hwnchaerin · 2 years
* // &. caution
a closed starter for          ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    @hwndanyi​     ꒱
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she’d been listening to her father rave about a great fortune teller for days on end. of course, she smiled sweetly and nodded along to every word he spoke, but chaerin also wanted to gently remind him that he was a wizard himself. he should know that not all is as seems, especially when it came to divination. however, he was quick to brush off the idea, claiming that all she spoke of came true every single time.
despite her usually demure demeanor, chaerin was not all trusting. while she did always hope to see the best in others, it was not always the case ━ most often when it came to her family, in particular. she was very protective over her parents and refused to allow them to be hurt (even if it was something as little as a petty scammer). 
so today, she decided to be the one to greet their guest at the door. 
“hello. i’ve heard so much about you from my father.” chaerin had become an expert at plastering a smile on her face, given the many years in her profession as a performer. but her words remained short and to the point, guarding her home with a cautionary tone.
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
at the other’s apology, chaerin couldn’t help but jokingly think to herself, ‘i was just attempting following you, no biggie!’ of course, there was no way in heck that she would ever allow herself to utter those words out loud, knowing just how easily it would be to construe her words without context. so instead, she simply responded with an awkwardly timed laugh. had he wound up not recognizing her, chaerin would have had to brace herself for another forced reaction, but thankfully that was not the case. instead, she was able to ease her shoulders, offer a genuine smile, and a sigh of relief.
“it’s been so long that i had to do a double take! is it even possible that you may have even grown taller since then?” it was a nice blast from that past for her. when she looked at him, she could only think of good memories from europe and a feeling of comfort and comradery built up as a result of them being two wallflowers at the same event. “likewise, i never would have thought i’d run into you here of all places.”
noticing the small gesture of his head, chaerin nods, motioning her own hand outwards in the same direction. “after you.” 
she waits a few moments before continuing the conversation where it left off, matching the pace of her words to that of her feet. “i’ve actually retired since the last time you’ve seen me to come back home to my family. in my downtime, i figured i would take the opportunity to go back to school, since i’d forfeited the opportunity to do so during my training. and i could ask the same of you; how did you end up all the way here in hwando?”
it’s easy to adjust to another new year - a brand new academic schedule,  commitments to quidditch,  and the flexibility of working in the dead of night.  for the most part,  gang yedam’s senior year is steady.  he doesn’t let his gaze linger long as brown eyes gloss over the familiar walls and classroom doors,  a place he’s grown into and settled in.  all in all,  he’s almost positive he’ll miss the hell out of the institute once he’s out. 
the senior is busy going over a to do list in his head,  a few mandatory supplies he needs to pick up before heading to practice.  yedam’s eyes lay ahead,  far beyond the student body bumbling beside him,  and the sudden collision of a silhouette crashing into him catches him off guard.  the boy’s large hands advance forward - gentle arms stretched out to potentially help steady the other if they needed.  “oh fuck,  are you okay?”  yedam asks,  bending slightly to reach their eyes.  “i wasn’t paying attention,  sorry!” 
yedam tilts his head at her introduction,  an attempt in trying to place her face somewhere in his mind.  it takes him a second - but it clicks.  “rin,  holy shit!” the confusion on his face is rewritten with warmth,  a smile that could outshine the sun and a laugh that’s almost smooth.  “yeah,  yeah,  i remember.  the one with those really good shrimp appetizers?”  sometimes gang yedam forgets his life before arriving to hwando - even more so that there are others out there he could have met back then. “it’s good to see you,  what have you been up to since?”  the boy asks.
he nods his head towards the empty hall behind them.  “i gotta go get some shit.  wanna come with?” 
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
chaerin knew this was a bad idea. more often than not, when sydney jung was roping her into something, there always seemed to be a twisted feeling stir in the pit of her stomach. it always felt uneasy and taunting, almost foreshadowing what was to come of whatever shenanigans were in store for them. 
and yet, for some peculiar reason, chaerin always ignored that feeling rather than ignoring the other. despite knowing it was wrong to sneak out despite the curfew in place, she went ahead and did it anyway. she hated the idea of going against authority— against the wishes of her parents. but chaerin also hated the idea of letting sydney go out and do something stupidly dangerous all on her own. if something were to happen to the other, she simply wouldn’t be able to live with herself. 
during the entirety of the excursion, it was almost impossible for her to get a single word in. she was being dragged around like a rag doll. “sydney, please!” chaerin finally managed to call out, tugging back onto the other’s hand in order to stop their momentum. still in her pajamas and an old pair of flats, chaerin was ill prepared for the amount of physical activity she’d found herself caught up in that night, taking this time to catch her breath before they’d inevitably take off to continue to wild goose hunt. “exactly what did you drag me out here to do tonight? you do understand the danger we’re exposed to just by being out right now, don’t you?”
     “i’m scared.” she’s not. sydney needed to lay eyes on an obscurus like she needed an itch scratched. the fact that it’s a scarce phenomenon in this day and age—that it’s more common to see a thestral (and she has, her first year at hogwarts, courtesy of agnes gibbons; the sweet elderly at st mungo’s that smelt of vanilla and sandalwood and till her dying breath, refused to let go of her hand) than an obscurus alive—sydney needed to see it yesterday.
     what about the curfew? what about it? she’s heading home, isn’t she? give or take a couple of wrong turns.
                                                                                                  see, she’s just that forgetful.
     “let’s go here,” in her voice, breath quickened by the slow mount of adrenaline that comes with being out on empty streets in the dark of night, there’s a notable twinge of zeal, coupled with an undeniable tremor of trepidation and unease. she needs to see it—and yet, and yet, a good half of her is utterly daunted. that’s being human, after all, chasing something that both frightens and excites you.
                                                              otherwise, she wouldn’t have begged for company.
     “cmon!” her grip tightens on their hand, tugging them down the unlit alleyway. “this is a way faster route to my place.” she throws in, well intended on keeping up with the pretenses. by now though, sydney isn’t all too sure if her facade is any bit believable. 
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
“hi, yohan.” she returns the greeting with a small wave and light chuckle. “i certainly believe you and hope that no one else will do anything like that. but you must admit that you look a bit like a sneaky elf— almost like santa claus, just without the big red suit and fluffy beard.”
chaerin’s head tilted naturally to the side as she nodded along to his explanation, listening thoughtfully as the other spoke. though it was an entirely new concept to her, it all seemed harmless and would hurt no one to give it a try. “sure! i just finished up my classes for the day and i’ve got time to spare. you can just consider me your helper elf!” she laughed, offering a playful salute to the other. 
“where are we heading first, boss?”
the tapping took yohan aback but he turns immediately to look at a rather familiar figure. he lets out a breath he didn’t know he held; as if like a deer caught in headlights even though what he was doing isn’t particularly wrong. “uh, hey chaerin,” he laughs awkwardly, waving a hand up. “these aren’t- well, they may be dangerous if you throw them at someone, but otherwise harmless..?”
he holds out a trinket; one resembling a french coin. “i’m uh, well i’m geocaching, or like- trying to start it here…?” he confesses. “i hide them around and log them on this app, if anyone uses it. to be honest, i’m not sure if anyone does but well, it’s worth the shot?” he looks at chaerin carefully, wondering if she would think of him as weird.
“do you, well, maybe want to help me hide them?” 
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
* // &. company
a closed starter for         ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    @tobiashwn​     ꒱
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it would be a lie for chaerin to say that she wasn’t shaken up about the news of the explosion. she didn’t care so much about the island wide curfew or rumored cancellation of the school festival. both precautions were understandable enough that she would never voice complaint against their concern for the island’s safety. however, the potential that a dangerous threat was lurking about the streets was enough to keep chaerin up at night. after living in the states for so long, almost entirely detached from the magical aspects of her life, she couldn’t deny that she was ill prepared to protect her family if anything were to happen. 
in addition to those worries, her aging mother was now working overtime to assist the sudden influx of patients at the medical center. each night, chaerin watched as her mother dragged herself back to her room, exhausted by the long work day. all she could do was ensure that a plate of warm food was ready for her arrival as she struggled to bite her tongue, holding back words of selfish desire. 
despite her silence, it was as if her mother could read her mind. without fail, she gently placed her hand onto chaerin’s cheek, offering a smile just as tender as her touch. “thank you for staying safe, my precious star.” and each time, chaerin fought against her tears with a small smile.
and now she stood before the house tobias moon, the neighbor she’d spent so many mornings running away from. she knew how important her safety was to her parents, just as theirs was important to her. the least she could do was offer them a peace of mind knowing that when she was away from the house, she was safe with a wizard much more capable than herself in the event that another random catastrophe were to occur.
“good morning tobias.” she forced the greeting out from the back of the throat, feeling the warm gaze of her father watching and waiting to send the two off as he usually did. “you took longer than usual to get ready today, it seems. now that you’re here, let’s get on our merry way!” chaerin  did her best to remain calm, casual, and collected. she desperately wanted to get to campus and away from the other as soon as she possibly could, but there was no way for her to directly state this without tainting her image as her father’s sweet child. 
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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220109 cignature(시그니처) 채솔🤟
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
* // &. long time no see
a closed starter for          ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    @yedamhwn​​​     ꒱
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should i, or should i not? chaerin normally jumped at the opportunity to leave campus as soon as she was able. however, upon exiting her classroom, she could have sworn that she’d caught sight of a familiar face in the hallway. to confirm her suspicions, the former ballerina tiptoed quietly in their direction, only to eventually lose them in the crowd of fellow students passing by. 
feeling defeated, chaerin turned around to retreat with a small pout, only to find herself colliding into another body. forcibly returning to her senses after the startle, she was quick to bow apologetically, the words, “i’m so sorry!”, spilling out of her mouth instinctively. upon raising her glance to apologize to the other more clearly, chaerin found herself in for yet another surprise. the person she believed she was looking for was now standing before her (and she was no longer presented the option of not greeting them). 
“hi! i’m yi chaerin! you might know me as rin, from europe, a few years ago.” her introduction fumbled around clumsily, but managed to make it’s way out, nonetheless. “there was a volunteer banquet thing that i think we met at, but if that wasn’t you, please disregard and i will be on my way.”
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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response to       ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    main account      ꒱
what kind of student is yi chaerin?
there isn’t a particular subject she excels at. although she loves to learn new things, she’s not one to naturally retain information well. reiterate, reiterate, reiterate! chaerin will study until she’s regurgitating the given materials in her sleep
she prefers handwritten notes rather than typing it out on a computer. she color codes her notes and each subject gets it’s own respective notebook. anyone who borrows her notes will be staring at a rainbow
refuses to use white out. will 10000% throw away the sheet and start her notes over from scratch no matter how small the mistake
will not actively participate/speak up in class unless the professor stands around and allows the class to be swallowed in an awkward silence, thus pushing her to contribute in order to get the ball rolling
will not linger around campus unless she has quidditch practice following her classes
doesn’t mind studying at home alongside her dad as he watches dramas on the tv or is just sitting in her presence. however, once her parents are asleep, if she still feels like she must study, chaerin will head to the institute’s library to completely indulge in her studies. usually when this happens, she will stay overnight as she tends to lose track of time
a morning bird, chaerin is always up early in the morning with more than enough time to enjoy a healthy breakfast and rinse off after a morning jog before she even has to think about heading to class. despite this, she still chooses to arrive to her classes right on the dot; not a second sooner or later
usually the one being tutored rather than doing the tutoring. while she remains quiet in class, chaerin does not hesitate to stay back and ask for clarification questions following the end of the period and will continue to do so until she understands thoroughly. that being said, she is always ready to jump at the opportunity to help others when she is confident that she is able
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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* // &. THE BASH APP !
profile: yi chaerin
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
* // &. leaning tower of cans
a closed starter for       ━☆:・゚✧*:・゚✧      ꒰     #    @hwnminjung​​​     ꒱
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it was a strange sight to see while running errands. chaerin had only intended to stop by the convenience store for a few snacks to hold herself over until dinner time, but now she found herself quietly observing the employee pass their time by stacking up a tower of canned pastas. considering the amount of effort being put in, it almost felt as though she were watching a sport of sorts. 
with an amused grin, chaerin allowed the activity to continue, doing her best to remain as quiet as possible in the other’s presence as to not disturb them. however, after some time, she felt a small grumble of her tummy— a discreet reminder that she had come to the destination with an intended goal.
“eonnie, i’m really sorry to disturb you, but i was hoping to ring a few items up. i could help you finish before that if you would like that, though!”
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
chaerin would never consider herself nosy— just curious. so when she caught sight of a student ( presumably ) leaving random trinkets around the halls of the institution, she felt her curiosity senses pique with interest. with some time on her hands, she decided to follow the trail of items left behind. admittedly, each item left her more and more confused. it was clear that the individual hadn’t been littering as there was an obvious intent behind each placement, but just what were they doing. “it feels as if they’re acting as santa clause...or an elf of sorts...” chaerin mumbled to herself, deep in thought as she rested her chin between her thumb and index finger.
is it wrong to call them out on their actions? probably not. but if there were a reason for the discreet nature of the situation, would she be doing something wrong by approaching them? there were many thoughts running through her mind, but her feet began to move before she could even think to stop herself. and suddenly, chaerin found herself just inches away from the other, tapping on their shoulder with a dainty bounce of her fingers. 
“are these yours or are you simply trying to give them away to the community? if so, they aren’t dangerous at all, are they?”
𝙜𝙚𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 '𝙚𝙢 𝙖𝙡𝙡 / open to anyone
yohan isn't sure if geocaching is something the students of hwando may know about. he learnt about this hobby at a young age; something his mother taught him along with his interest on muggle trinkets. over the years, he's found multiple little collectables of fridge magnets, foreign coins, geocache trading stones and other items that he either stores in his collectable boxes, if not displayed on his shelves.
he figures if it isn't a thing in the academy yet, then he could start by leaving little jewelry and rings, jade stones, compasses to muggle collectables in capsules and dropping them off around the institution and city center. yohan has not gone as far as to leaving trinkets in gwangseon forest nor the lighthouse yet, but in due time, he'll be sure to check the area. for now, he hopes that when he comes to check them, they would be replaced with other things.
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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hi my bio is a mess so i’ll try my best to sum up yi chaerin
born and raised (for the most part) in hwando as an only child
mom is a nurse at hwando medical center and dad........occupation is still unknown and vague. i’m thinking something to do with quidditch/sports science, but either way, he’s retired now that he’s gotten very sickly
fell in love with ballet after her father took her to a showing of the nutcracker in seoul (what can i say she’s a simple and basic gal)
tldr; integrated ballet into her life until it essentially took over and she eventually dropped out of the academy and attended a fancy ballet school in nyc, usa
her life was peachy keen and going swell (alexa play what dreams are made of from the lizzie mcguire movie) until her dad got sick (as mentioned briefly above) and was not getting any better
she decided that she’d lived out enough of her dreams all on her own and wanted to come back home to take care of her dad and help her mom out around the house since she loves them so much and doesn’t want to see them suffer on her behalf anymore
chose her major (physical therapy and magic emphasis) because she still loves dance and will never forget that part of her life. also now she’s picked up quidditch again so there’s that
chose her minor (magic in everyday life and home economics) solely for the reason also mentioned briefly: she’s trying to be of better assistance around the house. so uh, basically she’s gonna be a certified waifu in a few years
she’s currently a second year/sophomore since she decided to enroll as a student under the guise of “i’m not solely coming home just because of you dad dont worry i also definitely want to go back to school after 9-10 years of getting myself out of that hahahaha” (read: she’s a liar, but again, doesn’t want her parents to feel any burden bc of her)
but touching on that point, her magic is still RUSTY and could def use some assistance. please help her
luckily, she never lost her love for flying and was glad there was an open spot on the quidditch team since she wants to give her dad something to look forward to (also to get him out of the house and away from the tv because he needs some fresh air in order to heal) 
generally soft spoken
happily goes along with whatever everyone else wants to do
does her best to be kind to anyone and everyone she comes across
always tries her hardest in anything she does, but can sometimes be so invested that she tunes out the world around her
naïve/gullible/easily tricked 
sees the best in others and will always give them the benefit of the doubt
more often than not, when she disagrees with you, she won’t speak out on it. she’ll simply give a small and (rare) ingenuine smile, maybe even a small nod, then walk away
the mom friend who always wants to make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves
childhood friend(s) who she fell out of touch with after moving out of hwando
people she may have met at some point while in NYC and now they’re reunited in hwando!!
someone who helped her readjust to life in hwando after living without much magic for so long
a tutor who is helping her get more InTouch with her magical roots!!
h8r plot......could be because she’s practically a no-maj/muggle in their eyes and they don’t like it. maybe she rubbed them the wrong way? or accidently did something that caused a misunderstanding?
her first love *heart eyes* now that she’s seeing him again after so long, chaerin is feeling the feels again
anything under the sun (and moon) !!!
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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🍭 T h e S u g a r p l u m F a i r y 🍭
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
wow i need a drink [pours apple juice into shot glass]
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hwnchaerin · 2 years
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