hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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runefeather replied to your post: Claire told me you wanted to ask me something. What’s wrong, Noel?
Yeah, she did! Oh, Noel I’m sorry I worried you! I’m okay. Do you want to come over and visit for a while? You could stay with me in our house for a week! I’m sure Claire won’t mind.
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I'd really like that. I don't want to be a bother though...
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
Claire told me you wanted to ask me something. What's wrong, Noel?
She did? I guess I just hadn't heard from you in a while and I was wondering if you were okay...
it gets a little lonely sometimes...
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
N-nothing is wrong. Nothing at all. 
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YES NOEL? WHATS WRONG?! Never seen Caius shirtless and drinking from a small carton before?!
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
I admire you for taking it so well. If I were in your shoes, I don't think I'd be as accepting of him. 
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hunter-noel replied to your post: Hey Lightning, mind filling me in on something?…
I guess I must be missing something…But as long as he makes her happy, I can’t argue. I still don’t like him much, though.
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Snow can be…an acquired taste....
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Tell me about it...
I just...want Serah to be happy. 
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hunter-noel replied to your post: Hey Lightning, mind filling me in on something?…
I guess I must be missing something…But as long as he makes her happy, I can’t argue. I still don’t like him much, though.
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Snow can be…an acquired taste. I can’t say I liked him all that much when we first met.
(Or the second, or the third…)
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
Thank you so much for the follow!
Anytime Serah. Do you like my last name or something?
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
I might as well introduce myself! I'm the Doctor, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I heard you were a time traveler as well?
Nice to meet you, doctor. Yeah, I do a bit of time traveling but only because the future I come from is a pretty....desolate place. Why do you travel time?
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Hey. I think I only recognize Hope, but it's cool to meet some new people, too.
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Skimpy outfit? Serah, Mog, what does that mean and why is everyone obsessed with it so much?
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
oh god what have i done
wow okay. like i haven’t written anything in like…. years??? xwx;; so this is my first attempt in a long time. apologies for the suckiness in advance OTL;;
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Wh-what the heck is this?! 
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Look. Branded by Pulse. I’m a l’cie. Enemy of Cocoon. Danger to us all.
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Worried about you! You don't need to take care of me when I'm sick, Serah. You'll catch what I have!
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hunter-noel replied to your post: Hey Serah. I think I found Lightning.
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How have you been?
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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I'm not too picky. But then again, it isn't like we'll be going to the beach any time soon.
Although Serah looks ready for it
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Most look like regular shorts and they come in a variety of colours and designs. You get you pick of style, whatever you like.
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Yeah, thanks Lightning. I owe you one. I guess I'm not used to the whole 'other people' thing. So what do these swim trunks look like anyways?
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With other people?! In that case, I think I’ll grab a pair of those swimming trunks you were talking about earlier!
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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With other people?! In that case, I think I'll grab a pair of those swimming trunks you were talking about earlier!
Something like that.
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Well some people wear it as armor…
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Have you ever gone into a lake? What do you wear then?
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hunter-noel-blog · 13 years
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Hey. I'm Noel.  
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