i-am-gnargrim · 9 days
fell into a Build a Bear while it was still running
why are you alterhuman/nonhuman? wrong answers only
I'll go first: instead of using normal lotion on me, my mom used lotion made for horse, cattle, cats, and dogs
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i-am-gnargrim · 1 month
i must not reference dune. referencing dune is the ah beans
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i-am-gnargrim · 1 month
After seeing a post or two about "the future is singlet not plural" and a few other criticisms of the phrase, I wanted to toss my confused two cents in to ask for clarification.
I thought "the future is plural" was meant for like. DID & OSDD awareness to destigmatize the disorders.
That it was about how the future should allow for systems to seek healthcare as they need, and allowing the idea that final fusion and functional multiplicity can coexist as options for systems.
I don't think anyone should be traumatized to make the future plural. For us, The Future is Plural is about accepting systems and multiples that already exist and will form anyway and fighting for space in the world.
For example, when I told my friend I was trans she went "oh cool, so do you have a preferred name?"
When I told her I was a system, she became very uncomfortable. She was worried and didn't want to talk to others. She said it was okay as long as they didn't talk to her and I was the "original."
Seeing as I am not the original host or personality, but I have been our host and for several years now, this experience fucking sucked. It took a lot of trust to open up to her about this fact only for her to immediately jump to conclusions and show her biases.
I would have much preferred if she had just said "oh cool, so what's your name? Or is it the same?"
The future is plural to me means that saying "I have DID" isn't met with horror. Sympathy and pity, sure, the same way someone would if you said you had PTSD. It sucks to be a system sometimes and it sucks [understatement] to be traumatized to the point of splitting. But i don't want people to be scared of us/angry at us for existing.
We deserve to exist without being afraid.
Being told the future is plural is reassuring because it promises research and community and hope. Spreading trauma is not the point, and we honestly don't know what to think of the idea that it was ever intended as the point.
Am I misunderstanding this?
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i-am-gnargrim · 1 month
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Tag yourself I’m the “Overdressed and Underappreciated”. Artist : http://www.mattadrian.com/ 
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i-am-gnargrim · 1 month
Gonna get the artists in our system to color my profile pic soon, I think. Try to figure out what my skin color actually is.
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i-am-gnargrim · 1 month
Hi. I'm Gnargrim. I'm @fenmere's life partner, and fellow system member of @theinmara. That's me in the middle left of their profile pic.
I've fronted far more often that anyone initially realized in our system, and got my name way back in our twenties, right about the same time Fenmere got hers. But I didn't become a regular pilot until after we played a TTRPG with our girlfriend, angille, and made a character for me in that setting. After three years of gaming with her, it just feels natural to front when she's around, and we live with her, so here I am a lot of the time.
There's a good chance I'm the one doing most of the typing in Fenmere's blog, in fact, proxying for her and trying to write what she would say.
I don't typically spend a lot of time online as myself, and we thought it would be nice if I gave myself a way to do so.
I'm our brood guardian, which is a way of saying that I'm a parental figure for all of our children and grandchildren (internal and external), and big sibling and baby sitter for all our internal siblings that are younger than me and Fenmere. And, I suppose, if you're going to classify any of us via outworlder system roles, I'd be one of the protectors.
I suspect when I'm not piloting the system or sleeping, I'm often acting as captain (which is a role similar to gatekeeper, but far more organic, democratic, and representational, in our case). Others have captained far more than I have, but again, our current living situation just results in me taking control a lot. Being captain is part of what makes me comfortable representing and proxying for others when I'm being pilot and fronting. It's all about making sure that as much of the system gets a chance to influence the front as possible, and in a fair way.
I haven't really appeared in any of our novels yet. But I'm thinking about it. We'll see.
My intent here is mostly to be another draconic presence on Tumblr, and to be sickeningly cute with Fenmere.
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