radarsmenagerie · 2 days
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part 57
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dynamic-dingo · 1 day
He scored
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I slowed down drawing for ArtFight and managed to do this panel. I couldn't decide between him alone and the full panel so I did both.
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the-empress-7 · 1 day
When it comes to gaslighting the public, Harry learned from the best. His own father.
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sonics-atelier · 2 days
Dear Lestappen friends I woke up today and had the urge to read fanfiction of these two, please send in your recs 🥺💗
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edwinisms · 3 days
yknow if charles didn’t play an instrument during life I feel like he’d have learned something in his 30+ years of being dead. and thank god ghosts probably don’t have real breath so his ska enjoyer ass can’t choose to try and learn trumpet (for the sake of edwin’s sanity)
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ilovejevsjeans · 2 days
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2021- Styria- Press conference with Charles
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ayo-edebiri · 4 months
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The headline… help 😂
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shandzii · 1 month
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after animal cannibal animatic
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hey so remember those new protest laws that make peaceful protest illegal? yeah? wanna see them in action?
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[alt text:]
Head of UK’s leading anti-monarchy group arrested at coronation protest
Republic’s Graham Smith held at protest on King Charles III’s procession route in central London
Daniel Boffey Chief reporter, Sat 6 May 2023 08.31 BST
The head of the UK’s leading republican movement has been arrested at an anti-monarchist protest on King Charles III’s procession route.
Graham Smith had been collecting drinks and placards for demonstrators at Trafalgar Square when he was detained by police on the Strand in central London.
It is understood Smith was detained after bringing a megaphone to the demonstration. The Met police had tweeted earlier this week that they would have a “low tolerance” of those seeking to “undermine” the day.
Harry Stratton, a director at Republic, who arrived as Smith and the others were detained, said: “They were collecting the placards and bringing them over when the police stopped them.
“The guys asked why and they were told: we will tell you that once we have searched the vehicle. That’s when they arrested the six organisers. We asked on what grounds they had been arrested but they wouldn’t say. It is a surprise as we had had a number of meetings with the police. They had been making all the right noises”.
full article
dont you love it when your government decides to not even bother hiding the fact the fascist tendencies theyre leaning more and more into?
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landososcar · 3 months
so american ; CL16
pairing(s) ; charles leclerc x american!reader
summary ; in which a trip to monaco turns permenant because of one ferrari racing driver
warnings ; fast paced relationship, smau, google translated french (pls correct anything that’s wrong) & FLUFFF
note ; lol sorry i lowkey disappeared. anyways. here’s charles and leo (aka everyone’s fav duo)
instagram !
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liked by friend1, charlesleclerc, and others
youruser leo & i might never leave 🥰🇲🇨
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friend1 monaco is so so beautiful
yourbff you can’t leave me here alone in the us
youruser but…
charles_leclerc im stealing her
yourbff you’ve know her for 3 weeks
charles_leclerc whats your point ??
friend2 the states miss you come home
friend3 leo has a new lap to sit in????
yourbff i feel cheated on
charles_leclerc i’ll make sure you don’t leave ☺️❤️
youruser having the best time of my life with you🫶
yourbff saying you’re not gonna let her leave is kinda creepy not gonna lie…
charles_leclerc you’re just jealous coz she doesn’t wanna go back to the us and wants to stay with me
friend4 you look so happy😁
instagram !
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liked by fan1, fan2, and others
cl16updating recent pictures of charles with a puppy, fans who asked him about the dog say his name is leo and he is not charles dog but he is staying with him for a while!! we are also unsure who the girl in his car in the last picture is, if anyone has any idea please share her instagram @ with us!!!!!!!!
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fan1 omg he’s not his dog??? i’m devastated now i wanted leo paddock appearances
fan2 idk maybe if you guys find her instagram @ don’t share it,, if charles wanted us to know about her he’d share with us
fan3 if she doesn’t want us to know about her maybe she shouldn’t hang out with the prince of monaco
fan4 she should be able to hang with whoever she wants. some of y’all are so weird
fan5 imma steal that dog
fan6 that means we probs won’t get leo in the paddock😭
fan7 maybe leo is the girls’ dog and she’s a friend of charles visiting him or something idk
imessages !
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translation 1: ‘i’ll miss you so much’
translation 2: ‘we can be crazy together, my love’
twitter !
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instsgram !
youruser added to the story!
charles_leclerc added to his close friends story!
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charles_leclerc replied to your story
↳ you always do baby
↳ god you’re so cheesy
↳ i hate you
↳ can we go back home i miss leo
↳ charlie babe leo will be fine by himself for 3 hours
↳ i know i know
↳ i just love him so much
you replied to charles_leclerc’s story
↳ LEO GOT OUT??????????????? WHERE IS HE ??? IS HE SAFE??? DID SOMEONE FIND HIM??:??;??/??
↳ omg baby no leo’s fine i’m sorry for worrying you
↳ why would you joke about that
↳ i think i nearly had a heart attack
↳ you’re more obsessed with leo than me
instagram !
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liked by user1, user2, and others
f1wagupdates charles and his girlfriend (leo’s mum — we don’t know her name) this saturday. the owner of the first pic said that they were out for dinner with pascale, arthur, lorenzo, and their girlfriends.
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user1 she so beautiful oh my god
user2 where’s leo
user3 girl she doesn’t have to take him everywhere
user4 i think her name is y/n… my cousin in america said that she looks like someone she used to go to school with
user5 i looked through charles’ following and he follows a private account with that name @youruser
user6 ooo that could be her fs
user7 did she really leave leo alone.. she’s a bad owner wtf
user8 leo is a dog he’ll be ok by himself for a few hours omg you just want a reason to hate her go touch grass
twitter !
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twitter !
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instagram !
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liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and others
charles_leclerc happy gorgeous amazing month ☺️❤️
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user1 CHARLES who is THAT
user2 Y/N CONTENT ON THE MAIN ‼️‼️‼️
carlossainz55 whipped
user3 omg is she playing his piano
user4 yes with her feet
youruser love love love you
charles_leclerc chérie💓💓
user4 anyone else think they’re moving REALLY quickly…. like i heard they’re living together already
user6 it’s none of our business
yourbff you’re all she talks about oh my GOD
charles_leclerc are you jealous
instagram !
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff, and others
youruser “too much, too soon” i’m living with him lol
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yourbff remember when we had conversations that weren’t about him
youruser wdym
yourbff i hate him
yourbff you’re OBSESSED with him
yourbff you guys are DISGUSTING
youruser you sound jealous
yourbff i AM. that little french driving man STOLE my best friend
charles_leclerc FRENCH????????
friend1 miss you 🫶🫶
joris__trouche ❤️
friend2 come visit soon we miss youuuu
friend3 you’re so so so gorgeous
charles_leclerc MON AMOURRR
yourbff can you get me a ticket to the miami gp so i can see my wife pls
charles_leclerc no you’re gonna try steal her back
yourbff @youruser ur boyfriend is being mean to me
youruser charlie i lost my miami paddock pass can you get me another one pls but like could you put it under the name y/bff/n y/bff/ln please, for no reason☺️
charles_leclerc okay baby💓💓
youruser stop it i love you so so much you’re so adorable😭
leclerc_pascale Leo ❤️
youruser he misses you 🥰
imessages !
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my other works !
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ladymarvel27 · 3 months
Max: WHOEVER CAUSED THIS MESS IS GOING TO- Charles: It was me. Max: be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
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sainzofthetimes16 · 5 months
the one and only, il predestinato
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lndonorizz · 28 days
Hi! :)
May I request sth with Lando where reader is Oscar's sister and her and lando just don't get along at all, they're always bickering and fighting etc.
At some point lando and reader are alone and she gets hurt (maybe she cuts herself, nothing super serious lol) and lando freaks out. Like "why do I always have to worry about you?? Why don't you take better care of yourself?"
And they both end up kissing <3
LN04 x piastri!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: kissing, injury, blood (mention)
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Did your brother think it was a good idea for you to housesit? And with the person you hate the most. Mentally, you were killing Oscar right now. You hands letting the frustration out on the chicken that you were cooking for dinner.
"Who pissed you off?" You hear a voice. Looking at him, his hands in his pockets as he looks over at you before walking in. "Isn't you enough?" You said with a fake smile as you roll your eyes.
"Fair point" he smirks as he walks over to the fridge, taking out a box of cherries as he places them down on the counter. Taking one out as he bites down on it. "Can you go out?" You ask as you placed the knife down.
"Why?" He furrows his brows as he spits the seed out into his hand. "I cannot cook with someone else in the kitchen" you sigh out as you look over at him. A smile tugs his lips as he leans over the counter.
"Sorry, no can do" he winks as he chuckles. You groaned as you went back to cutting the chickens into strips. "What are you making?" He asks again. "Making meal preps for Oscar and me" you replied. Taking the strips as you set them aside, now chopping them into cubes.
"Do you want any help?" Lando starts to walk towards the place you were standing at. "Don't you dare" you reply as you hold the knife Infront of you. He raised his hands as a sign of surrender, "touch anything" you finish the sentence as you go back to cutting.
"I can at least heat the pan?" He said with a raised brow. You rolls your eyes as you wave the knife as a go ahead sign. You hear pots clanking against each other as he puts it over the stove.
You look back to watch him, "put less oil- ouch" you yelp as the sharpness grazes you. "what happened?" Hearing his voice so close startled you a bit as you step back. Hitting your elbow on the counter. "God, why are so careless?" He huffs out as he grabs your wrists.
Pulling you towards the sink as he hold the finger that got grazed under it. Letting the crimson liquid wash away as he presses it slightly. "Why do I need to always worry about you?" He rants as he tsks his tongue. A frown on his forehead.
"Go sit over the stool and do not fucking move" he warns as he turns the stove off, walking towards the bathroom. You go as you sit over the kitchen stool.
"I've told you thousand of times to be aware" he continues as he walks in. First aid kit in his hand. "Lando, it's nothing serious-" you try to get the words out but only earning a glare.
"Don't bullshit me" he warns as he takes a bandaid, applying a bit for alcohol on it as he wraps it around the grazed finger. The proximity closing as he almost pushes in between your legs, trying to get a better angle for him to apply it.
As he finishes up, he looks at you. His front curls grazing your chin a bit as he does. You let out a shake breath at the closeness. He looks so.. good?
You could see the way his adams apple bobs up and down whenever he swallowed, your eyes flicking towards it everytime. Your lips gaped as you look towards his eyes again.
You leaned a bit closer, trying to close the proximity. A pull that wasn't ever here now suddenly so strong you didn't wanna pull away. His eyes flicker to your lips , your name sounding now oh so sweet when he whispered it.
Before anything you felt a hand around the back of your neck as he pushed you forward. Your lips colliding as he straightens up. Your head tilting back a bit, lips moving in sync.
The hand at the back of your neck now delving into your hair but his thumb circling at the side of your neck. His tongue flicking out to swipe against your bottom lip. Pulling away breathless as he licks his lips.
He chuckles, you look up at him now. "The meal preps?" He questioned with a smile, his hand now cupping your cheek as he circles his thumb around it. "Yeah, the preps. He'll be here tomorrow to pick them up" you replied. Both of you, not making a move to pull away.
This felt comfortable, right.. safe. Just looking at each other, his touch making you lean towards him. Maybe your brother has to starve another day or two.
[a/n: I realized I need to write to keep sane this exam season]
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pippin-katz · 1 month
Why Did Charles Keep Asking About Edwin's Conversation With The Cat King?
I was reading a fic where Edwin agrees to the Cat King's initial offer, but because time passes differently in whatever room that is, he's gone for six weeks even though it was a couple hours for him, and it got me thinking. I worked out why Charles was so pushy about that conversation.
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Charles and Edwin have been together for 30 years. The way they act gives me the feeling that they spent very little time apart, and wherever one went, the other went too. In the fic, Edwin's inner monologue refers to it as "shared memories"; they experience everything together.
But now, there's this.
Edwin disappeared for hours on Charles' side of things. He had this conversation with a magical being, a stranger that sets off warning bells in Charles' head. He came back with a magical bracelet that trapped him in Port Townsend, that he couldn't remove, and something about his behavior was off.
Charles is not stupid or oblivious. He reads Edwin like a book, albeit with blurry text. He knows something is not quite right, but doesn't know what. And he knows it's because of whatever happened in the few hours that he wasn't with him.
For what is likely the first time in 30 years, Edwin has experienced/done something significant without him. Charles is in the dark; he wasn't there to see or hear what happened for himself. All he has to go on is what Edwin tells him, and he gets the immediate feeling that he's not saying everything.
When talking about it in front of Crystal, he just asks if he said anything else, but once they're alone in their office, he's direct.
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Charles is absolutely (and correctly) sure that Edwin hasn't told him the real/full truth about his meeting with the Cat King, and tells him as much.
The way he asks feels... calm? Crystal's not there, they're alone, they're in their safe space, why wouldn't Edwin tell him? He probably thinks he would, but obviously, he doesn't. He lets a detail slip that confuses and concerns him even more; the Cat King whispering in his ear. That confirms very close proximity between them, something that's potentially dangerous and something he knows Edwin doesn't particularly like, and Charles is just... lost, uncomfortable, and frustrated.
Can you imagine how maddening that must have been? To not know what really happened? To only have vague descriptions of the events from his friend? To see and know that something is wrong with him, but being unable to truly help because he's clueless as to what the actual problem is?
It's highly likely that this is the first time Charles has ever encountered this.
As Edwin says, he's "fixated" on this. It's like there's a page missing in his copy of the script of events. He's never had to worry about it before; he was always there with him. Edwin says it's not a big deal, but Charles can't make that call himself. It's not that he doesn't trust Edwin; it's his protectiveness of him. He wants to see and assess the situation for himself. He wants to be positive there's no danger, that it meets his standards. He needs to know everything about where Edwin is, what he's doing, who he's with, at all times, so he can be ready to protect him.
As Jayden put it, Charles has given himself the mantle of Edwin's guardian. Edwin dedicates all his time and energy into helping others, to the point of neglecting himself. In response, Charles dedicates himself to Edwin. If he won't take care of himself, if no one else is going to help him, Charles will. As he says in Hell when he's rescuing Edwin, "Someone's gotta do it."
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this essay & would like to support me, you can give me a tip on my Ko-Fi! ☺️
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moonbeamdagger · 2 years
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edwinisms · 1 month
the way that charles seems to be walking on air, schoolgirl-level giddy in the scenes after edwin’s confession instead of awkward or distant. the way he seems soooooo satisfied after all these bouts of jealousy over other guys edwin’s been entangled with because out of all those options he’s the one edwin chose. the way he responds ‘it didn’t’ without needing to think about it for a single second when edwin expresses his fear that he’s made him uncomfortable by confessing. the way he’s flirting with him by the end of the finale, teasing about how charming his smile is to the guy who he knows very well has been charmed by him. charles rowland you are not subtle
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