hurtsmost · 2 years
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
hey   !!   all   i   rlly   have   left   to   do   are   the   tags   (   which   i’ll   probs   do   tomorrow   )   but   ashtyn   is   here   now   .   :)
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hurtsmost · 2 years
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours…
…good morning.
…where it hurts.
…where it doesn’t hurt.
…on a falling tear.
…to shut them up.
…in secrecy.
…in public.
…in joy.
…in grief.
…to distract.
…as encouragement.
…for luck.
…on a scar.
…on a place of insecurity.
…in a rush of adrenaline.
…in relief.
…in danger.
…as a ‘yes’.
…as an apology.
…as a suggestion.
…as a lie.
…as a promise.
…as comfort.
…after a small rejection.
…to wake yours up.
…to pretend.
…to gain something.
…to give up control.
…without a motive.
…because yours is running out of time.
…because mine is.
…because the world is ending.
…because the world is saved.
…out of pride.
…out of greed.
…out of lust.
…out of anger.
…out of envy or jealousy.
…out of spite.
…out of habit.
…out of necessity.
…out of love.
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hurtsmost · 2 years
affectionate prompts
“  i’m happy when you’re around.  ”
“  i like having you here.  ”
“  i’m glad you came.  ”
“  just tell me what you need.  let me give it to you?  ”
“  why are you smiling at me like that?  ”
“  i trust you with parts of myself i’m afraid to show anyone else.  ”
“  you have a good heart.  ”
“  your eyes look so beautiful in this lighting.  ”
“  i’m all yours.  not going anywhere.  ”
“  you have my full attention.  ”  
“  i never want you to stop looking at me the way you are right now.  ”
“  follow me,  i have a surprise for you.  ”
“  you make me feel brave.  ”
“  come walk with me.  let’s get some air.  ”
“  c’mere.  sit down.  tell me what’s going on.  ”
“  i want you around.  if i didn’t,  i wouldn’t be here would i?  ”
“  it’s okay,  you can sit here with me for as long as you’d like.  ”  
“  here,  take my hand.  ”
“  stay still—  i’m trying to hug you.  ”
“  do you like my new dress?  ”
“  do you like my new suit?  ”
“  could you hug me again?  i think i need it.  ”
“  i like hearing your heart beating when i put my head on your chest.  ”  
“  i like watching you work.  ”  
“  just sit there.  i’m going to make you something to eat.  ” 
“  why don’t you tell me what i can do to make your day better?  ”
“  what’s on your mind?  i want to listen.  ”
“  i sure you hope you don’t think you’re walking out that door without giving me a kiss first.  ”
“  i know i need to go but—  one more kiss.  ”
“  here,  take my jacket.  you look like you need it more.  ”
“  keep the jacket,  looks better on you.  ”
“  you just make me feel good when you’re here.  i feel better any time you’re around.  ”
“  i don’t feel whole unless i’m touching you.  ”
[ GRIN ]  for one muse to reach out and playfully push the other’s cheeks up to make their lips curve into smile. 
[ PRESS ]  for one muse to poke either side of the other’s cheeks where smile dimples would be. 
[ BOOP ]  for one muse to playfully tap the other’s nose with their finger. 
[ LIGHT ]  for one muse to kiss the other’s cheek. 
[ WARM ]  for one muse to take off their jacket and drape it around the other who is cold. 
[ COMFORT ] for one muse to place a jacket or blanket around the other’s shoulders because they’re upset. 
[ TEASE ]  for one muse to squish the other’s face between their hands. 
[ SCOLD ]  for one muse to gently pinch the other’s cheek in response to something they said. 
[ REST ] for one muse to rest their head against the other’s shoulder while they talk. 
[ REASSURE ]  for one muse to place their hand on the other’s back as a subtle comforting gesture. 
[ SAFE ]  for one muse to wrap their arm around the other’s shoulders and kiss their temple. 
[ LEAP ] for one muse to run and jump into the other’s arms because they’re excited to see them. 
[ SEEK ] for one muse to track down the other at a crowded function because they noticed they slipped away. 
[ COMPANY ] for muses to sit on a balcony or roof together sharing a drink/food/joint etc. 
[ HELD ]  for one muse to offer their hand out to the other to hold to comfort them.
[ REACH ] for one muse to reach out and take the other’s hand to comfort them.  
[ LACE ]  for one muse to hook their arm around the other’s while they walk. 
[ INTERTWINE ]  for one muse to offer their arm to the other while they walk. 
[ DIRECT ] for one muse to pull the other into that kind of hug where their hand rests against their head and they tuck them under their chin. 
[ SLEEP ]  one muse discovers the other napping and simply joins them. 
[ EQUAL ]  for a taller muse to pick up the other and place them sitting on a counter/table so they can be eye level. 
[ URGE ] for one muse to move their arm to be around the other’s shoulder or over the back of a chair so the one sitting next to them can scoot closer. 
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hurtsmost · 2 years
ok u know what i haven’t done one of these in awhile so !! like this for a few ask memes , no previous plotting/interaction required, pls just make sure your memes are easy for me to access!
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hurtsmost · 2 years
fluffy cuteness for all your fluffy cuteness needs.  Feel free to adjust as needed ! ♡
❛ I wanted to let you sleep for a little longer. ❜ ❛ Hey, how’s my beautiful baby? ❜ ❛ Did you drink enough water today? ❜ ❛ Please? just one more kiss! ❜ ❛ Let me take care of you today. ❜ ❛ I wanted to let you know that I’m proud of you. ❜ ❛ You got me, okay? and I’m not going anywhere. ❜ ❛ Those puppy eyes won’t win this time! they won’t… ugh, fine… ❜ ❛ Hey… are you crying? come here… ❜ ❛ Well, you’re MY loser, how about that? ❜ ❛ If you throw that pillow at me, it means war. ❜ ❛ Shh, go back to sleep… ❜ ❛ You’re really clingy when you’re asleep. ❜ ❛ Can I have a hug? ❜ ❛ Talk to me, or don’t, just let me hold you. ❜ ❛ Honey, just breathe… ❜ ❛ I can help you with your homework, if you want. ❜ ❛ Hey, did you eat anything today? ❜ ❛ Blanket thieves get pillows thrown in their faces. ❜ ❛ I was hoping I’d see you there… ❜ ❛ You can sleep here. ❜ ❛ I heard you crying last night… are you okay? ❜ ❛ Stop trying to act all cool, I know you like hugs. ❜ ❛ Do you wanna watch cartoons and cuddle? ❜
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hurtsmost · 2 years
prompts out of quotes from the nameless ya novel i’ll never finish. (part 1?)
* he got on one knee, in front of everybody.
* we’ve been together for what feels like a lifetime, and yet I find myself wanting to spend every waking moment with you…
* what… are you doing?
* everyone knew what was happening, except me.
* jesus, it’s fucking nine a.m.
* i apologized for that!
* did we have something scheduled and i forgot?
* she broke up with me last night.
* it’s no big deal, we were pretty casual anyway.
* maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’ve always been into this one person and can’t get the balls to tell them, so you sabotage every other relationship you try to build, ever thought of that?
* damn, how popular am i today?
* that was my first mistake.
* can i come in? i kinda need to talk to you.
* it’s not a secret or anything, it’s just pretty personal. i just don’t want it to be awkward.
* well, too late for that.
* he was pretty cryptic about it, wasn’t he?
* i can’t imagine living next-door to my ex-fiance.
* why make it sound worse than it really is?
* it’s the twentieth-first century, people. we don’t have to hate each other just because we dated, and it didn’t work out.
* it would’ve been cool to see everyone, it’s a shame i got here so late.
* i meant it as a joke, no more than a friendly teasing, and it didn’t land how i expected it to. again.
* he hasn’t told you yet?
* how long has this been going on?
* the feeling of betrayal that came with it was debilitating.
* what if compares the two of us?
* nothing ever happened when you were together, though, i promise!
* you make a really good couple, now that i think of it.
* he felt pity. of me. how fucking dare him.
* he didn’t seem too thrilled, but maybe i was just projecting.
* i’m happy that you’re happy, okay? don’t make it weird.
* and if you hurt my friend i’ll hunt your ass down, don’t think you’re off the hook just because you’re my ex.
* oh my god, that’s so fucking sick! isn’t there something against that in the girl code or whatever you girls have?
* please, tell me you spit on them. if you didn’t, i will.
* you knew…
* i’m a curious bitch, you know that, and i can be a good fucking detective if i have to.
* i told her that she was a shit friend anyway.
* so i can’t dwell on this, for my own fucking sanity i can’t… i can’t indulge in this type of feeling.
* they were supposed to be my forever person.
* they were supposed to be mine like i was theirs.
* you were supposed to be mine like i was yours.
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hurtsmost · 2 years
her   head   hangs   low   as   she   shuffles   into   devyn's   apartment.   she   can't   help   but   feel   silly   showing   up   here   this   late   at   night   all   because   of   a   bad   dream,   but   there   aren't   many   other   places   or   people   she   feels   comfortable   running   to.   “   thanks.   i'm   sorry   for   showing   up   out   of   the   blue   like   this,   i   just   ...   needed   someone.   ”
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tension   in   her   body   slowly   releases   itself   as   devyn's   thumb   ghosts   over   her   fingers,   the   crisp   temperature   of   his   apartment   resulting   in   goosebumps   raising   across   the   skin   of   her   bare   arms.   sure,   a   healthy   individual   would   probably   want   to   talk   about   it,   but   ashtyn   has   always   struggled   in   that   department.      “   i've   never   been   good   at   that   stuff,   ”      talking,   expressing   thoughts   and   feelings.   she   will   always   choose   the   easier   way   out.   “   a   distraction   would   be   nice.   and   do   y'think   maybe   ...   i   could   sleep   next   to   you   tonight   ?   it   might   help   to   have   someone   there.   ”
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                                     @barriicades​   ,   continued.
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hurtsmost · 2 years
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    I’M   HARD   TO   LOVE   BUT   SO   ARE   YOU.   —   @rejectsblame​
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hurtsmost · 2 years
                  where   does   your   fear   reside   in   your   body   ?
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IN   YOUR   CHEST.      —      your   fear   grips   your   chest   with   its   icy   fist.   a   suffocating   anxiety   that   makes   your   heart   shrink   and   your   lungs   hurt   with   every   breath...   yes,   you   will   probably   have   problems   with   these   organs   in   the   future.   but   you   don´t   care.   quite   the   opposite   -   you   want   to   be   punished.   you   feel   paralyzed   and   weak.   you've   never   been   so   small   and   your   fears   -   so   big.   you   know   you're   worried   about   something   unimportant.   the   truth   is   you're   just   pathetic.   but   you're   not   gonna   show   that,   right?   you   distract   yourself   with   whatever,   you   try   to   numb   yourself   and   become   incapable   of   feelings   -   everything   but   face   your   fear.   you   even   interact   with   people   around   you   when   you   have   to.   don't   worry,   they   won't   notice   anything.   only   the   most   astute   people   will   see   in   your   tired,   languid   movements   and   your   lack   of   concentration   that   your   mind   is   somewhere   else,   and   your   vital   energy   is   slowly   dying   a   white   death   in   its   icy   cage...   let   me   guess,   you   probably   have   anxiety,   and   it's   probably   because   of   trauma.   you   yearn   to   be   free,   to   live   bravely,   but   you   never   quite   succeed.   i   feel   the   same,   buddy.   please   understand   that   whatever   you   went   through,   your   fear   protected   you   from   it.   when   you   don't   need   it   anymore,   don't   blame   yourself   or   push   it   down;   say   goodbye   to   it   like   an   old   friend.
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hurtsmost · 2 years
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maybe   she   would   have   been   better   off   letting   his   call   go   to   voicemail.   her   head   falls   back   against   the   pillows   of   her   childhood   bed,   swollen   eyes   stuck   to   the   ceiling.   his   voice   pains   her   to   hear,   causes   twists   and   knots   in   her   gut   to   form   at   the   hurt   clear   in   his   words,   the   way   his   voice   wavers   here   and   there.   NATHAN   WEILER   NEVER   CRIED   UNTIL   IT   CONCERNED   ASHTYN   LANE.   there   is   a   point   where   she   has   to   pull   the   phone   away   from   her   ear   and   squeeze   her   eyes   shut,   desperate   for   a   break.
when   she   raises   the   phone   back   to   her   ear,   she   catches   the   end   of   his   questions   and   opens   her   mouth   to   speak.   she   wants   to   lie,   wants   to   tell   him   she's   moved   to   a   place   where   he   would   never   find   her.   BUT   EVEN   HE   DESERVES   THE   TRUTH,   DOESN'T   HE   ?   she   feels   like   it   is   the   least   she   can   do   especially   after   dipping   in   the   middle   of   the   night   and   running   as   far   as   her   feet   would   take   her   (   or,   well,   her   car   ...   and   her   shitty   '03   altima   could   only   take   her   as   far   as   california   ).   
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“   i   went   HOME.   ”      the   word   is   bitter   falling   from   her   lips.   where   is   home   anyways   ?   if   it   wasn't   with   her   family   and   it   wasn't   with   nathan,   then   where   ?   everyone   deserves   a   place   to   call   home,   a   place   to   rest   their   bones   —   ashtyn   feels   she   will   never   find   it.      “   as   for   why   ...   ”      her   voice   trails   off,   teeth   sinking   harshly   into   her   lower   lip   when   she   feels   tears   claw   at   the   corners   of   her   tired   eyes.
ashtyn   picks   at   her   brain,   files   through   an   assortment   of   reasons   WHY   and   tries   her   best   to   collect   them   into   something   that   doesn't   come   out   as   word   vomit.      “   i   ...   we   ...   w-well   ...   ”      voice   trembles   now,   the   anxiety   and   fear   prompting   her   thumb   to   hover   over   the   '   hang   up   '   button.
“   can   we   talk   about   that   some   other   time   ?   ”      she   finally   chokes   out,   pulling   the   phone   away   again   so   he   can't   hear   her   uneven   breathing,   the   faint   sniffle   of   her   nose,   her   other   hand   fumbling   to   wipe   away   at   the   tears   that   have   started   to   stream   down   her   cheeks.      “   i-i   ...   i'm   so   t-tired   ...   had   a   long   drive   b-back   here   and   ...   i   c-can't   ...   do   this   right   now.   please   nate.   ”
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                                             @rejectsblame​   ,   x.
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