howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Cross Platform Mobile App Development, Top Tools to Pace Up App Deployment
Cross platform app development is in vogue as more operating systems are introduced with the current avalanche of smart phones and other mobile devices. Mobile app developers are often confused, which tool they should choose from the large number of tools available to execute their cross platform mobile development. We (http://www.mobileapptelligence.com) specialize in mobile application development services, presents some suggestions which will be useful to mobile app developers india & worldwide.
We have been using many cross platform app development tools such as appcelerator's Titanium and PhoneGap. Both are great platforms for developing apps for both iOS and Android. Quick deployment and reduced costs are the main benefits. It also provides easy access to plug-ins.
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With PhoneGap, we can effortlessly build apps using the web technologies the developers are familiar with: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap is naturally the most admired open source cross platform development tool available now. Mobile app developers can write out their code in common scripting languages like HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
PhoneGap supports a wide range of OSs such as Apple iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows Phone, Symbian, Tizen, BlackBerry, Bada, Firefox and Ubuntu Touch. But, if your app is to have many graphics, PhoneGap can’t be your choice. Usage of interface is also unknown.
Another group of developers prefer Adobe Air. It makes use of the potent dynamics of Adobe Flash, Apache Flex, JavaScript, HTML and XML to build robust mobile apps which will run in different platforms such as Apple iOS, Android, OS X and BlackBerry Phone. The developers who prefer Adobe Air are less in number than the ones who favour PhoneGap. Some point out that some very complicated languages are needed to use Adobe Air and its database access is limited.
A few cross platform app developers vouch for Sencha Touch and say that this is the best among all the cross-platform mobile app development tools. It’s a UI-based cross-platform development tool, based on the JavaScript library and web standards like HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3. Sencha Touch is ideal for animations and enhanced touch events. This facilitates access to the mobile device’s hardware components like accelerometer, camera, compass, storage and geo location through Apache Cordova APIs.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Developing Mobile App for B2C Users, Focus on Engagement Metrics
Developing mobile app for your brand, can be one of the most important steps. Mobile apps are generating opportunities 24/7 for their makers. The apps that have “stickiness” are the best ones. They provide fresh and exciting experience to the user. This will, in turn, improve the brand loyalty and affinity. "This is what makes an app 'sticky' — that 'gotta have it' experience you can't get anywhere else."
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The engagement metrics of mobile app, depends on the industry. The goals of each business are different and according to it, the customer engagement and usage differ. Let’s pay attention to some of the major KPIs which defines the success of your app.  
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1. App Usage
If people are so fond of features of your app, then definitely they will use it. It may be just to kill time, order their favorite dress or find the best home dĂŠcor ideas. The successful apps give the clear cut solution to the queries of the user.
While assessing the usage rate of your app, it’s important to analyze the person who uses it and what they really like about your app. While you push to market a certain feature or offer to a user, it’s really important to know whether it is relevant to them. Understanding the demography, psychology, devices, usage timings can help you get the best out of the mobile app development business. The market study can favor brand building in a positive manner.  
Cohort Analysis helps in assessing the engagement metrics. This can provide insight to the weaknesses of your app. Acquiring the customer and retaining them for future can help in determining engagement getting converted to monetization.
2. Rate of Retention
Your app might be high in demand today, but there are chances that the interest of the consumers can end swiftly. The retention rate of your app is something which needs to be taken care of. "Retention is one of the biggest challenges of mobile apps today, as 65% of people stop using them three months after install”.
App store rankings can adversely affect your business. The quality and usability of the app are determined by the retention rate it holds. So it’s a great challenge for the app developers to rise up to the mark and create a fantastic app for their users.
3. Active Users
Monthly Active Users (MAU) and Daily Active Users for apps (DAU) are considered to be the key users of your application. The best thing you can do is to analyze the cohort and understand their way of use. This will help you in developing or tweaking the existing app to engage more people and convert them to active users. In app categories like survey, DAU becomes a key factor for capturing data.
4. Average Revenue Per User
Revenue of an app depends on its price, in-app purchases or conversions. While determining the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU), it should be analyzed by keeping all the App stores through which the download apps.
5. App Launch and Load Time
Seamless navigation is one of the key elements to impress your users. No one has the time to spend on your app’s loading time. So it is better for the apps to be agile and abrupt in providing solutions.
6. User Experience
The experience of any user is important for the development of your app. Some of the users may find it hard at times to use certain features of it. Customer satisfaction cannot be taken for granted. So proper feedback need to be collected from your customer by prompting them with feedback icons. It helps in enhancing your business. It becomes more important, if you are building delivery apps or app for marketplace.
App Development is an important element in the brand building process. If you lose your brand, then you will soon lose your customers. For getting continuous return from the app developed for your brand, you need to make timely changes to it.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Designing Mobile Apps for iOS Platform, check following facts?
Designing mobile apps for IOS, is an exciting challenge indeed, because it is clearly the most advanced mobile platform. It dictates, what can ultimately be done with a mobile device. iOS SDK and Xcode, along with tools like the Xcode IDE, Instruments, and iOS Simulator,  are powerful weapons in the hand of the mobile apps developer in India and abroad, to develop top mobile apps.
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iOS devices fall into two categories: iPhone and iPad. Mobile app designer should check, if its retina ready screen or not. Retina screen, with its high resolution, will display a high level of detail so if there are any issues with the UIs, it will expose that as well.
Human interface guidelines (HIG) supplied by Apple will guide the iphone application developer on how to design the standard keyboard layout, the date picker, and the status bar. The three cardinal visions of Apple are deference, clarity and depth.
To design a catching user-interface for iOS, iphone application developer or ipad application developer should do the study of the top apps in the iTunes and also try to fully comprehend Apple’s own UI guidelines. Just adhering to Apple guidelines won’t result in a nice UI, but you have to add your aesthetics to it. You may design the iOS app such that it is clear, simple, focused, and easy to navigate. Meanwhile, you should ensure that it keeps itself within the platform conventions of Apple.
Striking icons are an inevitable part of a well-designed iOS app. iphone app developers india and worldwide, have been focussed to build a special, eye-catching shape for the icon, centring on a small color palette. Better not to use text in the icon, but the design of the icon should indicate the content of the mobile app in a striking way. Do not overlook the designing of the icon, for it acquires a critical role when the app is downloaded to mobile devices. iOS is a treasure house which offers immense opportunities to the imaginative and the intelligent mobile app designer. Take it as a challenge and design a great iOS app.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
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(via What are the five essential elements to be analyzed for your web application development?)
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
B2C Companies and Enterprises are Hiring Android App Developers / Programmers in India
Are you hiring android development company for a new app idea or to build an app to connect your existing business processes through mobility solutions? You must know a bit about Android OS and how to find a top android development company from your shortlists.
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What is Android OS
Android the most widely used operating system across the world, is an open source platform. As per a research conducted on the usage of Android operating system, it was found that 75% of the mobile devices are powered by Android. This makes Android hot favorite when it comes to application development. Android was created form Google. Linux powered Android and the tradition of Linux was continued by Android which made it an open source operating system.
Being an open source make it easy for the mobile app developers to showcase their creativity through the platform of Android operating system. A mobile app developer can download the software development kit (SDK) and develop application for Android phones. Various businesses partners with the Android application development companies for the purpose of building and promoting their apps through them.
There have been many questions raised for preferring Android for the purpose of app development in comparison to the other operating systems. The wide popularity of Android is the answer to this question. Android is beneficial to the business and developers as its acts as a competitive tool for the purpose of achievement of high potent functionalities. When you decide of developing an android app for your business, it is advisable to consult an expert android app developer through a professional Android application development company.
Choosing the perfect android application development company would be a challenging task. We have some suggestion for you, which would help you in getting your Android application developed by the Android Application Development company that is best in the market.
The resources that are part of the Android Application Development Company are the most important part. The Android Application Developer working for you should posses the capability of visualizing your app concept, executing the design of your app in a manner that could be termed as creative and has the capability of deploying your Android app efficiently into the target market.
The experience of the Android Application Development company would be an important factor. How long has the Android Application Development company been in the market? What is the number of Android applications that they have developed? Checking on the real time applications developed by the Android Application Development company would be an excellent idea.
The third point to take care of would be the technical know-how of the Android Application Development company. It would be interesting to know the porting experience of the Android app that the company has in other platform like iPhone and Windows.
It would always beneficial to go with a company that has been working in the field of web designing, visualizing and digital strategy for a long time. These kinds of companies with long history would be able to design your Android app effectively.
The next aspect to check with the Android App Development company would be the fundamental skills in that are required for the development your Android app. The other features that are essential for the Android Apps Development company would be the capability in fixing bug, ability of upgrading the app and provide support after the Android app has been published.
Android powers millions of phones and tablets across the world. Its user-friendly capability, easy customization and seamless functioning have made it the favorite operating system across the globe. Find out a top android application development services provider and get mobile.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Mobile Application Development for B2C Business - Branding – Marketing - Growth
Investing in a mobile app development today, is a smart move for one’s business and it’ll delight to customers.
Mobile phones have become a part of human life on the earth and the community of your customers cannot be an exception. Its proliferation in short span of time, it’s still continuing, is a great phenomenon. Mobile phones apps have influenced many sectors like news and business. Small businesses just cannot ignore that small device in its customer’s pockets, lest they put their future growth at risk. It’s worth putting resources together to find a best mobile app development company, which brings your idea to reality.
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When your small business is deciding to have a mobile app, your current business approach, your call-to-actions, your competitors, and your team's mobility all have to be considered in depth. First we’ll see how a mobile application development can add value to your business.
Busy customers are likely to engage with localized brands. You need a mobile strategy to get leads from them.
A mobile app is an invaluable channel to provide customer support instantly. With an app you can introduce new routes of communication and delivery directly from the app.
App will help you to know how customers are using your products and services and their likes and dislikes about them. With a well-designed app, you can gather information on your customer’s profession, location, spending limits, and much more. You can use this when tailoring communications and potential offers to them. App is a great tool to monitor and analyze customer behavior.
Mobile apps development can bring you new customers who will find you in their generic searches in app stores. When they download your app, the small world of your products or services is open wide before them to buy.
Thus, a mobile app presents you better solutions for your customers as well as your business. It’s an opportunity for growth and you have to grab it at the earliest.
Small businesses are increasingly summoning apps from outside mobile app development companies. One must choose a long term partner, which can not only develop a robust app but could also promote it across search engines.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Retailers are developing mobile app with push notifications to take max advantage of footfalls.
Retail apps are for customer retention and to be used by regular customers. Adobe’ s Digital Publishing Report points out that mobile device users respond positively on retail apps and 45% of mobile owners use apps instead of browsers to search purchasing items.
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Another report shows that shoppers who use a retailer’s dedicated mobile app are 21% more likely to convert while in the store.
In the modern business scenario, retailers have to enter a long-term partnership with mobile application design companies, with a view to achieve the following.
1. To create customer loyalty by getting smart, innovated apps that bring forth value for the customer.
2. To facilitate research and purchase of your retail items in-store and out.
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Some reasons for creating a mobile app are the following
• Shoppers get high on useful mobile retail apps
• Creating a mobile shopping app is relatively easy with a good mobile applications development company
• Many of the retailers already have a mobile app
Along with developing an app, you should also get a firm to optimize your website for mobile.
While the mobile device penetration is rising in an incredible manner, a mobile retail application is literally indispensable to your retail company. Mobile commerce has come to stay and will grow to gigantic proportions in the coming years. Retailers cannot afford not having a mobile-optimized site and a mobile app of their own.
A good mobile apps development company can help the retailer to gain today’s mobile buyer interest, loyalty and shopping power.  
Today’s consumers who are infused with the mobile mindset want to access on their mobile devices the shopping list they created online, order products, or see peer reviews. In short, the consumer behavior is fast changing and the retailer has to keep pace with them. With the assistance of a leading mobile apps development company like MobileAPPtelligence, you can provide your customer a more personal and fun shopping experience right in his/her phone. More over the company can provide your app many features like Check-in, with associated offers/coupons; In-store navigation; Product scanner; and Mobile payment and loyalty scheme. We can also increase sales in your physical stores with features like Store finder; Product ratings and reviews; and Ecommerce functionality: order and shipment notifications; magazine-style features and content.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Why Your Enterprise Needs a Mobile App
Smartphones are the only 24-hour companion of the modern cultured person. One billion smartphones are there now. This gives a great opportunity to the businesses as smartphone apps give them facility to communicate with their customers without the constraints of space and time. Enterprise apps can also help firms to improve productivity and ROI.
Small businesses also have mobile apps of their own now.  Due to apps, they have been increasing productivity, reducing paperwork, and enhancing income. You can get more customers without expensive advertisements. You can make a personal relationship with them too. These lead to less expense and more income. Your business may be providing  service, sell products in a physical store, or run a restaurant or a travel agency. All these businesses can be enhanced by a mobile app. An app serves a small or medium enterprise just as it boosts the business of a big brand. According to Forbes Magazine, “Every business should be thinking about building apps today. It’s not a fad or a passing trend. It’s customer service.”
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Having a mobile presence has become indispensable for any business nowadays. Mobile apps work in real time. It means, your shop or business is open 24 hours, 7 days a week. You can provide any information about your business to your customers in this fast world. Remember what if all your competitors have  mobile apps and you don’t have one? Or you can be the first to have an app of your own and beat them all. Your mobile app will catch new, potential customers and keeps loyal customers engaged.
You may be having a website of your own, but it is no longer enough. Desktop computers are getting less relevant. People tend to use mobile devices more to book travel tickets, order food from a restaurant, and to buy gadgets, clothes and all that. In this fast changing scenario, your business can’t be without a mobile app.
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With a mobile app, you can send push notification to the smartphones of your clients informing them of your offers, events, new products and services, etc. It is easy to run customer rewards programs through your app. These will all lead to extra sales for you. Then why hesitate? Contact a mobile app development company now.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Key Benefits of Mobile Apps Development and “Mobility First” Approach for Growing Companies
Gone are days when workstation was limited to office boundaries. In this era of fast-paced technology atmosphere, employers are open to agile mobility solutions. Companies are adopting modern mobile technologies to stay ahead in the competition. With the emergence of new innovative & disruptive technologies, the world of technology is changing every day. Therefore, companies are going mobile to keep pace with the emerging technologies. Enterprise mobile application is the most disruptive technological innovation in today's business world.
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Thanks to the appearance of apps, mobile phones has emerged as a gadget that offers much more than just call receiving and messaging options. With GPS and WiFi enabled smart phones, one can explore the whole world just with the click of a button. Mobile app development is making its way into every industry. Examples of many successful business models with mobile apps are encouraging other enterprises to try their hands into this domain. The concept is now implemented in the enterprise mobile apps to replicate similar success story.
Why Enterprise Mobile Application?
If you Google the keyword ‘Enterprise Mobile Application Development’, you will find many companies which have been constantly working on top mobility solutions. Mobility solutions help enterprises to connect, convey and execute in a better manner. But have you ever wonder what is fuelling the growth of enterprise mobile application development. The answer is simple and short! Better productivity, positive customers’ experience and employees’ satisfaction.   
What would be better than working on a device that has no dependency on location? Sometimes creative ideas sparks in the middle of travelling in a train or while having a coffee with a friend. With mobile apps, it is easier to transform the ideas into successful business initiative anytime and anywhere. Increased productivity and employee’s satisfaction achieved! What about customer’s satisfaction, here is the explanation for this? Customers love best product and services with low price tag. This can be easily achieved with the use of enterprise mobile apps. Mobile solutions enable the company to do business remotely for their on-site clients. Company saves the expenditure involved in travelling to on-site locations. This reduces the cost significantly resulting in cost-effective products and services.
Companies are also taking initiatives to promote the usage of mobile app. The ‘bring your own device’ policy is a good example of such initiatives. With 6.5 billion people connected with one or more devices, mobility solutions are bound to grow. The appearance of NFC (Near Field Communication) and LTE (Long Term Evolution) location services enterprise mobility is set to drive innovation and create new business models with mobility insurance to create a sustainable competitive advantage.
NFC assists in the exchange of data between devices located 10 cm distance apart. It uses short-range high frequency wireless communication technology for the exchange of information between two devices. It is an upgrade version of existing RFID.
LTE is commonly known as 4G LTE which enable wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals.
Key business area, where mobility solutions have significant impact
Field-force Productivity
Workforce Automation
Enterprise Collaboration
Decision Support Systems
Consumer Applications - Commerce, Engagement, Service
Other Benefits of Enterprise Mobile Application Development
More Productive Employees - The implementation of BYOD (bring your own device)
Corporate culture has elevated creativity among the employees. Flexible working timings and location improves productive.  
More Engaged Customers - Use of mobile apps provides the customers better and convenient usability experience.
Better Work/Life Balance: Professional life is busy and hectic and employees are left with little time to focus on personal life. With the option of working remotely, employees can easily balance their profession and personal life.
Work Flow Personalization: When employees have the freedom to work in their own pace, their creative side grows and result in masterpiece which helps to drive the company in the path of success. They can work smarter by managing time effectively.
Reduces Development Cost: Maintaining and developing separate entities for different work is definitely expensive and result in complex work flow. However, having a single application for performing separate work makes the process simple, easy and cost effective.
Better business process integration: As multiple business processes work in conjunction, it is necessary to connect them properly. Multiple processes like sales and marketing, finance, human resource and more should be connected with each other for smooth work process. This is only possible by implementing a single application for the process. And application of enterprise mobile application helps to achieve this effortlessly.
Better Centralized Control: Multi-national companies have different websites for their separate global customers. Maintaining all the entities differently is a tedious, time consuming and expensive process. Enterprise mobile application also helps in this situation. It seamlessly integrates all the entities together which makes it easy to maintain and update.
Better User Experience and Global Brand Building: With the implementation of enterprise mobile application, it is easy to run a common platform for websites and application. Common platform ensure smooth navigation and re-usability which further provide better user experience and improves brand image.
Sooner or later, enterprise mobile applications will prove its efficacy. And more companies will start implementing it after realizing its potential.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Cross Platform Mobile Development Services for Companies in USA, Canada and India
Are you looking for mobile apps for your business and inclined towards cross-platform mobile development? You must be wondering if it is the right choice or native mobile app development could be a better way. To clear everything about cross-platform mobile app development, it is very essential to know the current market position that cross-platform mobile development holds in the present mobile development industry.
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There are numerous blogs written by different technical writers and business analyst on topics like PhoneGap, Xamarian, RAD Studio, RhoMobile, icenuim, Appmethos, Appcelerators and many more topics. Top companies like facebook and linkedin have used cross platform app development for mobility. This definitely makes us believe that cross-platform mobile development is the demand for the present generation of mobile development.
Cross-platform has gained this position based on the benefits that it possesses in comparison to its competitors. The foremost benefit is saving time which is achieved through the implementation of one code base for different operating system like iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry and many more. The technologically advanced tools for developing hybrid apps have addressed the issues like low performance and less usage of native functionality of the mobile devices.
The tools for hybrid mobile development implements various wrappers or containers, to get access to the native features like camera and accelerometer which is done through JavaScript API call. This differentiated the hybrid apps from the web-based apps which use HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. The native app has got the capability of getting into the app store which is not the case with web based apps. This comparison can only lead to one meaning, native development is possible based on the circumstance where you want to spend your time and effort on different projects.
What are the limits of cross-platform mobile app development?
The limitation of cross-platform is still not known by the developers. As per the report published by Research and Market, a market research store the market of cross-platform mobile app development has been diminishing owing to a number of factors. One of the foremost reasons had been the growing demand of the native app among the developers. The inclination of the developers towards the native app is mainly challenges in regards to the web technologies and access to the device level functionalities.
The next reason for the diminishing value of cross-platform development platform is the reducing level of productivity return. This factor has been cited in regards to the feedback received from the developers about gaining less efficiency with the implementation of cross-platform. The drop in the productive level has observed in comparison to the previous year.
Some of reports have even stated that lack of native app development resources within in an enterprise is the reason for the growth of cross-platform app development. Some of these reports could be cited as coverage to gain more attention and views for the publishing company.
There have been many reports published in regards to cross-platform app development. As per the report generated by VisionMobile Ltd, the non game developers prefer the 1.75 platform. But if we consider cross-platform development to be the most preferred platform for app development, the number would have been much higher. Going by the list of most popular category of third party tool, cross-platform hold the third position after ad networks, cloud computing and push notification. In another statement issued by VisionMobile, it has said that 26% of the cross-platform tool (CPT) user targets a single platform. The most probable reason behind this is using CPT for in order to avoid learning about the native platform. This helps the developers rather than focusing on the benefits for customers.
There gap between native platform and HTML5 has been widening. One common reason is the introduction of APIs by the native platform at a much faster rate and HTML5 is unable to pace up with this. When a developer wants to take the benefits of the newly introduced APIs, the only option is the implementation of the native platform.
In one of the article titled “to go native or not to go native”, it has been stated that when it comes to the case of primary platform, Android is gaining more space over iOS. This data was supported by 42% voting in favor of Android and 32% in favor of iOS. The introduction of the swift programming language by Apple Inc has made native app development more accessible for the mobile app developers. In an attempt to make the native app more demanding, it signed up with IBM. On the other hand Google’s strategy is to make the usage of web technology accessible for everyone, this helps in tracking the users for the purpose of ad targeting. The current technological development by Google creates a more blur line between the native apps and web.
Some more facts about cross-platform mobile development
To add to this I have some more facts about cross-platform mobile development for you. As per the report, most of the developers remain faithful to one app store. The report by the appFigure blog spot further states that 272,000 developers targets the iOS app store and 293, 000 developers works in the Google play store that is Android centric. The percentages of developers who target both the app store were around 11%, amounting to around 58,000 developers. What we can conclude from this report is the fact that developers prefer to stick to a single platform.
The question about the significance of cross-platform app and its impact on the developers across the world has been asked again and gain. The about information was more focused on native apps taking over the web technologies what the question regarding cross-platform mobile development still remains.
There has been report penned with the title “How to build a hybrid app that performs like a native”. What I could gather from such attractive title is that making a hybrid app to perform like a native app is possible. Vendors have made numerous numbers of performance claims made for hybrid app performs like a native app, but the supporting documentations are very less.
As per the majority numbers of developers the implementation of cross-platform tools doesn’t compromise with the quality of the app. As per the report generated regarding the quality of the apps developed through cross-platform tools, 81% of the claim made supported the statement that cp tool generate high quality apps and in certain cases better than the native apps.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 8 years
Building Mobile App for Enterprise, Hire Award Winning App Development Company - MobileAPPtelligence.com
If you have started designing mobile app, you are at the most important stage of app development process. Mobile UIs today are considered as key component for the access of app. How an immensely popular app comes into being is a million-dollar question.
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Great mobile apps invariably have three core ingredients – design, function and experience of the end user. So mobile app design becomes one key factor for the growth of app. Following are some of the important points, which should be taken care while designing a mobile app.
1. Give great care even to the minute details. Every pixel of any mobile app design, will count. This is the first rule to keep in mind, if you want to make your app great. Take care that the desktop icons stand out.
2. Regarding fonts, perfect separations between titles, subtitles and content with bold, italic, colors, and sizes should be given utmost attention. Tiny adjustments in the mini-space of apps can make a huge difference. Ultimately, it’s the fonts which determine the actual look n feel of your mobile app.
3. Mobile app design - UI/UX has to be with the right approach, using Apple’s UI or Android’s UI standard properly followed. When creating your app’s UI/UX, develop it efficient enough for your expert users, and informative and simple enough for novice users.
4. Navigation is a root for the success of any app. Don’t emphasize on aesthetics at the expense of functionality and intuitiveness. Navigation is not the place to experiment your new ideas.
5. When you develop a mobile app for iPhone, keep in mind the features of iOS, and when you do for Android, make sure your design principles match that operating system.
6. See to it that contrast and color schemes should be fun, beautiful, and contribute to the overall ease of using the app. But don’t use too many colors, particularly when designing an icon and theme.
In all, mobile app design is of paramount important, while planning for the app. Consider yourself as an end user to get it right.  
Author is a senior business analyst and an expert in native mobile app development.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 9 years
Check out Appdevelopment's mixes on @8tracks
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Mobile application development http://www.mobileapptelligence.com/cross-platform-appdevelopment.html has become a part of strategy for branding and marketing. Our cross platform mobile development experience, flexible business model and fine-tuned cross platform app development process translate to high quality, faster time-to-market and performance centric cross platform app.
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howtocreateanapp-blog ¡ 9 years
Cross Platform App Development, Cross Platform Mobile Development
Enterprise-to-consumer apps are fueling demand of cross platform app development http://www.mobileapptelligence.com/cross-platform-appdevelopment.html to rapidly develop and deploy mobile apps on several mobile platforms. Being an award winning cross platform mobile development company, we specialize in developing business, enterprise & idea centric cross platform mobile apps using frameworks like Titanium or Phonegap.
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