And what does it feel like to be understood?
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I promised myself that I'll write letters to people I love once this pandemic is over. Well the pandemic isn't over yet but the year surely is. So here's a tight hug for you wrapped in a letter. Enjoy!
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Watch "A NEW YEAR | SHORT FILM | PHOTO FACTORY PRODUCTION | #2021newyear" on YouTube
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I might get tested positive for Covid-19 and I'm afraid my relatives will shame me for not having a "good immune system"
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To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people want you to be, you will suffer all your life. True happiness and true power lie in understanding yourself, accepting yourself, having confidence in yourself.
— Thích Nhất Hạnh
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What If "
What if black hole use fair n lovely and become white hole.
And what if night scared of darkness and bought a lamp.
What if moon gets tired of chasing Earth and take a long nap.
And what if Earth gets old and no more charming to attract things with gravitation.
What if sun doesn't like it's heat and install an AC in it's room.
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On days when I struggle to breathe and question the universe about my existence-
The sky tell me that it looks beautiful with passing clouds so maybe temporary people are not the worst thing happening to me.
The sun tells me that my warmth is strong enough to make people fall on their knees.
The moon tells me that just because a part of me is dark enough to be invisible, it will never mean that I'm half.
The oceans tell me that, my love can either drown me or let me surf the highest wave and the choice is mine to make.
The rain tells me that too many emotions can flood me and too little of it can leave cracks on the surface.
The universe tells me that I'm made of it. And hence, there's no reason I should doubt me. - I Breathe Your Words(Soumya Renwal)
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I'm sorry. I know when you're sad, it feels like birds are cutting their feathers off.
I'm sorry. I know when you're angry, it feels like the oceans would swallow their own water.
I'm sorry. I know when guilt traps you, you feel like a tree growing underneath the soil while all people can see is roots.
I'm sorry. I know when you feel frightful, it feels like a day without the sun.
I'm sorry. I know when you feel disgusted, it feels like clouds are throwing up and puking at you.
I'm sorry for I know how it feels to be there. I have been there too. I'm sorry for there's nothing I can tell you except- when you feel happy, your laugh reaches your eyes and your wrinkles stretch to the universe. So everything can remain as it always has been. Where birds fly, oceans flow, tress are stiff, sun is right above your head and the clouds are as beautiful as always.- I Breathe Your Words(Soumya Renwal)
#poetry #writings #writersofig #wordgasm #wordporn #artslut #bookwhore #emotions #emotionsmatter #sadness #happiness #gulit #anger #fear #disgust #literature #englishpoetry #writterscommunity #poetscommunity #naturepoem #naturelove #oceans #clouds #sky #trees #birds #universe #metaphysicalpoem #ibreatheyourwords #writeup
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