humongouscyclepaper · 3 months
He only "nuked" New York in the book - he also didn't pin it on Dr. Manhattan (but an "alien" he genetically engineered), which was a ridiculous change, since obviously now the US is going to become a scapegoat, the exact opposite of his intention. Regardless, "the day is saved by super smart science man!" is clearly not the intended takeaway. Rorschach is not a hero, and Dr. Manhattan did the right thing in that moment, but Ozymandias has royally screwed up, and it's strongly implied he's about to get caught, and who knows what'll happen after that? Meanwhile, Dr. Manhattan is a broken shell of a man, nothing to envy or to emulate - no one really comes off well in the end, not even Silk Spectre and Nite Owl.
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humongouscyclepaper · 4 months
It's... bad. And I don't mean it's bad for political reasons - as I think you know, I strongly disagree with you on climate change - it's just bad. They're beating you over the head constantly with "DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU GET IT?" Tellingly, it's got a 55% on Rotten Tomatoes, and for a movie this "virtuous" to get a score like that, it's got to be pretty bad.
Did you watch the 2021 movie Don’t Look Up, if so what are your thoughts about it?
I watched it, not knowing what it was, and I wish I didn’t. t’s very obviously a metaphor for either climate change or Covid, they even say “trust the science” in the movie. I just don’t like movies depicting the majority of humanity as stupid instead of it just being a small group of loud people
I've never heard of it, but it doesn't sound like I missed anything.
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humongouscyclepaper · 4 months
...what the FUCK am I looking at?
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This isn't even misinformation. This is just straight-up blood libel.
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humongouscyclepaper · 4 months
I'm guessing S&P made them put that up to let the line through, but it does make it funnier.
Of course, hasn't that word got a cognate?
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humongouscyclepaper · 4 months
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humongouscyclepaper · 5 months
...you know, sometimes (always) people say I'm bad at getting my points across... please tell me I'm not THIS bad.
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humongouscyclepaper · 5 months
I've encountered it as well. It's part of how it's becoming increasingly unacceptable to be cis and GNC, even in such a small way as for a man to grow his hair out without facial hair. I don't like a lot of the things you've said about trans people, but there's something there, at least.
I'm a straight "cis" guy with long hair. I'm more than a little confused by the way people are acting like every man with long hair is secretly trans. There's a long history of men with long hair in many cultures throughout history and across the world. Having long hair doesn't make me a woman. It doesn't mean I think I'm a woman. It doesn't mean I want to be a woman.
It's a personal fashion choice.
Wait, do people actually tell you you want to be a woman because you have long hair? Has it really gotten that bad? I have long hair too and I've never had anyone think I was trans or whatever. Where are you from that you're encountering this?
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humongouscyclepaper · 5 months
I doubt anyone cares, but apparently, the actual Arabic is either
كوارتر باوندر مع الجبن
ماك رويال مع الجبن
(...for some reason, their Riyadh site has both a "Quarter Pounder" and a "Royale," and the only difference seems to be the toppings. It also says the "Royale" is halal and doesn't say that explicitly of the "Quarter Pounder," but what are the odds it isn't?)
(I'm guessing the subtitle actually says something insulting, but obviously, Arabic's hard to type from an image.)
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humongouscyclepaper · 5 months
If there were two Hamas militants in Gaza, you'd have a point.
the fact that Israel can precisely target ONE apartment in an entire residential block in BEIRUT to kill two hamas leaders, proves once again that they CHOSE to carpet-bomb Gaza and murder 31.000 Palestinians to "defend themselves" against Hamas. Israel CHOSE to kill civilians, they CHOSE to bomb every hospital, every school, every refugee camp, every residential block. israel does NOTHING to spare the lives of palestinians, they want to thin out the population of gaza so they'd be able to settle their citizens there.
this is a genocide it's an ethnical cleansing PLEASE WAKE UP don't stop talking about Palestine it is not a trend, people are still dying, Israel has no plan to stop if WE don't force it to, through public pressure and protesting and boycotting. it's the least we can do.
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humongouscyclepaper · 6 months
My grandfather served under him. Always said the men hated him due to his attention to hygiene. Basically the only thing he was willing to say about those days.
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Jimmy Stewart & Post-Traumatic Stress: Months after winning his 1941 Academy Award for best actor in “The Philadelphia Story,” Jimmy Stewart, left Hollywood and joined the US Army. He was the first big-name movie star to enlist in World War II. An accomplished private pilot, the 33-year-old Hollywood icon became a US Army Air Force aviator, earning his 2nd Lieutenant commission in early 1942. With his celebrity status, he was assigned to attending rallies and training younger pilots. Stewart, however, wasn’t satisfied. He wanted to fly combat missions. By 1944, frustrated and feeling the war was passing him by, he asked his commanding officer to transfer him to a unit deploying to Europe. His request was reluctantly granted. Stewart, now a Captain, was sent to England, where he spent the next 18 months flying B-24 Liberator bombers over Germany. Top brass tried to keep the popular movie star from flying over enemy territory. But Stewart would hear nothing of it. Determined to lead by example, he assigned himself to every combat mission he could. By the end of the war he was one of the most respected and decorated pilots in his unit. But his wartime service came at a high personal price. In the final months of WWII he was grounded for being “flak happy,” today called Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). When he returned to the US in August 1945, Stewart was a changed man. He had lost so much weight that he looked sickly. He rarely slept, and when he did he had nightmares of planes exploding and men falling through the air screaming (in one mission alone his unit had lost 13 planes and 130 men, most of whom he knew personally). He was depressed, couldn’t focus, and refused to talk to anyone about his war experiences. His acting career was all but over. As one of Stewart’s biographers put it, “Every decision he made [during the war] was going to preserve life or cost lives. He took back to Hollywood all the stress that he had built up.” In 1946 he got his break. He took the role of George Bailey, the suicidal father in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Actors and crew of the set realized that in many of the disturbing scenes of George Bailey unraveling in front of his family, Stewart wasn’t acting. His PTSD was being captured on film for millions to see. But despite Stewart’s inner turmoil, making the movie was therapeutic for the combat veteran. He would go on to become one of the most accomplished and loved actors in American history. When asked in 1941 why he wanted to leave his acting career to fly combat missions over Nazi Germany, he said, “This country’s conscience is bigger than all the studios in Hollywood put together, and the time will come when we’ll have to fight.” This holiday season, as many of us watch the classic Christmas film, “It’s A Wonderful Life,” it’s also a fitting time to remember the sacrifices of those who gave up so much to serve their country during wartime.
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humongouscyclepaper · 6 months
("Toward," I meant, not "against," but I'm pretty sure you realized that. Anyway, I need another No-Doz. Also, I was in my thirties when I learned Dylan's line was "don't tie no bows.")
Do you think this latest craze against "killer lemonade" might be the thin edge of the wedge against treating caffeine like alcohol? They can't ban it fully, alcohol taught them that the hard way, so that's got to be the endgame. So now they're going against a completely innocuous energy drink that killed two people with heart conditions who should have known better. They make misleading comparisons, but it's about the same as a large Dunkies iced. Coincidence?
No. I think it's just normal newspig fearmongering for clicks and attention. I'm sure it will lead to leftist hellhole cities regulating caffeine in some way, but they don't really need the excuse if they're going to do that.
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humongouscyclepaper · 7 months
You misunderstand. "You say that like Pride Month has any more to do with actual LGBT people than corporatized Christmas with Christianity," I meant.
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humongouscyclepaper · 8 months
no more sex. we ran out of sex
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humongouscyclepaper · 8 months
...I had to.
You might think that I'm joking when I say that we need cyborg rights to be codified into law, but I honestly think that, given the pace of development of medical implants and the rights issues raised by having proprietary technologies becoming part of a human body, I think that this is absolutely essential for bodily autonomy, disability rights, and human rights more generally. This has already become an issue, and it will only become a larger issue moving forwards.
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humongouscyclepaper · 8 months
You're on Tumblr. You know what's going to win.
I don't know why I'm making this poll
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humongouscyclepaper · 8 months
I want the people who are constantly trotting these things out to give me one - one - example of someone actually being charged, or even sued, under post-Dobbs antiabortion laws for this sort of thing. All anyone can come up with are doctors changing their policies for "fear" of being charged in situations the laws clearly don't cover, for which no one ever has been charged, frankly I suspect in protest. (Eventually, I don't doubt someone will be charged - not convicted, but charged - probably as a Scopes-esque test case, but so far I haven't heard of it happening, and the way it gets blown up every time a practice pulls this shit, there's no way I wouldn't have heard of it if there actually had been charges.)
They’ve had to rephrase preeclampsia treatment as “early delivery” or “pregnancy termination” so that they can still keep doing it despite the new anti-abortion laws. But feel free to look up what that effectively means if you deliver a baby at, say, twenty weeks. FFS.
Pre-eclampsia can only be cured by delivering the baby. If you have pre-eclampsia, you'll be closely monitored until it's possible to deliver the baby.
Delivered. Not aborted. Delivering the baby has always been the only treatment and there's been no rephrasing of it after any pro-life laws.
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humongouscyclepaper · 9 months
losing my mind what do you MEAN mr. brightside is 20 years old
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