hydrasweapon · 2 years
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How does it feel?
»  Like it's someone else's.
It isn't.
Canon-divergent portrayal of STEVE ROGERS, the retired Captain America, MCU & Headcanon Based.
(Promo credit: @dereiserne)
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
// friends, I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling Bucky as of late. I tried to force myself to write some replies, but it only results in not wanting to write at all, so I’m putting him on a hiatus. I hope he’ll come back soon! You can find me over @shieldretired in the meantime
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
// friends, I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling Bucky as of late. I tried to force myself to write some replies, but it only results in not wanting to write at all, so I’m putting him on a hiatus. I hope he’ll come back soon! You can find me over @shieldretired in the meantime
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
// friends, I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling Bucky as of late. I tried to force myself to write some replies, but it only results in not wanting to write at all, so I’m putting him on a hiatus. I hope he’ll come back soon! You can find me over @shieldretired in the meantime
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
// friends, I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling Bucky as of late. I tried to force myself to write some replies, but it only results in not wanting to write at all, so I’m putting him on a hiatus. I hope he’ll come back soon! You can find me over @shieldretired in the meantime
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
// friends, I’m sorry, but I’m just not feeling Bucky as of late. I tried to force myself to write some replies, but it only results in not wanting to write at all, so I’m putting him on a hiatus. I hope he’ll come back soon! You can find me over @shieldretired in the meantime
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
“Umm…so, we had to make things in class for Father’s Day and yeah…happy Father’s Day, Bucky.” Ella holds out a card for him and a wrapped package. “I only made the card in school. I made the gift with Steve. He taught me how to use plaster cast.” They have made Bucky a small sculpture of big hands holding Ella’s and even though Bucky should have modeled them, she still likes the outcome.
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                    When you don't have parents anymore, you don't remember the days dedicated to them, so Bucky is positively surprised when Ella comes into the living room to hand him a card and a package. "Oh –– thank you, Ella, you didn't have to." He's a curious guy, so he unwraps the gift instantly, of course, and then he has to take a second to compose himself because the little plaster-cast statue hits him right in the guts. He recognizes Ella's small hands, and the bigger ones have to be Steve's. God, he's getting misty-eyed. To distract Ella from that, he pulls his foster daughter close to give her a hug and kiss the top of her head. "Thanks, sweetpea, I really, really love it."
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
Social media. Ah yes, the apps the teens in the tower had installed on his cellphone that made it beep all the time. He had to find a way to get rid of them before exploding it. “Father said he wanted to keep us safe, but I know he wanted to know what we were doing.” He explained. Their Mother, however, never spied on them. She’d simply ask Thor where he had been and he was always unable to fool her. “They aren’t common ravens, the have seiðr – magic,” he explained. “They can always listen to me and find me now that my Father’s gone and heed my call. I tell them the message I want them to give and who the message is addressed too. In centuries, they never failed.”
                       Of course, the talking ravens have magic. Why is Bucky even still surprised? "So they're super old?" he asks because centuries sounds… ha, it sounds like Steve and Bucky. Over a hundred years and still young and sprightly. "And they just — fly over to whoever you want to inform of, um, your next big banquet? That's weird for a guy from earth, but hey, we did use carrier pigeons a long time ago." He shrugs, then sits down. Honestly, these birds don't do any harm, so why should he bother thinking about it. "So yeah. I expect a birdy invitation the next time you throw a party. I can bring, uh, cake and cookies? What does an Asgardian party even look like?"
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
“It’s not my fault”, Ella growls in response to Bucky’s muttered words, because she has heard them, but lets him turn her around towards the exit. Her heart is hammering in her chest, but not from running. Being among normal humans has been a hard trial for her in the past months and she can’t say that it’s always been fun, but the last thing Ella ever wants is to be taken back to her old life. She feels the urge to hold onto Bucky’s hand and beg him to save her, but that would be silly and uncalled for. Hydra has given her every tool to save herself, if need be, so there is really no sense in being scared of anything here. She still is, though. Her arm lifts to wipe over her still dripping nose and she tries to hide it as they leave the exhibition, even though she steals a glance at the pictures as they head out. She’d have liked to see all of his, so maybe Bucky will take her back after they defeat the agents. Her hands slip into the sleeves of her hoodie, so that she can keep a firm grip on her knife without showing it and she quietly falls in step with Bucky, head lowered so that no one sees her bloody nose, because it still hasn’t stopped. It will heal soon, the crushed bones are already mending themselves back together, but until then she’ll look a little worse for wear.
There is no uproar in the main hall, so she assumes that the agents have hidden the corpse of their comrade, so that no visitors spy the incident. Ella has never thought much about civilians in her life, but she tries her best to see things the way her foster father does, accepting that all of this should happen outdoors. The agents are undoubtedly armed with far worse than knives, so leaving the premises is a good idea.
They make it outside without anyone stopping them and stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk and she feels herself reaching for Bucky to cling to him. “Please don’t let them take me”, she whispers, knowing his ears are almost as good as hers and will hear her, regardless of the city noise around them. Bucky has seen her angry, defiant, puzzled, upset and annoyed, but he has never seen her TERRIFIED. Fear was something the Pandora children were not supposed to feel and Ella remembers being beaten every time she was scared of something, until she could control it. Right now she feels incapable of swallowing it down. The same van they stopped on the highway is parked across from them on the other side of the street and the doors open almost lazily, as three more agents climb out, weapons barely hidden underneath their jackets. “Do we keep moving?”
                     He doesn't have to do anything: The old Winter Soldier instincts come online automatically, and when they leave the museum to first go back to the main hall and then outside, Bucky casually looks around as if peering at all the signs and boards while in truth he's checking his surroundings for anyone that might be following them. Two men are looking suspicious. One is wearing a fucking Yankees baseball cap, the other aviator sunglasses. Bucky clenches his jaw and steers Ella to the main entrance and out to the busy sidewalk. 
                       There, he subtly fishes out his phone, hoping that Sam won't think he's an over-cautious idiot for requesting backup again so soon after calling for help because of nothing. He types out a quick message, using Ella to shield his phone because he fears those goons will attack the moment they realize he's calling for backup. Thus, he needs a second until he realizes that his foster daughter has spoken up, and even longer to understand she's sounding terrified.
                       "I won't," he promises, squeezing her hand while his heart breaks. He feels sick to the stomach. He swore himself that she never needed to feel like this again. "Do you hear me? I won't. I'll keep you safe, Ella. We'll get through this, I promise." He knows he shouldn't make promises like that because it's far too easy to break them without wanting to. One perfect bullet and his body will hit the ground dead, and nobody will stand between her and Hydra anymore. Steve would do the right thing, Bucky knows that. He'd do everything in his power to free Ella. And that's the comfort he needs to guide her down the sidewalk again, eyes locked on the van and the men exiting it. "Yes. We need to find a place with fewer civilians. Preferably cramped, so it doesn't matter that we're outnumbered. Keep your eyes open for an alley, anything like that. You still got your knife? Good."
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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Blue eyes spied the reaction to the towel causing him to pick it up and toss it over into the sink. In hindsight it probably wasn’t the best place to lay the towel on the table they currently ate on. It was just the most convenient option at the time. Though Bucky’s reaction made him chuckle as he shifted back into a comfortable position in the chair. “I mean you have a point, I think everyone liked them back then. I didn’t know a single person who didn’t. Though all of those guys are gone now.” He shrugged, the small smile slowly fading away. Though it begins to grow back slightly when he the other starts playing some classic Glenn Miller. “A damn shame they don’t because this was music. Could dance to it without a problem.” He pauses as he lifts a hand to his chin as if thinking while a smile tugs at his lips. “I remember going to some pubs in England and just hearing that, grabbing a beer and finding someone to dance with.” It caused him to shake his head. “That feels like a different life now.”
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                       A wistful look appears on Bucky's face when Nate mentions dancing. "I know what you mean. All the ladies out there waited to have a good time with you. And I don't mean sex, alright, I mean just a dance or two, maybe paying for her drink. Friday nights and then Saturday nights too, if you could afford it. Putting on a suit, some Brylcreem in your hair. Your feet aching after that night but in a good way. And then over in England? With all the men gone to war? Jesus, those women came upon you like hyenas. Well, we weren't complaining," he adds with a smirk and a wink in Nate's direction. "Alright, we got the advantage of having Captain America with us, of course. He didn't want no lady, but that only meant we had to, you know, comfort them when they got sad after he let them down." He sighs wistfully again.
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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    She had to be patient, Leah realized. As fine and chill as she could be with the recent revelation coming from Bucky, she knew the embarrassment on his side wasn’t going to disappear immediately. Maybe she could get really romantic and find a way to show him just how little she cared about sex when she had someone like him at her side. He was the first genuinely good guy she’d ever dated — the hottest too, for sure —, and that changed nothing about how lucky she felt that he was at her side. They were such opposites in so many traits it was actually a miracle they worked so well, she would never trade that for some orgasm that he was perfectly able to give her anyway. So until the moment he decided he wanted to talk about it some more and possibly let her come up with some ideas they might try, she was gonna bite her tongue and keep all the questions for herself. Plus, being in that bathtub, eating ice-cream and looking at her very sexy man was all she could dream of.  
    « Ehy, I also watch the serious stuff, you know? I’ve watched a lot of that series with Neil deGrasse Tyson about space, actually. And have you ever seen those documentaries about lion tribes with the voiceover? That’s basically Keeping up with the Kardashians Savannah edition. » From the way she said it, it wasn’t even clear whether she was joking or being serious about that one last parallel. Probably both. Truth was she could watch pretty much anything with the right amount of comfort food and someone to comment it with — she rarely shut up while watching movies, too. « Don’t you love that dating me is like taking a crash course on the most up-to-date pop culture? »
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                      He rolls his eyes at Leah's rambling, grabbing his bowl of ice cream and shoving a big spoon into his mouth so he doesn't have to dignify Keeping Up With The Kardashians Savannah Edition with an answer. "I don't know. I was pretty comfortable in my little bubble, you know? I doubt anyone's life gets better watching people have sex in Big Brother. Honestly, that's actually the scariest show out there. Cameras everywhere? Watching you all the fucking time? You can't even talk to someone in private on the fucking toilet. No, wait, it's even worse when you put this whole scenario in the fucking jungle. And there these people have to do some tests, so they can actually get food." 
                      He knows these starlets get a lot of money to essentially make a spectacle of themselves, but still. For Bucky, it was just disgusting to watch. "And these tests involve a lot of slime and bugs. Or eating kangaroo testicles or drinking bushpig sperm. So yeah, I think I wouldn't have missed anything at all." He looks at his ice cream, then shrugs. It's starting to melt a little and looking like... well, some of the stuff he just mentioned, but anyway. He doesn't throw food away, so he shoves another spoonful into his mouth and then nudges Leah's thigh with his foot, grinning.
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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On both schoolyard and battlefield.
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
    ❝ damn right you are. ❞ he murmurs distractedly, laughing softly at bucky’s correction.  ❝ doesn’t make it untrue. ❞ he teases, flashing him a grin before he melts into yet another kiss. he could definitely get used to kissing this man. it doesn’t take much longer for bucky to start diverting his kisses down his chest and stomach, inching his way down toward his cock, and the moment that he feels his tongue roll against the underside of his cock he releases a low, drawn out groan.  ❝ shit– ❞ he brings his hand up, threading his fingers through bucky’s hair to grip at it. 
                       The problem with sucking dick is that Bucky can't tease Steve because, you know, he has his mouth full. So he just shoots him a look that hopefully conveys a smug grin and keeps going: sucking at the head a little, tongue swirling around the underside, his right hand wrapping around the base because he is no fan of gagging or even deep-throating, but he wants to give Steve's erection his full attention, anyway. And he likes doing it: the taste, the weight on his tongue, the little sounds he can hear Steve making. It's almost enough to get him going, too. 
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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He doesn’t respond, letting his arched brow do the talking for him as he shuffles just slightly to keep the other away so he could finish up the food. It wasn’t much longer on the stove top before he brought the pot over to place onto the table. He appreciates the beer, even if it wouldn’t do much of an effect on either of them. Both had serum running through their veins, maybe not the complete same but there were similarities. “I better hope it does.” The redhead mumbled as he moved to sit down while scooping some onto Bucky’s plate and then his own. “Considering I haven’t cooked in who knows how long.” When he found himself sitting across from the other, his brow furrowed at the pause until the question for prayer came. 
Nathaniel shifted a bit as he shrugged. “Uh, I mean i haven’t done that since maybe during the war.” His answer was honest and he looked down at the plate in front of him. “If you want to then we can but uh, starting to pray now after over seventy years of not even stepping in a church feels….I don’t know, off.” It was how he felt about the situation. His hand lifting to grab the cold beer and bringing it to his lips for a quick sip. 
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                     "Oh, I don't care about God anymore. Started giving a shit about him when my number came up, and I was thrown into the European theater," he explains with a careless shrug. Honestly, religion had never played a huge part in his life, not even when he was younger. His family went to church on Sundays, and they celebrated Christmas and all that, but they didn't even pray regularly or did some fasting when Lent came around. It has always been a little weird for Bucky when he visited Steve, and his friend said grace before a meal or went to Sunday school or told him about the library books about catholic Saints he read. "I'm just asking because the Italians I knew back then and also during the war, they were hella catholic. But if you aren't, or if you aren't sure anymore, then that's alright, too. Might come back, who knows? I certainly don't."                      He reaches for his cutlery and starts to dig in, groaning after swallowing the first bite of pasta. "Yup, that's great. I think you're on dinner duty every day now. Well. I'll give you Sundays off." He grins and then points with his fork at Nate. "You might consider opening an Italian restaurant after we get your head screwed back on right."
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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@the-mjolnir-owner​​ ;; random inbox things (always accepting) Thor asked: "Do you wear gloves on your missing hand or not?"
                     That is… a somewhat strange question, and nothing anyone has ever asked him, but then most other people still have both their arms, and Thor and Bucky? Don't. So really, who else is Thor going to ask? "I usually do, yeah, because I don't want to, like, freak people out by having a metal hand. That's not so common here on Earth, you know. Most prostheses aren't that elaborate. But when I'm around people that know me? I don't wear gloves. Unless it's winter, of course, and then I kinda wear it on both hands because it's a habit. Why?"
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hydrasweapon · 2 years
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         THE QUEEN OF EFFICIENCY , natalia was showered and dressed in just under twenty minutes . the entire time that she was washing herself , she was thinking of the exchange she’d had with james . it was so easy for him to put a smile on her face , even without trying . it was a rare gift that she didn’t remember giving him , and yet he clearly possessed it . 
         her hair was still dripping wet as she emerged from the building , but there was nothing to be done . she didn’t bring a hair dryer with her to the SHIELD facility so she would have to deal . instead she began to run her fingers through her long strands of hair , attempting to tame her bright red mane as she waited for her companion . 
         when he finally strolled out of the building , the widow made a show of checking her watch for the time . humming softly three times , she shook her head . “ you’re late , barnes . what am i going to do with you ? “
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                    "This perfectly coiffed head needs time, Natalia. And I know for a fact that it's a sight to behold, so shut your mouth and just enjoy the view," he adds with a grin and a gesture toward his hair. Then he sobers again. "Okay, real talk: I'm hungry; let's go to that diner I told you about. Just a block down this way." Bucky slips his hands into the pocket of his jeans and leads Romanoff down the street. It's a pleasant little walk in the sunshine, and for once, Bucky isn't in the mood for some shit talk, just keeps quiet and looks at the people they're passing. The diner is a little hole-in-the-wall spot that smells of coffee and grease. Bucky holds the door for Natasha because he's a gentleman and then gestures toward his favorite booth in the corner. "Don't eat the bacon, it tastes terrible."
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