hvybrthng · 8 years
May I ask what you plan on doing with your writing skills career-wise, if anything at all? Your work completely tops anything I've ever read ever and I hope you can get published someday soon
I have been working on it. I go through phases with my hobbies and it's hard getting back into it. / how would you guys feel if I posted something outside Ezra world? thoughts?
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hvybrthng · 8 years
Dorm Boy seems a lot more real after reading Tavi Gevinson's diary entries about Ezra on rookie. Apparently he is in fact a sex-obsessed sociopath deep down. Go figure. Are you some sort of wizard?
honestly, with no intention of boasting, I am extremely perceptive and I'm a huge nerd for body language and vocal nuances. if what was written about Ezra is true (mind you, I haven't read tavi's diaries so I can't delve as much as I'd like), I'm not surprised at all. The vibe he puts off translates in photos and interviews and even his podcast, where you only can hear his voice
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hvybrthng · 8 years
Pls update yellow ladders I am dying
I can’t, this election is ruining my life
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hvybrthng · 8 years
Did you take Nina from Black Swan into consideration when writing Nina's character?
yeah I did! thanks so much for your question ! black swan is one of my favorite movies and Nina is so powerful as a character. she is subtle but full of emotion and I definitely looked at those qualities as something I wanted to put into words x
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hvybrthng · 8 years
When do you think you'll be posting new writing?
gosh I really want to say soon. I have like 5 paragraphs of the next section of yellow ladders but it feels really vapid and tedious and just like filler so it's kind of been sitting around for a few months. I'll look at it tonight and I'll keep looking at it and hopefully I'll put at least something out within the next couple of weeks. thanks for asking x
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hvybrthng · 8 years
hello everyone - I'm hoping to get a chapter of the story out very soon. I know I keep saying these things but I believe I mean it this time
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hvybrthng · 8 years
the best and most important advice from modern culture: don't text him first. more important than don't pick your zits
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hvybrthng · 9 years
please updateeeeeee!!!!!!!!
I will soon! I'm so so sorry for taking so long to update
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hvybrthng · 9 years
I adore ur writing so much it's so good!!! Ur a great writer
thanks ! x
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hvybrthng · 9 years
IM HVYBRTHNG RITE NOW BC I NEED AN UPDATE!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (DATS ME YELLIN) (fr tho u do u girl ur writing is amazing)
Thanks so much love ! I'll probably have an update tomorrow x
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hvybrthng · 9 years
PLS UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should be updating soon since i have no life ! thanks for the message
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hvybrthng · 9 years
i love u sm and thanks 4 updating! jw and u don't have to answer if it makes u uncomfortable did you write nina with any mental illness in mind?? does she have a mental illness? and how much of urself do you see in nina?
hey thank you so much for reading ! i’m glad you’re enjoying the story 
as far as mental illness goes, it’s sort of a loaded topic with respect to exploitation in fiction (which is something that’s not addressed nearly enough. i digress) so i’ll try to tread lightly while being as candid as i possibly can. 
to be completely honest, i never did any extensive research on mental disorders before or during writing what became nina’s core personality traits. that being said, in beginning the new story it became obvious to me (and probably most of those still following along) that there are certainly qualities in nina that point to mental disorder. recently i began exploring that further, and it’s safe to say that nina has anxiety (which is a direct result of abuse of medication such as xanax. please be warned and don’t abuse this or any other drug. it is a horror to contend with), as well as an array of addictive tendencies, fear of abandonment, stunted emotional development and splitting, (basically the projection of both positive and negative extremes onto another person) all these qualities could probably be grouped into a number of psychological issues
i think it’s impossible for any writer of fiction to say they don’t see themselves in any character they’ve written. obviously i projected some of myself into shaping nina, more inadvertently than not which is probably an effect of the infamous millennial self-obsession, as i myself am a self-obsessed millennial. i put parts of myself into any character i write because i can only express emotions i’ve felt. that seriously hinders my literary abilities and it makes for a second-rate writer but i do what i can. 
also i hope you don’t take this as me trying to do some kind of almighty psychoanalysis because clearly i’m not coming from a place of legitimate knowledge other than some (invaluable) psychology websites and the scepter of google 
thanks again for your questions and sorry for the humongous response and that i was a little late in responding ! 
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hvybrthng · 9 years
part 4 ! i didn’t really read through this when i wrote it so if it’s kind of shitty i’m really really sorry. i get these short-lived bursts of motivation so when they happen i take advantage and sometimes i end up churning out pure shitshów garbáge writing 
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hvybrthng · 9 years
I should probably be more active in the blogging community. then I can hoard a following and eventually drink the sweet undeserved nectar of Great Capitalism
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hvybrthng · 9 years
dam. should have had a v8
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hvybrthng · 9 years
my twin fears: intimacy and abandonment. they are evil twins, and creepy, like the girls in the shining. they are very evil
do Ultimate Fears come in a fixed set, much like two gross little babies in the same womb at once ? this life is very interesting
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hvybrthng · 9 years
Signs that a relationship may be abusive
a big age difference, ESPECIALLY if one person is under 18 and the other is an adult (power imbalance)
one person is an authority figure (boss, teacher, coach, youth group leader, professor, etc.)
Your partner does things that you’re afraid to tell your...
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