#- ̗̀  ✧・゚: * STARTER + ( closed ) ♡  ̖́-
lowskey · 10 months
ྀ  ‧ ₊  ✩  。 °  ꒰ @staronline ꒱ . 💌
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                       ''  YEAH  ,  OKAY  ,  FINE  ,  WE  MADE  IT.  if  only  somebody  didn't  ,  you  know  ,  mess  up  that  safe's  code  three  times  and  we  had  to  wait  a  whole  five  minutes  to  try  again  ,  we  could've  been  faster.  but  yeah  !  we  made  it.  ''  doha  grins  ,  obviously  teasing  and  wanting  the  other  to  know  that  —  bumping  against  his  side  as  the  odd  pair  make  their  way  towards  his  bus.  dwindling  down  narrow  streets  with  barely  working  street  lanterns  ,  it  gives  the  sensation  they're  stuck  in  yet  another  escape  room. he wouldn't mind figuring it out again with gangjae.  ''  thanks  for  joining  me  though.  i  know  it  was  a  bit  last  minute  ,  but  i  figured  ...  you'd  be  down  for  it.  ''
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covertstrings · 2 months
closed starter ♡༉ ⟆ gabriella ⟅ @rxadtxhell
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" i have so much i want to say to you. "
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softslust · 1 year
↪ closed starter for @tkachukmatthew .
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carson wonders what he did in a past life to deserve this, or maybe he's just a masochist. willing to be hurt in exchange for making sure that his friend was comfortable. the word friend doesn't even fit right in his mouth when he considers the other. there's enough memories and feelings entangled between them that he's not sure they'll ever get out. but carson had to. he had to get out. he had to get out the very day that the other told him he'd gotten engaged over the off-season even when carson thought things were going somewhere. but maybe it was youthful optimism, maybe it was wishful thinking - or he was simply a fool. he should've known. being gay in this career wasn't something that was spoken about. he'd had a couple of boyfriends, the team were respectful but his boyfriend's never stuck around. not when they realised they were always playing second fiddle to a schedule that was rigorous, something that carson had spent his whole life working toward and that's why it worked so well with them. or at least, that's what he'd thought. he's just staring at the book in his lap, he's not even reading it. head lifts when he hears the front door , smiling a little bit as he nods toward viktor. "okay?" he questions quietly , rubbing the back of his arm. even without the way carson felt about the other, he never wanted to see him this upset. it was hard for him, but he did what he always did; pushed his feelings to the side, stuffed them in a box and did what he could to help the other. "you hungry? there's stuff in the oven - just needs heating up." slight smile pulls on the corner of his lips as he tucks his bookmark in between the pages, setting it to the side as he stands up and heads over to viktor.
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slutstarring · 8 days
niece x uncle dynamic except he’s also the identical twin of her dad…. 🤭
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untilthcyrot · 3 months
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The very first thing she did when Annie walked into the room was walk right over to her friend and wrap her arms around her. What Firecracker had exposed on live television would have been enough to make anyone march right onto that stage and rip her apart. Every day they seemed to have a new tactic to rip Annie and her supporters apart and it wasn't fair. She pulled back from her friend, fingers tapping against her phone screen.
Are you okay?
Her free hand reached out to take her friend by the arm and usher her to sit down. No doubt her adrenaline was still pumping from kicking Firecracker's ass on live television.
♡ ───── @citizenstarlight for kimiko !
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bittcrsuite · 3 months
closed starter @poetsprophecy ♡
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harry sat in the dimly lit restaurant, eyes focused on the doors in front of him. he'd met with his manager that morning, going over the chemistry reading instructions again. veronica was the one making the final decision, so they were going to spend some time together one on one. he'd been thinking about making the transition from stage to screen for a while. when his manager suggested he dip his toe in the water by auditioning for a music video, it seemed like a perfect fit. the second he found out he made callbacks, he called mari with the news. a few months passed since their initial phone call. they talked on the phone a handful of times since, but they were almost always texting. it was no one's fault — they just kept missing each other. whether it was due to the time difference or their schedules, it made actually speaking more difficult. despite how tempted he was to ask mari to meet while he was in los angeles, he was scared. he liked the bubble they lived in, but if he was going to be acting out here more, they'd have to meet eventually.
today wasn't the day to worry about it. today, harry was focused on convincing the veronica moon that he could be her fictional love interest. his manager mentioned the restaurant being rented out by veronica’s team. when the front door opened and sunshine streamed through the restaurant, harry sat up straighter. he didn’t know much about veronica, but he’d heard tidbits about her for years now, both from friends and ada. she was even prettier in person, a popstar to her core. she wasn’t as dressed up as he’d seen her in the past. he remembered catching a glimpse of her at the new year’s party, how beautiful he thought she was. now, as he stood to shake her hand, the same thought occurred to him. harry noticed their height difference, leaning down a little as he reached across the table to shake her hand. “hi, i’m harry.” he flashed her a grin, focusing his eyes on hers. he was giving the performance of his life, exuding the confidence that veronica moon’s boyfriend should have. he looked away only to sit down, taking a sip of water before he spoke. “does your team usually rent out restaurants you want to eat in, or am i getting special potential love interest privileges?”
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goldenboybridgers · 5 months
》* 。• ˚ ˚˛ * 。° 。 •˚ mermaid!starter for @gollldrush * 。• ˚ ˚˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
It had taken Aura a while to relocate the girl ze'd met on the beach--Leo. Dragging zemselves to the surface had proven a challenge as well. Their father didn't want them traveling up there so freely. Of course not. He didn't trust them. And why would he? Aurora had always been a bit of a loose canon and never one for following orders. That also meant, however, that they were even less inclined to follow this one particular order barring them from the surface...
The minute they found her location, they were wading through crowds of people in a busy city street, eyes trailing over heads, searching for her bright blonde head of hair. Once or twice ze thought ze had her, only to be disappointed when it was someone else they had mistaken for Leo. Until, finally...
She's standing there, humming to herself, trailing off slightly across the busy street strange blacktop bustling with even stranger machines. The minute they see her, they're breaking into a sprint. Arms flailing, quickly calling out after her.
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"Leo!!" They nearly trip multiple times, still getting used to their new legs. They're given looks--probably due to the fact that they're also barefoot. And a few swears when they bustle past pedestrians rushing along the sidewalk.
Ze shouts again, but she doesn't seem to be noticing. Ze's starting to slow down slightly, breath in zir lungs failing zem all of a sudden when--
A loud HONK! followed by the thud! of Aurora's body hitting the front of a car metal teleportation device. A groan emits from them from the ground, a sudden commotion made around the crosswalk where ze's laying. Eyes blink dizzily, trying to force them open despite the throbbing in zir head, but it only makes matters worse, so they shut them again with another groan. Strangers are stopping in the road now, some getting out their phones...The man in the car has since driven off.
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inspotlight · 6 months
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❝    thanks    for    coming...    ❞    nini    says,    leaning    back    against    her    pillows,    curled    up    under    a    throw    blanket,    clutching    sprinkles    to    her    chest.    she    hadn't    been    able    to    hear    ricky    telling    jace    he    needed    to    leave,    but    she'd    heard    the    belligerent    way    jace    had    been    arguing    him    on    it.    she    was    happy    when    she    heard    the    tapping    on    the    keypad    and    her    door    opened    to    reveal    ricky    coming    in.    she    wasn't    that    far    into    the    movie    she'd    turned    on,    but    it    was    nice    to    just    relax    for    a    while.    ❝    he's    gone    now?    exes    are    so    dumb...    ❞
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emptytcwn · 1 year
♡ muse ↝ gretchen wallace
♡ closed for ↝ @sclfcare
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" back for more ? hmm ? you miss me already tate ? "
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rosesblush · 8 months
◝  ♡  𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑟 .
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" i thought you were leaving town... "
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ritualove · 2 days
Closed starter: Leonidas Desai @leonidasxx
Location: Breaking Glass Bar
Lorelei's head hasn't been quiet in days, ever since her nightmare and the horrible storm that happened a couple of days ago. It's been absolutely horrendous, she's gotten about 4 hours of sleep every night, and she has been looking over her shoulder, riddled with paranoia, every five minutes. She needs something to calm herself down, and while she has never been much of a drinker, she is desperate. It was with this thought she remembered her interaction with Leo, his offer of a free drink, and the ability to see if he knows of anything that has been going on as a superior witch to Lorelei. While she dosen't know that what has gotten her shaken up is of a magical nature, she knows its certainly not natural.
Lorelei stepped into Breaking Glass Bar, she doesn't come into here often, if she could help it, however she has come in enough to know the lay out pretty well. Luckily it wasn't too busy, it was around midday afterall. She saw Leo at the bar, and walked directly towards him, taking a seat in front of him. She didn't know what to say, so she went to the classic, "Hello." Even if it may have been a bit bashful.
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covertstrings · 2 months
closed starter ♡༉ ⟆ galen ⟅ @vcndetta
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"if you have something to say, spit it out." galen wasn't one to beat around the bush, after all. he preferred getting straight to the point and avoiding small talk. "looking at me like that isn't going to get you anywhere without using your words."
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sd-vtm · 5 days
Okay Mrs Bossy Bolts.. @enigmaincrimson
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“ Whatever.. I’m not here for idle chitchat..so hurry up would you?” The other mumbled under her breath, arms rather crossed tightly around her as the drone turned back around to eye the open space before them. Why did she get stuck being someone’s stupid bodyguard? She could be off helping take down human bases but nooo, lets put V on babysitting duty! As if the humans would come all the way out here..
Sure they where in a war with the fleshies, but come on.. Can’t the other take care of her self..? The shorter femdrone turned her head around and peered over a shoulder again to watch curiously. “…What are you doing anyways.?”
Came the burning question she been dying to ask since they both got here. One could tell her irritation was getting higher, from the swishing of her syringevtsil idly flicking more behind her.
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analoghorrors · 13 days
closed with. @missmvrder, eleanor and character of your choice information. based on this in which the dead have started roaming the universe, eating anyone they can find and creating more of them. eleanor tried to make it on her own for the first time and ended up getting badly hurt. while trying to find help, she ends up on your character's front door.. this post was made using beta editor
leaving the comfort of her village had been a conscious decision that she was proud of, believe it or not. eleanor was confident in her ability to stay alive and to kill in order to protect herself. the villagers had always been close-knit and in an end-of-the-world scenario, they became even more protective of each other. they learned to fight, learned to survive, learned to adapt together.. but eleanor was tired of living within the protection of the walls. she just wanted to know she could survive on her own.
the first few days proved to be easy enough- she found shelter, ate some of the canned goods she packed in her bag and caught up on her reading. there were a lot less zombies in the area than she expected. it gave her a great sense of confidence and accomplishment.. but then the fifth night came. eleanor awoke to the sound of scratching on the shed's door; one of the lessons she had seemingly forgot was to never let herself get trapped.
her heart is pounding so hard that it overtakes the sound of the scratching. she begins packing up her things, careful not to make too much noise. with an axe in hand, eleanor prepares to exit the shed with force. the zombie is knocked back, giving her time to decapitate it. just as she's about to celebrate, twigs start to snap and she quickly realizes that she's about to be surrounded by the undead— how so many had managed to creep up on her would be a question that has to remain unanswered. the femme sprints towards the first opening she sees. unfortunately for her, she failed to see the edge of a cliff through all of the trees and bushes.
the stumble knocks the wind completely out of her. eleanor knows all too well that this can't be her final resting spot; who knows if the zombies would follow her down. she continues onward for as long as she can but the longer she limps, the weaker she gets. eventually eleanor collapses at the end of what seems to be a rocky driveway.
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the world blurs. is this it? what if the zombies were right behind her? she has to get up. eleanor's mind races for a few minutes before it quiets as she passes out from the pain and shock..
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untilthcyrot · 2 months
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A trail of clothes was left behind on the shoreline, the vampire's ivory skin appearing silver in the moonlight before submerging herself in the water. There were no sunny beach days for her, just midnight swims. ❝ Are you going to come in with me? ❞ She called back to the other standing where she left her clothes.
♡ ───── @cannib4l liked for a starter from nadja !
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bittcrsuite · 4 months
@manybruises liked this post for a closed starter. plot in source.
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"we have approximately..." cora checked her phone as she walked into the hotel room, tugging her baseball cap off her head. she ran her fingers through her brown locks, dropping the phone and hat on the hotel desk. "two hours before he calls asking where i am." cora had been on set doing 14 hour shoots all month, so this was her first visit on the european leg of man down's tour. she took a few steps toward the other, hand reaching up to run her digits through their hair gently. "so? tell me everything. how have the shows been? are you giving your life in la up to become a proper european?" she put on a bad english accent on near the end of the sentence, a teasing grin splashed across her face.
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