hyuuri · 8 years
Okita vs Kagura
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hyuuri · 8 years
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hyuuri · 8 years
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Okikagu moments episode 20
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hyuuri · 8 years
There is a Ginpachi-Sensei segment at the end of one of the episodes that covers the topic of Kamui's hair color being inconsistent, I couldn't tell you which episode it's tied to but it does exist somewhere in the series.
Thanks :)
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hyuuri · 8 years
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the evil counterparts 
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hyuuri · 8 years
Spoiler Alert ! Nalu Moment !
I know that a lot of people are upset because they didn’t show this scene below in episode 277 but my theory is that Hiro Mashima has his personal reasons for not showing it in episode 277. This scene literally confirms Nalu because Natsu is clearly talking about Lucy in this scene and he is telling Gildarts that he has feelings for Lucy and that he felt guilty for leaving her. This scene also proved that Natsu was missing Lucy just as much as Lucy was missing Natsu. This was a very important scene that confirmed Nalu. Which is why my theory is that Hiro Mashima is saving this scene for next season of Fairy Tail. It’s possible that scene is going to appear in the anime series when Natsu finally wants to tell Lucy how he feelings about her.
Natsu did say that there was something he wanted to do after the war and I am 100 % sure that it has to do with his feelings for Lucy. Hiro Mashima has confirmed in an interview that Natsu dose have feelings for Lucy but he hasn’t said anything because he’s afraid that she’ll reject him and not return his feelings.
Nothing Against Nali but Natsu and Lisanna have drifted apart. As seen in an episode, Natsu had feelings for Lisanna and they were always together but now Natsu spends all his time with Lucy even after Lisanna’s return and Lisanna also told Lucy to take care of Natsu which means that she respects and understands that Natsu sees her as just a friend and that Lucy is the one who he has feelings for. Lisanna basically understands that what they had in the past is over and they’re just friends now.
In this scene it’s hinted that they are talking about Fairy Tail and Igneel but they are clearly talking about a girl which shows how much Natsu has grown to Gildarts which is why this scene is very important because it show that Natsu still has a father figure in his life to give him advice and support.
It’s highly unlikely that they are talking about Igneel, I am sure that Natsu misses Igneel but this scene isn’t really about Igneel. It’s all about Lucy and how Igneel wanted him to live towards the future and show him how much he’s grown as man.
I am sure that Natsu was telling Gildarts that he wants a future with Lucy but like Hiro Mashima said Natsu is afraid to tell Lucy how he feels. TBH it’s not like Natsu has any experience with romance, so it’s normal for him to feel this way, especially when the one he has feelings for is not only his gulid mate but also his best friend and it’s normal for him to be afraid about telling Lucy how he feels because if she doesn’t feel the same it would make things awkward between them and might ruin the strong bond they have as friends.
Nalu has been confirmed to be an official ship so many times in both anime and manga series. So my theory is that this scene will take place in the anime series and mostly likely again the manga series when Natsu wants to tell Lucy how he feels about her. He  dose L-O-V-E Lucy but it’s a question to him at least if Lucy feelings the same way.
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hyuuri · 8 years
Gintama 581 SPOILER text
I found this beautiful gem between Kagura and Kamui 
神楽「つまりパピーの精力が強すぎてマミーの体が持たなかったとことアルか?」 Kagura: In other words, Papi’s power was too strong so Momi’s body couldn’t handle it?
神威「・・・?何を言ってるんだ?」 Kamui: What are you saying?
神楽「マミーの一輪のお花が枯れた理由はパピーがマミーとS◯Xし過ぎたせいアルか?」 Kagura:  The reason that Momi’s flower withered was because Momi and Popi had to much S*X?
神威「何を言ってるんだお前・・・」 Kamui: What the hell are you saying…
神楽「だからナニを言ってるアル」 Kagura: That’s exactly what I’m saying
神威「おいいいいいい!なに下ネタに走ってんだよ!今から、シリアス展開に入ろうとしてたところだろ!」 Kamui: Oiiiiii! Don’t change the subject! From now on it’s all serious!
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hyuuri · 8 years
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So this crossed my dash and I never realized how tall Tsukki actually is. HE’S TALLER THAT KUROO BY LIKE ONE CM!
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hyuuri · 9 years
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hyuuri · 9 years
The truth
Your car is German,
Your vodka is Russian,
Your pizza is Italian,
Your kebab is turkish,
Your democracy is Grecian,
Your coffee is Brazilian,
Your shorts is Indian, 
Your essance is Saudi,
Your phone is Chinese,
Your numbers are Arabic,
Your letters are Latine,
And you complain about the fact that your neighbour is an immigrant ?
Pull yourself together !
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hyuuri · 9 years
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hyuuri · 9 years
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Something strange is happening in Singapore today. 
On a busy street in Singapore, residents discovered a small doll leaning against a tree. The doll looked somewhat antique and had its eyes covered with a cloth. The cloth had some arabic text written on it. The doll’s backstory and the subsequent research hinted at the fact that the doll was possibly possessed.
In the words of the person who posted the pictures on Reddit, “The doll was found beside a busy street in Singapore. The Arabic word on the cloth is translated as ‘Bismillah’.
The ‘Bismillah’ maybe a blessing to keep the demon or jinn possessing it inside the doll at all times.
Stories from twitter revealed that the doll is possessed and has been moving around on its own when the original owner isn’t home. The owner binded the eyes and left it far away from home so it wouldn’t follow her back.
“Some say the doll can be heard talking when it’s left alone in a room and is found with its head turned in a different direction. It is said that it spoke in a Malay language and sound like an adult female.”
The original owner found that the only way to get rid of it and make sure it won’t come back is to cover its eyesight. The curse is rumored to have passed on to someone else who found it and untied the cloth unknowingly.
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hyuuri · 9 years
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Okikagu moment episode 17.
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hyuuri · 9 years
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Yorinuki Gintama-san Ending 4°
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hyuuri · 9 years
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hyuuri · 9 years
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More islamic quotes HERE
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hyuuri · 9 years
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More islamic quotes HERE
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