hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
freddie, my beloved
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"touché. although, i doubt the devil could burn," he grinned. william chuckled at her answer, imagining there had been plenty broken hearts left in her wake. he feigned hurt at her question- "are you saying you think i'm annoying?"
william gave it some thought though, gesturing for her to sit. "the 'friday night bites' premiere was fun. outlandish baby daddy reveals, traumatised bartenders, salacious hook ups with the stars. although, nothing too exciting after. we wouldn't dare without you."
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william and agnes were kindred spirits, it was why their friendship had outlasted others. "a choir implies you're allowed in a church, won't you burst into flames?" she teased
"no hearts broken as far as i'm aware but you know i don't pay attention to frivolous things like that. what have a missed here? are you still annoying ceren?"
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"i'm afraid you're preaching to the choir here, my darling," william replied with grin. the very same could have been said about him many times before. although, more often than not, he had to stay totally off the grid. and might have been dead, once or twice.
"thankfully for we- your adoring fanbase- greece looks a dream on you. break any hearts while you were there?"
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where: the met steps who: open to anyone ( @tfrstarters )
being away had brought agnes some well needed entertainment, but apparently it wasn't acceptable to be living life on a vacation twenty-four seven and agnes was shocked and appalled at this information.
"i don't see what the big deal is, so i disappeared to greece for a few months, big whoop. i was on socials, you'd think i'd died with the way the media are banging on about it"
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
William had been making his way back from a tedious yet necessary meeting. The agenda of which he wasn't at liberty to disclose and definitely did not include talks on how to get back at that bastard Slater. Anyway, he was in good enough spirits when he noticed her through the window. William had known Joy Greenaway all of his life. The big sunglasses were fooling no one.
With a small smile to himself, William opened the door just in time to hear her chastise the person in front. Oh, to lose it over a skinny latte. William wished he had such problems.
"Well, well. I didn't know the people's princess was here," he teased as ways of greeting. "Joy Greenaway, saviour of the underpaid. They'll have to add that to your profile in Kouture magazine."
He looked her over a moment, hesitating briefly. It had been a while since he last saw her. "What are you having, my dear? My treat. I'll even leave a tip on your behalf."
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Joy stepped out of the hospital, her footsteps light but her heart heavy with uncertainty. The cool breeze brushed against her face, a welcome contrast to the sterile, suffocating air inside. She took a deep breath, savoring the freedom of being outside again, even if it was laced with the lingering anxiety that had settled in her chest. The doctors had run every test imaginable, yet they still had no answers for her persistent sickness. She felt a pang of frustration mixed with fear—what if they never found out what was wrong with her?
She adjusted the oversized sunglasses perched on her nose and pulled her hat lower, hoping it would be enough to shield her from the prying eyes of the paparazzi who seemed to lurk around every corner.
The last thing she needed was a headline about her mysterious illness.
Slipping into a nearby café, she exhaled in relief as the door closed behind her, shutting out the outside world. The warm aroma of coffee and freshly baked pastries wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, offering a momentary escape from her worries. She ordered a simple black coffee, craving something strong to shake off the fatigue that clung to her.
As she waited at the counter, she noticed a commotion at one of the tables near the window. A tall, well-dressed person was standing, their face twisted in anger as they leaned over the barista, who looked pale and frightened. The person's voice was rising, their words sharp and cutting, dripping with entitlement.
"Do you know who I am?" they hissed, their tone laced with fury, as if their very identity should exempt them from any inconvenience.
Joy felt a surge of irritation rise within her, eclipsing the weariness that had been dragging her down all day. She wasn’t in the mood to witness someone taking out their frustrations on a service worker, especially someone who was clearly in the wrong.
"Hey," she called out, stepping forward without hesitation, her voice firm but calm. "Don’t talk to the staff like that."
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"Sounds like a deal to me," William smirked, his free arm resting around her waist as their shots continued to line up. For the moment, they could have been the only two in the room. Funny, he was usually the devil others made deals with and yet, here he was accepting hers. "I trust your creative discretion, I'll be all yours. Oh, that's alright... So long as you're into rugged scars," he joked.
William smirked, no doubt in his mind she had everything under control. He only had one request. After all, Juliette could do anything she liked tonight. "No, you pick. I just wanted to make sure that at the end of the night, you and I leave together."
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"I will have to charge a booking fee for that but I am sure we can work out a fair arrangement." Juliette had missed this the flirting, the teasing. No big dramatic or expectations for either of them. "Definitely not a few bites back there might be needed." She laughed shaking her head a bit. "See I think that's a bad idea, I feel like he might be able to punch you the hardest."
"I had my own ideas but it is your birthday so I should probably let you pick."
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
besties, i must sleep but i'll be back tomorrow for MORE!
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"That's what they're always saying about me," he teased. William watched as she decided to sit down, making herself comfortable. A smirk played on his lips as she indulged him. His brow quirked as she hummed, searching for the best way to put it before he let out an unexpected laugh. "Well. Here you are, holding a mirror up to reveal my true self. For you Michelle, I'll turn over a new leaf-," he offered, placing a dramatic hand over his heart. "What's been going on with you?"
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"Ah what a charitable person you are." Why she proceeded to give this man her time had Michelle wondering if she actually had the brain people claimed she did. Then again, what was youth without a little trouble and William Huntzberger definitely embodied trouble. She took a seat across from him, crossing her feet she felt settled. "I never said you can't talk about yourself. I just" she hummed trying to find the proper words, "I don't think I've heard you talk about anything else but yourself."
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"I'll be sure to pass that message along," William laughed. He was already wishing it wasn't over yet. Lately, his reality was a little too harsh. "Cheers. And how are you recovering post Fright Night, hm? I didn't hear any dramatic shouting so I assume you had a drama free night?"
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Zeke smiled as he looked at William. "I think your wallet should be thanking you, not me." He laughed. "Cheers to you."
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
"Some things not even Patrón can erase," William grinned before letting out a little laugh. Juliette Vanderbilt had certainly been a highlight of the occasion. The perfect way to end the night. "Alright-," he said in mock surrender- "Cheers to you, Juliette. I'm sure I'll make time to express my gratitude again."
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Juliette shook her head as she drank the champagne she had gotten out to celebrate William. "I am pretty sure I showed you how grateful I was on your birthday. Or did you forget?" She handed William his glass.
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hunky-huntzberger · 1 month
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
"I told you to go back to bed," William forced out through gritted teeth. The last thing he needed was for anyone to see him like this. And yet, there was no real bite behind his words. No anger except for what he felt with himself for not realising how tonight would go. He winced only from the pain, not Freddie's looming presence. They shared so little with each other. William had always been secretive but lately the cracks were beginning to show. He reached out for the leftover bottle of wine (a red, how fitting) and pulled the cork off with his teeth. He pressed his hand to the bleeding wound harder before finishing what was left in the bottle.
Fuck this night. "Slater," he hissed, leaving the bottle and instead tarnishing a perfectly good dishtowel with his blood. William took another steadying breath, hoping his hands weren't shaking. Freddie still hadn't left the room. "I can handle this myself."
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The smash in the other room ricocheted through Freddie's nervous system, jolting him awake and causing him to topple off the side of the bed. Dazed, and more than a little confused, he reached for his- or rather William's stolen- dressing gown and peaked his head into the hallway.
Were they being robbed? Was this a break in? God, he hoped it was a break in and not someone looking to take William's kneecaps. Was he even home? It wasn't until Freddie heard him swear that he noticeably relaxed and picked up the pace. He flinched in the doorway when William spoke to him, but his eyes widened when he took in the scene in the low light cast by the streetlamps outside. "You...-" Was that blood? "Who did this to you?"
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
a muscle tensed in william's jaw as atticus bass continued to speak. he didn't like to get his hands dirty, his way of fighting was more elegant than that. all that said, william had a great desire to reach across the table and knock the unbothered look right off atticus' face. it only highlighted to william now how far and fast he was falling. when had things like this ever bothered him before? he should be playing along, poking and prodding. instead, he had to focus to not clench his fists.
"so, you have heard of me," he indulged with a slight smirk. william held his hands out, open. "among many other things and yes, some more subtle than others. unfortunately, not every problem requires a scalpel." the last thing he wanted to hear were rumours of his unsteady kingdom, his overly stacked house of cards threatening to crumble. "well, thank you for the concern but i don't take heed of every toothless rumour there is to hear."
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he remained unbothered and unaware that he had ruffled the others feathers but he did know well enough that this guy knew his face, it was plastered all over new york. "ah yes, i know the name now. you're the rich boy that plays in the street rats game." also known as being a little bitch "the only cards you deal with are the ones that set up lines for customers that can't quite scratch the itch, you're not as subtle as you think you are." he nodded to the waiter who looked to him to silently request if he wanted another drink "don't be afraid, you're not in my industry, i have no need to crush you for now. you should be more concerned about what the streets are saying"
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
"I'm just trying to give back, Michelle. Be a 'man of the people'. Give everyone a reason to rise and shine," he grinned. William often couldn't resist putting himself in her way. He gestured to the seat across from him before pushing his sunglasses onto his head- "Care to join? I promise I won't say another word about myself until I hear about you."
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Ignoring him would be so much easier yet there was something about William that made her just in awe. "They really should do a study on you." Michelle blinked shaking her head, "A study on how you manage to be so egotistical so consistently."
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
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THE BUBBLE (2022) dir. Judd Apatow
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
"ah yes, i know the name now. you're the rich boy that plays in the street rats game."
little did william know he'd just had his LAST birthday
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
"undoubtedly," william said quietly. he was grateful for the sunglasses on his face when atticus continued. if looks could have killed, there would be another crime to add to william's growing rap sheet (allegedly). instead he finished his drink. "you must have one of those faces-," william said with pause. he pushed his sunglasses off his face then, sitting back in his chair. with great strain, he managed not to emphasize his last name or bring up his father. or worse, the hunters. "william huntzberger. the sort of business i deal in doesn't involve cards, i'm afraid. although i'm sure yours are very reputable."
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"people rarely see a great thing in front of them when they have it" the great thing being him, atticus bass, king amongst men. "old friends? so old i must've gone senile because i don't know who the fuck you are. we've never met" he had no idea who this man was. even if he did, the man was clearly not important enough for him to bother remembering his name. "birthday cards are for the sentimental and the poor who can't put their money where their mouth is. the only cards i deal in are business"
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hunky-huntzberger · 2 months
william resisted the urge to take the bait as the quickly came clawing out at him. this was hardly his first experience dealing with atticus bass. although, the first he'd ever felt on uneven playing ground. "you are funny, atticus. i don't think enough people give you credit for that-," he replied, taking another deliberately slow sip. "i don't think a resumé swap between old friends is necessary. speaking of, i didn't receive your birthday card in the post. get lost?"
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atticus rolled his eyes and tossed back his glass of whisky "and what do you do successfully?" he asked bluntly "quickly" he prompted william to answer in record time.
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