i-am-osama · 10 years
Salam wa aleikum jihadists!
Heeyyyy guys, I just wanted to take the time to talk about myself what I'll be blogging about.  First of all, i am a university student in canada, and recently have been studying a lot about the recent wars in the middle east and soon I realized... i am osamakin.  since I now am officially Usamekin (Osamakin for westerners) which means I was/am his righteousness Osama bin Mohammad bin Awad bin Laden himself.  since the otherkin spectrum is infinite, please do not judge me for what i am, for if you do i shall wage relentless holy war against you (apologies if that triggers you).  
I blog stuff based on how i commune with my other self, when i meditate and think about jihad enough, my other self (usame) begins to take over.  i am able to communicate with his mightyness' soul in Jannah.  from now when i speak from my other half's perspective i will just use "I" because that is what I am, I am osama bin laden.  i currently have 69 1/2 virgins left that are usable.  Here are things i will blog about
Osama Bin Laden (allah let him rip in piece)
ISIS & glorious faction al-qaeda
Otherkin stuff (especially what its like to be osamakin)
Sharia law
the evils of americans + the west
Extremist wahhab/islam rights
extremists & dictators (Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Kony, Obama, etc)
changes and choices i missed in life
christian privilege
New York skyline updates
thanks and please follow if you are a true follower of allah.
allahu akbar
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