hugowilliamtumbles · 4 years
New experiences every day are a huge part of mental health stimulation and they don’t have to be dramatic or mindblowing in scale. They just have to be something new to you. They can be as small as learning a word in a foreign language or visiting a shop you’ve never been to. They can be exploring an area of your city you’ve never seen. Whatever they happen to be, if you do something small on a daily basis, they can become a highlight you look forward to.
In the light of this coronavirus pandemic, we’ve all had to stay home and our travel limitations have forced us to go outside our normal comfort zones in order to explore. The internet offers infinite new experiences and discoveries, from videos to artworks, interactions and information. All of this has the potential to be new to you, enlightening, inspiring and motivational. If you allow yourself to see it as such.
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I enjoyed browsing a supermarket filled with foreign imports that I’d never seen recently. Solely because it was new to me.
You can make small things feel larger by simply giving them value. Take for example doing a new exercise variant or learning a dance move. These aren’t monumental changes, but they are new discoveries for you and thus new experiences. You’ll feel a lot better knowing them.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Two weeks is a long time if you make use of it and don’t allow yourself to be dragged down by people’s negative action and negative people.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
In any country that has them, but this is something that more artists than I can count either decide that they can go without or they solely aren’t aware of it. Either that, or they simply believe it’s a mind-bending prospect to write a simple proposal
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
The post Why waste time comparing yourself? appeared first on Hugo William.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
The post Which is better? Day drunk or night drunk? appeared first on Hugo William.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
And that’s perfectly fine. Full disclosure, nobody had the answers. Good, fit people who diet get sick and the reverse. I’m starting from x liabilities and no assets, aiming to educate myself and get $4m or more
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
In order to meet my goal, I’ve decided to go on a social media and news restricted diet. I adore both, but they tend to soak up a huge amount of my free time and thus the only times I’ll be really using both will be to strategically further my plan to get in the black and get my life back on track, Jack.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Use Your Years book
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Get Rich, or File For Bankruptcy book
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
a divine creative impulse or inspiration. 90 day sprint.
The afflatus book
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
The Protean book
a remarkably protean composer: versatile, adaptable, flexible, all-around, multifaceted, multitalented, many-sided
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
You’ll always expand upon a list, it’s just what we do. What you need to do is find a way of tackling those lists. This is how it will be done, and ultimately you’ll need to always be accountable to your higher power (yourself).
We’re going to come up with a rule, if a list isn’t dealt with within 3 months, it’s archived and for all intents and purposes, we’ll refer to it as being ignored now.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
content based on performing niche keywords with seo’d tools
At some point you have to stop indulging in self-improvement advice if you wish to actually improve both in life and in business.
if you go down the rabbit hole of self improvement and productivity, the advice you get will ve both helpful and contradictory. The morning rituals that they’ll suggest include both do nothing, calm the mind, meditate and wait for hours. eat right away, wait to eat, etc. etc. etc. You should literally alternate them until you find which one works best for you and makes you the happiest.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
The funny thing is people actually google or search for these phrases under the true naive belief that if there were a straight forward answer, a simple search query would deliver it to you. Just like what you see on the heavily curated site that is Wikipedia, yes, there are answers to be had. But there are millions of contradicting opinions and like Sean Carter stated, “Everybody can tell you how to do it, they never did it.” Proof is in something being brought to fruition, not in theory.
Now my arrogance or delusion (you pick) is strong enough to state that I’m confident, despite being heavily in debt, that once I have this set it and “forget it” method set up, it will flourish and money will pour in. Whether or not that happens has yet to be seen, but it must be noted that the fact that action is taking place puts me in a better position than the millions of people that waste their breath as opposed to line their ducks.
The post How can I become a millionaire quickly or soon appeared first on Hugo William.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Stoicism, Seneca, risk and Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, Ryan Holiday etc. too
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Total immersion to accelerate learning Find the easiest area to control the majority etc.
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hugowilliamtumbles · 5 years
Think about when making purchases online how much reviews matter to you. Zero is worse than negative ones…
The post No reviews, no sales. You need product reviews appeared first on Hugo William.
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