hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
So that new blog is up guys! 
@hxlfsoul is where I’ll be in future. 
It’s still a work in progress (making a new background, for one, and got a couple pages/updates to do) but it’s got new icons, more content and all headcanons have been reposted on it!
It’d mean a lot to me if you guys came by and kept interacting <3
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
@mistleheroiics / ♡
“You really are heroic, aren’t you?” 
Shoto had been sitting on the train close to Midoriya, biding his time while waiting for everyone to leave - and then, of course, he’d made sure to freeze the doors together. “I’ve waited so long to speak with you, Midoriya Izuku, hero Deku.” His lips twisted into a small smile - crooked, but not unkind.
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“It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” Mostly from the league, considering they were his only social contact nowadays. Although, he wasn’t sure he fitted in - considering most of them were insane, to Shoto, while he was simply.. hiding.
“Tell me about yourself, hero Deku. If I like your answers, perhaps you’ll survive this journey.” Not much of a threat, seeing as Shoto never had been one for murder. “I’m curious about the world, after all - I love to hear about everything.”
He’d had no connection to the outside since he ran away at the age of thirteen, after all - god knows how long ago that was.
0 notes
hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
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“I hope they stop soon, because even someone of your likeness wouldn’t stoop so low.”
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
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“Why would anyone assume that anyway?” 
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“Why do you people assume I have intercourse with the Nomu? That couldn’t be further from the truth.”
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
Take this stuff on Shoto’s pro hero verse from like September? Under the cut!
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
Some headcanons to dump because apparently I just send them all at once. They’re under the cut because it got long.
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
@hxlfsoul is truly a wonderful person, deserving of love and care. they write in a magnificent, descriptive way that puts a perfect visual in my mind. i also really love their poetry, because I find it inspiring?? // sincerely, someone that wants to become closer.
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
Maybe I’m just hard to love.
and easy to leave (via difficult)
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages or asks you. Repost, don’t reblog!
Tagged by: stole it
Tagging:  @quirkdysfunction​ @leftoverquirks​ @qrkborn​
Asked someone to marry you ? - Guilty Kissed one of your friends ? - Guilty Danced on a table in a bar / tavern ? - Innocent Ever told a lie ? - Guilty Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have ? -Guilty Ever kissed someone of the same sex ? - Guilty Kissed a picture ? - Innocent Slept until 5pm ? - Guilty Fallen asleep at work / school ? - Guilty Held a snake ? - Innocent Been suspended from school ? - Innocent Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant ? - Innocent Stolen something ? - Innocent Been fired from a job ? - Innocent Done something you regret ? - Guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose ? - Innocent Caught a snowflake on your tongue ? - Guilty Kissed in the rain ? - Guilty Sat on a roof top ? - Guilty Kissed someone you shouldn’t ? - Innocent Sang in the shower ? - Guilty Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ? - Innocent Shaved your head ? - Innocent Slept naked ? - Innocent Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry ? - Guilty Shot a gun ? - Innocent Still love someone you shouldn’t ? - Guilty Have / had a tattoo ? - Innocent Liked someone, but will never tell who ? - Innocent Been too honest ? - Guilty Ruined a surprise ? - Innocent Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said ? - Guilty Still have communication w/ your ex ? - Guilty Cheated on someone ? - Innocent Got so angry that you cried ? - Guilty Tried to stay away from someone for their own good ? -Guilty Thoughts about suicide ? - Guilty Thoughts about murder ? - Innocent How about mass murder ? - Innocent Stalked someone ? - Innocent Had a girlfriend / boyfriend ? - Guilty Gotten totally drunk during a holiday ? - Innocent
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
carry him to bed / accepting / @quirkdysfunction
Shoto had been asleep. 
That was, until he was picked up, a change from sitting to being held was.. odd. It was enough to wake him up, wide eyes - fearful, as if expecting to be hurt - staring up at Izuku for a moment before he released a breath, turning his head to the side to hide it in the other’s chest.
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“Don’t scare me like that, Izuku…” He murmured, softly, not letting his eyes close until he was placed down in a bed - Izuku’s, he could assume - and he drifted off to sleep with the other’s arms around him, his own arms hugging his boyfriend’s chest.
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
“No, no, no, don’t die on me!” ((Blxxdyquirk))
Shoto dies to protect your muse / accepting / @blxxdyquirk
“I’m.. sorry..” 
His voice was weak, the words quieter than any he’d ever said. Shoto laid on his side, blood pooled around him - and he looked awful. Bruised and bloody, his arm obviously broken and one of his hips dislocated, blood on his lips from where he’d coughed it up and a metal spike through his chest - the villain had created it, that much was obvious.
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“I.. I had to.. I had to save you..” 
After all, how could he call himself a hero if he let her die too? He’d already been down, already been hurt, and Shoto was a hero that could be replaced. She could never be - not in the eyes of the world, not to him.
“… Take care of yourself.”
(and then, he was gone, like many before him)
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
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✨ BNHA 30 Days Challenge ✨
day 9: favourite quirk
⤷ half-cold half-hot ❄🔥
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