howtobeawoman · 5 years
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If 2020 is the year you decide to get out of your own way and start doing way more of what brings you joy and happiness then you are going to love my fun planning soiree The Fab-plan-a-thon tomorrow 28 December 4 pm GMT. ⠀ I've designed this online workshop to help you get clear on how you want to feel, what you want and then asking the right questions so you can make it all happen. ⠀ It's a glorious 90 minutes and I'll be there with you every step of the way, answering all your questions and giving you feedback (oh, and there may or may not be a couple of dance breaks involved too!!!) Let's make 2020 the year you step into your Queen and do way more of what you love. ⠀ Why leave your happiness to chance when you can start creating it now! The price is just £47 and the link to join is in my bio. ⠀ See you there!!! https://ift.tt/2QmKqPa
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Hello darling If, like me, you want to sashay into 2020 with more confidence, commitment & clarity and do this without all that frantic over the top "I'm going to make 2020 all mine" energy then you are going to love my fun online planning workshop coming up on this Saturday. ⠀ THE FAB-PLAN-A-THON. 28th December 2019. 4pm - 5.30 pm (GMT). ⠀ I've designed this workshop to help you get clear on how you want to feel, what you want and then asking the right questions so you can make it all happen. ⠀ It's a glorious 90 minutes and I'll be there with you every step of the way, answering all your questions and giving you feedback (oh, and there may or may not be a couple of dance breaks involved too!!!) Let's make 2020 the year you step into your Queen and do way more of what you love. ⠀ Why leave your happiness to chance when you can start creating it now! The price is just £47 and the link to join is in my bio. https://ift.tt/2sl16OY
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Whatever you are doing, wherever you are happy Christmas 🎅🏻🎄💜fabulous one! ⠀ Personally I don't celebrate christmas but relish the time off so I have spent the day sleeping, decluttering my wardrobes, unpacking my suitcase from my travels and watching trash TV! ⠀ Here's to spending Christmas Day (and all the days that follow) doing way more of what makes you truly happy! https://ift.tt/379Whac
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Miami you have been delightful. 🇺🇸🛫🇬🇧 https://ift.tt/3768SLE
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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MIDLIFE DILEMMAS🤔 If we listen to the outside noise getting older is the worst, we have nothing to look forward to, our bodies are decaying, time is running out. ⠀ FLIP THE SWITCH. ⠀ It’s time to ditch this narrative and DECLARE loudly and triumphantly what's AMAZING about getting older. Here are my TOP TEN AMAZING GETTING OLDER DECLARATIONS 1. I am wiser and have learned so much from all my life’s lessons
 2. I have more confidence in who I am and where I am going
 3. I know who I am and embrace all of me unapologetically
 4. I give way less fucks about what society or anyone else wants for me
 5. I trust myself so much more
 6. I actually love my body, cellulite, wrinkles, sagging skin et al
 7. I have better sense of style and love experimenting with clothes
 8. I am robust and powerful and know deep down I can get through ANYTHING
 9. I believe the best is yet to come
 10. I have found my voice and am using it for good! ⠀ What are you celebrating about getting older?⠀ Let me know in the comments below🙋‍♀️⭐️👑 https://ift.tt/36UCwDo
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Want to make your midlife magnificent? ⠀ Have more fun and don't take yourself too seriously! https://ift.tt/2PMAPSD
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Awareness is our portal to immense personal growth. If we are not growing, we will stay stagnant and stuck. When we shine a light on our patterns of behaviour we gift ourselves the opportunity to change, to grow, to transform. Midlife is calling us to do the work on ourselves so we can become the woman we have always wanted to be! Now is the time to RISE! https://ift.tt/38XM5mJ
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Things to do in Miami when it's raining = visit @artechouse https://ift.tt/35Dg6WZ
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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Florida Keys you’ve been delightful! Now onto Miami 🌴🍾 https://ift.tt/2PZ05nC
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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MIDLIFE WISDOM ⠀ Now IS the time to take up as much space as you damn well please. https://ift.tt/34vIhph
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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The less fucks given = the happier you will become. 🌞🌴💃 https://ift.tt/2rYS9uu
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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QUEEN WISDOM Nothing ever changes unless we first become AWARE of our current patterns of behaviour.  If you listen to the outside noise, the latest guru will tell you change is easy and can happen in an instant.  But deep, ever lasting change doesn’t work like that. Change takes time and it takes AWARENESS.  AWARENESS is your portal to personal growth.  If you are not growing you're dying and I know you want to GROW.  Midlife is a powerful opportunity for growth, transformation and AWARENESS will take you from not knowing to knowing, from unskilled to alert to excelling in new patterns of behaviour that support you in living a life you adore. . . . . . #ageism #hormones #midlifeblues #awaken #brainfog #weightlosstransformation #midlifecrisis #womensupportingwomen #menopause #knowthyself #weightlossjourney #menopausesymptoms #perimenopause #weightlosstips #selfknowledge #weightloss #hormonebalance #menopausesupport #moodswings #wisdom #healthylifestyle #hotflashes #innerjourney #whoami https://ift.tt/2qWMPay
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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MIDLIFE DILEMMAS How do you start putting your needs first? Always running around after everyone else and by-passing your needs? This is a learned pattern many of us have picked up over the years.  Our culture will drum into us that we are the nurturers and it’s our job to look after everyone else. But if we continue to do this, we can become resentful and the big question is “if you are so busy looking after everyone else, who is looking after you?” ⠀ Here are 5 reasons to inspire you to put your needs first. 1.  When you do more of what lifts you up, you become happier and you energy radiates from you.  And we all want to be around women who have great energy.
 2. You are modelling the patterns you want others in your life to follow. When people see you taking care of your needs it gives them the freedom to do the same.
 3. You can’t take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself.  I know you know this, we can’t pour from an empty cup. ⠀ 4. You relieve others of the burden of taking care of you.  Part of moving through midlife is learning how to self manage yourself through life’s stickiest patches.  We can’t expect others to take care of us. We need to step up and take care of ourselves inside and out.
 5. You can serve the world best by knowing and using your strengths rather than engaging in self sacrifice. It is your job to shine your special gifts onto the world and you can only do this when you are taking good care of yourself. ⠀ Putting yourself is not selfish, it’s sovereign.  Make a vow to yourself today to do things differently, you will thank yourself in the coming days and weeks to come. If you want to learn more on how to turn your midlife malaise into a midlife magnificence then grab your free guide now! Link in bio. https://ift.tt/2Poq20K
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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MIDLIFE REBELLION BEING BUSY IS SO LAST YEAR DARLING! I mean it, it's time to ditch the busyness, the franticness, the always got something to do'ness! If you carry on like this you are going to burn yourself to the ground and YOU my darling, are far too important to do that. Start to slow things down and watch your stress levels disappear. If you want to learn more on how to turn the midlife blues into a midlife magnificence then grab your free guide now! Link in bio ⭐️ . . . . #over50 #lookyounger #menopause #feelconfident #over50andfabulous #bodyconfidence #antiaging #selfcare #perimenopause #effyourbeautystandards #botox #loveyourself #loveyourbody #hormones #glowingskin #healing #energyboost #loveyourcurves #meditation #womeninbusiness #midlifecrisis #weightloss #youthfulskin #menopausesupport #healthylifestyle #moodswings #brainfog #disruptageing #disruptaging #ageism https://ift.tt/35sfzHa
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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🤔HOW DO YOU REIGN IN YOUR CRITICAL VOICE? If we want to change anything in our life, it all starts with our mindset.  And we all know those pesky inner voices can sometimes get the better of us.  So I’m going to share a practice I teach to my Queens which really helps to calm these voices. I give the voices a name, I call them Tempestua.  And this works because these voices now have their own identity and are separate to you, not part of you.  Which is powerful when we want to disengage from them. Now I don’t ignore Tempestua when she shows up because she will always have something to say (and it’s not the bullshit nonsense she is spouting) there will be a feeling underneath this negative chatter that we need to access.  So whenever my critical voice pipes up I ask Tempestua “what do you need right now?” And if you are really quiet and calm you will always hear what Tempestua is saying. She will probably be feeling scared or uncomfortable. You need to acknowledge these feelings and then reassure her that you have got this and that you are in charge (not her). Try this out and let me know how you get on. I guarantee this is a gamechanger! . . . . #feelyounger #confidence #midlife #feelconfident #lookyounger #botox #50plusandfabulous #menopause #agelessbeauty #midlifewomen #over50andfabulous #AntiAging #over50fitness #over50beauty #fiftyplusandfabulous #success #loseweight #Collagen #Rejuvenation #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #midlifestyle #selflove #bellyfat #womenshealth #perimenopause #healing #themiddleagedgoddess https://ift.tt/2LSskmG
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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💜Things I love to do ⠀ Focus absolutely everything on my business for a set period of time then down tools and go take a vacation to drink margaritas by the pool somewhere hot! ⠀ What do you love to do? ⠀ Let me know in the comments below 💜💜💜 . . . . #over50 #lookyounger #menopause #feelconfident #over50andfabulous #bodyconfidence #antiaging #selfcare #perimenopause #effyourbeautystandards #botox #loveyourself #loveyourbody #hormones #glowingskin #healing #energyboost #loveyourcurves #meditation #womeninbusiness #selfcare #weightloss #floridakeys #menopausesupport #healthylifestyle #moodswings #brainfog #disruptageing #disruptaging #ageism https://ift.tt/2skYOiL
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howtobeawoman · 5 years
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QUEENS IN THE WORLD 👑Joan Collins👑 ⠀ I grew up watching Dynasty.  Oh the glamour, the style, the attitude. I loved Joan then and I adore her now.  At 86 she is still working, still oozing style and glamour. She is independent, feisty, takes no shit and knows what she wants.  All traits of a true Queen. Everytime I’m having a bad day I just think “what would Joan do?” and my day dramatically shifts for the better. When I grow up I want to be Joan. What a Queen! ⠀ P.S I loved her in the latest American Horror Story - Apocalypse! ⠀ Do you love Joan? Let me know in the comments below. . . . #feelyounger #confidence #midlife #feelconfident #lookyounger #botox #50plusandfabulous #menopause #agelessbeauty #midlifewomen #over50andfabulous #AntiAging #over50fitness #over50beauty #fiftyplusandfabulous #success #loseweight #Collagen #Rejuvenation #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #midlifestyle #selflove #bellyfat #womenshealth #perimenopause #healing #themiddleagedgoddess #joancollins https://ift.tt/2qQ2F72
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