a fanfic / oneshot here but don't know what to write.
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hottestswagking · 5 months
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hottestswagking · 5 months
I love to drink milk.
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hottestswagking · 5 months
wah!! my mouth is empty!! (´•︵•`) can i please fill it with your cock- no, i mean, can i please take in my mou- sorry, i meant to say, can i please suck you off- no, can i please please uhhhh...
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