huggisms · 3 years
A strained hush fell quickly over the plush as she felt their gaze fall upon her.  The air felt thick with the musky stenches of the fallen toys, nearly choking Vivi into a stifled silence as she stared right back up at them.  A few seconds turned into minutes.  A few minutes was already starting to feel like an hour, all anxiously waiting for an answer that could make it or break it for this pair’s delicate friendship.  Every second spent in this silence added just a bit more to the awkward tension that grew just about the depressing air; every second of this hollow energy pricked the woman’s skin like a knife.   Guilt, just like a knife, never felt so painfully unpleasant to endure in that moment.
His saddened tears didn’t make this interaction any better, either.  It always hurt to see another in tears.  But all one could do was push those thoughts to the side.  If for she couldn’t, she’d practically crumble underneath this strange, emotional weight that curled about her like a snake, at a minutes notice.
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Now with minor pause, the investigator was pulled from her thoughts upon the other speaking up once more.  Her grasp upon her bat instinctively tightened in that instant.  Even then, their voice felt so foreign to her ears, it was a knee jerk reaction.  Their words pierced through the air with a start, their voice already faltering with jaded pauses; they almost seemed to struggle with their words, if their wet tears weren’t evident to that enough.  However, what gave her an agonizing pause of her own allowed a storm of thoughts to crawl in.  
‘I don’t want anyone to know what happens down here.. Even you.’  It carried such weight to it.  Was she imagining it?  Or did that have much more meaning to it than Huggy let himself on?  He answered her questions in full, but something didn’t feel just right in her gut.  Could she push for just a bit more?  Just a little bit?
However, perhaps she couldn’t.  Just not right away at least.  Their friendship was already unsteady in her passing visits, and she COULDN’T afford to scare him off right away just yet.  He was practically one of her only few leads to this strange building, it seemed.
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Allowing a more gentle look to wash over her, Vivi seemed to reach out a hand for the fellow.  A cool hand brushed against his plush palm once she found it settled down from his mouth.  “.. A lot goes on down here whenever I’m gone, don’t it?”  Her question felt more like a statement once it rolled off her tongue.  “There aren’t a whole lot more friendly faces down here than there used to be.  You’re one of the few good things that came out of this weird mess, I take it?” 
The air around them was thick, and suffocating. As if they were suspended in honey. Time felt slower here, not that he had much of a good sense of time to begin with, but now it felt as though it had stopped entirely. Despite his teary, blurred vision, he tries to search her expression as he spoke. Didn’t she understand? Wasn’t that enough to want to stay away? To be faced with something so strong, so overwhelming and relentless... something that would never stop until you were dead. Would that truth be enough to satisfy her poisonous curiosity?
To think, too much curiosity could be the thing that killed his new friend.
Not that he would let it happen if he had any say, of course. But Playtime was a big place, and she kept coming back so unexpectedly— how many times now had he just so happened to stumble upon her in her digging for answers? How many more until he came across her corpse? The thought wasn’t helping his sorrowful mood.
The toy picks up on her grip tightening around her weapon. She did that sometimes when he spoke, and he couldn’t blame her. Maybe it was just because he didn’t speak often, or maybe it was because a toy like him just wasn’t made to be able to talk. Maybe it’d make him tense too, if he were in her position. The important thing was that she hadn’t ever attacked him, at least not yet. He can’t imagine his friend wanting to hurt him, but you could never be too sure. The toy’s been hurt many times over by people he thought were supposed to be his friends. And yet, he always remained trusting, and open. He knew better than anyone that not all people were bad, no matter how different they might be.
His words hang heavy in the silence that falls between them, and he reaches with a hand to try and rub away some of his tears. They’re slower now, but his melancholy is still just as present. He didn’t want to scare her away completely, but he just... needed her to know, what she was really trying to dig into. He wanted her to stop digging. They could just be friends and spend time together in the safer areas, wasn’t that enough?
And then, she’s reaching for his hand. Always careful not to give her the hand with the more abrasive side of the Velcro, he thinks about it, before coming to the conclusion that she had the right one. Ever so gentle he takes her hand in his plush one, listening carefully as she speaks to him. Huggy offers a small nod to her question, but judging by her tone she already knew the answer. But what she says next strikes him down to his very core. She... thought he was good? Nobody’s ever told him that before. He was good. Somebody really thought he was good. Tears picking back up the toy hardly gives it a second thought before he leans down to her height, his arms wrapping around her to pull her into a close but gentle hug. It takes him a long moment to reel himself back in, but when he’s done he backs away and takes her hand once again, gently tugging her in a ‘follow me’ sort of motion. There’s something he wants her to see.
@huggisms​ : x
Maybe that was a very fair response to seeing a pile of bloody, dismembered toys. They had been small ones, more perfect, but unable to protect themselves from the horrors of the factory. Ones he hadn’t been able to save.
Still, he didn’t want her to have to see such a gruesome scene.
A small, nervous laugh comes from behind this very blue stranger (he liked the color, really! It was so vibrant!) and a soft plush hand lays itself feather light upon her shoulder. She wasn’t looking at him, it would be okay if he opened his mouth to speak just a bit. “Don’t look... it’s too awful.” A strangely somber tone for such a cartoony voice.
Practically kneeling down over the poor toy carcasses that sat limp upon the stained crimson tiled floor, some bits of the pooled artificial blood marked one of the soles to her blue mary jane shoes.  The faint smell of dry colt slithered into her nose, and she almost wanted to recoil back in disgust, too.  Yet, curiosity was quickly spinning the gears as many questions stirred in her head.  What could’ve caused some devastation to such once vibrant and put together looking toys?  How could they bleed such a vast amount of blood for what such pretty skin hid beneath the surface?  None of this made sense.  But, with such destruction, she just couldn’t take her eyes off towards the mass; as if it was hoping she could put their little puzzle pieces together in that instant.
However, just as she went to scoop a finger full of this foreign vital fluid for further study, Vivi was stopped by the tender weight upon her shoulder by her newly acquainted companion.  Plush fluff held just against the worn fabric of her wool sweater.  Her movement ceased for a second.  Slowly, she drew her hand back from the bloody pile of limbs.  With a moment’s pause, she quietly acknowledged the other’s warning with a feeble squeeze of their resting hand.
Usually, Huggy barely spoke during their first few interactions whenever she came to visit this run down factory.  They rarely ever answered her questions.  Interviews were always drawn short whenever she came, finding answers were always guarded closely with a locked key.  They’d always come short, perhaps even briefer than the last.  Yet, whenever they did speak?  It almost always startled her.  Maybe this time.. she could make the most of this small opportunity; while they were still in the mood, it seemed.
A little push never hurt.  She was already pushing it with finding herself alone in this place again.  Especially so late into the night, too.
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Taking their light touch as her cue to rise, she righted up her bag upon her shoulder as she clutched her bat in the other; using it as a staff to help herself to her feet.  She kept her gaze upon the plastic corpses, still finding herself ever drawn to the mystery of its story.  “.. Do ya have any idea what might’ve happened to them?”  Her voice came soft, almost bare to a low whisper.  “What might have caused this, even?”
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huggisms · 3 years
Well, this WAS one way to make new friends.  Maybe if these three hadn’t met in such a depressing facility?  Being awkward would’ve been the most of this duo’s worries.  Too bad Vivi’s research didn’t pick up anything on any ‘new’ attractions like this scary blue giant.  I wonder how he managed to stay under the radar for this long though. 
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Cautiously, and yet protectively keeping his body ever slightly between this blue giant and his icy charge, Mystery keenly watched this giant toy as they deliberately lowered themselves down in that moment.   Sharp teeth were bared alongside his puffed up fur.  At that moment, he held himself in a tight, lowered stance, this pooch was about ready to pounce any second now.  His forewarning low growls only grew more aggressive as he watched the other move closer into view.  Uncertainty hung ever stiffly to his every move, but his own hesitation still lingered amongst the air.
However, before he was given the chance to speak for them both, his companion was quick to take the stage.  Ever more assured than her own protective kin, the investigator practically took a reaffirmed step towards this newly mysterious stranger.  Her shoulders remained hunched still, but the little voices that screamed at her to run were only met with disregard.  It seemed, in that moment, curiosity was the only thing that drove her to invade this strange plush’s space.  Even then, she was met with terrified glances from her own poor dog.  This was not how he wanted to spend his Friday night right now; not wanting to tempt his own death again, of all things.
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“.. Now, ain’t that right?”  Man, this was not how they were planning to spend their night at all.  However, they looked harmless enough.   Right?  Whilst still gripping her bat, she took her only other hand to nudge her glasses up in that instant.  Vivi was practically leaning into Huggy’s personal space, too.  “You’re an interesting sight to see in a place like this, too.  What’s a lil thing like you doing in a factory like so late this into the night?”
Well, this was better than dying on the spot.  But what the hell is this girl on right now?
Playtime had always been masters at hiding things from the world— even now, years after every single person in the factory had gone missing. Nothing ever surfaced about what really went on down there, and certain beings in the factory were going to ensure that it stayed that way until the end of time, hopefully. But Vivi would come to know this fact well, in due time.
Seeing the way that the dog acted, so hostile, Huggy suddenly finds himself very happy that he had restrained himself earlier from reaching to pet him from where he’d been hiding. If he had, well... the toy’s now sure that this would’ve gone a whole lot differently. Not that it was the best right now, but this was at least manageable! He could work with this! Even if the doggy did look like he wanted to tear into him like a new squeaky toy. Maybe if he just, sat down, and then didn’t make any more sudden moves towards them he could avoid being bitten.
In stark contrast to the tense hesitation, Huggy is almost surprised to see the blue one step towards him. Hands lower to show her the offered smile, head tilted slightly to the side. Normally he would offer to hug her, hugs were always the best! Especially when making new friends! But something told him that if he did he’d surely come away from the endeavor bloody from the pooch’s teeth. The creature lets Vivi come as close as she likes, though! Sharing personal space is no issue to him, but he makes sure to keep his hands very close to himself— just in case.
Big smile, the toy nods at her questioning. Her courage is both impressive and comforting, no human has ever been this bold when it comes to him before. Well, except for... a select few. But there was no good in thinking about that now. Huggy laughs at her follow up question though, hands moving to hide his mouth again. “Oh, silly, I live here! Just like all the other toys! Have ever since I was made! It’s kinda funny though, I could say the same about you, y’know!” Another small laugh escapes him. “It’s been, gosh... many years now since a human’s come by. And even then, everyone was always supposed to be out by 8!” Not that he had much of a clue as to what time it was currently. He had a hunch it was far past 8, though. “And I’ve never even seen a real dog before, I was so excited to see you!” That one is directed towards Mystery, even if the other is still hostile.
@viviskull liked for a starter!
It wasn’t hard to tell if there was something that didn’t belong in the factory. After so many years of living there, trying to survive, you learned to pick up on all the little things— the way that the other monsters sounded when they roamed the halls, or the typical groaning of machinery that kept itself working even after all these years. This sound was not familiar. Not anymore, at least.
The sound, though it took a few moments to place, was distinctly human. Shoes echoing down empty corridors, like a long lost memory in his head. The living toy can’t help himself, he has to know what’s causing this. Besides, if it truly is a human... it’s better that he reaches them before anything else does.
Huggy, creeping quietly along an opposing hallway, goes for a door that he vaguely remembers connects the two together. A soft yellow hand takes the handle and pulls the door open, but the creature was so tall he couldn’t see yet! So he leans down, ever so slowly, to see if he could catch a glimpse of the stranger roaming the forgotten halls.
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huggisms · 3 years
For the first time in a few, their reluctant melancholy energy practically brushed against Vivi’s skin; her empathic nerves involuntarily picked up on the flattened pauses the toy seemingly given.  Her shoulders tensed.  So alien and feeble, their sadness came in hesitant waves as they pricked at the faintest corners of her thoughts.  In all the time she spent visiting this creature and their seemingly mysterious home, she had never felt such heartbroken, regretful emotions leak from them in that moment.  Such a saddened feeling, it felt all too familiar even yet.  Like a fallen leaf, fleeting as it went, there was so much more to this than she truly understood.
This wasn’t their first witness of brutality, and it certainly wasn’t going to be their last.  Is that what they meant?   If they existed, they weren’t the only ones to cause such pain were they?  The more her thoughts swirled for answers.  The more this mere case seemed to unfold, there were more mysteries she wanted to solve.
She couldn’t have been the only one that searched for answers.  It couldn’t just end here.
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Although her shoulder remained hunched, she cleared her throat.   Trying to find her voice, she spoke much firmer in response.  “What kind of monsters?”  Her eyes drifted over her shoulder.  “Can ya please elaborate more on that?  How deadly can these things really be?  How would they cause this amass of destruction, even?”
There came a little, brief pause.
“.. There’s only so much I know about the history of this place.  It can’t just be left that.”
It was rare for the toy to show off his sadness, the regret and the pure exhaustion from what he’s been through— since the first time he was aware that he was alive. It was pain, and misery, a bottomless pit of gore and death. And yet it continued on still. Like a cycle, endless, lives of all kinds constantly being lost at the hands of others. It was nearly too much for him to bear. But what was he to do? It’s not like he could leave, he’s never even stepped foot outside before.
But despite all that he goes through, he tries his best to keep his spirits up. Maybe it’s just that he’s a toy made for love and joy, but he couldn’t stand the sorrows. And he doesn’t want anyone else to feel them, either. Especially now that, after all this time, there was a person consistently coming to the factory again. And she was his friend. The toy wanted to protect her— and that included, in his mind, keeping her away from the dark truth of this cursed place.
What the other turned to see was not the bright, happy toy that she knew. It was as if all of that joy had been sucked right out, and only sadness filled the space. Arms hanging limp by his sides, Huggy’s shoulders sat slumped. His head was lowered and he was slouched slightly, once bright smile turned to a frown as an abundance of tears came from those large eyes. And still, she questioned. Previously he’s been much more reserved with answering any of her questions at all, but even then they never stopped. Couldn’t she tell that she didn’t want to know? That it was best not to know? The creature chokes up. He’s got an answer to her first question, held right behind closed mouth. The monsters like him, of course. Except, that wasn’t quite right. He doesn’t know how, maybe he doesn’t want to know how, but despite his monstrous features he hadn’t ended up like the others had, killing everything in sight with a terrifying sense of calculation. The toy decides to not answer the first question.
Big yellow hands move slowly to cover up his mouth, so that he can speak now that she’s looking right at him. He doesn’t feel like saying anything at all, but he wants, no, he needs her to understand at least a little. “The kind that will kill you before you even have a chance to realize you’re dead.” Huggy didn’t like saying things like that. Kill, death, he had to experience so much of it, why did he have to talk about it?! His voice, although still with its cartoony inflection, falls a bit flat with his sadness. “They’re stronger than you can imagine, enough to break down any door. And they won’t stop once they catch sight of their prey.”
A hesitation, then. So it really was just answers she wanted? But why? Her knowing wouldn’t change what had already been done. It couldn’t save what had already been lost. “I don’t want anyone to know what happens here...” The tone is soft. He’s not being harsh, he just needs her to know that it’s for her own protection. “Even you.”
@huggisms​ : x
Maybe that was a very fair response to seeing a pile of bloody, dismembered toys. They had been small ones, more perfect, but unable to protect themselves from the horrors of the factory. Ones he hadn’t been able to save.
Still, he didn’t want her to have to see such a gruesome scene.
A small, nervous laugh comes from behind this very blue stranger (he liked the color, really! It was so vibrant!) and a soft plush hand lays itself feather light upon her shoulder. She wasn’t looking at him, it would be okay if he opened his mouth to speak just a bit. “Don’t look... it’s too awful.” A strangely somber tone for such a cartoony voice.
Practically kneeling down over the poor toy carcasses that sat limp upon the stained crimson tiled floor, some bits of the pooled artificial blood marked one of the soles to her blue mary jane shoes.  The faint smell of dry colt slithered into her nose, and she almost wanted to recoil back in disgust, too.  Yet, curiosity was quickly spinning the gears as many questions stirred in her head.  What could’ve caused some devastation to such once vibrant and put together looking toys?  How could they bleed such a vast amount of blood for what such pretty skin hid beneath the surface?  None of this made sense.  But, with such destruction, she just couldn’t take her eyes off towards the mass; as if it was hoping she could put their little puzzle pieces together in that instant.
However, just as she went to scoop a finger full of this foreign vital fluid for further study, Vivi was stopped by the tender weight upon her shoulder by her newly acquainted companion.  Plush fluff held just against the worn fabric of her wool sweater.  Her movement ceased for a second.  Slowly, she drew her hand back from the bloody pile of limbs.  With a moment’s pause, she quietly acknowledged the other’s warning with a feeble squeeze of their resting hand.
Usually, Huggy barely spoke during their first few interactions whenever she came to visit this run down factory.  They rarely ever answered her questions.  Interviews were always drawn short whenever she came, finding answers were always guarded closely with a locked key.  They’d always come short, perhaps even briefer than the last.  Yet, whenever they did speak?  It almost always startled her.  Maybe this time.. she could make the most of this small opportunity; while they were still in the mood, it seemed.
A little push never hurt.  She was already pushing it with finding herself alone in this place again.  Especially so late into the night, too.
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Taking their light touch as her cue to rise, she righted up her bag upon her shoulder as she clutched her bat in the other; using it as a staff to help herself to her feet.  She kept her gaze upon the plastic corpses, still finding herself ever drawn to the mystery of its story.  “.. Do ya have any idea what might’ve happened to them?”  Her voice came soft, almost bare to a low whisper.  “What might have caused this, even?”
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huggisms · 3 years
Their words, for as sweet and welcomingly slick as they spoke, sharply pierced through the air like a gunshot against the tranquil chatter that once accompanied the hall moments before.  A heavy, deafening silence fell.  The previously calm ambience that once welcomed this pair into this factory’s domain was quick to twist into a dread filled hush that washed over the two in an instant.  The air tensed about them, practically rooting them in place as their conversation screeched to a halt.  Shoulders quickly hunched with a tensed strain.  For a second, Vivi almost hesitated to turn back at that moment.
However, a low, deep growl was the first to break the stiff silence that fell upon them.  Mystery’s fur stood up on its ends, his ears already drew themselves back as he snapped himself at attention towards this looming foe; only to stare up with unease at the tall living toy that smiled down upon them.  His instincts screamed at him to run, to run and drag his ever stubborn charge away in that second.  But, while the alarms in his head yelled and cried to move, his trembling limbs kept him rooted to the tile floor.  He couldn’t leave, not while his only family had their single light fixated upon the gigantic beast (or whatever this thing was, to begin with).  Even then, with his brave front, his fear and guarded growls were swallowed by the sounds of the loud factory machinery; all echoing about the building, standing ever alive and running against time.  That’s all these three ever heard for a long, prolonged moment of hesitation.
However, in that instant he grew ever still, his ears perked to the hums and hisses of a familiar cold aura of his companion’s bat.  Ice.  Cold.  Any little sound or spark could’ve invoked that dangerous winter.
With her book now gone, Vivi’s hand was already grasping for the handle of her weapon.  Her bat’s glimmering shimmer remained hidden within the confines of her bag, just threatening to be drawn at the mere presence of this towering blue plush.  Her light blue hues wandered to Huggy’s gaze, her brows already furrowed with lost confusion.  Her eyes flickered about their figure, as if trying to search for a mere speck of an answer that lingered amongst their body language.  She didn’t move.  Her thoughts already stirred to find an answer that could help in this strange endeavor.  However, as much as bewilderment washed over her, her mouth opened before she could find the proper answer for this encounter.  It gaped open for a second, then quickly snapped shut.
Oh.  This is really happening, isn’t it?  We’re just meeting some talking plush right out the gate, aren’t we?  The boys are not going to like this.
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Forgetting where she was in that moment, her eyebrows raised a little as the investigator took in this new sight before her.  However, her grip on her weapon didn’t loosen just yet.  “.. Hello?”  Her voice felt strange upon the tense air that hung about them.  Her mind drew at a blank, but her starstruck tension still urged her to speak once more.  “Wow, uh.. You’re new.”
As soon as the cartoony voice entered the air, the atmosphere dropped like a ton of bricks. Oh boy. It’s been quite some time since Huggy’s dealt with this type of thing, he’s not so sure how to handle the situation himself. So he waits to see what the strangers will do.
The small one (dog as he reminded himself) turns with seemingly violent intent, growling with ears pinned back and earns a small, very nervous chuckle. Despite his supposed advantage the living toy back pedals a few steps fearfully, smile turned to frown and hands raised as a sign of innocence. Taking no comfort in the other’s shaking limbs— the creature was all too aware that fear could end just as violently as anything else. And there they stayed, just the three of them, staring at each other in this dark, decrepit hallway. It was silent, but boy was it loud.
What a lovely, easy first meeting this was.
Staying perfectly still, Huggy watches as the book is returned to a bag, but her hand doesn’t come back out. If he was lucky enough, maybe she had just frozen up like he had. How was he going to salvage the situation? Was there any salvaging it? He wondered how he might feel, as a little human, exploring some place he was oh-so confident that was abandoned only to encounter something huge and foreign and very much alive. Hey at least he wasn’t out to eat them. Still, he could imagine it would be... awkward. Maybe it was sort of their fault for being so certain of its abandonment before seeing for themselves anyway. But how to ease their fear? He was a toy! How hard could it be? Toys were made to be comforting after all!
Slowly, oh so slowly, the creature lowered himself to sit on the floor, so he could be closer to their height. (That would help! Right?) He could really only hope that it wouldn’t end with him getting bitten— or having to give chase to ensure that the two didn’t get themselves hurt. It was so easy, with all the heavy machinery, endless chasms, and hungry monsters strewn about every corner. Huggy tilts his head a bit as the blue one speaks, in turn giving her a big smile before he covers his mouth with both hands again. They’re already nervous, those awful teeth wouldn’t help at all. “Hi there! I’m awfully sorry if I scared you, my name’s Huggy Wuggy and I live here in the factory!” A short introduction, the toy really didn’t enjoy speaking so much. There was always room for slip ups, errors that would give away what he really was. Maybe if they could calm down, just a bit, he would be able to slip back into his usual comfortable silence. “You’re the first visitors we’ve had in a very long time.”
@viviskull liked for a starter!
It wasn’t hard to tell if there was something that didn’t belong in the factory. After so many years of living there, trying to survive, you learned to pick up on all the little things— the way that the other monsters sounded when they roamed the halls, or the typical groaning of machinery that kept itself working even after all these years. This sound was not familiar. Not anymore, at least.
The sound, though it took a few moments to place, was distinctly human. Shoes echoing down empty corridors, like a long lost memory in his head. The living toy can’t help himself, he has to know what’s causing this. Besides, if it truly is a human… it’s better that he reaches them before anything else does.
Huggy, creeping quietly along an opposing hallway, goes for a door that he vaguely remembers connects the two together. A soft yellow hand takes the handle and pulls the door open, but the creature was so tall he couldn’t see yet! So he leans down, ever so slowly, to see if he could catch a glimpse of the stranger roaming the forgotten halls.
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huggisms · 3 years
Noodle man! 🥰
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huggisms · 3 years
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apparently my drawing abilities didn’t want to exist today
so take these lazy ass sketches
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huggisms · 3 years
(viviskull) ((Your pinned post looks great on desktop! anyway, the links are working and are assessable atm as far as I can see ^^))
;;thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it!! I’ve never pinned a post or anything before so I’m happy it all seems to be in order for now!
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huggisms · 3 years
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Squeeze you
                     until you
muse // rules // verses // promo // open starters
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huggisms · 3 years
Pages can't be accessed on mobile, can you please link them? (Btw, if you add the url as "/[pagename]" on a pinned post or your description, it will let mobile users get to your pages even if you change your url later!)
;;oh my goodness I’m so sorry about that!! I’ve got a long shift at work today but I’ll try to make a pinned post for my page when I get home tonight! In the meantime, could you let me know if these will let you access the pages for now? About / Rules / Verses
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huggisms · 3 years
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🥺 him
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huggisms · 3 years
@viviskull​ : x
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Standing there with her bat glimmering in its lightly tinted blue shine gripped tightly, a large patch of ice had formed around the dust tiled floor.  Not too long ago, in her haste to find another clue in this vast factory while her companion was distracted, this blue dame had found herself in unpredictable battle of wits moments before.  Blood was spilled and wounds were reopened, but the mere corpse of a monster that laid before them was covered in a thick layer of ice; being nothing more than another creature whose blood who stained her heart.  She was only lucky Huggy’s animalistic screeches distracted it in her struggle to pacify it on her own.  Even then, for what she saw, she couldn’t save it in the end.
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A cold chill lingered amongst the air as this investigator risen to her feet.  The air tensed at every move she made.  Little cracks of the ice popped as it shifted beneath her weight.  Snapping her gaze over her shoulder, a furrowed brow and a cold gaze met with theirs.  “.. How long have ya known about this?”  She snapped back.  “Was hiding things like this from me your version of safe?” 
Huggy was terrified. How had he let himself become so distracted, enough to wander and leave his friend alone in this nightmare? He knew she wanted answers, maybe she knew he didn’t want her finding them. Maybe this would’ve happened anyway, eventually. The creature was so scared coming back, he’d screeched— eyes so widely dilated you could barely see the whites in them. He was hoping to maybe scare whatever had been attacking off, maybe the thing would think he was 1006 and think twice about its attack.
But what he saw stopped him in his tracks. Eyes slowly return to normal as the living toy takes in the sight before him, so entirely foreign for everything he’d seen. Ice? And so much of it, how had this happened? And Vivi, oh, she was bleeding, it had been a moment of stupid adrenaline that he proclaimed he’d only wanted to keep her safe. He did, really, he wanted her to be safe, but the tone he uses causes him to withdraw a bit. Honestly, he hadn’t meant it to come out like that. Curiosity rose, but Huggy didn’t dare try to see what laid beneath the ice. He decided that he didn’t want to know. 
The room is silent now, chillingly so, save for the popping and cracking of ice as Vivi makes it back to her feet. And then she looks at him, cold gaze locking directly into his more timid, apologetic one. He feels weak instantly and something rises within him, something the toy hasn’t felt in years now. Her stern tone chills Huggy to the core. Slowly, he moves to cover his mouth with his hands, which suddenly feel shaken and unstable. “It’s...” For a moment, his voice splits. The cartoony tone is underlaid with something horrifically normal, like a human man. He tears his gaze away from her, looking at the floor off to the side. It takes a few moments before he tries again, slower, all cartoony once more. “Vivi I, I’m sorry, I was scared, I didn’t mean to say it like that.” Only one other person has ever looked at him like that, spoken to him in that tone of voice. It terrified him more than he could ever admit. “It... would’ve eaten you, I don’t... it’s safer, to stay away from them.” Another long pause and then, barely more than a whisper. “It’s always been like this.”
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huggisms · 3 years
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little meow
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huggisms · 3 years
;;I feel like Bron, if he does end up being an enemy like Huggy was, is going to be in the cafeteria maybe? Because of the poster near the lobby that says eat healthy like Bron. I also feel like, since he doesn’t have any eyes, it might be a situation where you have to try and do things around him while trying to be as quiet as possible? Which would be difficult considering how loud the grab pack is
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huggisms · 3 years
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@ruinhood gave me huggy wuggy brainrot (go check out his art of huggy, it’s amazing) love the addition of the tail and wanted to add it as well (click for better quality)
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huggisms · 3 years
(viviskull) “I’ll get you fixed up, don’t worry.” *Vivi*
Blood soaks the side of the toy’s head, matting down the once fluffy fur. He’s slumped down against the wall, woozy and exhausted from the fight. Vision blurs, light and shadows leaving the world one big hazy mess. But a painfully vibrant blue appears, accompanied with a voice he’s grown to love. He can’t help but to worry. When had she gotten here? Had she seen what happened? It wasn’t safe, he could barely move, how was he supposed to protect his dear friend if the monster hadn’t already moved on? (How long had he been sitting here like this, anyway?)
A small whine leaves the creature and his long arms wrap themselves several times over around Vivi, although more loose than usual. Huggy pulls her in close, holding her against him as best he could. It was all he could think of to try and keep her safe when he couldn’t do anything else.
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huggisms · 3 years
Injury Starters Pt. 2
“I don’t think I can move.
“Oh god, it hurts.”
“Yeah, dumb idea. Very dumb idea.”
“Can you help me?”
“Can you help, I’m hurt really badly.”
“Well shit.”
“That hurts too much to move.”
“I can’t put any weight on my leg.”
“I don’t think I can walk.”
Mr. Stark “I don’t feel so good.”
“I think I’ve lost too much blood.”
“I think I’m okay.”
“I’m alright.”
“No one told me this would hurt so much.”
“I think it’s broken.”
“I can’t tell if it’s broken.”
“There’s so much blood.”
“You’re not supposed to pull the [knife, arrow, etc.] out of the wound, right?”
“This really hurts.”
“Can you call an ambulance?”
“Do you have anything I can patch this up with?”
“I think I need more than a bandaid.”
“Stop poking that! It hurts!”
“I think I have more bruises than skin color.”
“You should see the other guy.”
“Did I pass out?”
“I think I just need to lay down.”
“I know, it was stupid.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Just stay still.”
“That looks pretty bad.”
“Are you alright?”
“You took a really bad hit.”
“I don’t think you should be messing with it.”
“Can you move at all?”
“Should I call somebody?”
“I think I have some bandages.”
“Moving is only going to make it worse.”
“I don’t do blood.”
“Do you think it’s broken?”
“What happened to you?”
“I don’t think it’s a big deal.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’ll get you fixed up, don’t worry.”
“Let me go get help.”
“You’re bleeding!”
“Just stay awake, okay?”
“Just hold on!”
“Panicking is only going to make it worse.”
“I’ll yank it out quick.”
“Do you need help?”
“Does this hurt?”
“You need to stop getting into fights.”
“I don’t know how you even get yourself into these situations.”
“Just tell me how this happened.”
“I’ll help you.”
“I can’t help you.”
“Why would you think that was a good idea?”
“Did you get hurt?”
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huggisms · 3 years
He was no stranger to the gruesome visions, but it still upset him. The violence was too much, why did everything have to end up like this? It was all HIS fault. A name so familiar but so gut wrenching that the toy didn’t even dare to think it to himself. Memories flash, but Huggy can’t even recall some of the worst moments. But the face, the voice, it echoes in his mind like a maddening mantra. It was for science, it was... innovation. The creature would get sick at the thought if he were able to. But there was nothing to be done that could change what had already happened. The deeds were done, and now a once happy, lively toy factory had become hell on earth.
Huggy stays back a few steps from where blood pooled over the tile and down into the crevices. He hated the feeling of it on him, in his fur. Lucky him his arms were more than long enough to be able to reach her, place a hand carefully down on her shoulder. A comforting gesture, possibly for his own sake as well. The sensation of her squeezing him back calmed him a bit, but not much. He didn’t want his new friend to find out what the factory really had to offer.
In fact, he barely wanted her here at all.
That’s not to say that he didn’t love the company, or that he didn’t feel an overwhelming excitement each time she stopped by, but this wasn’t a place you’d want your friends to go. There was always something around every corner, a mouth waiting to snap shut on unsuspecting prey. Huggy had done his best to keep her from the horror, always trying to steer her subtly towards the safer areas if he could. Clearly, this was not one of them. Conflicted, they barely know each other but the toy would miss her dearly if she never came back— yet she’d be the safest staying as far away as possible. He wondered, briefly, where she went every time she’d inevitably leave.
Soft hand retreating from the other’s shoulder, Huggy gives room for her to stand up. This visit, much like all the others, had come as a surprise. She’s alone, and although armed with a baseball bat he shudders to think what could’ve happened if he weren’t here. The monsters in this place were restless, and impossibly strong. Some part of the creature doubts the weapon would do anything at all.
At her questioning, a small noise comes from him, a quiet half-sigh. Any idea? He had more than ideas— he’d seen this happen before. Hell, he’d nearly ended up like they had on several occasions now despite his own size and strength. But he can’t tell her, he doesn’t want anyone to know what awful things went on here. “It’s not safe here...” the words are soft, much like hers were. That was his usual and sometimes only answer to most of her questions, and she still didn’t seem to understand. How could she, if she never saw what went on? Looking past her, to the pile of discarded corpses, Huggy is only vaguely aware of tears that began to drip from his large plastic eyes. For the first time, albeit slowly, he tries to offer a more complete answer. “They were killed... by monsters.”
@huggisms​ : x
Maybe that was a very fair response to seeing a pile of bloody, dismembered toys. They had been small ones, more perfect, but unable to protect themselves from the horrors of the factory. Ones he hadn’t been able to save.
Still, he didn’t want her to have to see such a gruesome scene.
A small, nervous laugh comes from behind this very blue stranger (he liked the color, really! It was so vibrant!) and a soft plush hand lays itself feather light upon her shoulder. She wasn’t looking at him, it would be okay if he opened his mouth to speak just a bit. “Don’t look… it’s too awful.” A strangely somber tone for such a cartoony voice.
Practically kneeling down over the poor toy carcasses that sat limp upon the stained crimson tiled floor, some bits of the pooled artificial blood marked one of the soles to her blue mary jane shoes.  The faint smell of dry colt slithered into her nose, and she almost wanted to recoil back in disgust, too.  Yet, curiosity was quickly spinning the gears as many questions stirred in her head.  What could’ve caused some devastation to such once vibrant and put together looking toys?  How could they bleed such a vast amount of blood for what such pretty skin hid beneath the surface?  None of this made sense.  But, with such destruction, she just couldn’t take her eyes off towards the mass; as if it was hoping she could put their little puzzle pieces together in that instant.
However, just as she went to scoop a finger full of this foreign vital fluid for further study, Vivi was stopped by the tender weight upon her shoulder by her newly acquainted companion.  Plush fluff held just against the worn fabric of her wool sweater.  Her movement ceased for a second.  Slowly, she drew her hand back from the bloody pile of limbs.  With a moment’s pause, she quietly acknowledged the other’s warning with a feeble squeeze of their resting hand.
Usually, Huggy barely spoke during their first few interactions whenever she came to visit this run down factory.  They rarely ever answered her questions.  Interviews were always drawn short whenever she came, finding answers were always guarded closely with a locked key.  They’d always come short, perhaps even briefer than the last.  Yet, whenever they did speak?  It almost always startled her.  Maybe this time.. she could make the most of this small opportunity; while they were still in the mood, it seemed.
A little push never hurt.  She was already pushing it with finding herself alone in this place again.  Especially so late into the night, too.
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Taking their light touch as her cue to rise, she righted up her bag upon her shoulder as she clutched her bat in the other; using it as a staff to help herself to her feet.  She kept her gaze upon the plastic corpses, still finding herself ever drawn to the mystery of its story.  “.. Do ya have any idea what might’ve happened to them?”  Her voice came soft, almost bare to a low whisper.  “What might have caused this, even?”
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