Humans, Non-Humans
Humans have always treated me like shit stuck to their shoe. Humans have made my life hell (outside of a small handful of people I would protect with myself) Bugs, Dogs, Trees, so many non-humans have brought me comfort and support at my lowest points, I owe them my life outright I cannot stroke the ego of a species that has made my life so difficult by valuing them above the creatures who have brought me nothing but comfort and joy. The non-humans are my whole world, my life, I owe them everything and they deserve nothing but the highest respect.
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"11 Israeli soldiers hospitalized for wasp stings after their tank ran over a swarm's nest in Gaza" Please thank your local wasps for their work against genocide
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Spooders are friends
They won't hurt you, give them space and watch them, look how detailed and perfect they are
While we are at it; Wasps aren't your enemy either, they just have boundries
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Purple Gold Jumping Spider (Irura bidenticulata), males, family Salticidae, found in SE Asia
photographs by Artur Tomaszek Inglourious Reptiles
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Hey y'all, this fundraiser only has 8% of its goal, please please help them out. I'll do a drawing via mail (US/Can only) if you do!!!
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Going to laugh my ass off as other zoomers eventually start hitting 30 and panicking because half of us are terrified of aging and look down on older people in general. By "older people in general" for some people that literally just means late 20's which is hilarious. So many things to be scared of in the world, why choose something that is going to happen pretty much no matter what unless you die young? I for one instead of doing all that shit am going to simply pivot seamlessly into teasing the youth, just as now I tease my elders.
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Unpopular trans opinion
I hate the trans flag, it looks like a fucking gender reveal party decoration. We coulda done so much better.
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2 legs <
0 legs > 2 legs 4 legs > 2 legs 6 legs > 2 legs 8 legs > 2 legs 10 + legs > 2 legs
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Fuck math
But not literally tho
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There is nothing inherently evil or bad about being a man. Not even when it comes to cis men. This means you get to hold men to higher standards! ...When that comes to cis men that often means any standards at all. And also that people need to stop treating trans men like shit. We aren't your punching bag. People will say shit to us they'd never dare say to a cis man, and we've got no responsibility to put up with that. Save it for a close friend or therapy. Am I using this website right yet?
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Fluffy Everyone should be jealous this is high fashion Y'all wish you could look like this
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Oleander Hawk Moth (Daphnis nerii), family Sphingidae, Taiwan
photographs by Gracy Kam
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Why is everyone in this show so mean to hooty hooty deserves better, how dare these humanoids mistreat him (I've only watched through season 1) Bullying isn't okay just because someone is a tube shaped owl. Humanoids; Do better
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Where am I
How does this place work Help I said I'd make a tumblr like three years ago and only remembered today
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