hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“No, no, I’m sure. Sorry.” Biting his lip, Hugo looked down at his paper. Though, he had no clue what he was doing with it. Oh well, he supposed another bad grade couldn’t hurt him that much.
“You don’t seem so sure…” Patrick told him, raising a single eyebrow. 
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“W-What? I wasn’t giving you any look, promise. I mean, I don’t even study, so why would I expect you to?”
“Yeah, I could be studying… but you could also be studying instead of giving me that judging look, so I guess we’re even!”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“Nope, never-mind. I mean, nothing important. It’s fine you missed it.”
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“Did you just say something? I must have missed it.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“When we were younger? I think our family is still pretty troublesome.” Hugo glanced around, looking for said troublesome family members. “I’m glad.”
Molly couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah, I guess our family could proove that pretty well. We got up to so much trouble when we were all younger.” she said, shaking her head. “I know, things should work out though.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
Ani DiFranco - Untouchable Face
Fuck you and your untouchable face; Fuck you for existing in the first place. Who am I that I should be vying for your touch; Who am I, I bet you can’t even tell me that much.
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
Getting lost was not a matter of geography so much as identity, a passionate desire, even an urgent need, to become no one and anyone, to shake off the shackles that remind you who you are, who others think you are.
Rebecca Solnit (via wordsnquotes)
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“Most kids are difficult to handle.....Actually, I think nearly those same words have come out of our various aunts and uncles mouths.” Grinning, he ran a hand through his hair as he followed her gaze to the kids. “That’s good. Fighting rarely ends up with anyone winning.”
Molly laughed softly, “That’s definitely true.” she admitted, “It is kind of fun seeing them get so excited, even if they can be difficult to handle like that.” she admitted, smiling towards the younger children. “I don’t think we’re really fighting, at least not anymore. We’ll make things work, you don’t need to worry.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“Oh, Merlin, I suppose I could stay and dance a bit, but if I injure myself or someone else I’m putting the blame on you.”
“You won’t be the worst dancer there, at least. Trust me, I’m utter rubbish at it myself. It’s still fun, though.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
Hugo swallowed, his mouth suddenly feeling a bit dry now that he had brought up a possibly taboo or unspeakable topic. When Mason spoke after what seemed far to long, his brows furrowed in concern. It wasn’t healthy to withdraw from your friends like that. The fact Mason was neglecting to spend time with any of his friends made some very unpleasant theories bounce around in Hugo’s head.. “Why have you been pulling away from people?”
“Yeah, X has been blackmailing me...I imagine they have the majority of the school, actually. I don’t know very much. They’re responsible for the fireworks and don’t seem to have any moral compass or a sense of humor.......they want to be in control, to see people hurt. So aside from that I know nothing about them. Do you know anything else?”
As another lapse of silence fell between them, Hugo took the opportunity to eat some unhealthy treats.  Mason appeared contemplative, no, contemplative was too light a word, torn was more accurate. Reaching out to place a comforting hand on Mason’s shoulder, he smiled softly at him. “Are you sure you’re okay, Mason? I mean, you just, you don’t look it.”
Clumsy Heart || Hugo & Mason
Mason stopped eating when Hugo began to speak, a dark look crossing over his face. Hugo knew about X too? What did he know? Did that meant Hugo knew about his plans to kill himself? And then, Hugo had to mention their growing distance. Of course, that was not Hugo’s fault. It was his own. Mason had pulled away from everyone when he had set a date to kill himself, knowing it would hurt them all less if he just pulled away. 
“It’s not your fault,” he replied, “It’s my fault. I’ve been pulling away from people this year, and i’m doing it to everyone, not just you. But more importantly, what do you know about X? Has he…she…it…been blackmailing you too?” He wondered vaguely what could be so important to Hugo that someone could blackmail him over it, but he didn’t want to ask. That would mean he would have to give up his own secret, and he couldn’t do that. Hugo might try to stop him. 
But would it be so bad? To have someone to confide in? Someone to understand why he had been pulling away from everyone and maybe even someone to stop him before it go too bad? Someone to help him through this tough time? It would be nice, that would be certain, but Mason wasn’t sure he could confide in anyone, or if Hugo was even the right person. 
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
Hugo pouted, watching the flask being stolen from him. “For some reason, most people don’t like giving me alcohol.” Grinning, Hugo glanced about the room, watching all the others dance around the room. “That’s too bad, I’m sure it would have been a sight.” 
Avery deadpanned and snatched the flask back. “’Ey, get yer own.” He smirked just a bit, narrowing his eyes slightly. “Ain’t got nobody to dance with so I guess you’ll never find out.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“Most likely. I mean, I’ll stick around for a bit and see where it goes. I’m a really, really horrible dancer, so I’m usually happy with just sticking to the sidelines.” 
“Only for a couple of minutes? It should be quite fun, though. You should stick around, enjoy the night, you know? We don’t get dances like this very often.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“Yeah? What fun is that going to be? It’s a dance, I mean, you can either get drunk, scare people with your creepiness, or find someone to leave with. Or maybe, are you a dancing queen, Avery?” Hugo joked, nudging him and stealing the flask once more to take a sip.
Avery smirked back, taking the flask from him and taking a sip. “Have fun with the freshies. I’m gunna go have some real fun.”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
I had two desires: desire to be safe and desire to feel.
Louise Glück, “Vita Nova” (via wordsnquotes)
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
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Hufflepuff Common Room
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
“See! That’s the way to think. Ummm.....yeah, I’m going to show up for a couple of minutes, probably not to long, though. Y-Yeah, I’m going alone...”
“You’re right, maybe it’ll be fun. It’s just… strange. You’re going tonight, right? Are you going it alone, or?”
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hug0-weasley-blog · 9 years
Watching Mason over-stuff his plate made Hugo smile lightly. “Hungry? Eat enough to fill yourself, just not too much or else you’ll get sick.” Warning Mason of this made him feel a bit like a mother hen, but he didn’t want to watch the other make himself ill without doing anything to help.
“Mason, I am getting better. I just this year is just, well, sorta more......threatening than the others.” Sighing lightly, he listened to Mason’s advice. It was all things he had been hearing a million times since he was little, and he wondered if anyone would ever learn that this was him. He would always be shy and anxious, he couldn’t change that without feeling as though all of him had changed. Maybe if he could share some of what was wrong, Mason would understand. Weighing the pros and cons of asking Mason about X, he examined the boy’s expression. “Ummmm.....Mason, this, i-it might sound odd, but, ummmm, have you met X?”
“I know. I just feel bad anyways. I don’t know about you, but I consider you a friend and we used to be a lot closer. This year, this year we don’t seem as close and umm I just, I can’t help but wonder if its my fault.” Picking absentmindedly at his food, he avoided looking up to see Mason’s expression.
Clumsy Heart || Hugo & Mason
Mason immediately started to fill his plate, trying to decide what he wanted to eat. Almost everything sounded good right now, and he figured he would end up eating a couple plate fulls before he finally gave in. In all honesty, he couldn’t remember the last time he ate. Sometimes he just forgot to eat. It was a bad habit, but happened too much for his own good. 
“Yeah, I know,” he replied, “I’m sorry to hear that. You need to just take a deep breath, man. Let some things go, you know? Or go to the nurse, if it’s that bad, really. But I dunno, you do what you want. You do you.” 
He knew he wasn’t much help, so he just continued to pick at his plate of food, almost overwhelmed by all of the options. He almost didn’t hear Hugo’s next words. “Sorry? Sorry for what?” he asked as he began to eat. “You know, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me what’s going on. Nothing to apologize for.”
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