hqdelila-blog · 6 years
DELILA: AM I TALKING INTO THE VOID?? Pls, respond if there is any life out there.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
Oh come on, I bet she loved the time here-- what yall do?
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I apologize for dropping off the face of the Earth, my mom decided to stop by for a visit so I’ve been entertaining here for the past week. I’m not sure I’ve ever been more thankful to put someone on a plane before. Now that I’m back, I need to get in the action so if anyone has anything that they’ve been wanting to do I’m your girl.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
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I feel like that’s the only happy story I’ve heard around here for someone getting recognized, good for you beautiful.
Never thought I would be one of those people who would be excited about being recognized, but here we are. And to make it even better, it was because of my work at the club rather than because someone saw me during their late night personal time.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
I mean, I grew up in NYC-- it’s like background noise for me, plus my guy snores so I’m used to loud noises when I try to sleep.
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I have legit noise canceling headphones if you wanna borrow them?
I cannot be the only one who has been annoyed with all the contruction going on, can I? It’s bad enough that my mornings are getting rerouted, but it’s not exactly quiet either. How’s a guy supposed to write in this distraction?
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
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Can we talk about how I just want Meghan Markle to be my mom?
Okay, so I know this is like so April, but can we talk about Beychella? Specifically that seamless transition from ‘I’m Sorry’ to ‘Me, Myself, and I’? Because to this day I sit here on my bed famished from fan-girling from these transitions! 
But if you don’t want to talk Queen things - food, movies, and/or gossip (whether local or celebs) totally down to discuss. 
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
Okay first of all, I’m gonna need you to remember all the small people when you get famous ok. Okay? Come get this lovin~
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Between video shoots and recording, both in the studio and for my page of course, i’ve been the shittiest person around here at talking with people. Hopefully everyone is okay and beautiful and willing to welcome me back down to earth with open arms? Or am I being entirely too hopeful here?
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
Where is my hug???? EXCUSE YOU.
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Wish I could say that I cared that I’ve been MIA…..but honestly, I don’t? Still hope no one missed me all that much, I know it’s been rough without me around.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text 📲 dam
SAM: I mean /I/ didn't pick it, but it's grown on me. but since we're out here judgin', run yours by me so I can make fun of it.
SAM: 'I've got plans to put my hands in places I've never seen' was the smoothest damn line to a young!Sam though, but yeah...
SAM: can't hurt, I don't think. at the very least you can pack some snacks for old times' sake. uh, outside of my stripper days and the occasional bustin' of a move on the dance floor, not so much.
DELILA: you don’t have a choice, hell you coulda told me something different and I wouldn’t know. my middle name? Catriona
DELILA: young!sam pulling all the moves, I was too much of a dweeb tbh
DELILA: that’s exactly what’ll happen, maybe I finally found a use for a fanny pack.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text 📲 dam
SAM: 😂😂😂 I'm kidding. it's alexander.
SAM: oh definitely. Baby face, like 'My Way' Usher? 'cause that was a great era. Speaking of songs we had no business singing, let's discuss Nice and Slow.
SAM: you had the good snack connect, nice. that's cool, keeping it to the clubs. you've got some moves on the dance floor.
DELILA: that's still bad, but not as bad.
DELILA: i'm taking my way, usher on trl, that kinda baby face. lets not start with that we're all going to hell for singing along to that.
DELILA: only the best. maybe i'll take a lesson or two, for fun- who knows, do you dance??? or are you stictly the fancy art kinda guy?
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text message 📲 jalila
JB: but we can't put in the proper flowers, colors, textures, food! CLOTHES! FLOWERS. PLANTS.
JB: have you told kurt about this?
JB: have you told xavier about this?
[a beat]
JB: fine. I can be free tomorrow in the early evening.
JB: also, um, how did we go from planning a wedding to a two day deadline?!
DM: ofc xaiver know, what i'm just gonna wake em' up one morning in a dress like 'lets go' ???
DM: actually i would do that.
DM: but that's not what's happening.
DM: vegas baby, vegas. we can have a party after, with all the flowers, colors, food, clothes, we can still do all that but i don't wanna wait.
DM:idk if it's happenin' in two days, but it's close.
DM: why bother waitin' to marry the love of my life??? we can have all that cheesy shit when we plan it, don't worry you and kurt, his mama can still do that.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text message 📲 jalila
JB: shut the fuck up.
JB: are you serious?
JB: omg. delila! don't play with me? like are you serious?
JB: heart-attack, greys anatomy finale, serious?
JB: omg. omg. omg. are we going to have a wedding?
[a beat]
JB: wait, two days?
JB: no.
DM: dead serious.
DM: either you help me, or i jump from thrift store to thrift store tomorrow by myself and no one wants that.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text message 📲 jalila
JB: says you. ~
JB: 😊😚
JB: does she know you're in porn too?
JB: omg, spill! please tell me madame D is gonna get her some vitamin D.
JB: I'm back! And downing a gallon, if not more, a day.
DM: don't be rude.
DM: she does, thanks to shit head. when we went to visit she was givin'him shit for the whole viral thing that happened a while ago.
DM: so to save himself, he told her that not only do i do porn, but i whip people.
DM: i grabbed onto his ear real quick. but she's chill now, she loves me too much.
DM: my lips are sealed.
..... :
DM: wanna help me find a wedding dress tomorrow? i got like 2 days to find one that fits off the floor.
DM: (; xoxoxoxox.
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
text message 📲 jalila
JB: and what insufferable habits have you forced on him? i know you have to have some. 😉
JB: okay, she's literally the cutest! she's moved from being listed in my phone with the basic name, to two emojis (and I'm cooking up a nick name).
JB: ru guys gonna do the porn version of beyonce and jay-z and drop a killer scene on us???
JB: great! although I'm exhausted. it's like a summer of events and I'm complaining about it. although i'll totally change my tune when I get ahold of another vodka and red bull.
DM: excuse u, I have none.
DM: she literally is ‘mama h’ in my phone, she has that pull on people.
DM: Omfg I love her comparison so much, maybbbbbbbbbbe.
DM: you best be getting rest and drinking water. When you coming back?
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
DELILA: My fucking dumbass dog threw a temper tantrum because I took her HER side of MY BED.
DELILA: I adopted a fucking diva.
REGAN: Maybe buy her a dog bed and keep it in the room so she learns that she can't like, take over your whole bed?
DELILA: I tried that! She’s just, a bitch 😂
DELILA: Happy to be back in the sunshine state?
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
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