hypersaline · 2 years
So. It's been a long few months for me. I got very sick and lost my job and my insurance, my apartment, both my cats… I'm living on charity now, but for the moment, I'm living. I was able to keep many of my possessions, including my desktop. Unfortunately I don't have anywhere to set it up or any way to get it online if I did, and I'm still not well enough to concentrate or problem-solve, so this blog is on indefinite hold. This game tends to suck me back in, so it's possible I'll be back someday if things get more stable. If not, I wish you all the best.
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hypersaline · 2 years
@coriel-muroz​ asked about compatibility with EPV's "Listen to Story/Kids Read to Toddlers/Read Books Autonomously.”  Here's an override file to make that combination work.  Load order is very important here:
(0. College Date/Party Annoyances if you're using it) 1. Teens Study Together 2. EPV's mod 3. This new file (last)
You'll see conflicts between these three/four files on the HCDU+, but that's expected -- just make sure the load order's correct.
Download the override here.
Hi!! Your mods are so cool! Hope you're well. Would you be interested in enabling the university option to Research and do Group Research for teens, giving them school credit and relationship points?
Thank you!
Here's a teen-enabled version of College/Research. This includes trait support and requires HB's Easy Inventory Check (but still works fine without traits as long as you download that mod).
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The interaction is available autonomously both for household members and for guests, but I've restricted it quite a bit and kept its advertising pretty low, and my playtesting suggests that it shouldn't get chosen frequently enough to be irritating. Autonomy is based on traits, aspiration, personality, and current grades. If you want a no-autonomy version, just let me know.
Keep in mind while you're playing with it that it'll take a while to show any effect on their grades -- if a non-Genius is studying alone, it'll take about half a fun bar's worth of studying to raise the grade by one level (e.g. C to C+). They also won't get any benefit at all if they quit halfway through, so in most cases they'll quit studying as soon as their grade point rises that first time. (They might keep going if their mood is still fairly high or if they're working with a group.) This is meant as more of a weekend extra-credit project than an alternative to homework.
Since I had to edit the research interaction for YAs to enable it for teens, I also made some similar changes to that -- I've overhauled when it's autonomously available and who is likely to choose it as well as given Geniuses extra benefit. This is compatible with my College Date/Party Annoyances Mod as long as this loads last but doesn't require it.
I hope this works for what you needed!
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hypersaline · 2 years
Hi! I really like your most recent mod! However, there are 3 files with the same name and i’m not sure if I should download all of them or just choose one? Thank you!
Thank you!
Sorry about the confusion -- those are parts one, two, and three of the same mod. For technical reasons, it was best to leave it split across several files. So you'll want all of them plus the Phone Call Global Fix by @picknmixsims (included in the download thanks to his generous policy).
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hypersaline · 2 years
A mod for Jane Roe
Maybe you went a little further than you meant to in that photobooth last night.  Maybe you wanted another baby, but you're a housewife raising two boys in a trailer and the husband who was supposed to provide for you died in a tragic pool ladder accident right around the time the morning sickness kicked in.  Maybe you were innocently working on a logic point in your own backyard when you were abducted and impregnated against your will.  Whatever happened, it's going to be okay.
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If you're lucky enough to put two and two together when you start losing your breakfast, it's simple and easy: go to any sink and take one pill with plenty of water.
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If you don't know until you stop fitting into your jeans, it's still under control.  Call a nanny if needed, make sure your pets are fed, and then use any phone to call the local abortion clinic.
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They'll send a taxi to collect you, and you'll come home a few hours later none the worse for wear -- maybe a little tired, but ready to move on with your life.
Download here, and please consider donating to Planned Parenthood.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Hi!! Your mods are so cool! Hope you're well. Would you be interested in enabling the university option to Research and do Group Research for teens, giving them school credit and relationship points?
Thank you!
Here's a teen-enabled version of College/Research. This includes trait support and requires HB's Easy Inventory Check (but still works fine without traits as long as you download that mod).
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The interaction is available autonomously both for household members and for guests, but I've restricted it quite a bit and kept its advertising pretty low, and my playtesting suggests that it shouldn't get chosen frequently enough to be irritating. Autonomy is based on traits, aspiration, personality, and current grades. If you want a no-autonomy version, just let me know.
Keep in mind while you're playing with it that it'll take a while to show any effect on their grades -- if a non-Genius is studying alone, it'll take about half a fun bar's worth of studying to raise the grade by one level (e.g. C to C+). They also won't get any benefit at all if they quit halfway through, so in most cases they'll quit studying as soon as their grade point rises that first time. (They might keep going if their mood is still fairly high or if they're working with a group.) This is meant as more of a weekend extra-credit project than an alternative to homework.
Since I had to edit the research interaction for YAs to enable it for teens, I also made some similar changes to that -- I've overhauled when it's autonomously available and who is likely to choose it as well as given Geniuses extra benefit. This is compatible with my College Date/Party Annoyances Mod as long as this loads last but doesn't require it.
I hope this works for what you needed!
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hypersaline · 2 years
Sorry about the delay on the other two tutorials I promised; I’ve been sick IRL, and tutorials take more brainpower for me than most things Sims-related.  They’ll be up sometime next week.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Tutorial: Warning messages for missing custom globals
This post is probably only going to be of interest to experienced BHAV modders.
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I've found a way to make global mods that rely on custom globals give an explanation about what's wrong if the user doesn't have the correct custom globals installed (with a major caveat: this only works the second time the user encounters the same error on the same residential lot).  I'll follow up over the next couple of days with a tutorial on how this works for objects (including custom socials) that rely on custom globals and another that explains how to make a repositoried object tell the user which object is missing if it's going to flash blue.
You’ll need to start your mod off with the GlobalWithWarning file uploaded here at SFS.  You can feel free to rename it, add other resources to it, etc. -- this is just a template to work from.
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So, first thing you'll do is open up the "Append global here" BHAV, hit the "Append BHAV" special button, and find the global you want to mod.*  Make sure to view the BHAV first so you can copy its name and note down its instance number.  Then go ahead and append.
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Fix the name and instance number of the newly-merged BHAV.
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Then swap over to the converter tab and find the decimal version of the instance number.
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Add 1001 to the decimal version and make that into the instance number for the Lua text list.
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Add another 2000 (so 3001 from the original instance number) and make that the instance number for the Dialog text list.
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Go in and edit the Dialog list now -- paste the name of the BHAV in on the second line and edit the first line as needed.
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Now it's time to edit the BHAV.  First look for node 0xD and edit the first two operands to match the Lua list's instance number (here, 0x07A5 turns into A5 07).
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Then go up and edit the global checks in nodes 0x1 and 0x2.
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In this case, we don't care whether Easy Lot Check is installed, so we'll delete that node and set the Param 7 = 1 branch to return true either way after it runs Easy Inventory Check.
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If we wanted to add a third global to check for, we'd add in a third node and make sure the preceding node points to it whether the preceding node returns true or false.  (We don't care what Easy Inventory Check returns, since we're passing it junk data anyway; we just need to know if it'll run at all.  The one thing to keep in mind is that if the BHAV might return an error with the wrong data passed to it, you'll need to do some more in-depth editing to send it valid data, because this will interpret any error as a missing global.)
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Set Local 0 on node 0xB to the instance number of the BHAV.
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Finally, go double-check that the number of locals is sufficient for the BHAV you've appended -- it's really easy to forget.
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And that's it.  You can go ahead and edit the rest of the BHAV as desired.
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If Easy Inventory Check is installed, then nothing will happen in-game and the mod will silently work as intended.
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If it's not, though, there'll be one unexplained reset/error message, and then the second time the user encounters the same error on the same residential lot, they'll get a pop-up explaining the issue (pictured up at the top; the “Snap Failure” dialog string was the best one available for this purpose without requiring each mod to include a conflicting edit of the global dialog strings).
Note that if a user installed a whole slew of things with missing globals that all used this technique, it's possible that they'd get an warning message about a different missing global than the current interaction needed.  The user should end up collecting them all eventually, though, so I don't think this is a problem.
I hope this technique makes life easier for both downloaders and modders.
*The technique needs to be modified to work for semiglobals.  Basically, you need to edit a number in the Lua script (convert the semiglobal group number to decimal and stick it in place of the last number on the fourth line), then add a "$GlobalString:0:1" line to the dialog STR# for the semiglobal group and edit the dialog primitive in the BHAV to reference it.  Feel free to ask me if you need further details; I'm happy to help.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Hi. Really cool that you are open to mod ideas. Also cool if you aren't interested in this one.
I'd love a mod that allowed more parenting.
Parent (or other caregiver) could send kids/teens to bed; call kids/teens to wake up; maybe even send them to take a bath/shower.
Could create a relationship boost if the kid is tired/rested/dirty and a relationship hit if they are not.
I like this idea a lot, so I'm elaborating on it a little; I'm not sure when it'll be done, but it is in progress. Thank you!
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hypersaline · 2 years
Just letting you all know -- I’m open to mod requests/suggestions at the moment.  I might say no to any given one, but feel free to ask.  Making stuff for other people is often a pleasant break from what I’m working on for myself.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Skunk Spray Sticks
Someone on Discord mentioned that they wanted this, and I liked the idea too, so here’s a silly little mod that makes skunk spray impossible to wash off for members of the current household unless the sprayee has a bar of extra-strength soap in their inventory.  It uses a token, so don’t remove it without using the interaction on the soap bar to uninstall it.  Please note that any sim who’s in the bath or shower when you install it will error out; there shouldn’t be any subsequent errors.
Download it here at SFS.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Saline Bodyshapes V2 - Enabling Traits
Here's the tutorial on setting up different outfits for different traits -- such as different social classes -- with my bodyshapes mod.  It also explains how to change a shape’s default assigned outfit.
You'll need to download the Uniform Template here.  You'll also need to know the GUID of the trait you want to associate with an outfit.
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1) Open up the recolor file for the specific garment you want the sim to age up into.  Make sure it's already bodyshape-friendly using this tutorial.  (One important caveat -- if the outfit will be used as either outerwear or athletic wear, it must not be enabled for maternity or the game will crash when the sim tries to change clothes.  I don't know why.)  Write down the group and instance numbers, and then open up the Object Workshop.
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2) Clone the uniform template.  Make sure to give it a new GUID and write the new GUID down.
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3) You'll see four 3IDRs with different instance numbers:
0x1 is YA 0x2 is elder 0x3 is adult 0x4 is teen
Open up the one you want to change.
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4) The second through eighth lines of each 3IDR refer to individual garments.
1: ignore this line 2: everyday 3: sleepwear 4: swimwear 5: athletic 6: formal 7: outerwear 8: underwear
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5) Pick the line or lines you want to change, and edit the group and instance numbers to match the ones you wrote down for the item you want sims of that class to be automatically assigned.
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6) Now, open up the LadyApple2 file and look at the BCONs.  You'll want the second one, the one with an instance number of 1001.
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7) Put the last four digits of the trait's GUID into the first line, the first four of the trait's GUID into the second line, the last four of the uniform's GUID into the third line, and the first four of the uniform's GUID into the fourth line.  (That is, if the trait is 0x9930E34F, the first two lines need to be E34F and 9930.  If the uniform is 0x00626EB2, then the third and fourth lines need to be 6EB2 and 0062.)  Leave the last line as 0xFFF.
8) If you just wanted one trait to have its own uniform, then you're done.  But if you wanted multiple traits to each have different uniforms, you need to add some lines to the BCON so there's room.
First, go back and repeat the steps above for each trait you want an age-up outfit for.  Then, once you're back at the trait constants table, delete the last line (the one with 0xFFFF as its value).
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9) Add another group of four lines and fill them in for the next trait/uniform using the same pattern (last 4, first 4, last 4, first 4).
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10) Finally, add one last line and make sure its value is 0xFFFF.  This is important.  The mod will only know to stop looking for more traits when it finds a line that says 0xFFFF; if you leave it out, you'll get errors.
That's it!
One thing to note while you’re doing this is that the mod will stop as soon as it finds one trait that the sim has.  So let's say you add first the royal trait with Western-style royal clothes and then a Far East trait with Asian clothes.  If you're giving a token to the emperor of Japan, the mod will see the royal trait at the top of the list, assign the royal clothes to the sim, and never even check for the Far East trait at all.  So if you're doing anything complicated you'll want to be careful with their order.
Another thing to keep in mind is that if a sim is given a relevant trait after they already have a bodyshape token, it won't immediately give them a new outfit, but (as long as you allow about six hours for the mod to notice the change, or else leave the lot and come back) they'll get the right clothes the next time they age up.
Finally, one last thing -- if you want to change the default, no-trait-found outfit, you'll open up the LadyApple1 file, filter it so that only resources with group 0xFFFFFFFF are showing, and then follow steps 3-6 with the 3IDRs you'll see there.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Saline Bodyshapes V2 - Lady Apple
It's only been a couple of days since the initial release, but @cindysimblr​ had an interesting request and I had some time to work on it, so here's V2 of the Bodyshapes Mod.  This should be the last major update for a while, besides releasing some other shapes.
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-The mod now has a framework for trait support so that, for example, you can have a Lady Apple noblewoman age into different clothing than a Lady Apple peasant.  The mod now requires HexagonalBipyramid's Easy Inventory Check.  Trait support is only a framework in the mod as it's released -- there'll be a tutorial coming in a few minutes that will explain what you need to do to customize and enable it -- and if you don't want traits to affect clothing, you don't have to do anything.  (You still need Easy Inventory Check, though.)
-The Clothes Picker now allows you to check which bodyshapes an outfit is enabled for without actually buying the outfit.  It's also now in the shape of a pile of clothes rather than a houseplant.  One thing to note is that the Clothes Picker is sellable in OFB stores, so you can still have a tailor if you want; if you have the business owner pick the outfit that's stored in the clothes pile before setting it for sale, this will persist through restocks, and the chosen outfit will still be saved in the clothes pile when you take it out of the customer’s inventory.
-This release fixes another couple of minor bugs with showerproofing temporarily disappearing in certain situations like move-in, and it now includes an interaction allowing all tokens to be removed from the neighborhood at once.
-Lady Apple now supports teens and (correctly this time) YAs, including college-related age transitions.
This edits several files, so if you've already downloaded, you will unfortunately have to redownload the whole thing.  You’ll need to delete the old folder rather than letting them overwrite.  Any clothing you’ve edited yourself is still fine to use with V2.
V2 is here at SimFileShare.
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hypersaline · 2 years
technical question, not a request: with your body shape mod, is there/could there be a way to automatically apply a custom skin tone based on a sim’s normal one? i use a custom skinblend for my androgyny shape sims, since i think regular textures look weird on that bodyshape, and it would be nice to like, link the s1 androgyny skin to my default s1 so i could easily change it in game. i haven’t used lifa’s trans shapes yet but i would assume they’d also benefit from using different textures than the AM textures for trans women and vice versa.
Short answer: yes, but it’s labor-intensive.
Long answer: Basically, for each pair of skintones you’d need to:
-Make a copy of the overlay’s GZPSes, BINXes, and 3IDRs (and, for sanity’s sake, stick them in their own package);
-Copy them a second time, give that batch of copies unique instance numbers so you can have separate AF and EF resources, and edit these BINX-matching 3IDRs to point correctly at these GZPSes and their matching 3IDRs;
-Change the group number on both batches of copies to a new one that’s smaller than the original group ID but still somewhere in the 0x5f000000 range, and change most of the references to the old group number to point at the new one (but *not* the collection references some of the 3IDRs have);
-Edit the GZPSes so that the ages are split out correctly, the priority is 0x0000ffff, and the skintone line is the ID of the non-Androgyny skintone;
-Edit the 3IDRs to point at the TXMTs from the Androgyny skintone.
So, basically, if you use ten skintones, you’ll be doing some tedious, fiddly work (and you’re going to have to redo most of it if you ever switch skintone sets), but it's completely feasible.  If you use a hundred skintones, you’d be better off learning to make a skin-switcher potion.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Bodyshapes - Hotfix
Hey, all, I made a stupid mistake in the bodyshapes mod that was keeping the shape from being showerproof for elders.  Please download the fixed LadyApple1 file here and let it overwrite the original.
ETA: Now also fixes a glitch with fitness states.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Making clothes compatible with the bodyshapes mod
There are a few different pieces to the bodyshapes mod I posted.  The first and simplest is making new clothing compatible with the hacked bonsai plant, so I'm going to post a quick tutorial on how to do that.  Please note that this *won't* change which outfits are automatically applied when adding the token and when aging up, just which ones the hacked plant can find.
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1) Grab the two matching outfits you're working with.  In this case, we're doing the Logwood and Alum recolor of the Acme Catalog's Merchant Dress.
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2) Open up the Maxis-sized dress and copy the group number.
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3) Open up the custom-sized dress and replace the group number for the 3IDR, the GZPS, the STR#, and the BINX with the one you copied.  Do *not* touch the TXMT.
4) Replace the instance number on those same resources with the number I've assigned to that custom size.  For Lady Apple, it's 0x00000014.  I'll put a list out of the instance numbers and the shapes that match them once I have a few more shapes done, but you can also open up the LadyApple2 file and look for the "Shape Number" line in its only BCON.
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5) Open up the 3IDR and change the references to the STR# and the GZPS to match the new group and instance numbers.
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6) Open up the GZPS and change the flags from 8 to 9.  Don’t forget to save.
And that's it!  It's a little fiddly, but it's a reasonably quick process.  Brief technical details are behind the cut.
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The FT sewing machine's dialog returns the group, type, and instance of the specific recolor chosen in the temps.  All the hacked bonsai plant does is check the sim who's buying the clothing for a bodyshape token, pulls the shape's number off of the token, and swaps the recolor's instance number out for the shape's assigned instance number before the garment is assigned to the family wardrobe.  Even though the unneeded recolor is hidden from the buy catalog, as long as the group number matches the Maxis-sized recolor's group number and the instance number matches the token, it's still accessible via this BHAV.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Saline Bodyshapes Mod - Lady Apple
Here's a proof-of-concept set of bodyshape mods.  It's likely to be subject to further polishing in the future but is, as far as I can tell, fundamentally sound.
With this in your downloads folder, your adult/elder female sims will have a self-interaction allowing you to choose the Lady Apple bodyshape.  Once chosen, their clothing will automatically change to a full set of Lady Apple-sized garments from the Acme Catalog project.  Their new body type will be showerproof and will stick across lots and saves, and if they're adults, they'll age into Lady Apple-sized elderwear as well.  Finally, using a specific hacked object, they'll be able to automatically buy hidden, Lady Apple-sized copies of correctly set up clothes to prevent the catalog from being cluttered with both Lady Apple and Maxis sizes for the same dress*.
Please note that this mod uses a token and must not be removed without first removing the token from each sim you've given it to.
To use this, you'll need to download clothing meshes and Maxis-sized recolors from the Acme Catalog directly.  I've only included peasant wear in this; all five everyday peasant recolors are included but only one recolor of each is included for the other categories.  I have included the necessary nude meshes, which can also be found here, with thanks to the Acme Catalog's generous TOU.
Posts going into more detail about the inner workings of the mod will follow at some point.
Download the mod here at SFS.
*Caveat: the method I've used doesn't work for clothes that are categorized exclusively as outerwear (though outerwear plus casual, etc., is fine), nor does it permit maternity wear to be chosen.
Some pictures are below the cut.
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With this method, bodyshapes can be showerproof with any skintone...
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...and can last through age transitions.
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They won’t appear in the buy-clothing catalog...
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...but, if purchased with the hacked houseplant I’ve included, will still be available in individual households’ wardrobes.
I hope this will make them more generally useful.
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hypersaline · 2 years
Hey, all.  I’m kind of back in a limited capacity.  I have no idea if/when most of my previous projects will be finished - I apologize for that.  Life is nowhere near as much of a mess as it was in December, but it’s pretty busy these days.
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