httpsmike-blog · 8 years
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“what word was it? it could only be something really embarrassing to get that kind of reaction and not to be able to show your face again.”
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“Hey, in a room full of people who are just looking to prove that they’re better than you, any mistake could be that embarrassing. The word was vehemently, which I feel like is a perfectly reasonable mistake considering that it’s not exactly one that you hear while you’re just walking down the street.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“Thanks,” Mike said, accepting the compliment. “You did some good work, too. I guess all the late nights and early mornings paid off, huh?” He took a sip of his drink, remembering the evenings where it was the two of them in a file room at 11 PM, searching for some loophole in an old case or a screwup in the paperwork. It should have given him a sense of satisfaction. He worked hard and saw a concrete result. But for some reason, it didn’t really mean anything. “That’s a nice thought, but I doubt they’ll want me here as a lawyer.” He decided not to mention the fact that he was taking an indefinite amount of time off before law school, and that the biggest reason he was still at his current job was for the money. “They’ll definitely want you, though. You’ve proven before that you’re smarter than half the guys they’ve got now.”
“Plans for the summer? I barely even have plans for next weekend,” he said with a laugh. “But in all seriousness, I’ll probably go visit my sister and nephew. They have a house in Vermont, so I might spend a week or two up there. Of course, it depends on what I’m doing around here. I’ll probably just play it by ear for the most part.” What he was mostly looking forward to was the spontaneity of it all. Without school to tie him down, he was more or less free to do anything he wanted, which made him feel better about things. “Do you have anything going on? Let me guess - an internship at the highest-earning firm in the city, complete with pay and the connections to send your career anywhere you want at the end of school?”
Rivals → Mike & Nina
“Yeah,” Nina chuckled, glancing around the room, “It’s a rager.” She took another sip of her champagne, glad to have an excuse to hand the reins of the conversation over to Mike, even it was only for a few seconds. Lacking the experience of high school and college parties, Nina wasn’t sure how to make small talk. Or any talk for that matter, when it came to large social gatherings.
Setting her glass down, Nina looked over at Mike and cleared her throat, “You did well. With the case, I mean,” she nodded, “I’m sure they’ll give you a position here once you’re out of law school.” She winced inwardly, realizing how her genuine compliment could have come off as snarky just because of the competition between them. This was often the case when Nina tried to make friends. She would say something nice, but because of her reputation as a cutthroat overachiever, everyone would think she was being bitchy or condescending. “So, do you have any plans for the summer?” she asked, eager to change the subject from work. It was all they talked about anyway and Nina always felt like she had run a marathon after any work-related encounrter she had with Mike. After years of being the best, she had met her match and it was exhausting trying to keep up with him. 
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“It was... Vehement. I’m an idiot, I know, spare me the insults.”
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     “well now i’m just dying to hear what that word is.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
Logan offered his friend a warm smiled when he walked over. “Hey, Mike! How’s it going, man?” He asked, looking up at him. “Not so good. I’ve tried for this part on an independent movie this morning but the other guys were so amazing, don’t think I stand a chance.” He sighed. “But I have two more auditions to go before the day is over, can only hope they’ll go better.“ He smiles. “Would you like to order anything? Think I’ll have the Iced Caramel Macchiato and a chocolate muffin. I’m a bit hungry.”
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“Hey, I’m sure you have a shot, so don’t worry about it. It’s good that you’re auditioning in general, though.” Mike scanned the menu. He was pretty unfamiliar with Starbucks - usually he didn’t stop for breakfast or even coffee on his way to work. “I don’t know what’s good, really, but it’s gotta be hard to mess up black coffee right? I guess I should probably get something to eat, too. I’ve hardly eaten all day,” he commented offhandedly, realizing that it was two in the afternoon and he had somehow skipped breakfast and lunch. “Large black coffee and an everything bagel,” he asked the barista. “So, are your next two auditions for anything big? Will I be seeing your face plastered over billboards and movie trailers around the world?”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
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julianna shrugged, never having heard that new yorkers were all that rude anyway. from what she had seen, they were just a bit preoccupied was all. “i know, i know. i’ll figure it out eventually, i’m sure. though, i don’t have many plans to wander around the city anyway. just home to work and back. and then the occasional coffee shop.” she froze once they reached the terminal. “um, m-metro card ?? ”
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“No plans to wander the city?” Mike asked, incredulous. “This is one of the greatest cities in the world. There are amazing bars, clubs, restaurants, people... Anything you could ever want. You could probably go to a different coffee shop every day for a year. Why are you even here if not for all that?” he asked, not intending to sound rude. He allowed himself a smile about the fact that she didn’t know what a metro card was. He pulled out his own and showed it to her. “This is your pass to ride the subway. You load it up at one of those machines,” he said, gesturing towards one, “and then you can have however many rides on the subway that you need. You probably want one if you’ve got a ridiculously long commute to work every day like I do.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
Logan was tired after spending the whole day auditioning for jobs. Seeing as he would have some free time to kill in between his next two auditions, he decided to text Mike to see if his friend was free to hang out. He was close to the other male’s apartment, but since Logan wasn’t going to be able to stay for long, they had agreed to meet at Starbucks. Upon arriving, he chose a table near the entrance and sat down, just watching the movement on the busy streets for a while as he waited for his friend to arrive. @httpsmike​
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On his rare day off from both work and school, Mike was looking forward to sleeping until noon and doing nothing all day. However, after his fifth hour of watching the Chopped marathon on the tv, he was ready for something different to do. He didn’t really feel like making plans himself, though, so he was glad when he got a text from Logan asking if he wanted to hang out for a little while. The Starbucks was close to his building, so he shot back a quick reply and rushed through getting dressed. He probably should have showered, but he wasn’t really feeling like it, and he didn’t want to keep his friend waiting. After 15 minutes, Mike walked through the doors to the coffee shop, spotting Logan and joining him at the table. “Hey man,” he said in greeting. “How’re the auditions going?”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“Yes. Oh, goodness. That’s happened to me multiple times and I have friends who always correct me. Doing that in front of your boss is quite terrible though. Depends on what job anyway. I mean, if it’s in a grocery store or in a motel, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”
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“Heh, my friends always correct me, too - makes me feel like a complete idiot. I’ve gone twenty two years of my life without knowing how to say a certain word. See, I kind of wanted my job to be in a grocery store or a motel, but I work as a paralegal. Practically the opposite.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“You know how sometimes you read a word a lot but never hear it spoken so you don’t really know how to say it? And then you tend to create some pronunciation in your head of how to say the word... And then you say it to someone and find out it’s totally wrong... Well, that happened to me today in a meeting with my boss. I don’t think I can ever show my face there again.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
Mike was present at the party, but his mind wasn’t really there. What he really wanted was to go home, but the firm had just closed a major case and mostly everyone insisted on celebrating. On a different day, the idea of ignoring work to have a party would have been amazing, but Mike had had a crappy day and was basically ready to go home. He was more or less alone anyway; he didn’t want to put in the effort to make a conversation with some pretentious lawyer who thought that they were some hotshot because they were involved on a case. He was contemplating his best exit route when he noticed Nina approaching him.
Nina. She was in his class at Columbia, and Mike got the impression that she wasn’t used to being anything less than the best. They were both at the top of their class. She was smart, which was true of most of the people at the school, but she seemed different. She was more driven than most of the students he had met. He could respect it - he was the same way. He cleared his throat as she came closer.
“Hey,” Mike responded. “Not much. Some party, huh?” he said, not really meaning it, but of course, admitting that he wanted to leave would practically be admitting defeat, which he wasn’t about to do.
Rivals → Mike & Nina
TAGGING → Mike Walker and Nina Torres
LOCATION →  Hamilton & Burr Law Firm
TIME FRAME → Friday, around 5pm, May 13th
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“You’re not too far off, actually. We’re on 46th street, when you really need to be on 42nd. It’s only a few blocks away. It’s actually in my direction, so if you want you can just follow me.”
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“— Excuse me. I’m.. Heh. I’m kinda new in the city. Can you please tell me where the New York Public Library is? I’m pretty sure I got my subway stop right. Oh boy.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
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“Gladly. I’ll never turn down free food, especially when it looks as good as this does. Why was there so much noise? What was going on?”
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   “okay.” the redhead winced, offering a plate of freshly baked chocolate muffins and cookies in front of the persons face. “i couldn’t sleep with the noise last night, so i baked, and baked some more and now i’m trying to get rid of them, please take them, i’ve already eaten twelve of them.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“Look at that, now you’re living like I do all the time. Being a paralegal kind of sucks like that - you do all of the work and some hotshot who gets paid 10 times as much as you gets the credit. You’re only an assistant for what, a day or two max?”
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“This is not why I went to fucking Harvard, to be someone’s messenger boy?” He mumbled while he looked at the papers his boss had made him deliver, his assistant had taken the day off and he had asked Owen to do his chores for the day. “I’m his campaign manager, not his servant.” He complained again before he let out a frustrated sigh.
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“Luckily for you, I’m here, so at the very least, you’re not a lonely cat lady. You still don’t have a love life, though, so you can probably still cry about that. But hey, think of it this way: you can just have fun now, and not worry about having to settle down or whatever... Is that comforting at all?”
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“I never thought that I’d turn into one of those weird cat ladies who watch romantic movies on a Wednesday night and bawl their eyes out because of a love life they don’t have. What have I become?”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
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“A better play than relentlessly following them for years? I can’t think of one. Tell me then, what would be a surefire way for a guy to get a date with some dream girl?”
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      “hey now, i’m definitely not recommending it. i mean there are better ways to get a girl. i’m sure.” 
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
“Yeah, probably.” He decided to drop the subject, deciding that it was fair that he didn’t really have it all figured out yet. (He could definitely relate to not having things figured out. “Well, girlfriend or not, this still means that you can be my wingman all night and talk me up, right?”
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  “I don’t … I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it, I’ve been a little more preoccupied with the whole, you know… baby thing. I don’t know.” He shook his head. “No, it’s okay - like, I get being curious, or whatever. I probably should think about it.”
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httpsmike-blog · 8 years
task 001 // about
"You know what I feel right now? I don't feel miserable or angry. I don't feel good or bad. I feel nothing. Which feels great."     - Book, Chapter     General Characteristics Name: michael jude walker Appearance: blonde hair, blue eyes Other Names: mike, mikey, mj (for a short time in college. if you bring it up now he’d kill you)     Personal Characteristics Birth Date: august 19, 1993 Birth Place: jericho, new york Hometown: jericho, new york Desires: to have fun Secrets: he is hiding his depression from almost everyone Quirks: intelligent, thrill-seeking, sarcastic     Mental Characteristics Known Languages: english, spanish Lures: beautiful women, ways to entertain himself Savvies: studied pre-law for 4 years, adept at english and history Ineptities: science, mathmatics Temperament: choleric Hobbies: drugs, partying, hookups, taking risks     Philosophical Characteristics Allignment: lawful evil Perception: pessimistic, rational MBTI: ESTP-A
    Social Characteristics Emotional Stability: little to none Reputation: in work, not the highest standing by far, but not completely disrespected Status: talkative, charismatic     School and Work Degrees: pre-law, aspiring law degree Education: k-12, bachelor’s degree School: Jericho school district, Columbia University Study Habits: studies well, but information comes naturally to him Learning Type: visual Occupation: paralegal Work Schedule: odd hours; part time during the school year, often called in for late-night last minute casework Income: $50,000/year     Interpersonal Connections Immediate Family:  Lynne Paige Walker (Mother), Quinn Samuel Walker (Father), Brianna Emily Daniels (Older Sister) Close Relatives: Alexander George Daniels (Brother-in-Law), Samuel George Daniels (nephew)      Physical Characteristics Height: 6′0″ Weight: 160 lbs Hair Color: blonde Hair Length: short to medium length Eye Color: blue Scars: one on his foot from cutting it on a rock in a lake Tattoos and Piercings: none yet     Sexual Characteristics Gender: male Orientation: heterosexual Significant Other: none
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