hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
I know all of you seen this coming (or not) but believe me… the admins doesn’t want this but it came to it.
SEA is closing down. For good.
No more revamps, no more coming back because honestly, you can’t bring back the dead and we realized it. I would like to apologize for not being a great...
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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I know we've both been busy these days, but I just thought I'd drop by to say Happy Valentine's Day & Happy Eleven Months Hyo! I miss you :3
- Gyu
KIM.SUNG.GYU! O w O I wasn't able to drop by last Friday..Mianhae~ -frowns-  But first thing I did when I got on was to check my inbox just in case..and WOW..I wasn't expecting this ; u ; Thanks my Cat King, I am happy and the same time sad because I haven't even made anything for you ..while you despite being busy had made such wonderful gift ; n ; I'll make it up to you, I promise!  But hey, I got one thing to give .. my endless love for my dear Cat King :3 Yeahh i know i'm getting cornier e u e Hyogyu is sailing for nearly a year now! Hope we can find time to talk to each other~ Though we are busy with lots of stuff this ship won't sink 5ever. I miss you Gyu and I love you FOREVER & ALWAYS! Happy Valentines and Happy 11 months My Dear Cat King! Let's stay strong!
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
- hyo's ghost le lurking on SEA grounds -
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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Kris Wu throughout 2013
inspired by this
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
(/places the jar outside the door)
"IT IS THE LAST DAY OF 2013 and I wish you the very best for the year ahead. Please stop worrying over the bad things that happened to you this year and start focusing on the new year ahead. You've gone this far and don't let petty people bring you down. The things that happened this year... count them as a blessing and lessons for you to be stronger. With this, I wish you a very happy new year!"
Energy Cookies
So this is what you were up to a while ago! Ahaha~ They are like pills so cute :3 Thanks Rinnie! I wish you all the best as well my forever partner-in-crime ;) HAPPY NEW YEAR \o/
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
hwejixsea replied to your post:hwejixsea replied to your...
Btr feels back again? o u o [I want a new theme…]
mhm well it's beginning to come back last week cuz of ooc matters....then now  the playlist has btr..okaydestiny [go change if you want lolz]
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
Reblog if you've never had a New Years kiss
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
hwejixsea replied to your post“@seoulelite-academy”
Why are you fangirling again, detective hyo? o u o
Because it's Big Time Rush!!!!! im a BTRusher ;;;; u ;;;;
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
After the suggestion from the anon and then an urgent meeting by the admins, we decided to open up registration for people who wants to join us to give out hugs! Yes, you can also give out hugs to people for a good cause. How can you participate?
Send us a message...
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
Learning sites
Talk To Me In Korean
Sogang Online Lessons
Let’s Learn Korean - KBS
For fun
Yahoo Korea Kids (It’s cute, it’s fun and very helpful)
Korean-English Dictionaries
Naver 신어 Dictionary
zKorean Dictionary
Please, do not re-post this content on your blog without crediting me. 
Korean Language Resources
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
are you going to fan girl?
maybe? maybe not?....well I am in the middle of something so uhHHHHH...maybe later e u e
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
I see Big Time Rush in the playlist O U O 
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hyoyeon-sea · 11 years
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Background: Hyukjae was born in Seoul twenty years ago in one of the wealthier family in the city.He left Korea when was only a little kind to going to live with his grandfather after his father got murdered and his mother wasn’t able to take care of him due to depression. He sometimes may seems a social outcast and out of mind person but it’s just his appearance . He love to socialize maybe a bit too much. He has an easygoing personality. Always with a smile on his face in attempt to make other smiles and cover up his true self and the many scar hi young soul has to carry.. To survive hi high school years Hyukjae closed himself, building up a unbridgeable wall and he didn’t allow people to enter his life too easily didn’t want to get left and burn due to the possibility of loosing someone else who care. He could have left again a place who were started to like or better love. During those years even tho He passed almost of his free time on books,  study anything what catch his attention and likes and thanks to his particularity of his mind he didn’t have problem to memorize and red in a very fast pace, he was a vary party hard kid. He always end up to be taken home by his grandfather bodyguards, high or a way to drunk to even remember what is name was. After had passed most part of his teen years in the US his grandfather decided to send his back in Korea were he would have attended one of the most prestigious Academy in hope to make him behave and follow finally those rules where a bit too tight for him.
The change of city and company makes Hyukjae become a  solo boy who prefer the company of a good book instead to going out, clubbing and meet new people as he normally do when he was in America. Why? Because is aspect - who s yes it must been of a n handsome boy but that same aspect made people run away from him before get the chance to know him better cause even he might be a closed person when he feel safe he might open up and show his  true self.
Personality: Hyukjae is a bit a bipolar person, at first meting he can pul up his shy side or his bratty/charming side and all depend on who he has in front of him. He sometimes may seems a social outcast and out of mind person but it’s just his appearance, he an outgoing person with a colorful personality. Which side of him is true, no one knows, only the most lucky one could end up to see his true self.
para: sometimes
Please welcome new student, Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) to our school.
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