houdini911 · 3 months
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Dorothy Dietrich
Dorothy Dietrich BornOctober 31 1967
Known for"The Female Houdini"
Dorothy Dietrich is one of very few female magicians to have performed the bullet catch and is noted for performing a straight jacket escape suspended high in the air from a burning rope.
The Columbia Encyclopedia (Columbia University Press) included Dietrich among their eight most noted magicians of the late 20th century.
In addition to escapes and large scale stunts, Dietrich has performed tricks with live animals, such as doves, rabbits, poodles and ducks. She also does an updated version of the classic Miser's Dream, plucking coins from the air, nose, ears and pockets of a youngster from the audience.
Dietrich studied under "Coney Island Fakir" Al Flosso, a regular performer on the Ed Sullivan Show; Jack London (for the bullet catch); and Lou Lancaster with the Straight Jacket escape.
She was a founder of New York's Magic Towne House, a magic show spot in New York City. For many years she held Houdini Seances in New York as a tribute to the legendary magician, continuing a tradition started by Houdini's wife, and perpetuated by Walter B. Gibson. She currently heads up the Houdini Museum in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where she performs on a regular basis.
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houdini911 · 3 months
Famous Magicians through the years
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houdini911 · 3 months
Famous Magicians through the years part 2
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houdini911 · 3 months
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10 posts!
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houdini911 · 3 months
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5 posts!
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houdini911 · 3 months
Houdini Museum, Tour & Magic Show WEEKENDS
Houdini Museum, Tour & Magic Show WEEKENDS
(570) 342-5555
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houdini911 · 3 months
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Houdini was not born in the United States, but in Budapest, Hungary.
Houdini had five brothers and a sister, but had no children of his own.
Houdini was probably sterile; he was often the volunteer for his physician brother's experiments with X-rays.
Houdini (born Erich Weiss) took his stage name in honor of French magician Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, but later wrote the book The Unmasking of Robert-Houdin, and exposed many of the great magician's methods.
Houdini was a movie producer and actor, a magician, an escape artist and an exposer of fraudulent mediums.
Houdini was one of the first people to pilot an airplane in Australia, and he held a U.S. patent for a diving suit.
Houdini was the star of a very early motion picture, a French film made in 1901 by cinema pioneer Charles Pathé.
Houdini owned his own movie studio, the Houdini Pictures Corporation.
Houdini was the one who gave Joseph "Buster" Keaton his memorable name.
Houdini became the most famous escape artist of all time, but he was not double-jointed, as is sometimes reported. He was, however, an exercise enthusiast and was exceptionally physically fit.
Houdini served as president of the Society of American Magicians from 1917 until his death in 1926; no other person has served for more than one year to this day.
Houdini used the pen name " N. Osey" when he acted as Overseas Correspondent for the magazine Mahatma. N. Osey = Nosey. Get it?
Houdini's house in New York City is still standing, and still sports the custom inlaid floor tiles with Houdini's HH initials.
By 1921, Houdini's name was such a household word that Funk and Wagnall's New Dictionary turned his name into a verb, "Houdinize", which was defined as "to release or extricate oneself from confinement, bonds or the like, as by wriggling out."
Houdini did not die while performing the Water Torture Cell illusion, but died of peritonitis from a ruptured appendix (the same condition that killed movie star Rudolph Valentino).
Houdini died in Grace Hospital in Detroit on Halloween.
Houdini's body was transported back to New York City in his stage show coffin, the prop that he was planning to use during his next tour. The featured illusion was to be called Buried Alive.
The Broken Wand ceremony was conducted for the first time at Houdini's grave on November 4, 1926. It is a tradition that still continues today.
Houdini is the invited guest at séances held every Halloween, the anniversary of his death.
Houdini's brother, Hardeen, was a Leap Year Centennial baby- he was born on February 29, 1876, one hundred years after the Declaration of Independence.
Houdini is still today one of the ten most recognized celebrity names in the world.
Houdini has been given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
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houdini911 · 3 months
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houdini911 · 3 months
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houdini911 · 3 months
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houdini911 · 3 months
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houdini911 · 3 months
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First there is a need for a Model/ Showgirl. An attractive lady to greet people at your function or maybe hold a new product. So you contact your favorite agency to see who is available. For many of us this is where we get our first look at Maria. You notice the long dark hair and those eyes. You wonder, Polynesian? Hispanic? Italian? It's hard to tell, she could be any. You also would never know that she owns 25 snakes and 30 other exotic animals and she can bring them to any function you have!!! This is not your average girl. Maria has been working with exotic animals for close to fifteen years now and is performing with them everywhere.
Maria also can perform for your special event a 10 minute opening act up to a 1 hour stage show filled with comedy, danger, and mystery. Not having a stage show? Maria also performs close up magic for banquets, cocktail parties, and anywhere you have a gathering of people.
WEB: https://www.venommagic.com/
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houdini911 · 3 months
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Bénita Anguinet (1819-1887) was one of the famous magicians of her time. Her impressive tricks bewitched France and Europe.
A family tradition 
Bénita learned her trade from her father, Antoine, an illusionist who performed in local fairs and later in Paris. She made her debut on stage at age 7 and would accompany him father on tour. By 1840, Bénita had become the family’s figurehead, her fame having relegated her male relatives to the background. 
Unlike her father, Bénita performed only in theaters. She toured across France and traveled to Western Europe and Algeria. Contemporary reviews praised her skills, marveling at her “prodigies” and “wonders”. 
The star of Paris 
In 1856, Bénita acquired her theater at the Pré-Catelan, near Paris. It could host up to 170 spectators. She performed there continuously during afternoons and evenings, from spring to autumn. 
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Bénita's theater (1856)
Bénita became a true celebrity and a fashionable topic. Female conductor Laure Micheli composed a piece in her honor: Bénita the magician. 
Among her tricks were the inexhaustible bottle, producing various liquors according to the audience’s wishes, and the fantastic cardboard from which the illusionist pulled many objects that weren’t supposed to fit in it in the first place. 
Her signature trick was the mysterious cabbage. Bénita would make a glove and a ring borrowed from spectators disappear. She made them reappear inside an egg, itself enclosed in a lemon, wrapped inside an orange, which then emerged from a beet forming the heart of a huge cabbage. 
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Back on the road
Bénita’s success coincided with the rise of female illusionists. From the end of the 1850s and for two or three decades, many women would occupy the top of the bill, with their husbands or male relatives performing only secondary attractions. Women also practiced the discipline as amateurs.
Bénita's Parisian fame didn't last and her revenues plummeted in 1858. A year later, Bénita toured France again. In 1863, she settled in the Iberian peninsula where she performed until she died in 1887.
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Further reading 
"Bénita Anguinet (1819-1887), la célèbre illusionniste du Pré-Catelan"
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houdini911 · 11 months
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Harry Houdini (1874, Budapest – 1926, Detroit) was an American magician and illusionist of Hungarian origin. He was born in Budapest on 24 March 1874 as Erik Weisz, son of a rabbi who soon after Houdini’s birth emigrated to the United States with his family. At a very early age, Houdini started to perform in circuses, first as a trapeze artist. In 1894 he married to Wilhelmina Rahner, who was his stage assistant throughout his career under the pseudonym Beatrice. In the 1900s he gradually became known across America for his sensational escape acts. His death-defying acts included extricating from shackles, ropes, and handcuffs. During a typical performance, he would be chained and locked in a box that was dropped into deep water. Just seconds after the box submerged, he would emerge from under the water, free of all the shackles, to the great amazement of the thousands of people who would watch the act.
Houdini’s most famous and daring act was known as the Chinese Water Torture Cell. He first performed the act in 1912, but it was such a crowd-pleaser that he kept performing it until his death in 1926. As part of the act, first he was suspended by his feet upside down. With his feet locked in stocks, he was submerged into a glass cabinet full of water. To make the challenge even more difficult, the cabinet had a cage in it, which made Houdini unable to turn around. To escape from the torture cell, he had to hold his breath for more than three minutes. It was commenting on such death-defying acts that George Bernard Shaw allegedly said: ‘The 3 most famous names in history are Jesus Christ, Sherlock Holmes, and Harry Houdini.’
Modern technology, especially the spread of the motion picture also greatly contributed to Houdini’s international fame and popularity as his acts were regularly filmed between 1916 and 1923. In one of these short footages filmed in 1907 (you can watch it below) you can see Houdini being first handcuffed by a policeman, then jumping of a bridge. Just seconds after sinking into water, to the great relief of the massive crowd that gathered in Rochester to watch him perform, he bopped up to the surface, free of his shackles. Besides short newsreel footages of his stunt acts, Houdini was also engaged in producing a series of motion pictures featuring his performances. As a testimony of how popular Houdini still is, in 2008 Kino International collected the films of his most famous acts which continue to stun audiences to this day.  
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