humanitylost · 1 year
When you're essentially rewriting 4 different fucking timelines for this show and have to basically make up every other character's personality bc OV gave us nothing on any of the other dimensions and the wiki only gives you tiny details like the fact Nega Gwen and Nega Kevin are both blonde and are a cheerleader/football player couple. And that Gwen apparently dumbs herself down in that dimension. But almost nothing else.
I am the fucking embodiment of this fucking GIF rn
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humanitylost · 1 year
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Am I ever here anymore? No. But if anyone is still here and you like my version of Albedo and wanna see more of my Corvo HERE'S MY FUCKONG AO3 ACCOUNT WITH THE FUCKING BEN 10 SERIES I'M WRITING THAT'S LITERALLY ALL ABOUT THEM.
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humanitylost · 2 years
Me, watching @dnawield come back to Tumblr like
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humanitylost · 2 years
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Writing Corvo is basically just me taking this undeveloped side character and turning him into someone worthy of being a reoccurring character bc I love him and he’s just pretty. OV writers just gave me a new son to run with and since he’s not that popular no one can fight me on his development <3
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humanitylost · 2 years
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IT  STILL  FELT  WRONG,  AS  IF  PARADOX  WAS  SILENTLY  JUDGING  HER  for  what  they  were  about  to  do  from  wherever  —  or  whenever  —  he was ;  even  if  it  wouldn’t  stop  her  from  doing  it  anyway.  She  had  spent  years  having  him  lecture  her  about  the  dangers  of  this  kind  of  thing.  
At  least  that’s  what  Gwen  told  herself  the  numerous  times  she  didn’t  listen  to  his  warnings,  anyway.
The  portal  appeared  and  Gwen,  not  phased  in  the  slightest  (  a common  occurrence  but  this  time  nothing  bad  was  coming  through  to  kill  her )  as  she  shot  a  glance  over  at  Albedo,  questioningly,  the  ends  of  her  long  hair  swaying  from  the  energy  projected.
❝  I  can’t  even  imagine  Ben  without  the  Omnitrix.  ❞  it  couldn’t  have  been  good,  could  it  ?  Ben,  as  much  of  an  idiot  he  could  be  at  times,  did  do  a  lot  to  protect  his  home  and  gave  it  his  everything.   ❝  Is  that  where  we’re  going  ?  ❞  he  bowed  her  in  and  Gwen,  taking  a deep  breath,  took  a  step  forward  into  the  dimensional  rift  and  came  out  on  the  other  side  waiting  for  her  companion,  looking  around.
She  takes  a  minute,  adjusting  to  the  newness  of  another  dimension.   ❝   ———   the  mana  here  feels  weird.  ❞  her  tongue  flicked  over  her  sensitive  teeth,  the  mana  making  them  twinge  just  a  little.
Albedo casually hops through the portal, reaching over to pick up the device and placing it back into his bag. It’s been some time since he was last in this dimension, and that time was not exactly a pleasant memory to recall. Even so he doubts much has changed since then. “I would assume so. In this dimension, Tennyson never came in contact with the Omnitrix, therefore much of what you recall happening that summer never came to fruition. Vilgax isn’t alive in this world and the Plumbers are still a secret organization. Things are very different here.”
Albedo motions for Gwen to follow him, peaking a bit out of the alleyway before simply starting to walk along the streets with confidence. He wouldn’t even toy with the idea of just waltzing out in broad daylight back in the Prime Dimension, but here? Here he was just some random person on the street enjoying a nice walk with his friend. He was nobody. And so was Gwen. “While you still exist here, you’re not famous. You won’t be recognized by just anyone unless they know you personally.”
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The atmosphere around here was vastly more calm than that of the Bellwood they were used to. It was so calm here, like a normal city. Not one that was faced with destruction every other week. If he hadn’t made friends with Gwen, Albedo would have seriously considered just staying here in the No Watch Dimension. Less chance of getting arrested and no planetary destruction plots to worry about from every two bit low life who dared to try. “We’re free to do whatever we like here with very little chance of being recognized. Honestly the only person here who could recognize me is No Watch, the version of your cousin that actually lives here. He’s the only one who even knows who I am, though he’s never seen me in this form. Only the child form that I was stuck in when I was here.”
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humanitylost · 2 years
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EON, EUGH, SHE’D RATHER NOT THINK ABOUT HIM. Not after the few times she ran into him over the years, a few times too many in her humble opinion, and if they were really going to head to another dimension Gwen would like to avoid him.
Him and Paradox, preferably. 
Not that she had any problems with Paradox, personally.
Something about Ben’s alternate selves having a device to hop dimensions on a whim didn’t set too well with her, but she would have thought that about anyone with such things in their possession. Gwen didn’t say anything, though, there was no need and as far as she was concerned as long as they were causing trouble across timelines and realities she’d leave them alone.
❝ Screw it, let’s go somewhere then. ❞  she wasn’t the one to be too impulsive when it came to things like this but she knew Ben and Kevin could hold the fort for a while. She needed a break.
“Excellent. I had a feeling you’d agree.” Albedo smiles, sitting up and stretching out a bit before slipping his watch back on. “I have just the place in mind to go where I’m quite certain you and I will not be bothered in the slightest. No disasters, no one wanting your head on a pike, and no one questioning why I look like your cousin.” He reaches down into the small bag he’d brought along to carry his tools in and pulls out a cube shaped device with a grin.
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“Now before we do rip open a portal to a completely separate dimension I’d just like to remind you that there’s no backlash for interacting with people you know. Including yourself should we somehow run into her. This isn’t time travel, after all.” Paradox would have a field day if that were true. With the way the other Ben’s love to go back and forth and fuck with each other on a near constant basis, that old Time Walker would have had a heart attack by now. Lord knows how he hasn’t run into another version of himself at this point either.
Albedo presses a few buttons, typing in the necessary information before setting the device onto the floor and watching as a portal opened quickly in the middle of Gwen’s living room. He turns to his friend, moving off to the side with an exaggerated bow. “Have you ever wondered what Bellwood would have been like had your cousin never found the Omnitrix in the first place?”
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humanitylost · 2 years
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humanitylost · 2 years
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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humanitylost · 2 years
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humanitylost · 2 years
Working on my Albedo redemption rewrite and I’m on one of the last chapters which is a major fight scene and boy do I love writing Albedo being scared af but also clearly worried about Ben bc who’s gonna stop me? No one that’s who.
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humanitylost · 2 years
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Ben grimaced, hating to be defined by his lack of an Omnitrix. It just made him feel even more like an outsider then he already did when it came to the multiverse. But there weren’t really any other good ways to tell him apart from Prime since they looked pretty much the same, and colors were out since at least three of them still wore green, and two wore purple.
“No Watch.” He motioned with his off hand, free of any watch at all since he hadn’t gotten a new one after his wrist watch had been stolen. “You’re uh, the one they call Mad, right?”
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Mad wiped away some of the tears from his cheeks, his face paint coming off with the action and smudging across his skin. He’ll worry about that another time. So this was No Watch? Which means he’s in the No Watch Dimension again, only this time he’s way more coherent and hyper aware of his surroundings. On the upside, being in this dimension meant that he didn’t have to worry so much about someone mistaking him for one of his alternates and trying to kill him. As far as he remembered, No Watch didn’t have any enemies.
“Yeah... that’s me. Mad Tennyson, War Lord an’ leader of the Mad Dimension an’ all that shit. I’d say it’s nice to meet ya but I feel like shit and from what I remember, I tried to kill you last time. So I doubt this is a great situation to be in right now.”
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humanitylost · 2 years
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“Uhh, okayyy.”
Ben was tempted to ask if the other wanted to talk about it, but he kind of didn’t want to talk about it. So he really doubted the other Ben wanted to talk about it either. So they just weren’t gonna talk about it. That was definitely normal. It wasn’t like he was close enough with this guy to ask him to trauma-dump anyway.
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Mad stays sitting, leaned back against the wall of the alleyway he was in. This place was so fucking loud. He’s been trying to calm himself down for what felt like hours now, but the sounds and smells of this place was killing him. He was used to hot climates, desert sands, and the smell of open air. This crowded city was messing with his head, and it was so had to keep his focus. This little spot was the quietest place he could find. Meeting one of his alternates wasn’t really part of the plan.
“Which one are you, again? Prime or No Watch? I can’t tell right now.”
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humanitylost · 2 years
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you know what trope pisses me off the most? when the protag is pointing a gun at somebody and they’re like “you won’t do it. you’re too good” and the person holding the gun is like oh shit i am and they slowly lower the gun while the other person laughs. WHAT THE FUCK. if i were there, and somebody told me “you won’t do it” i would immediately shoot them dead without hesitating. who are you to tell me what i wont do. musty bitch
                                     — > Link to Google Doc
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humanitylost · 2 years
gwen & albedo: ( ◑‿◑)ɔ┏🍟–🍔┑٩(^◡^ )    /     (✿◠‿◠) (❛‿❛ ✿ ) ben & albedo:    (≖᷆︵︣≖)👎    ᕙ( ︡'︡益'︠)ง     凸( ◡̀_◡̀ )凸     
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humanitylost · 2 years
They did not expect you to fight. They expected you to cower down, bow before them, accept the fate that they had thought out for you. All the more satisfying, then, to smirk up at them through the blood, saying i’m not done yet. You have no idea of the extent of my defiance.
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humanitylost · 2 years
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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humanitylost · 2 years
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So I very recently rewatched Omniverse for like the 4th time and only now did I remember that in the episode “Malgax Attacks” that. Albedo still had access to Galvan DNA after Azmuth fucked with his stabilizer and turned him into an 11yo Ben Tennyson. I was under the impression that after that incident Azmuth had locked him out of Galvan DNA again. But no. He didn’t. So I am once again angry at the writers way of handling Albedo.
All he wanted from the very fucking start of his introduction to this series was to have his body back, correct? So why, once he’s got said body back and can properly think without any human hormones messing up his train of thought, would he even bother to continue to go after Ben? Yeah he’d be mad about being stuck the way he was for a bit, but having his Galvan mind back he should have been able to realize that if he’s going to be upset at ANYONE he should be upset with AZMUTH. Not Ben. Ben didn’t make the watch. Ben didn’t program in the DNA Sync. That was all Azmuth.
Azmuth was the one who fucked up Albedo’s stabilizer in the first place, but even still Albedo had no set timer on his watch. He can stay in any transformation he wants. So why did they make him stay as an 11yo? His watch isn’t and Omnitrix anymore, he says so in “The Ultimate Heist”. It doesn’t follow Omnitrix rules. The writers were fucking cowards for not letting Albedo move on. They brought him back and for what? To fuck up his character more with the subpar plots they put him in? Honestly I’m glad I rewrote him because his canon fucking sucks ass.
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