hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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Hey incels, i moved blogs
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
There are two neatly wrapped packages left for him, one contains a more dark letterman jacket with space themed patches on them, while the other contained spray cheese. There was a note left with it "Reminded me of our first date! You wished cheese in a can existed! I got you some! Also space themed stuff. Love you!" There are also a few doodles, a space ship, some hearts, alien wearing a crown, a few cutesy drawings of him. They aren't too bad either.
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“Woah, these are amazing!”
He instantly slipped the jacket over his shoulders, warming himself from the cool Christmas chill flowing through the dorm hallways.  The lack of holes in the jacket was a vaguely exciting concept to him, finally a new piece of clothing for his ever dwindling wardrobe.  The next present was a little more novel, a cute callback to a nervous first encounter of the extraterrestrial kind.
With a little pressure, the canned dairy product’s lid popped off, exposing its spray nozzle.  A quick press and the creamy yellow cheddar spurted from the top.  “So it does exist?”  He mumbled to himself, glancing over the letter a second time.
“God Mina is amazing~”
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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@solchimaera loves me and i don’t know how to tell them i love them too
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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Hey uh, Rin is my wife?  I claim her, so yeah...  stay in ur lane
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
“ I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve, I have a history of losing my shirt.” are the most Mirio lyrics in existence.
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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table for 2
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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             She stares on in quiet contemplation. If there’s no rush, then there’s no rush.
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              “I’m not strictly opposed to your dangly bits, but…I don’t know if they’re legendary enough to be your legacy. Like…All Might has unique hair. I think muscles are better ‘manly stuff’ to be remembered for.” Obediently, she trots off to the side to collect his underwear. They’re more important than pants. Guys probably have a rougher time going commando than girls. “That’s just constructive criticism. I still maintain that you’re fantastic. More fantastic with me around, but who’s really keeping track?”
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He turned to her, flexing his arms nonchalantly, playfully as she wandered off.  “I think I have muscles covered!”  It was a bit vain, but he worked hard to get this buff, he deserved a little recognition for his rockin bod.  “Thanks for the help by the way, and for the advice.  I kind of feel like I should be paying you for it...  Like some sort of agent or something.”
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
didn’t sleep last night...  im going to bed now, at 10:30am.  I just got my muse back too...  I’ll keep working on getting my blogs up and running again as soon as i wake up
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
you ever just...
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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              “Better lose your pants than your head! I’ve had my fair share of mishaps back in the day…” As if they aren’t of similar age. “You’re relatable, is what I’m saying.” It would be fun to be his head of PR. “Ah, wait—you need help? Maybe going starkers isn’t so good for your image after all.” Pants, pants, pants. Those would be the number one item. If the Hulk could get away with the look, so could he.
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“Relateable...  That’s good!  Everyone needs someone they can look up to like that.”  He didn’t really think much of being naked anymore, but if it made him more likable then that was even less reason to be concerned...  Maybe he was taking the wrong message from this.  “Starkers?  Oh, right.  At this point the whole country has seen my bits so we’re in no big hurry.”  
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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“Thanks!  But losing my pants isn’t really the mark of a good hero now is it!?”  He glanced around, looking for his plainclothes, hoping they didn’t fall in a puddle or something; that would be a pain.
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               “You’re just…super duper great, you know? If I say it, then it’s true.”
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
Some fool; man i hope mirio doesn’t get his quirk back
Me, an intellectual: Mirio makes a comeback in chapter 200 with Kanye West’s ‘All of The Lights’ blaring in the background, saves Izuku’s sorry ass and becomes the new main character. 
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
Me: Ripping powers from other media is cool and all but quirks are much cooler when unique.
Also Me:
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
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💍 in a wedding dress!
mel bless you for having me draw this
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hyakumcn-blog · 7 years
Y’all if i catch star wars spoilers on my dash im gonna kill everybody then myself
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