No specific Hux whump ideas, but if you ever post it, please tag me! (I'm just a very big fan of when self-important, arrogant characters are put in a situation where they suddenly have no power lol)
I will definitely tag you!
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just found this blog,and I'm curious if you've ever done Hux whump 👀👀
Yes, but I've never posted it lol. If you have something in mind, I'll give it a shot
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Do you still write?
Yep, have just been away
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Are you still writing?
Hello Anon, yes, I am still writing, I've just had a lot going on :)
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Could you please do one for wesker with a female reader as his wife and how he would treat her threw out the years mabye starting with when he was still a part of stars. Thank you!
Hi, sure thing! I will add it to my writing list
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Yeah, hi, ehm... I guess I'm begging you for a part 5 of Falling? >.> Pleeeeaaase I need to know what will happen next! Your version of Wesker really intrigues me and I'm sure I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say that I'm really curious! Keep up the good work and thanks for writing these amazing fics!
Thank you for the interest. It's been a hot minute, but part 5 is in the works! I hope I will have it up by this weekend.
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Hi! Would you be so kind to write a smut story involving Jonathan Crane x dominant female reader? I can't find this type of anywhere lol. I hope it's not too unusual.
I absolutely can. Honestly, this is my kind of thing 😉
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Falling - Part 4
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Warnings: Injury mentions.
Taglist: @thesunschild777​
A/N: Alternate chapter title “Wesker actually does give a damn about someone other than himself. And he is just as surprised as the rest of us”
You woke up with a jolt, immediately sitting up.
Something you instantly regretted as your broken ribs screamed in protest.
“As admirable as your spirit is, dear-heart, I would appreciate it if you stopped damaging yourself just to prove a point.” Wesker drawled.
You glared over at him. “Why are you doing this?”
“And what would that be, Y/N?”
“Helping me. What’s it to you if I rip myself apart trying to escape? You can’t need a prisoner this badly.”
“I don’t need a prisoner at all.”
“Then why?”
“You intrigue me-”
“Oh come on.” You scoffed. “People don’t spare their enemies just because they find them interesting.”
“I agree, most wouldn’t, dear-heart. But as I am sure you’ve noticed, I am not most people.” Wesker’s voice was as infuriatingly calm as ever. He smirked at your scowl. “You’re so ready to fight me, even though you don’t know me.”
“Chris told me everything I need to know about you.”
“I’m sure Redfield did tell you about me, dear-heart. But prior to you rushing to your captain’s aid and tackling me out the window, you and I had never actually met.”
That much was true. You’d heard all kinds of stories about Wesker, and Chris and Jill had told you a lot about him. But you had never actually met him.
“Tell me, Y/N.” Wesker went on. “Have I actually done anything to hurt you?”
“Yes. You threw me into a wall!” You exclaimed.
Wesker shook his head. “That was when you tried to stab me, dear-heart. And all of your current injuries were sustained when you tackled me through that window. Since you have been here, have I hurt you?”
You said nothing.
“Even the wound I just fixed, for the second time, was reopened by you.”
You hated that he was right about that. He hadn’t hurt you. Fuck, he hadn’t even raised his voice at you.
“So I’ll ask you again, Y/N, aside from our scuffle during which you were fully armed, and willingly fighting me, have I hurt you at all?”
You closed your eyes.
“Well?” Wesker prompted.
“No.” You said quietly.
"There. Was that so hard to admit?"
You didn't reply.
He let out a low chuckle, and then left you alone with your thoughts.
Albert wasn’t exactly sure when he had started to care about the Agent’s well-being.
During the encounter with Redfield and Valentine, Y/N had shown the most endurance. When she had tried to stab Albert, he had caught her by the throat and thrown her right into the wall, which should have had her down for the count.
Less than a minute later she’d tackled him out a window, and, despite being nearly mortally wounded, she’d managed to swim to shore.
When he had seen her crawl up onto the small strip of beach, he had been more curious about her than he was angry with her. He had never seen anyone, aside from himself, who was so fucking determined to survive. So much so that she fought through the pain of her injuries.
At first, he simply had found her too intriguing to let her die. He had wanted to figure her out, wanted to know what gave her so much willpower.
He hadn’t anticipated that he would become fond of her.
He’d been impressed when she’d gotten out of her room, but seeing the blood on her... It had left him with a feeling he couldn’t exactly place. It wasn’t one he was familiar with.
You considered trying to escape again, but truly, you were too tired to bother. So you limped around the large room, exploring, but you made no effort to leave.
“Well well, what’s this?” Wesker’s voice startled you, and you turned to face the man.
“Y/N Y/L/N, not trying to escape?” The mockery made you scowl. “Truly, you are the most unpredictable woman I have ever met.”
“Well, at least I have that going for me.” You snarked in reply.
Wesker raised an eyebrow. “Well dear-heart, you’re attitude hasn’t changed at all.”
“Did you expect it to?” You asked coolly.
“No, but as I said, you are very unpredictable.” His orange eyes skirted over your body, before returning to your face. “Enlighten me, dear-heart, what causes a young woman such as yourself to join BSAA?”
“A young woman such as myself?” You asked.
“You are both beautiful and intelligent, you must have had many opportunities, and yet you chose this life. Why?”
The compliment caught you completely off guard, but you kept your expression neutral.
“Followed in my father’s footsteps.” You replied, seeing no reason to lie about this. He’d probably find out the truth anyways.
“I see.”
“You never answered my question. I asked why you were keeping me here. You said you didn’t need a prisoner. So why am I here if you don’t need me?”
Wesker smirked slightly, circling you.
“You’re here, dear-heart, because not only do you interest me, but I also quite like you.”
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Falling - Part 3
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Warnings: Mentions of violence and injury, swearing, thoughts of death (Not suicide), making an injury worse (Not out of self-harm).
A/N: Part four will be up sometime this weekend.
Tagging @thesunschild777​
You sat on the bed, glaring at the wall.
He had fucking kissed you, and you hadn’t done anything to stop it. Hadn’t reciprocated either, but still. You’d been so shocked that you hadn’t even thought to clobber him.
Not that it would have done any good against Albert Fucking Wesker.
I don’t interest you at all? The question bothered you, because, though you hated yourself for it, he did interest you. He was undeniably attractive.
You sighed, grimacing as pain spiked through your broken ribs.
Injuries so extensive they should have killed you. That’s what Wesker had said. Part of you wished that they had. Then you wouldn’t be in this mess now.
Still, you wanted to live. And you had. Whether or not it was worth the price you were currently paying, only time would tell.
It’s too late for regrets. You had told yourself the same thing after the fall. What’s done is done.
You shook your head. It was no use dwelling on the past.
You make a choice, you follow through. No room for second guessing, Whip. Chris had called you ‘Whip’ after hearing your academy instructor call you ‘whippersnapper.’
It pissed you off to no end, but Jill and Chris still sometimes called you by the nickname to get a rise out of you.
You missed them and that dumb nickname more than anything right now.
Tears prickled at your eyes, and you blinked them back furiously. You would not cry in this place.
Grimacing, you stood up, and limped across the room, to the door.
You tried the handle, not at all surprised that it turned out to be locked. You looked around, seeking anything to help you pick the lock.
Your eyes dropped to the staples in your stomach wound.
Pulling two of them out was gruelling, and this time, you couldn’t stop the tears. But once they were free, you were able to bend them into a straight line, and slide them into the lock.
The lock clicked, and you carefully opened the door.
You wiped your eyes, and started to limp down the hall.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as Wesker rounded the corner in front of you.
“You never cease to amaze-” His bored drawl cut off, as his glowing eyes dropped to your bleeding midriff, surprise flashing through them.
“What did you do?” He asked, his voice oddly low.
You didn’t reply, just backed up as fast as your injured leg would allow it. Wesker easily closed the distance between you, grabbing your arm.
“You are in no condition to be trying to run away.” He told you.
He was right about that. Your ribs hurt with each breath, your leg was threatening to give at any second. And the pain in your stomach was so intense that nausea was beginning to set in.
“Now, why is your wound reopened?”
You were too tired to think up a convincing lie of why you were bleeding, and how you had picked the lock.
You sighed in defeat.
“I pulled the staples out.”
“And why would you do something like that?”
“So I could pick the lock.”
“Well, you are certainly determined, and very resourceful.” As he started to walk you back to the room, you did the stupidest thing you had ever done. Not because it was reckless or dangerous, but because it was totally pointless.
You pushed back against Wesker, as hard as you could manage. Which was not very hard, and he certainly didn’t budge.
He heaved a sigh, and before you could really register what he was doing, he had scooped you up like a ragdoll.
“You don’t give up, do you?”
You didn’t answer.
“Don’t sulk, dear-heart. Just because I caught you doesn’t make your efforts any less impressive.”
Albert smirked slightly as Y/N scowled, annoyance washing over her lovely face.
As he sat her on the bed, and reached towards her bloody stomach, trying to get a closer look at the wound.
She swatted his hand away.
“Would you rather I leave it like this? Because it will probably kill you if I do.”
She didn’t answer. Stubborn as ever.
Heaving a sigh, Albert reached towards her again. This time, when she went to push his hand away, he caught her wrist. As Y/N tugged against his hold, he caught her other wrist, pinning both down under one hand.
She glared up at him, legs winding up for a kick. Albert rolled his eyes, and placed a knee across her thighs, pinning her legs down.
“All of this could be avoided if you would simply lie still, dear-heart.”
“Or if you would just get the fuck off of me, and leave me alone.” Y/N snapped in response.
“Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” Albert replied. “Now, you can lie still while I fix the damage you’ve done, or I can restrain you and do it anyway.”
“Fuck off.” The woman snarled.
“Fine, we’ll do it the hard way.” Albert huffed, letting go of her, and straightening up. He turned towards the door. If she wasn’t going to lie still, he’d just have to cuff her to the bed frame.
He hadn’t expected her to attack him, something he realized he should have seen coming as she tackled him to the floor. She was nothing if not a fighter.
Albert easily pushed her off of him, watching with admiration as she scrambled to her hands and knees. One might have thought her stupidly aggressive, but Albert knew better. That attack had been born of fear.
This was a bad idea. You thought, standing up on shaking legs. You were dizzy, and nausea rose in your throat. You swallowed hard to keep from being sick.
Wesker’s gloved hand gripped your upper arm, and you pulled back.
“Enough.” His tone was stern, but not overly harsh. Not nearly as angry as you would have expected him to be after attacking him like that.
Stars danced before your eyes, a metallic taste filled your mouth, and you had the vague sensation of falling.
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Survivor - Part 2 of 2
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Jack Krauser x Reader
Warnings: Some sexual implications.
It had been just over a week since he’d found her in the woods. Now that she was eating properly and getting enough sleep, Y/N looked much less fragile.
And she had more attitude than Leon Kennedy, which Jack had not known possible.
Still, it was endearing with her.
“C’mon, Big Boy. Your move.” Y/N teased.
“Best hope that your feet are as fast as your mouth.” Jack told her.
The combat training had been her idea. And, as it happened, she considered it a date.
Jack had never met a woman who thought that being instructed in hand to hand combat was romantic, but Y/N had outright said that she wasn’t very good at ‘soft romantic things.’
But then, neither was he.
After catching her by the arm and flipping her onto the mat, Jack stood up, watching as she scrambled to her feet, getting back into the combat stance.
“We can stop, if you want.” He offered.
“I don’t quit.” She grinned. “It’s why I’m so good at... other things.”
He snorted, shaking his head at the snarky attitude.
“And what other things would those be?” He asked, though he knew exactly what she was referring to.
“Oh, I’ll show you later. After we finish training.”
“I’m surprised you want to be trained. Excella certainly never showed any interest.”
“I think I’m a bit more rough-around-the-edges than Excella.” Y/N pointed out. “Actually... a lot rougher.”
She certainly was, and Jack liked her better for it.
You felt much more confident in your skills than you had when you’d started, that was for sure.
Not enough to come close to beating Krauser, but hey, it was only your first session. You’d get better.
“I enjoyed that.” You told him, as you walked through the halls. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Well, you certainly have a lot of potential.”
You smirked. “I always did like to play rough.”
That earned a throaty laugh from him.
“So, do I get a tour of this place?”
“Do you want one?” Krauser asked.
“Well, since I’m not going back to where I started, I might as well settle in.”
“You don’t miss your family?”
“Nah. And to be fair, they won’t miss me either. They’ve probably already forgotten about me.”
“You’re not forgettable.” Krauser said gruffly. You smiled at the attempt to cheer you up.
“Well. I am to them.”
“But not to me.” He said.
“And that’s all that matters to me.” You smiled. “The tour can wait. How about we go back to the room, and I will show you all those things I mentioned earlier?” 
He paused, looking over at you.
“You sure.”
“Positive.” You grinned.
Krauser smirked slightly, jerking his head towards his room. “Let’s go then, Y/N.”
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Falling - Part two
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Warnings: graphic descriptions of injuries, blood.
A/N: Wish me luck on my exam tonight :)  Next chapter will be up over the holidays
You heard Wesker’s boots on the floor, but you didn’t look up.
Everything. His voice replayed in your head, and you shivered.
“Your resilience fascinates me Y/N. I’ve never seen a normal human survive on what seems to have been willpower.” He said, and you startled as his gloved hand took your chin in a gentle grip, tilting your face up towards his.
“Because the injuries you suffered were so extensive that they should have killed you within the first hour.”
You said nothing.
“And your pain tolerance.” He said it praisingly. “How you were able to swim to shore with a dislocated shoulder, the muscles in your leg torn, the entire right side of your rib cage collapsed, and a wound nearly three inches deep on your stomach... Well, it’s a mystery even to me.”
“Spite.” You muttered. “I didn’t want it to be you who killed me.”
Wesker barked a laugh.
“Dear-heart, you’re the one who attacked me. You tackled me out of the window, not vice-versa.”
“You were going to kill Chris!” You snapped, jumping to your feet, and instantly regretting it as pain shot through your body, and spots danced in your vision.
You were surprised by Wesker’s hands gripping your shoulders, steadying you.
“You’re quite a loyal little soldier, aren’t you?” He purred, holding your arm as you sat back down.
Mustering your courage, you looked directly into his orange eyes, which were no longer hidden behind the sunglasses.
“What of it?” You demanded.
“I can’t help but wonder what made Redfield so worthy of such devotion.” Wesker mused. “Do you love him, dear-heart?”
“He’s my friend.” You replied, annoyed at the prying.
Wesker raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting.” He mused, brushing your cheek with the back of his index and middle fingers. You turned your head away.
“You’re trembling.” He noted calmly.
Of course I am. I’m scared. You thought irately. But you were never going to admit that to him.
You didn’t have to. Wesker chuckled. “Do I frighten you, Y/N?”
“No.” You lied.
Another chuckle. “If you’re going to lie to me, at least do a good job of it.”
“Well, not all of us are able to lie like you.”
“I’ve never lied to you, dear-heart.” Wesker murmured, again lightly gripping your chin, and forcing you to look at him. “Not once.”
"Why would I believe that?” You asked.
“Because it is true. But I must admit, your skepticism is charming.”
The girl just scowled at him. Albert continued, unfazed.
“And then there’s that attitude. So feisty.”
She crossed her arms, though it didn’t quite hide the tremors running through her body.
“Of course I understand why you’re scared. You don’t know where you are, and you’re alone with the man you tried to kill.”
“It wasn’t unprovoked.” The young woman snapped.
“Such fire.” Albert smirked. “Much more than the rest of your team. Which is why I’m surprised that you haven’t demanded to be let go.”
“Would it work if I did?” Y/N asked dryly.
Albert chuckled. “Ah, smart as well. How refreshing. You are quite correct, it wouldn’t work.”
She looked away for a moment, her sigh was barely audible.
“It must hurt.” Albert said.
“Breathing, with half of your ribs broken.”
“Well, I’m assuming that the only other alternative is to stop breathing, and I’m not too keen on that.” The girl hissed.
“I wouldn’t expect you to be. You’re a fighter, and that’s what I like about you.”
“It’s very one-sided.”
“Is it, dear-heart?” Albert asked, his face only inches from hers now. “I don’t interest you at all?”
She clenched her jaw, averting her gaze.
“Ah, so stubborn, Y/N. Did you learn it from Redfield?”
“So what if I did?”
“Well, I’d say the student surpassed her master in this case.”
Her eyes blazed with fury. “No one is my master.” She snarled.
“Teacher, then.” Albert amended. “Indeed, that was a poor choice of words, as I would say you are one of the few on this Earth who could never be tamed. Not even by me.”
“Never forget it.” Y/N growled.
“I never could, dear-heart.” Albert assured her, brushing his lips against hers. “I never could.”
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Alright, could I request wesker x male reader fluff please?- 🐊
I will add it to my writing list. 😊
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Op do you do character x male reader by any chance?- 🐊 (or gender neutral?)
I have never done Male reader before, but if you have a request in mind I can certainly give it a go.
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Survivor - Part 1 of 2
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Request: Could I suggest some Jack Krauser x reader, maybe where the reader has been surviving on her own, and he helps her? 
Warnings: Some minor injuries, typical resident evil zombies, guns, knives.
You sprinted through the woods, as far away from the town as you could. It had been one week since...
Since life had gone to hell.
Your family had insisted on sending you to Spain for the summer. A vacation as well as a means to ‘give you a taste of living on your own.’
And if I’d been allowed to stay home, I wouldn’t be running from an undead guy with a chainsaw. You thought bitterly.
You glanced back, searching for any sign of your pursuer, when you collided with something, and fell back onto your ass.
Breathing hard, you looked up at the man you had just run into. He towered over you, crossing his incredibly muscular arms. Cold blue eyes met your own E/C ones.
He also had a large scar on his face.
“You should watch where you’re going, kid.” He said gruffly.
“There’s something coming-” You told him, panting. “A zombie, or something.”
Great job. Sound like a complete lunatic with this guy.
“I mean-”
“I know what you mean.” He cut you off. “How long have you been out here, kid?”
“Lost in the woods you mean? Since... well since last Thursday.” You told him. The adrenaline that had given you so much energy was starting to wear off, and fatigue was replacing it once again.
You hadn’t slept in days. Or eaten.
“Hmmmph.” The man grumbled. “Come on then, kid.”
“What? Come where?”
“Do you want to get out of here, or would you rather take your chances on your own?” He growled.
“No. I’m coming.” You said hurriedly, throwing caution out the window.
Jack grabbed the girl’s wrist, helping her up into the helicopter. The kid looked like death warmed over. She was covered in dirt, scrapes, and bruises, her hair was a mess, and she had dark circles under her eyes.
Still, it was impressive that she had survived on her own for so long. She didn’t seem to have any kind of training.
So she must be a pretty smart girl.
“What’s your name?” Jack asked her.
“And how did you come to be here, Y/N?”
“My idiot family sent me to live here for the summer. By myself.” She said it bitterly. “Who are you?” She asked, after a long pause.
“Jack Krauser.”
She studied him for a moment.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Back to base.” He told her.
She didn’t question any further, just sat in silence for the rest of the ride.
You somewhat nervously followed Krauser inside the... well, it looked like a fortress.
“Keep up, kid.” Krauser said gruffly. You trotted up alongside him.
“About time you showed up.” A female voice said, as a stunning woman strode up to you. She wrinkled her nose slightly as she looked at you. “And you’ve picked up a stray as well, I see.”
You scowled, but the woman took no notice.
“He’s waiting for you.”
Krauser nodded curtly, nodded for you to follow him.
At the end of the hall, you entered a large room. It looked like something out of a castle in some dark fairytale.
Standing by the window, there was a man wearing a leather trench coat.
“Did you get it, Krauser?” He asked, not turning around.
“Yes sir.”
The man did turn around this time, and you were surprised to see that his eyes were orange.
“And you have a new companion.”
“Found her in the woods, sir.”
The man studied you for a moment.
“And what is your name?” He asked you.
“Y/N Y/L/N.” You said, amazed that your voice came out as steady as it did.
The man was only a few steps away from you now.
“Well Miss Y/L/N, I’m sure this has been very hard on you.”
What a polite way of saying that it looks like I was hit by a bus. You thought, nodding once.
“That’s all then Krauser, you and your friend can go.”
“Sir.” Krauser said, dipping his head in a nod. Then he turned to you. “Come on, kid.”
Once you got out into the hall, you glanced up at your unexpected... rescuer?
“Where are we going now?”
“You are going to my room, so you can get yourself cleaned up.” He told you. “And I am going to find you something to eat, before you starve to death.”
As he lead you into his room, and showed you the shower, he also went over to the dresser, and grabbed a t-shirt.
“I’ll have to ask Excella about finding you some proper clothes. This is the best I can do for now.” He tossed it to you.
“Thanks.” You said, and closed the door. You didn’t think you had ever been so excited for a shower.
You watched as the dirt washed down the drain, revelling in the warm water that drenched you.
You washed your hair with the body wash, and combed it through with your fingers.
When you got out, you towelled off, and put on the t-shirt that Krauser had given you.
You actually giggled at how large it was on you. It almost reached your knees.
Stepping out, you noticed that Krauser was waiting for you, holding a wrapped sandwich.
You took it gratefully.
“Excella will find you some clothes tomorrow.”
“I’m not in a rush. Where would I go?” You asked, and he smirked.
“I hope you don’t mind sharing the bed, kid, because there isn’t a spare.”
You waved a hand, swallowing your bite of sandwich.
“Not fussy.” You told him, he snorted in amusement.
“No, I suppose you aren’t.”
Jack watched Y/N climb into the bed, and curl up. In under a minute, she was asleep.
The kid was holding up well, even though she’d clearly been through hell and back.
A survivor. Just like him.
Jack’s lips twitched up into the smallest of smiles. “Goodnight, Kid.”
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Falling - Part one
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Request: Oooh... could you do something for Albert Wesker x Reader where the reader tackles him out the window instead of Jill? 
Warnings: Blood, injuries, fighting, broken ribs, coughing blood.
Notes: E/C stands for Eye color, H/C stands for Hair color
Albert tightened his grip around Chris Redfield’s throat, smirking in triumph.
Finally, he would be rid of the troublesome agent.
The impact came as a total surprise. He hadn’t been paying attention to the other two agents, something he mentally kicked himself for, even as he, and the young woman, went crashing through the glass, and plummeted towards the ocean below.
“Y/N!” He heard Redfield shout, as the waves rushed up to meet them.
You crawled onto the shoreline, struggling to breath due to the sharp pain in your right side.
Broken ribs.
There was a cut on your stomach that was bleeding at an alarming rate, and your left leg was also pretty badly cut, and your right shoulder was dislocated.
Too late for regrets. You thought to yourself, crawling a little further up the shore before your body gave up. The rain pelted down around you, even as lightning arced across the sky.
Damn, this hurts.
You did your best to apply pressure to the wound on your stomach, even though you were pretty sure it was hopeless.
You heaved out a sigh, darkness closing in on your vision. Footsteps off to your left surprised you, and you turned your head to look over at the approaching figure.
Well, that’s just plain unfair. You thought. I’m lying here wondering where my spleen went, and he’s already up and about.
And coming right towards you, those menacing orange eyes glowing softly.
You sighed, keeping your eyes on him as you tried to think up something snarky to say.
Your thoughts were clouded over by the pain, and you weren’t even sure if you would be able to speak without crying.
Your throat tickled, and you coughed.
Pain exploded through your ribs and chest, white spots dancing before your eyes as you tried to scream, only to choke as blood filled your mouth. A hand grabbed your injured shoulder, but at this point, you barely noticed. You needed to breathe.
Then you were turned onto your uninjured side. You gagged, pain coursing through your abdomen as blood dripped from your mouth.
“Poor thing.” Wesker’s voice said, though it wasn’t quite as mocking as you would have expected.
You spluttered as his arms slid under your legs and shoulders, and he stood up.
You tasted more blood, and blacked out.
In all honesty, Albert was amazed that the young woman had survived this long. Most would have been too immobilized by the pain to even reach the shore, and would have drowned as a result.
Not this one. He mused, laying her limp body on the table. This one is a fighter.
He started to unzip her uniform, when her hand grabbed his wrist.
She looked up at him with steely E/C eyes.
Again, Albert found himself marvelling at the young woman’s resilience. It was amazing she was even awake.
“You’re stronger than I would have thought.” Albert said, never taking his eyes off of hers.
She opened her mouth.
“You shouldn’t speak.” He said matter of factly. “It will probably cause more harm.”
She huffed, and rolled her eyes.
Albert laughed. “After all of this, and you still have an attitude. You really are special, aren’t you?”
She just stared up at him, and he noted the confusion in her eyes, and beneath that, a hint of fear.
���Oh, don’t be afraid, dear-heart. You’re far too interesting to die.”
She shuddered, and closed her eyes.
You came to feeling as if you’d been hit by a semi. Biting back a groan, you slowly opened your eyes.
Wesker. Wesker had captured you.
Except... this wasn’t a cell.
This was... a very luxurious bedroom.
Why would Wesker keep you in a bedroom?
You sat up, grimacing at the pain that shot through your ribs. Carefully, you tried to stand up, hobbling as your injured leg screamed in protest.
“Very impressive, Y/N.” Wesker’s voice startled you. You looked over to where he sat in a leather covered chair, his legs crossed, posture relaxed.
He studied you with his catlike eyes.
“Truly, you’re very tough to be up and about so soon. It’s only been forty-eight hours.”
“What am I doing here?” You asked, your voice was raw.
Wesker smirked. “As I said, you interest me. Far too much for me to have let you die. Though I admit, dear-heart, you have been rather a pest since joining Redfield’s team.”
You sighed, and sat down on the bed.
“What do you want from me?”
“Everything.” He told you, and you closed your eyes.
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Could I suggest some Jack Krauser x reader, maybe where the reader has been surviving on her own, and he helps her?
Sure thing xx
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Request: Albert Wesker x Dimitrescu Daughter!Reader
Warnings:... Blood, vampiric tendencies (Implied).
Albert surveyed the empty hall, searching for anything that could provide answers about what was going on in this... village.
The village where several of his men and gone missing.
A laugh sounded behind him, distinctly female, and edged with malice. Albert turned, searching for the source of the sound. A few flies buzzed around in front of him, but other than that, the hall was empty.
“You look lost. Would you like a tour?” A female voice asked, off to his left this time. The sound of buzzing filled the air as a massive swarm of flies appeared.
“It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to see a man.” The voice continued, and Albert watched curiously as the flies merged together melting into a young woman.
She grinned, yellow eyes shining with malevolence. Albert stood his ground as she approached, swinging the sickle in her hand almost childishly. The woman was as tall as he was, and certainly she had an air of danger about her.
She paused slightly as she got closer, taking a deep breath through her nose.
“You’re different.” She said finally, looking rather disappointed. “Your blood has something... tainting it.”
She smells the T-virus. Albert realized.
“What are you?” She asked, circling him.
“I could ask you the same question.” Albert replied, more intrigued than intimidated by this woman.
“I’m a human.” She said, smirking. “Or, rather, I used to be. Not quite anymore...” She giggled.
“I’m what you would call... a mutant.”
“I gathered.” Albert said, and she snickered.
“Oh! You’re interesting. I’ve never met someone who wasn’t afraid of me. Aside from mother and the other Lords, that is. But you... you don’t smell like fear.”
Albert eyed the blood around her mouth. It wasn’t difficult to guess where it had come from.
“What is your name, man-thing?” She asked finally.
Man-thing? That irritated him slightly, but his desire to know more about the mutant overwhelmed his annoyance at the insult.
“Albert Wesker. Your turn, Mutant. What are you called?”
The woman raised an eyebrow. “Y/N Dimitrescu.” She replied. “Now, I’m still waiting for the answer on what you are.”
Albert smirked at the inquisitive attitude from the other mutant.
“Like you, I’m a mutant.”
“Not like me.” She countered. “You don’t seem to be anything like me.”
"I’m a busy man, Miss Dimitrescu.”
“Y/N.” She corrected, grinning. “And if you wish to leave, the door is that way. I will not stop you. Consider it... courtesy. One mutant to another.” She tilted her head. “Though I must admit, I had hoped you stay longer. I’d like to know more about you.”
“Some other time, perhaps.” Albert smirked, and headed towards the door.
He glanced back once, and saw Y/N playfully wave.
2 years later.
You entered the room quickly, taking your human form next to Albert. It had been a year and a half since Miranda was defeated, and the village was destroyed. A year and a half since your mother and sisters had settled into a new region.
And almost a year since you had taken your place at Albert’s side.
Excella shot you an irritated look. She had never liked you. Probably because she’d been in love with Albert for years. And she felt that you’d come along and ruined it all.
Out of sheer pettiness, you sidled closer to your lover, glancing over at him as he continued to discuss his latest plans. Then you made eye contact with Excella, smirking slightly.
She glared at you, and you just smiled more.
“Excella, if you continue provoking Y/N, she may bite you.” Albert said, not looking up from his work. “And I’d hate to have to clean up the mess.” He went on.
You just continued smiling, and watched your lover work.
“I commend your self-control, Y/N.” Albert told his partner, who was sitting on the bed, reading.
“Hmmmm?” She asked, looking up. The flies that had been buzzing around her immediately landed on her, and melted into her clothing.
“But you are quite petty, aren’t you?” Albert went on.
“Me? Petty? I don’t know what you mean?”
Albert reached out, gently taking her chin in his hand. He looked directly into her yellow eyes.
“Don’t you?” He asked softly, and pressed his lips onto hers.
She pulled back, a sly grin crossing her lips.
“Maybe.” She admitted, and leaned in for a second kiss.
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