hs1x1-blog · 9 years
dropping a little note to say i won’t be doing replies until friday ! i’m really getting busy with school and i feel a little stressed so please bare with me ! if you need to talk to me, just ask for my aim !
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
i really wanna do an exes plot where they’d been dating for a really long time and they have a lot of mutual friends and things were starting to get serious. and then suddenly, muse a just leaves a note and disappears, and it’s really only because they’re afraid of commitment because they think they’re not good enough, or thinks muse b will end up leaving them, so they try to beat them to the chase. muse b hates them for leaving the way they did, and it makes them think that they’re the onenot good enough for muse a, and basically they’re both an absolute mess. their friends try to comfort them both, tell them that the other is just as messed up about it as the other person is, but the two end up never speaking to each other again. fast forward a few years, one of their mutual friends is getting married. they ask muse a to be their best man/maid of honor, and invite muse b to the wedding as well. being extremely close to the groom/bride, they both arrive a few days early to help out and plan a bachelor(ette) party and such, but they both completely freak out when they see each other. even worse, due to hotel room mix-ups, the two end up rooming together, too…. basically an exes plot with tons of angst and hate and love and just (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
STRANGE SENTENCE STARTERS —— for the creative writer in you. Send these in and see what your partner comes up with as a scenario!
*These are completely interchangeable, they’re just in categories to make it easier for all of y’all.
“How many times are you going to do that, exactly?”
“You were right. As per usual.”
“Sometimes it’s hard to see the lines you’ve drawn until you’ve crossed them.”
“You’re surprised because you have a soft spot for hot blondes.”
“Is that – that’s a naked Scarlett Johansson on your fridge.”
“You can stay, but for no more than two nights.”
“Please don’t look in this drawer. Please.”
“I told you not to pick him up, he’s very sensitive.”
“Yes. I might have given you rabies. But in my defense, that’s ridiculous and I didn’t.”
“I’m sorry, my cell phone data coverage does not cover the bullshit zone you’re in.”
“Hey! Give me your pants. Quick, give me your pants.”
“No, I’m serious. Stop it right now or I won’t give you the last cookie.”
“You think I’m kidding. But I’ve never been more serious about anything in my entire life.”
“How much would a stripper cost and why so much?”
“I’m going to buy you a drink. Next week. On Thursday. When I get paid. Can you swing this one?”
“Hippos are hungry, hungry! And you are considerably larger than a small piece of lettuce!”
“When I was little, I used to be afraid of mummies. And now look at me. I love dead people!”
“I don’t even miss my ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, I just miss my glockenspiel.”
“It happens to everyone, you just sell your skirt for some coke.”
“Please do not pull your pants down in front of baby Jesus.”
“That’s not the phrasing you want to use.”
“Because nothing says heterosexuality like a gold sash.”
“Please don’t take it out on my boobs.”
“When it gets really windy I look like a bizarre combination of Marilyn Monroe and Cousin It.”
“We have to change our names and run away to Mexico. It’s the only way. Adios.”
“How much money do you have on you?”
“Please tell me that’s a raisin and not a tiny hamster shit you’re eating.”
“Life is a lot better when you put things on your head.”
“For someone who’s not very deep, I’m incredibly not shallow.”
“I need you to remind me what it feels like to love you.”
“I love you. What? No I don’t. Forget I said anything.”
“I need you to tickle my feet but like, sexually.”
“If we got married, would I have to take your last name? Or could we just make up a new one?”
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I heard you say his/her name in your sleep last night. Want to explain or should I just leave?”
“I want to spend the night with you tonight. But I also want to sleep on your side. And without you on the bed. So technically I just want your bed.”
“Please don’t be proposing to me in an empty parking lot.”
“Stop saying you’re sorry, you stupid fucking broken record. It’s done.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m curious. About the things you were doing. With him/her. Without me.”
“Your mother’s looks could kill. Actually, are you sure they haven’t before?”
“If you’re breaking up with me tonight, can I at least eat first?”
“Stop sweating. It’s not attractive during sex, and it’s not attractive now.”
“Are you – are you checking me out? In the line for the confessional?”
“We have to go. I might have told your mom I’m pregnant. I don’t know why I said that. I’m not.”
“So what you’re saying it that you’re snorting sugar to get excited for sex.”
“My dog licks better than you do.”
“But through every stupid thing you do and say – and those are a lot, by the way – I love you.”
“I don’t care if you’re growing another head. I’ll talk to both of them. I love you.”
“And I’d take fifty years of not talking to you for just a day of doing so. I promise that’s a compliment.”
“I don’t want to hide this anymore. I’m not some dirty little secret, you American Reject.”
“This is a bit too dramatic for my taste, so can we skip it and have sex instead?”
“I don’t want you to think of me as your personal sex toy.”
“Thanks and all, but that makes me feel like a low-class escort, so.”
“A kiss in exchange for every nice thing you say about me. Deal?”
“Promise me you’re not like him/her. I need to hear it from your mouth. Promise me.”
“Look, I’ve had my heart broken before. I’m not ready to let you in just yet. Anywhere.”
“Don’t leave me here. Anywhere else, okay, but not here.”
“I wish I could say that was the worst sex I ever had, but I’ve had worse.”
“I just blew you. Could you look a little happier about it?”
“I’m attracted to shiny things, so if it looks like I’m staring at your chest, it’s because I am.”
[text] This is upsetting my poop.
[text] Hey, are you up? If you’re not, can you wake up? I need some help.
[text] So it involves feces and large birds.
[text] She said that to you? Why?
[text] Please come back. I miss you.
[text] What are you good for if you’re not gonna bring me ice cream?
[text] Can you ignore that last text? It wasn’t meant for you. I’m sorry.
[text] …did you just send me a nude?
[text] I don’t know why I said that.
[text] Leave it to you to fuck the simplest of requests up.
[text] Do we have to go to their wedding? He’s only my first cousin.
[text] How much does ‘I love you’ mean to you?
[text] I am not stalking you. But you should do something about your bathroom, it’s gross.
[text] Please. I need this so badly.
[text] I trust you completely.
[text] I’m a genius. You’re a peasant. Everything makes sense again.
[text] Hey, buddy! Got like, five hundred bucks I can borrow? Times ten.
[text] She lost it. She completely lost it. She said her uterus was attacking her bone marrow.
[text] I will not get you donuts.
[text] Please? I love you.
[text] I think I’m gonna go to sleep now, but you keep thinking that.
[text] I can’t say this out loud. They might be listening.
[text] I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t think he’d duck when the ball came at him, I’m sorry.
[text] You’re cute.
[text] I just need you to understand how important you are to me.
[text] Fuck off.
[text] Okay. Guess we’ll leave it at that then.
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
im literally falling back into my old habits and it sucks ... :( but im going to sleep now and reply to everything tomorrow ,goodnight !
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
[text] I just took a pregnancy test, and it’s… positive. // [text] Someone just said you’ve been seeing somebody behind my back?! Who is she?! // [text] I’m done with your lies, I’m done with your games, I’m… I’m just done. (ian&kalea)
[text] I just took a pregnancy test, and it’s… positive.
[text]: You’re telling me this over a text??[text]: can you come over? Let’s talk about this.[text]: and bring the pregnancy test and a new one.
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
"You ruined me." / "You never loved me." / "I can’t keep hurting you." (caleb&scout)
 "You ruined me."
“l think we both ruined each other.. to the point where we’re standing on a thin line.”
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"You never loved me."
“You’re the one to talk, Scout. It seems you’re always hesitant when I say it to you, it’s barely even used around you.”
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"I can’t keep hurting you."
“I still want you, more than I ever wanted anything in my whole life. Please don’t leave me, because I know we’ve been through a lot but I need you to keep me sane.”
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
Reminder for those who don’t know, if you have a vagina, make sure to urinate immediately after you have P-in-V sex.  Bacteria can get in your urethra during P-in-V intercourse so as soon as you are done having sex, go to the bathroom to pee, even if it doesn’t feel like you need to, because even a little pee can flush out the bacteria and prevent a UTI.  I didn’t know about this and I got a UTI from my first time, and it was super awful and uncomfortable and unfortunately even those with good sex education rarely learn info like this.  I want everyone with a vagina to know how to prevent it because UTIs suck hard.  That is all.
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
[text] I’m sorry. // [text] Are you still up? I can’t sleep. // [text] Where the hell are you??? // [text] Night, I love you. // [text] Are you stupid? - scaleb !
[text] I’m sorry. 
[text] you’re always sorry, caleb[text] when are things going to change ?
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
“Are you sleeping with him?” // “If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask a stupid question” // “Have I mentioned I’m not much of a morning person?” // ‘’You’re so wet. I want to feel you.’’ // levi & nellie
“Are you sleeping with him?”
“I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again, I’m not sleeping with anyone but you. I don’t know how many times I have to say it before you believe me. You assume that every single guy I talk to I’m sleeping with. And I’m not, just you. I promise.”
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
*aggressively wants more plots that make me want to rip my own heart out*
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
Lauren Jauregui for Teen Vogue
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
"You’re the clumsiest person I know." @ asher // leona
"You’re the clumsiest person I know.
“I’m the best clumsiest person you know, plus don’t you know I do it to make you smile? That’s why I do it on purpose, just saying.”
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
"Let’s get you to bed." @ clara // julian
"Let’s get you to bed." 
“Wait, what? I’m fine, honestly. I need to figure this thing for Miya, cause unfortunately the boys at her school decided it was fun to destroy her bunny quite a bit.” 
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
"I don’t think I ever loved you."
"You never loved me."
"You’re not being fair."
"This is the right thing to do, and you know it."
"There’s nothing you can do about it now."
"I just wanted to be your first pick…"
"Did I ever matter?"
"You weren’t meant to get involved."
"Get a grip of yourself."
"I can’t stand to look at you."
"Get out of my sight."
"How dare you talk to me like that!?"
"You make me sick."
"You need to put yourself first."
"I won’t let you give up."
"Why won’t you believe me?"
"Please, just trust me, just this once."
"Woah, when did you get that?"
"Who did this to you?"
"How many time have I told you to be more careful?"
"You’re saying this was an accident?"
"What a shiner!"
"If you look like this, I’d hate to see the other guy."
"I’m not buying it, you don’t walk into a door and get a bruise like that!"
"Does it hurt when I touch it?"
"Let me kiss it better."
"If you don’t rest, you won’t heal."
"Another fight?"
"What happened to your face?"
"I don’t think your arm is meant to bend like that…"
"Let’s get you to bed."
"Let’s get you to the hospital."
"Why are you so calm about this?"
"You’re bleeding!"
"What are friends for, ey?"
"So, instead of helping you, they ran off the moment they saw what was happening?"
"You need to look where you’re going."
"I’m not accusing anyone, I’m just saying it looks suspicious."
"Do you want to tell me what really happened?"
"Don’t move! You’ll faint!"
"I’ve got some bandages, wait a sec."
"You’re the clumsiest person I know."
"I won’t let you be on your own, not when you’re like this."
"How could you be so careless?"
"I can’t even look at you, you promised not to get into any more fights!"
"H-how many of them were there?"
"I cheated on you."
"I saw you! I saw you with her/him!"
"How could you do this to me?"
"I thought we were okay…"
"We could have had it all…"
"You ruined me."
"You fucked my sister/brother? Well it’s only fair I guess… I mean I did fuck your mum/dad while we were together, so we’re even now."
"I don’t love you any more."
"You never loved me."
"I gave you the best years of my life."
"I only loved you to get into the will…"
"I don’t know what to do any more."
"I can’t keep letting you hurt me."
"I can’t keep hurting you."
"It’s not your baby…"
"Well guess what? I faked every orgasm!"
"I know it’s not my baby."
"I trusted me."
"I still love you."
"I… I’m just disappointed in you."
"I was always second place- I never really mattered did I?"
"Did I even mean anything to you?"
"I just want to know that what we had was real, even if it was so short."
"You can’t just leave me like this…"
"I’m leaving for good."
"I’m never coming back."
"I don’t want to see you ever again."
"I’m really glad I met you."
"I’m so proud of you!"
"I just want to make you proud."
"Never a dull day with you!"
"I just want to make you happy, always."
"You make me so happy."
"I don’t know what I’d do without you."
"Thank you so much for being there for me."
"Thank you for caring so much."
"Thank you for giving up so much of your time."
"Thank you."
"You’ve given me a new lease of life."
"I count my blessings every day I’m with you."
"You’re so special to me, you know that right?"
"Do you know how much you mean to me?"
"I can’t imagine life without you."
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hs1x1-blog · 9 years
me when someone asks what’s wrong with me: are u ready
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