hyvnnies · 7 years
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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          the first thing kyuhan wants to do when the gang of aggressively complaining skaters comes around is to suddenly sit up and take as much space as he possibly can to catch at least one of them off guard, hopefully causing them to trip and piss them off. it’s something he absolutely would’ve done had he been alone or with somebody else, but in the presence of this particular stranger he merely ignores the bunch and opts to stare at their lips as they breathe out a soft whisper instead. everything about them seems soft and delicate, but their voice especially draws kyuhan in with an undeniably attractive FORCE. he can’t help but wonder what other certain noises sound like coming from the other’s plump lips. ❛❛ perhaps it was you who wanted to get to know me, ❜❜ the edges of his lips quirk up, and he’s licking them over before his eyes travel back to the other’s. ❛❛ if so, you could’ve done it without all this. ❜❜     
      despite the soothing motion of their gentle tug against the fabric of his shirt, he brings his hand up to press the piece of gum into their hand, letting his fingers linger against their soft skin. ❛❛ i thought that was awfully interesting. ❜❜ he says after his mind has clung on to the words they spoke.  ❛❛ does that mean you speak korean? ❜❜ kyuhan asks, deciding in the end not to bring up their interest in dancing instead. who knows what he would’ve said. ❛❛ i’m korean myself, ❜❜ kyuhan purses his lips, tapping his free hand against his leg. ❛❛ though i never learned a word of it. ❜❜ he shrugs, seemingly disappointed by the fact. he had more pressing matters in his childhood than learning a language, but a part of him has always been interested in the language that should’ve been his mother tongue.   
        ❛❛ me? ❜❜ kyuhan looks away, suddenly more fascinated by the sky as he moves to lay on his back again, only using one hand as a cushion now. ❛❛ we’ll need a few days to get to know me, ❜❜ he says, then turns his head towards them with an amused smile. ❛❛ so maybe you should give me your number, seeing as time won’t suffice us today. ❜❜ 
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           if they had to choose a single feature they particularly like about themself, deahyun would surely opt for their luscious lips   ------   they are something this tiny person is confident about, aware of how plump & soft they are. they are slightly parted while the stranger is looking at them & their tongue slowly moistens them as dae watches the other do the same, as if they are hypnotised.           ❛     i do want to get to know you, but i thoroughly enjoy being theatrical as well.     ❜          their giggle can be heard once again, though, it quickly falters once they engage in their first intentional physical contact. the much smaller hand is still against the larger one, that piece of gum practically melting between two palms. they attempt to swallow a lump that’s stuck in their throat, as eager fingers tenderly brush against the other’s skin, refusing to back off.        
               ❛    i can speak it, yeppeun namja.     ❜          they answer with an apparent cheeky smirk.           ❛     which means that i can teach you a word of two, if you want.     ❜          there’s a frown plastered on their face as soon as they see the other move away & it’s obvious to them that it will take some time to get this stranger to open up. they roll onto their tummy almost immediately, hand positioned right underneath their chin. reassuringly, they press their free palm against the other’s chest, smiling at the newly achieved eye contact.        ❛    i will give you my number, of course. but ...     ❜         a subtle blush tints their highlighted cheeks & they need to look away for a second in order to regain their confidence.           ❛     you should come with me now & let me deal with that tragedy on your leg. i mean, if you want to. my roommate moved out yesterday, so there won’t be any awkward introductions, or whatever.     ❜
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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                  utterly unaware of the girl who’s struggling to get back up on her feet in their peripheral vision, the tiny pink-haired person is searching for their sunglasses. they almost let out a full on whine when they notice them about a metre away from them. still, they manage to stretch out their arm & grab them, desperate to protect their eyes from the sun that’s hurting them & threatening daehyun with crow’s feet at such a young age. they check out whether there’s any damage on them & as they begin to put them on the bridge of their nose, they finally notice her fall once again right in front of them. seriously ? they only took their eyes off of her for three seconds. they gasp and their heart starts beating quicker in shock.
                 ❛     are you okay ?     ❜         they inquire, worry painted over their young features, making them appear older than they really are. they can notice something a bit strange about the other person   ------   is she drunk ? or stoned ? or both ? they don’t know and they certainly won’t ask. all they can do is crawl closer to her ( yes, their gluteus maximus are sore as all hell, but they are trying not to pay attention to them ) & view the damage she has done to herself.         ❛     hey, i live in a building right outside of this park. i’m a med student & i can clean your wound, i just need the stuff from my flat. you don’t want that to get infected. can you walk there or do you need me to carry you ?     ❜         they nibble on their lower lip, but still try to offer a friendly grin.
         she had tried and failed to get up. it went a little like this. First Min Seo had put her hands under her body, and then she had pushed her body up, thinking this was a great idea she continued until she was in a squatting position, and moved her hands away from her and she was smiling slowly about to answer the other, when her ankle wobbled only slightly ( but enough ) for her to scramble around and scrapping her knee of the pavement ( which for your information had little stones on it that hurt like a bitch ) she only laughed a bit more. “ oh shit, i think we might have something in common here. it seems i’m too messed up right now to function. “ she giggled slightly and returned their smile. 
          when min seo smiled genuinely it was something of a spectacle. she l i t e r a l l y had a million dollar smile ( the paps would kill for a picture, and she could put other models out of business ) her eyes crinkled at the sides, her lips stretched wide, and her eyes seemed to glitter. Min Seo ought to smile more, but she didn’t have much to smile for anymore so it was always a bit of a struggle to conjure up something she couldn’t feel in her heart, so she always kept her lips in a straight line, a frown, a smirk, anything other than that thing that people did to express their sheer happiness in a situation where they can’t even communicate it through words. however, right now she smiled, and she shook her head before stretching her legs out before her and assessing the damage ( a scraped knee, blood bubbling to the surface, tiny grains stuck to it. her hands were also scraped, small stones stuck in it, grazed skin that seemed angry and raw underneath ) she shook her head, dusting off her hands and then reaching forward to untie the roller blades. “i better take these off before i become a walking hazard sign, right?” 
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hyvnnies · 7 years
The question caught Carson off guard. She couldn’t remember what she put on her face. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at the color. “Oh, it’s, uh, MAC Faux, I think. I might be wrong. I have a few things in my soccer bag that I just put on after practice, but I don’t ever pay attention to what they are. Thanks though, I’m glad you like it.”
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              they are quick to nod gratefully, brows slightly arched at her following words.         ❛     you play soccer ? that’s ... awesome.   ------   i pride myself in not knowing how to kick a ball correctly. sometimes my foot misses the entire thing.      ❜         they chuckle quietly.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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     lips curving upwards, kyuhan keeps his eyebrow raised as he turns his body to face the other, much the same way that they’re turned towards him. ❛❛ now, why would you want to do something like that? ❜❜ he asks, voice still low and a perfect balance of smoothing over the consonants and rasping the vowels. he hadn’t expected his day to include lying in the middle of a skate park with a stranger he was making fun of three minutes ago, which he was now considerably more interest in, but he welcomes the experience in an almost expert manner because this– the randomness of the situation, the above average person ( read: stranger than most people ) and the almost romantic way the sun is beginning to set– it’s paradoxically exactly what he’s used to and it’s a situation he’s never been in. keeping his eyebrow raised in interest, his eyes s l o w l y travel down the stranger’s body, scanning for anything they may deem interesting. there are a lot of interesting things. ❛❛ well, ❜❜ kyuhan starts, his gaze going back to their pretty features. ❛❛ how am i supposed to, when i don’t know anything about you? how do i know that i want anything from you? ❜❜ he asks with a slight smile, readjusting his head on his palm. ❛❛ maybe you can tell me the important facts about yourself, and then i can set the price. you know, as i deem appropriate. but, they have to be the important facts. ❜❜ it’s an out-sized request for something as unimportant as a piece of gum he lied about being his last piece, but to kyuhan nothing is simply simple and he  wants to play that game  with this person.
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            what reminds them of where they’re located is a couple of enraged skaters cursing them out as they’re doing their best to go around and not over the peculiar pair. slightly scared, daehyun instinctively grabs a fistful of the male’s shirt and pulls themself closer, as if they have less of a chance of getting hurt that way. they let go as soon as the gang is gone, but remain closer than ever, with an apologetic grin on their plump lips. the stranger’s raspy voice threatens to lull them to sleep, but at the same time gives them goosebumps that are simply impossible to hide.           ❛     i don’t know   ------   why would i ?     ❜          they whisper, words hushed & breathy. it’s hard to suck in breaths when in your vicinity there’s a boy whose skin is being kissed goodnight by the sun itself, caressed with its golden rays. they’re melting at the overwhelming intimacy & tension this moment is providing them with, and perhaps them alone. they’re a sucker for romance, and this random exchange with a complete stranger is the closest they’ve ever been to a movie scene. as they feel his eyes wander over their entire body, they can only pray that they look decent enough.         
                ❛    if you want to get to know me, you can just say that without all of this, you know  ? but i’m warning you, i don’t have an interesting bone in my body. doubt you’ll want anything from me.     ❜          they lower their own orbs a bit as well, focused on the shirt they’ve crinkled beforehand. physical contact & affection are something they can’t live without, so, completely absentmindedly their short fingers start toying with the fabric, attempting to smoothen it out without touching the other’s body ( they still do it a couple of times, though, accidentally ).           ❛     so, i moved here from korea a year ago. i’m a med student & i identify as a demiboy who loves all genders, but, admittedly, pretty boys are my ultimate weakness.     ❜          they murmur with a slight flush, shy eyes skimming over the other’s features. it’s actually the very first time they’ve said those things out loud.         ❛    makeup happens to be my passion, along with anything sweet. meat makes me sick. dancing is cool. i’ll probably end up living with a cat ‘cause of my sappy, clingy nature. but that’s cool. i love cats. and apples. apples are great.   ------   i’m sorry, i can’t think of anything interesting or important. i’m the most mundane person in the world.     ❜         their wrist gets slightly tired, so they end up resting their head on their upper arm & gazing up at the other with black-rimmed eyes, eyeshadow slightly smoked beneath them.           ❛     tell me about yourself.     ❜          a hum escapes their throat as they’re struggling to keep their upper & lower lids appart.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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    upon changing position, the blood trickling down his leg begins trailing down a new route, however kyuhan doesn’t trouble himself with the thought of leaving a puddle of blood behind. it’s just a minor detail in his day. the other’s words surprise him, but he hides this reaction and instead unfolds the arm holding the camera from behind his head and brings it forward to stop recording. after he effectively turns the device off, he turns to look at the stranger with a raised eyebrow and a vaguely amused smile. ❛❛ you fell to get my attention? ❜❜ he asks, using the tone of voice he usually reserves for flirting. it’s breathy and draws attention to his lower tones. kyuhan hums as he’s considering this information, moving to pocket his camera in the yellow hoodie that hangs loosely on his form. after hearing their question, he smiles and digs into one of the pockets of his shorts, feeling at least four pieces of candy in there and knows there’s another fist-full in the other pocket. he didn’t only take one piece of gum at the reception desk, he dug his hands inside the bowl like two claw machines and grabbed as many as he could hold while the lady behind the desk looked at him like she wasn’t sure if she should tell him something. ❛❛ sure, ❜❜ he says, pulling out a piece of gum like the one he had unwrapped earlier. ❛❛ but this is my last piece, so it’s not free. ❜❜
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             whether the given information is correct or not is beside the point now. they’ve engaged in a dangerous dance, and daehyun is like bambi on ice, a trainwreck who can’t flirt to save their life. casually they support their head with their palm, free hand swiftly moving their bangs back & away from their forehead   ------   surprisingly, silver rings don’t get tangled or pull out any of their hairs in the process.           ❛     exactly. i couldn’t help it.     ❜          they respond in a soft tone, one that caresses ear drums much like cotton that’s brushed against sensitive skin. dae’s always craved a sexy, husky voice, but unless they made a great effort, it simply wouldn’t come out of their throat the way they imagined it. right now, they don’t feel like T R Y I N G hard. words are coming to them naturally, they aren’t choking on them, like they normally would. intrigued orbs travel down the stranger’s body, following his hand until that voice rings in their ears once again. their heart skips a beat at the male’s statement   ------   daehyun does not like situations in which they cannot predict the possible outcome, but something about the other compels them to play the game no matter what. so their following words are confident as they attempt to hide the fact that they are impatient as all hell.         ❛     name your price.     ❜
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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    upon hearing their question, kyuhan’s brows briefly raise in consideration before he looks up, scanning the area around them. he spots a group of people still looking at them in anticipation for whatever else may happen, and he has to agree that they make for an interesting picture. turning his head down again, he shrugs and capably moves to sit next to the stranger even with the roller skates on his feet. he likes the way the other looks– their way of expressing themselves through their appearance is with no doubt attractive. in addition to the appeal, he caught them doing something pretty stupid. if that’s a frequent occasion in this person’s life, then kyuhan doesn’t mind spending any time around them at all. ❛❛ did you fall so you could have this view of the sky? ❜❜ he asks, loudly chewing on his gum again as he lays back, moving his arms behind his head to use as a cushion.
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              their gaze follows the stranger’s. upon seeing a small group of people sitting on a bench, curiously scanning the two of them, they start fearing that he might refuse their offer without even considering it. but as he lowers his body right next to daehyun, they tilt their chin down, helplessly attempting to hide the curve of their lips. when their upper body comes in contact with the ground, they’re resting on their ribs rather than their spine, facing the boy who’s admiring the view, perhaps unaware of daehyun doing the same thing.         ❛     originally, i fell to get your attention. but i guess the sky is beautiful too.     ❜        they hum while talking under their breath, too shy to let anyone else hear that, even if it was a joke. the other makes them feel comfortable, their aura somewhat lowering dae’s walls. they bite down hard on the rest of their treat, feeling it shatter in their mouth with an obnoxiously loud sound. they grind the sweet pieces until there’s nothing left, and put the stick in their pocket ( they’ll throw it later & not on the ground ). now they’re looking for something else to occupy their mouth with, that aren’t their nails   ------   they’re coated in holographic nail polish, it’d be a shame to demolish them with their teeth. they seem to find a solution when their blue contacts wander away to the male’s mouth.         ❛     do you happen to have another piece of gum ?     ❜
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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     the soft sense of enlightenment dissolves from kyuhan’s expression and he’s staring BLANKLY down at the pink haired stranger. he completely comes to a halt while his thought process goes something along the lines of ‘ kick the lollipop out of their hand ’ to ’ they’re pretty cute ’ and finally to ’ wait, what did this goober just say? ’. he lowers the camera completely, sizing them up. kyuhan has absolutely no intention of letting them know that he had been recording during the moment of his fall. in retrospect, attempting to go down a considerably steep ramp while unwrapping a piece of bubble gum he took from a bowl of candy at a random reception desk hadn’t been one of his brightest ideas. still, he’d readily jump into a large fire before letting this person know that he’s ever had an uncool moment in his life. ❛❛ i’m unstable? ❜❜ he raises an eyebrow, forcibly ignoring the throb of his right leg. ❛❛ you’re on the floor. ❜❜
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               visibly they become less tense when the lens is no longer on them, a wider, somewhat thankful smile kissing their puffy lips.         ❛     i’m aware of that.     ❜        the smartass points it out, mumbling, with the lollipop still present in their mouth. they twirl the stick between their thumb & index finger, rosy petals puckered as they stare down the male before them. his attitude is appealing, daehyun can’t help but find him interesting, attractive. they want to know what he’s thinking.          ❛     join me. or are you too cool to sit with me on the ground in the midst of a park ?     ❜         they challenge him with a single perfect eyebrow, head tilted to the side as greedy teeth impatiently chew on the delicate skin of their lower lip.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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    kyuhan raises a contemplative eyebrow, his hands slowly lowering the camera so he can properly look at the stranger. he’s slowed down now, almost coming to a stop as he considers the other’s statement with lips curved down. he doesn’t like the way the lollipop is accusingly being pointed towards his bleeding knee, and considers kicking it out of their hand before he calmly thinks it over. he might just end up falling on his ass if he attempts anything so intricate and requiring of movement like that, and it wouldn’t be too different from the way the stranger just fell on their own ass. in the end, he smiles briefly, thinking that he won’t give up the position of being able to make fun of the stranger for a good reason. he then FROWNS deeply for ever considering doing something so malignant to someone who’s done absolutely nothing wrong to him. 
    N O T so enthusiastically chewing on his gum because he’s feeling bad about himself now, he breathes in and his expression grows some very mild contempt on it. ❛❛ if i fell down a ramp and no one was around to see me do it, did i really fall down? ❜❜ he asks prudently with a new faux sense of enlightenment around him.
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                watching expressions change on the male’s visage is like being blindfolded on a roller coaster   ------   you can’t possibly predict what’s coming next, it always takes you by surprise. they are genuinely entertained, a hint of a goofy smile present on their lips. the incredibly giggly person is gloating, feeling victorious because they somewhat successfully provoked the other.         ❛     yes. yes, you did.     ❜        they announce, as if the question was serious & made them contemplate for longer than a minute.         ❛     shame i didn’t get to see it. i might still have a chance, though, since you don’t look that stable at the moment.     ❜         they attempt to hide a grin with their lollipop, tongue skillfully wrapping around it once it enters daehyun’s mouth.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
Mabel: fried ice cream???? i have never tried it
Mabel: what i HAVE tried is the ice cream thing in a fish shaped whatever that was with red beans
Mabel: i'm just sick and tired of all the greasy food i've been eating
Daehyun: omg !! YOU HAVE TO. we're going r n
Daehyun: mmm hotteok. i'm literally drooling all over my phone. did you like it?
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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    there’s nothing jihoon can do once he’s set his eyes on daehyun, food and drink long forgotten in his mind now that they’re in his presence. the screen of his phone has gone black from disuse, completely i g n o r e d where it sits in his hands with the pad of a thumb still pressed against the screen as if he were in the middle of typing a letter. daehyun used to be the only person that made life as hanyeol MEANINGFUL, the single thing he regretted leaving behind whenever he took up a new life. he ate up each and every movement, every sound that came from them with his gaze, sure that this could possibly be the first and only time that they’re in his vicinity. though, the moment that their eyes met and that breathtaking smile was wiped from their features, he knew that it couldn’t be that easy.
    p a n i c and all of its symptoms come to him whenever daehyun begins making their way to him, jihoon’s gaze finally falling back down to the table as he shifts in his seat, wondering what the fuck he could possibly say. ❛ hello? how have you been? you look beautiful, even after all of this time? ❜ no, he couldn’t possibly say that. he’s jihoon, and jihoon didn’t know daehyun very well. the only time he remembers his brother and daehyun meeting was in passing, merely knowing of each other and being no closer than that. thankfully, he doesn’t have to break the silence when daehyun joins him. ❛❛ gomaweo, ❜❜ he responds, palms of his hands smoothing down the front of his suit before he even gathers the COURAGE to look back up to meet daehyun’s gaze again. ❛❛ it’s… it’s been a while. daehyun, right?? ❜❜ he has to sound genuinely curious, as if he doesn’t remember the name of his former best friend, but he has to remember— he’s jihoon.
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                 though the person opposite of them is easily one of the most handsome people they’ve had the pleasure of coming in contact with, their beauty is inferior to daehyun’s current emotions. it’s haunting, even. they can sense it coming like a tidal wave, a tsunami of raw, suppressed feelings that have been accumulating within daehyun’s thoracic cavity during the last couple of years. hearing their own name uttered in T H A T voice makes them sick to their stomach. they even physically flinch, long lashes fluttering in an irregular manner. they rid jihoon of any doubts concerning their name by giving him a small nod. it’s uncanny   ------   he doesn��t know the person that’s sitting in front of him. in the past, he based his opinion on whatever the deceased twin would say about him.
                 they clear their throat in a pathetic attempt to strange a whine. they’re unaware of a single tear that’s rolling down their left cheek until the moment it plops into the glass of cold water. how dare they cry ? who were they to HANYEOL to think they have a right to break down in front of his family member ? HIS BROTHER.        ❛    ji-ah,     ❜         they begin softly, fondly, addressing him with a concerned tone.         ❛     how have you been ?     ❜         instant regret. he lost his whole family, the answer should be obvious. daehyun drops their head at their idiotic inquiry, additionally covering it with their hands.         ❛     don’t.   ——   don’t answer that. i’m sorry. it’s just   ------   i’m ....     ❜         they can feel their palms trembling against their face, the silver rings slightly cooling their skin. they’re suffocating, choking on their own words.         ❛    this was a bad idea. i should go.     ❜         mumbling in korean, they completely disregard their food & get up, ready to flee.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
through sadness and difficult times i still don’t allow myself to become hardened by my hurt. i remain soft, hopeful, and compassionate. this is my nature and i do not give myself enough credit for it. softness is resilience too.
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hyvnnies · 7 years
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