hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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A simple breakdown of Hydro. 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
There is hope though...
After looking through their fan base (less than 1000 likes on Facebook) perhaps I could propose my concept to them…Since they already have experience with using kickstarted, they may be able to give me advice..OR , assistance with the bioluminescent and phosphorescent lighting concepts. This does give me some direction, to identify where I will be taking the project upon 'completion.'
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
In response to DINOPET
It's a pretty cool product. I won't lie, I am slightly envious I didn't have the idea. But I did look at their proposal and note how they presented their idea. It got me thinking, about how much I still need to learn about the logistics of launching a product.
I am keen to start experimenting with the laser cutter (and 3D printer?) when term resumes. I don't want to be left behind as technology in design evolves. 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
The Dino Pet is fun, renewable, and magical. It's a new kind of pet that photosynthesizes during the day & glows brilliantly at night.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
An attempt at writing a manifesto
Its still too early to pin things down, but this is where I was at (i'm referring to when this was first written on the 17th of December)
HYDRO Manifesto
  Reduce the amount of plastic packaging in products
Invest in biodegradable or recycled packaging
Reduce the level of unnecessary visual elements to the packaging
Reduce the amount of printed information within the product
Source product components from a multitude of sources to get the best price
Display educational, inspirational and demonstration content on an online space where it can be updated with ease
Provide links to other sites on this platform, for more information and replacement components
Provide links to sites that specialize in distributing power sources that are more sustainable
Create a community within the online space, where ideas can be shared, experiments, tutorials and demonstrations can be distributed for wider audience use
  Hydro loves the Oceans. These beautiful habitats are constantly under threat and we believe the key to protecting them is by re-instilling a new love for them. Hydro wants to devise a new line of Oceanic experiences, in the form of products and events, aimed initially at the younger generations. Hydro have conducted field research in Aquariums and marine themed institutions and discovered that existing Ocean themed products are of sub-par quality and highly contradictory. Plastic is a key threat to the Hydrosphere, yet many products are encased in this material, and those that are sold in Aquariums promote highly hypocritical messages.
  The team at Hydro have been looking at the Marine habitats within the Ocean, and then looking for creative ways to represent these wonders. We don’t believe that a colouring book of flat marine images, or plastic toys that are shaped like Ocean mammals and the like are educational or inspiring. Hydro has a minimal approach to visual communication, where simplification is paramount. As with nature, we like to strip away the unnecessary elements of packaging and create visual graphics that are still bold, but less clumsy in their approach. Our consumers are key to the protection of the Hydrosphere. We want to create products they will love, and inspire them with images, videos and tutorials that will instil a new respect for the Ocean, and encourage curiosity within making and creativity. We want to promote the importance of sustainability, and this message will be clear on our packaging.
              We understand the value of technology, which is why our educational content will exist on an online space. Here, it can be accessed from anywhere, and shared with anyone. Eliminating the need for high cost instruction pamphlets and manuals within our range of kits, YouTube style tutorials will provide a more concise demonstration. Also, an online space enables us to promote links to a multitude of external websites. Hydro believes in collaboration, and the power of a joint effort. Through establishing an online community and promoting other companies that share our cause, we hope to evolve and grow with our following.
  Hydro believes in repurposing and up cycling. There are many products that can serve a purpose beyond their original, and even serve a more beneficial purpose under our brand. We don’t believe in stealing ideas, more the re-appropriation and re-contextualization of existing ones. For example, our Hydro Gloves are usually sold online as Rave Gloves, designed for a designated community of individuals. We see the potential in a simple product like this, and realised that they are effective in developing improved hand dexterity and teaching how marine organisms move and luminesce. They are also great for children with disabilities who respond well to visual stimulation. We also hope to collaborate with dancers and ‘glovers’ to devise an Ocean light show experience.  And what’s more, we have plans to create installations at aquariums where children can create their own Marine ‘light-life forms’ and have them displayed on the online Hydro gallery. So there’s an example of how Hydro like to work, we don’t believe in a finished product – we like to evolve and keep developing experiments that engage, inspire and keep kids curious.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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Some campaign posters - which after making them I realised how ineffective they were. I wanted to produce something with more edge, more considered, more…well, worthy of third year. But, I understand the importance of displaying ones 'failures.' 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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So. This is the state of my data situation. I'm in desperate need for an external hard-drive (prays for loan) but I've tried my best to keep things organised. This is not a bragging post - I'm just keen to display how much of my time, effort, energy, and data is being used. I think I'm up to 45GB of data for this project and Hypo-Trochoid. Dissertation is an easy 7GB onto. STUDENT LYF 4 EVA XO
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
Mid Semester Review Video Compilation
Accompanying audio to follow...
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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Experimenting with an inverted background. Playing with composition and arrangement of logo and brand name. I had originally considered keeping the design crisp, and clean. My instincts told me using black would be a signifier of something like oil - but on further reflection, I considered the eye-catching benefits of such a bold design. Furthermore, most of these kits are all about sharing the wonders of marine life that live in the deeper oceans. Such regions, referred to as the Benthic zone, are never penetrated by sunlight - so it is of critical importance to use this colour scheme. Personally, I haven't looked back at the cyan/white scheme since.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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A rough layout plan for a demonstration video that will result in the making of jellyfish forms using smoke created by a simple chemical reaction - safe enough for any home kitchen.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
Please watch the video via youtube and select HD for the best quality.
Another compilation video to serve as a direct point for inspiration for those who purchase the Hydro Pack 0.1 
The LED finger tipped gloves have 7 different light modes - plenty of novelty for a younger child, but there is a great deal to take from observing the movements and light displays of marine life. It's a way to encourage new thinking and expose children to exciting stimuli at the same time. Learning should always be fun. 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
Please watch the video via youtube and select HD for the best quality.
A little compilation video that I've put together. One of several that will be available on the Hydro inspiration channel.
(when it's made that is)
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
Please watch the video via youtube for better quality
One of my ideas within the hydrosphere concept is to integrate visual learning within an online platform. Compiling experiments that would be better explained concisely through video as opposed to still images accompanied by text. Demonstrations also provide the opportunity to observe an outcome as if it were in front of them. This is a test for how I may compile the footage. 
These videos will be short, no longer than 2 minutes if possible. Grabbing attention is a difficult practice, and maintaining that attention is a harder task. The short bursts of inspiration will hopefully encourage re-watching, but also demonstrate the simplicity of such experiments.
I’m also hoping to devise experiments that are easily replicable at home, eliminating the need for specialised equipment where possible. This will make the learning more attractive and hence improve the outcome of visual creativity.
The accompanying music is also key. Part of my visit to Sea Life indicated a lack of audial inspiration. Watching marine life is a very unique experience, and music should play a larger part in the way we perceive such observations. Moving away from cliche water splashes and twinkle sounds, I have been lucky in knowing a fantastic producer (also a family member) whose collaborative DJ entourage create music that I have always associated with immersive experiences, such as the ocean. There is also a desire to introduce children to new sounds and music that may in turn inspire them further. 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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My strategic plan for this semester's work ahead. I hope to be updating my time management profiles and writing a new plan once weeks 5 - 7 have elapsed. 
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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I wandered around the aquarium, in a state of blissful content. Aquariums are such soothing experiences, made better by the lack of children running around. I chose a time to go when I would be free to wander, observe, film and draw. I couldn't help but hate the stock music provided for auditory accompaniment. So, I created a playlist that would match the experience in my mind. This helped me look at the organisms in a new way, similar to how they must look at members of the public. In silence, but with their own rhythm. 
I also noted the educational input throughout the attraction. In short, I was left unsatisfied, and I do not imagine any child interested in marine life would have taken much from what was available. This was made worse by the constant reminded of "dont use plastic" and "recycle and reuse" plastered around each zone. I mention this because when the marine life section ends, there are gift shops. Gift shops packed with plastic. Plastic inside plastic containers. So. Much. Tat. 
How can such a contradictory idea be so widely broadcasted? As i scoured the gift shops, I couldn't write down a single product that had any substance. The book selection was poor, and I took into account the usual target market: tourists and families. But, surely, any attraction can also utilise their flagship store as a distributer of unique products - not tat. Amongst the piles of plastic, one cardboard item caught my attention. A simple tube with 3 vector based printed illustrations designed for colouring. This gave me an idea. To think of how to make an amazing product that would stand out purely on the look of its packaging. As a contrast to the plastic veneer of quality around it, the product would have substance - significance but most of all, be innovative. 
Sea Life disappointed me in truth, but I hope to change my opinion by designing something tailor made for an attraction like this, but also for other marine focussed attractions. I hope to create something that will change my opinion of this place, make a difference and most of all: prove that a good, quality, affordable product can offer substance, aesthetic appeal and provide a real education.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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This film was a delight. A real showcase of the fruits of the deep and the importance of coral reef conservation. The notion of symbiosis was brought up, although very little explained what it was, so for the child audience, I fear that would have become lost. It was after watching this film that my desire to create artwork representing the ocean could not be done effectively unless I considered finding ways that are less generic. The beauty of documentary footage is that it clearly communicates the life in the ocean. By merely drawing or copying photographs, I would achieve very little and provide very little significance on the subject. I began to toy with the idea of finding a way to devise experiments or workshops for children that make them learn about life in the ocean without just copying photographs. To learn about how a whale moves is done best with demonstration, using props. Showing the difference in it's tail movement to that of a fish. There is a huge difference. A fish will move from side to side as propulsion over long distances. A whale will move up and down, with great force and little physical effort to allow deep diving. A simple hand gesture could communicate this, and also begin to enforce the idea that learning is best through demonstration.
I also realised that video footage has a great part to play, but as a springboard for inspiration. Watching a jellyfish pulsate through the water is amazing. But how would one devise a creative activity to simulate this? Merely drawing a flat form would do nothing. I want to challenge the ability of children to think using their hands. So I hope to find inspiration in many areas that will help me to make such experiments accessible for my target audience.
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hydrosphere-rcad · 11 years
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Beginning with a standard RGB cyan. Simple pattern arrangement. I would like to learn how to make compositions properly and tesselate. Polishing up on the ol' skills is overdue!
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