hunter-gascoigne · 5 years
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“…when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers…“
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hunter-gascoigne · 5 years
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Indie Micolash RP/Ask Blog
Multi-Fandom Friendly
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hunter-gascoigne · 5 years
Bloodborne Discord!
Yes, it is me, I am still around, just a bit quiet. XD  But I’m picking up steam again and am looking for others who are still hanging out in this lovely ol’ fandom! I found this nice server and would like to convert anyone who’s still around to it. COME JOIN
And/or if you know of any other Tumblr/fandom-based servers, let me know!
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hunter-gascoigne · 6 years
I love it when random old posts suddenly get a ton of love again. But man, who doesn’t love freaky beast teeth?
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hunter-gascoigne · 6 years
I love it when random old posts suddenly get a ton of love again. But man, who doesn’t love freaky beast teeth?
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
*cracks knuckles* Alright you guys, I want to breathe some air into this blog of mine again.
I’m looking for writing partners for:
Bloodborne RP
Dishonored RP
Indie RP
My muses are two Wendigos and two Banshees in their respective canon, that can also carry over to Bloodborne or Dishonored if desired.
I’ve got 9, almost 10 years of writing experience, like to stick to planned plots and paragraph writing. 21+ years old and would like to stick to people older than 18.
Feel free to DM me/ like/ reblog this if you’re interested!
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
Gascoigne sighed, his breath coming out in a heavy gust. “That does give me some comfort. Who knows, perhaps there is something I can learn from you. I still can’t shake the feeling that no matter what we do, it’s just a matter of time. The beasthood isn’t something you just get better from, no, it just gets worse. Worse and worse until the creature that’s been growing inside you tears its way out of you, warping your flesh and bone into something you’re not, sometimes in an instant. Those who resist the most create the worst beasts. If I continue to fight for too long, then who will be the one to put me down when the time comes? It’s a terrible balancing act… I want every second of sanity I can hold onto, but every second I do, I make it worse for whoever… whoever has to deal with me in the end. I don’t want to accidentally kill innocent people. Especially my family… Even you can’t protect them if… if they…” Gascoigne trailed off, unable to bear the mere thought of killing his own family.
“Though… you’re an outsider. One who’s been on the outside much more recently than I have. Perhaps there’s something you know that none of us here do? I hate to be so loathsome and dire, but… you may be my last chance. If there’s not something that can be done soon, I would rather have your axe at my throat while I can recognize the gesture than have my claws at yours, unable to recognize who you are.”
He nodded silently, pondering on what Gascoigne said. He understood where the other man came from – he understood it very well. Had he known of what he was about to become after being attacked by the devilish creature in the forests a year ago, he would have asked someone to put a bullet in his head as well. “An outsider I am, though I’m not entirely sure what portion of my knowledge exactly might be of help in this case”, Bedrich eventually replied and scratched his neck. He remembered the man who had been helping him to adjust to this new “life” as a wendigo had mentioned Yharnam in passing, as well as a whole lot of other things that he hadn’t really understood back then, but that he had memorized anyway. Bedrich wondered if that man might know more, but he had no idea of how to contact him, other than leaving Yharnam to search him – which might take too long for his friend to hold onto his remaining sanity until it was too late. “I heard about other things, other creatures like me that were able to be treated with a bunch of things. Like eating venison will give my own hunger a little more time”
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
(sorry for stopping roplay for a sec, but I'm having fun😄)
((If you want, you can always tag me in a starter or just reblog a thread or whatever and reply that way. Anything works! Though do you have a page about your character? It would help me if I knew a little bit more about them. I don’t often do longer RPs with characters I don’t know anything about.
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
Heh, well as a powder keg I was here to save any beast big or small. Like the one I have at the tower named Gilbert! I know it sounds weird but I'd rather protect beasts then to harm them.
Gascoigne drew himself up to his full height, fiddling with the handle of his gun in its holster absentmindedly. “A fool’s errand. Beasts are nothing more than that: beasts. They’re no longer people as you knew them. They’re not fuzzy little pets to adopt and take care of. They’re bloodthirsty monsters only waiting to maim, kill, and consume. You’re only tempting fate by thinking of them any other way.”
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
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Birthday-Gift for @foorubbish
the beauty and the priest
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
Sorry for not introduing myself, I'm villie the powderkeg hunter! 💝I just really love u!!💝
“Ah, a Powderkeg I see!” Gascoigne booms. “An imbecilic lot if I ever saw one,” he mutters under his breath, “But ye mean well. What brings you to ol’ Yharnam? Certainly not everyone comes for the sole purpose of slaughtering beasts.”
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
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My favorite character to draw is u 😄 Drawing gascoigne is fun
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
Hi gascoigne!!! I wanz hugs😍 cuz I luvs u💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
Gascoigne looks from side to side--evident only in the movement of his head and not from his hidden eyes--and cracks an uneasy smile. “I don’t think I know who you are, but you seem harmless enough. If I can handle a beast at my throat, I’m sure I can survive a hug from a stranger.”
He opens his arms wide to offer the hug.
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
My goodness, I've gotten a lot of followers recently! Hello everyone! Sorry for the silence, I'm still online every day and such, I just don't have roleplays to reply to most of the time, and I'm often too busy with other things to pick more up. But I'm open for simple things like asks or an occasional drawing suggestion! ^_^ Come at me, I don't bite! Gasoline does, but I normally don't
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
... “I don’t want to leave them to such a fate…”
Bedrich nodded slowly at what Gascoigne said. His reasons had been foolish, that he did agree to, but there was nothing that could be changed about that now. At least he finally knew about it, and he’d be damned if he didn’t do everything in his power to help his friend. “I understand what you’re saying. Losing family or leaving them behind … neither is something I’d wish upon anyone”, he said, his voice eventually calm again. He sat down across from the hunter, looking at him for a few moments. “I promise I will do anything I can to help you. Try and teach you how to control instincts, bloodlust – because from what I gathered, beasthood is not too different to having a wendigo trying to force you to kill every human being in the vicinity. And, if it’s any comfort to you, I can also promise that I will keep an eye on our family should things come to the worst …”
Gascoigne sighed, his breath coming out in a heavy gust. “That does give me some comfort. Who knows, perhaps there is something I can learn from you. I still can’t shake the feeling that no matter what we do, it’s just a matter of time. The beasthood isn’t something you just get better from, no, it just gets worse. Worse and worse until the creature that’s been growing inside you tears its way out of you, warping your flesh and bone into something you’re not, sometimes in an instant. Those who resist the most create the worst beasts. If I continue to fight for too long, then who will be the one to put me down when the time comes? It’s a terrible balancing act... I want every second of sanity I can hold onto, but every second I do, I make it worse for whoever... whoever has to deal with me in the end. I don’t want to accidentally kill innocent people. Especially my family... Even you can’t protect them if... if they...” Gascoigne trailed off, unable to bear the mere thought of killing his own family.
“Though... you’re an outsider. One who’s been on the outside much more recently than I have. Perhaps there’s something you know that none of us here do? I hate to be so loathsome and dire, but... you may be my last chance. If there’s not something that can be done soon, I would rather have your axe at my throat while I can recognize the gesture than have my claws at yours, unable to recognize who you are.”
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hunter-gascoigne · 7 years
Reblogging from my other blog since Gascan is there 8D
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All the beasts as children in a little basket. Or a baby beast basket, if you will. ;D
Featuring my Gascoigne, Alis and Egon, Nikki, Seth, and Niko!
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hunter-gascoigne · 8 years
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I don’t think I ever uploaded this, so here’s a very, very old beast!Gascoigne trying to smile.
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