The housing epidemic in Hawai’i has reached an all time fucking low.
Let me tell you a little story.
My landlord informed me that he’s in trouble with the building permitting office, and because I have a perfect rental history he wants to relocate me (with my husband and two kids) to another property. I’m like okay fine, I’ll go look at it.
But then I get there … and it’s literally a concrete slab with walls and cheap windows.
This piece of shit had:
No front door
No floor (just raw concrete)
No walls or insulation
No kitchen
No bathroom, shower, or toilet
No septic tank
No electricity
No water or catchment
They want $825 a month
I asked when they were going to finish the cabin. They said it was already done, and we would have to pay for everything else out of pocket.
Is this illegal? Probably. But in my area, there are over 800 displaced residents who are looking for rentals due to the Kīlauea volcano. Someone will probably be desperate enough to take this offer, but not me.
This is the type of housing conditions natives and Hawai’i locals are dealing with so foreigners can have their Air BnBs, vacation rentals, and retirement cabins. So rich politicians can have a second or third home somewhere tropical.
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This blog has now been archived. You may continue to find me at @artsy-hobbitses !
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((Whoo. Hey, @championofchampions! It’s been a while!))
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((It was a pretty busy weekend, huh?)) 
((C’mon in, let’s talk, okay?))
Keep reading
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♡Roman and his family at his late brother Matt anoa'i Aka Rosey today so sad condolences to the family♡
All credit to Rikishi on instagram
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Kinda impersonal yeah but some people just gotta clock in that public display of affection. Me an' the wife were in our Christmas jammies when I went down on one knee for her, heh. Old school, you an' me both though if you wanna make a proposal real extra, consider a personal yatch or a supervillain volcano lair you carved with your own hands which you're giftin' to you boo for the weddin'. Effort, man.
en route to the Hudson. 😑
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One's aight, the other can come off as political statement which is kinda odd but hey to each their own. Got you feelin' some way Fi?
en route to the Hudson. 😑
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Ain't look too excited. Why you headin' there?
en route to the Hudson. 😑
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Trying to find something to motivate myself and I found this little line from Van Gogh
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@afuckingknightmare Heard from Seth. Thank you. Didn't catch the majority of the dumpster fire, but tracked it down to it's source. You've been dealt a shitty hand, you've made your share mistakes like a lotta people do but that gives no one the right to define your life or career by it. Know that you're strong, an' that you've weathered more than a lot of us can imagine, an' sometimes maybe that makes you, like me, kinda believe that we can shoulder the abuse, we can take it, even when we don't have to. Two words Sethro keep's sayin' when that happens; You matter. I hope you know that. We ain't talked a lot but this week's been....I guess it's made me sit down, think hard about everythin' that's happened, realise a couple of things, what matters, what don't, where the line of family is drawn. If you ever need anythin', you let me know.
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Birthday wishes from uncle Joe to the little lady, cherish every year you get to see 'em grow.
Happy that I have today off and get to spend my daughters third birthday with her. There’s nothing like family time.
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//19, 27, 32
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?He has some issues with prioritizing people. He runs around to anyone close to him who needs help and he doesn’t always catch cues that others might feel left out if he does this too often. 
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?Standing his ground. He won’t go on the offensive until someone lands the first blow. He’s confident/cocky enough in his ability to take punishment to allow them the first swing, and they better hope it hits. 
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.Answered!
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15, 29, 33, 43, 44
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?He’s not frugal but neither is he careless with his money---he just has a lot in his life he spends on between spoiling his family, shelter and animal rescue programs as well as his pretty extensive hobbies of making/tinkering with things, so yes---he does have an eye out for money if only to fund these activities. 
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?He wanted to play in the NFL. That dream didn’t come true and he found a new dream to push him forward. 
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?According to Seth and Dean in multiple interviews, he’s a very willing student. He tends to be self-depreciative behind the facade of bravado and despite his relative success at a young age (as compared to everyone else), is acutely aware of the fact that he still has a lot to learn. 
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?Nope. 
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?Not hard for him to say it, but never says it without meaning it. 
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}} DRIVING TEST: I'm allowed to love all your characters in one place, right? Cause I do I do I do~o. While Ali is still very new still, you've hit the ground running with him and it's beautiful to see how much you've built with him already. Cesaro i wish was about a bit more (though that's probably for all your muses in a way but i'm greedy too) but he's a treasure. and roman is very obviously your baby of the bunch but the fine line of the company prince and arrogance is wonderfully done. ~
//ROMAN MAKE SOME ROOM BACK THERE OR I’M TURNING THIS VAN AROUND we’re lucky Ali’s something of a contortionist with a slinky for a spine tbh. YES YOU CAN LEAVE SACRIFICIAL OFFERINGS FOR THEM ALL IN ONE PLACE \OuO/
Ali is, I’m still honestly trying to get the hang of him because he’s this very wary (for good reason), watchful guy observing a dumpster fire from a safe distance, Cesaro’s the fireforged veteran who nopes out of it entirely while Roman’s the big, blundery boy who’s just “HEY GUYS WHAT’S UP WHAT’S GOING ON” even if he’s a little less open these days. I’m probably going to focus a bit more on Cesaro though, and keep an eye out for Ali drabbles!
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@swiss-renaissance @shehzada-ali
How am I doing with my character?
Send in your constructive criticism, your tips, your unfiltered opinion! Words of love, words of critique, so long as it’s not blind hatred!
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So I work at a flower shop in Pensacola, FL and the out pouring of love from the WWE family for the Anoa'i family has been so big. I’ve only been here for an hour today and we have tons of orders for the family and for the service. It’s beautiful to see so much love from a lot of people you wouldn’t expect.
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10, 14. 7
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?Answered!
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?More clothing in public, less clothing in private. He’s got some modicum of body image issues. 
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?Faces. He’s a chronic nicknamer since he doesn’t recall those too well.
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